Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The View Should fire Elisabeth Hasselbeck

Why I think Elisabeth Hasselbeck should be fired

She hates gay people! She hates a woman's right to choose! She doesn't believe we should talk about safe sex in schools. She also thinks school should not teach sex education!

This means the schools can't teach on how to prevent unwanted pregnancies. She is part of the problem that makes this country in the shape that it is in. So I will say what I want until ABC lets her go. She is evil! She is the devil! I hope they fire her! She belongs on FOX NEWS with the other jerks!

Saturday, August 26, 2006


Okay I was hoping for news for a new Alien Movie. Any news. We might be getting a sequel to ALien Vs Predator but come on. I love all of the "Alien Movies" except Alien 3. I hope Fox will give us antoher ALien! But nowadays if we were to get anything it would be a remake!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Tom Cruise is no longer "Paramount"

I think Tom knew this was coming when "MI 3" did not make money. Tom Cruise needs to get a grip and see that "He doesn't know everything" and tell Matt Lauer and Brooke Shields "I'm sorry".

Even though Brooke Shields has not been in major Hollywood Blockbusters, she is still "America's SweetHeart". When Tom went after her last year after Brooke Shields bravely put on a face about postpartum depression. Women who have suffered from this always felt they were alone. Brooke Shields most likely save lives time and time again for coming forward.

I do not wish anything bad to Mr Cruise. I hope he lives a long healthy life. I think the last year has been a learning experience for him.

As much as I got mad at Mr Cruise for going after Brooke Shields we all should remember this is The United States of America. He should be able to say whatever he wants and we should be able to say what we want.

Tom Cruise if your reading this please remember "when life gives you lemons..." But please go away.  

Monday, August 21, 2006

Paris Hilton Why Is She A Star?

Is Paris Hilton talented? She is good at getting her picture taken but so is any other stupid model.
Question Can she act? I saw the Wax Museum so I would say "Hell No"
Can she sing. I would say "Hell No"

So why is she popular? If I have to venture a guess I would say the Home Made "porn video" made her a star. Every guy who has watched even part of "One Night In Paris" will tell you "She can give me blow job anytime"! Well second thought they didn't have to see it to say that. My question However is she blows you will she give you an std at the same time?

She is not a star! She is just a whore. Maybe they should of called her porn movie "A Whore is Born"

Jay Leno Vs Conan O'Brien

I posted this almost 4 years ago. I knew Conan wouldn't last at 11:30. He is too strange. He is like a puppet having a seizure. I am not saying I did not like his show. It was just too much. He should of slowed down. Since he has been on the air  since 1993 I would of thought he would of learned to be a better interviewer. He still is BAD at it and by the way so is Jay.

Please note I said David Letteman would become #1 I TOLD YOU SO!!!!

Here is the post :

So it is 3 years away however Jay Leno is being semi-forced out of "The Tonight Show". NBC told Jay Leno that "They didn't want to lose Conan". In case you didn't know Conan was on the verge of going elsewhere unless he would get "The Tonight Show" soon.

I am not sure if Conan was going to sign with FOX or ABC. However NBC did not want someone to compete with "The Tonight Show" they want to keep Conan as part of the NBC family. So Jay Leno decided to leave when his contract is up in September of 2009.

I think NBC is stupid for lots of things. They should of told Conan "Good Luck". Now I am not a huge Jay Leno fan but I do like him as a person. The same goes for Conan. However I can not watch Conan interview anybody. He is jumpy. Most of the time he tries to "one up" his guest. He comes across as nervous. Jay Leno always seems to be having a good time.

Now I was tired of all of Jay Leno's "Brokeback Mountain" jokes. Those jokes went on and on for over a period of months. "Enough was enough"!

Conan O'Brien still needs to go to school and learn how to interview. He has good moments with his comedy bites but he still seems to try too hard. It still un-nerving to watch him and he has been doing this show since 1993? Can he get better? I don't think so. He is no "Johnny Carson". He is better than "Magic Johnson" but that not saying much!

When Conan does take over "The Tonight Show" I predict that David Letterman will once again own 11:30 time slot. He should own it now. It is the best show on late night TV.

Lindsay Lohan Next role: Halloween 9

This is no way a scoop. This is my wish. Halloween is about to be remade. Now "Halloween" made Jamie Lee Curtis a star. Lindsay Lohan is already a star. Now here is my wish
For those fans of the original "Halloween" I know your mad that its getting remade. I can't say I blame you. In fact I think its stupid. Now for the perfect casting I say Mr Rob Zombie cast Lindsay Lohan as "Linda". "Lindsey would be perfect.
Now as for the Real Life Adventures of Miss Lindsay Lohan:
Lets face it people the only thing that has ever come out (on the record) to be a negative about her is that famous Morgan Creek Memo. If you haven't read it by now or don't know about it, I will not repeat whats in it. Now AS I SEE IT
1) I think most 19/20 years olds would be out every night if they Had LL money & fame.
2) This is not an excuse for LL but when you have a job you are to show up on time.
Now LL if I was your manager I would tell you this
1) Your under age! Stay out of clubs!
2) Show up on time when your doing a movie.
3) If you don't have an eating/drinking problem then eat a burger in public!
4) When that Hotel Whore calls you names just ignore her! That hotel whore has
no talent. If her dad wasn't rich they only thing she would do at the hotels is provide "Room Service"
Any thoughts?

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Big Brother All-Stars Update & Spoilers

Okay if you want the latest and you don't want to pay for the live feed (like me) then goto to imdb.com and check out the postings on Big Brother.

Spoilers are posted left and right. I will not report them here. I just wish CBS would of gave us the live feeds for free. If they did maybe the show might be more exciting. To me this season is boring. The All-Stars are playing it too safe. I wish CBS would let the public pick the winner. It might make the show more interesting.

Any thoughts?

Halloween II The Special Editon DVD

Okay is this ever going to happen? It might next year when the remake hits the screens. For you "Halloween II" fans I recomend picking up the "Halloween 25 years of Terror" DVD. The director of "Halloween II" Richard Rosenthal talks about a scene that was edited out and has never been seen anywhere. Not on a DVD or a TV print.

Now there is lots rumors about footage ftrom "Halloween II" that has never been seen. These rumors have been around for years! Now some rumors talk about how the original cut is less graphic. (I don't know if that is true) However what I do know is that the original cut has a different ending. This has been shown on TV.

A "Halloween II" special edition DVD is something that this fan would love to see. I also woudn't mind seeing the so called PRODUCERS CUT of "Halloween 6".

Am I the only one that wants to see this stuff?

Barbra Streisand The High Cost of Her Concert

I don't know about the rest of you but hey I love Barbra Streisand. I don't agree with everything she says but hey she is an American and the most talented person in the world. However as much as I love her CD'S I can not afford her to spend $1800 for 1 concert ticket.

Now if anybody can command that price than its her. I just wish she had budget seats for the poor people like me. If Barbra makes a billion dollars on this tour it is because she has earned it. She has been an A-List star for years. Her records sell very well no matter what. In fact I am one of the first people in line the day a new Barbra Streisand Record or movie comes out. If anybody should ask for and get $1800 a seat then its Ms. Barbra Joan Streisand.

Now I know part of it is going to "Chairity" but I still can not afford to go. If the tickets were $150 I would go but wow I ain't rich and I have to repair my home (Katrina destroyed it).

I saw her concert when I did live in Los Angeles. I had a great time. It was "An Event". It was her last concert in LA. I even had to walk thru a gay protest to get to the Staples Center.

I will admit I'm jelous that I can not go. If your going I am happy for you. In fact if you need a date for the evening.

Now Barbra Streisand if your reading this when will "Yentl" come outon DVD? I will be able to buy that.

Its the most wonderfull time of the year

I can't waite. Fall is around the cornor. That means I get to go to the movies and there will not be soccer moms in theatres with thier brats watching "Snakes on a Plane".
Now all you mothers who bring your litle childern (under 6) to a "PG-13" or "R-Rated" movies please get a bratsitter! Its not nice to bring in children to movies they did not want to see. It is also not nice to bring them because they will get bratty and act up. Kids are not adults and therefore you should leave them at home if the movie is not made for them! If you can't get a bratsitter take a hint! Your children must be brats or you pay too little! I bet its a little of both!

Why Gay Male Stars stay in the closet

I don't know for sure how maney male "Hollywood-Stars" are in the closet but there must be lots.
Everybody has heard rumors about Mr Box Office and when rumors are reported he sues. What I don't understand if its no big deal to be gay this man should take the high road and say ".... not that there is anything wrong with that but I am not gay".
However he sues. He screams! He pouts! No wonder nobody wanted too see his last movie.
The reason why Hollywood Male Stars stay in closet is easy. Its about Money, Ego, and Pride.
In case you don't know when someone is a star (even a minor Star) They surround themselves with people who now depend on that star for thier income. They in turn talk the star to "stay in the closet".
I am sure lots of you are aware that when s "straight star" plays a gay role everybody says in interviews "how brave of you to play a gay role". I still find that statement stupid.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Superman II The Richard Donner Cut

Okay I am still that 14 year old who remembers seeing "Superman II" at the movies. In fact I loved it so much I got my sister to take me the next day. Now this is 1981. "Superman II" ended up becoming the biggest weekend opening ever! It took in $14,000,000. I think my family was about $20 of it.

Also in 1981 you must remember that there was not E! channel! No Internet! NO "Entertainment Tonight"(however it did come on the air for the first time a few months later) or any show of that nature. Now here is my point

For about 2 years I was waiting for "Superman II". I heard that the movie makers filmed "Superman: The Movie" & "Superman II" back to back. So I was waiting for Superman II! In fact at the very end of the credits it says "Next Year Superman II" So the next year came and went and there was no "Superman II". What happened to it I didn't know! All that I know was it wasn't playing! The next year came a minor miracle!

I remember seeing the coming attraction of "Superman II" in December of 1980. I was in high heaven! I had been hearing about & waiting for "Superman II" for 2 years and now I see that there was (finaly) "Superman II" on the way. Well I coudn't waite for Summer!

By the time the movie came out I knew (in 1981) Marlon Brando was cut out of "Superman II". I did not know the whole story but I did know that the movie was to of come out almost 2 years earlier. I did not know that there was all the other controversy. ( I will post about that later).

Well the Summer came and so did my "Superman"! Now as a 14-year old I loved this movie but I did want to see the Marlon Brando footage. Now 25 years later I get to see it I feel like I am 14 years old again. You know once a nerd always a nerd.

Wow CBS should look at imdb

You must be an internet fan if you found my blog. Now CBS if your reading this please tqake a look at the imdb! Look under Big Brother! Fans of the show have great ideas on how to make the show more watchable! (It is a little slow) My personel favorite is to take away the house guest A/C.

NOW this is called "STAN DEMANDS" for reason. This is my take on Bill Mahers "NEW RULES". Here is my demands

1) No matter what if your driving get off the phone. You just might save your life!
2) If your in a movie house turn off your phone.
3) If your eating in public turn off the phone.
4) If can't pay for a cellphone on your own then you don't need one!

And for the hell of it

Most men don't want to see pictures of your kids.