Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I went and saw the "Halloween" remake when it was released to movie theatres in 2007. I wrote a review and to tell you the truth I remember not liking it. I forgot the reasons why. I decided not to read my old review so I could start off with a fresh perspective.

Well I will start off by saying the movie was bad. I loved the idea of doing a prequel but Rob Zombie should of asked for help. They man can not write dialog. From beginning to the end all of the characters all sounded alike! Like White Trash!

I also did not like that he had Micheal talk. Also what worked great in the original was the fact this innocent looking kid killed his sister. The house he lived in was a clean cut all American. In the remake Micheal's family is just white trash. You expect a killer to emerge from that.

Also he wrote the movie into a hole. He made Laurie Michael's sister. This was the problem that all the previous "Halloween Sequels" had. Micheal wanted to kill off his family.

So I do not know how a sequel would work. Rob should of let it be known that Micheal was Laurie's sister in a sequel. ( Just like they did in the past). However that is just one problem this movie had.

I hope the producers will let someone else write the sequel. Someone with talent!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


OKAY I will be going to California soon. I want to shoot some footage where John Carpenter filmed his classic movie. I know where most everything is except one place. That place is when Annie & Laurie are driving. The girls are talking about the dance and Annie telling Laurie that "Dick Baxter" would go out with her. Well where is that street. The street has a ditch down the middle and its nowhere near Orange Grove in West Hollywood. I think its a street in Pasadena but I am not sure. Can anybody help.

Monday, April 28, 2008


In 1980 Paramount Studios released one of the funniest motion pictures of all time. The movie was "Airplane". However 4 years earlier the same studio released another spoof this little known gem is called "THE BIG BUS".

The "Big Bus" is a movie that spoofs the great & not so great disaster movies of the 1970's.

The movie has a well know cast. A pre Grease Stockard Channing has the co-starring role.
The story is on its maiden voyage the first nuclear powered bus going Non-stop from New York to Denver is going to be hit by disasters from an oil and gas company.

The movie is funny. NOT all the jokes work. Its worth watching

Juno Review By Stanton Heck **** Stars

Juno was and is a well respected movie written by Diablo Cody. Ellen Page stars. The movie could of been bad if Ellen did a poor job. However this little known actress ( at the time) carried the movie on her shoulders and she got a well deserved Academy Award Nomination.

The story is a high school girl finds herself pregnut. This movie however is funny and very Tender. I think Jennifer Garner was robbed of a Nomination. She was just as good as Ellen Page.



In about a month the "SEX AND THE CITY MOVIE" will open. If its a hit don't be surprised if Warner Brothers pushes for a "FRIENDS REUNION MOVIE".

See if Warner Brothers makes a "FRIENDS" movie that would drive up interest in the TV show again. The DVD Sets would sell again big time to an all new audience. (Yes believe me there is now another audience available for the show) In fact upcoming college freshmen were only 4 years old when the show debut in 1994. They were only 14 when the show ended. Most of this audience did not watch "Friends" when they were growing up.

The cast has always said "NO" we don't want to do a reunion. However there is a good chance that a "FRIENDS MOVIE" would boost all of the actors careers.

I am sure that the cast will once again stick together all want to be paid big bucks! They did when the show was on the air! They became famous for another reason! The cast bandded together. In a very surprise move! They all did stick together and by the last year the show was on they were all getting paid $1,000,000 an episode!

Now if a movie is made I am sure the cast would all want $10,000,000 each. That's too much. Before the screenplay is ever written thats $60,000,000. They would also need to pay for a screenplay. They need an A-List Director (That adds millions)
So before the camera roll, up front cost could be almost $70,000,000 for the cast and director alone. This does not include production cost which would be about another $10,000,000. There is also marketing cost (that's another $25,000,000) Thats over $100,000,000. So the studio needs to find a way to keep the cost down.

I am thinking that Warner Brothers could pay them $5,0000,000 each. Plus give them all 1% pf the first dollar gross on all products related to the "FREINDS MOVIE".

The director should be Betty Thomas who did a great job directing "The Brady Bunch Movie" and "The Late Shift".

Now I think the movie needs to be a kind of prequel and sequel to the tv show. When the show ended Monica & Chandler moved. However the apartment was the main set used for the show. Somehow we need to get the apartment worked into the movie. The coffee shop and Gunther need to have a part as well.

Now as for the main storyline for the movie? Well I think it would be great if it center around Chandler turning 40! The 2nd story could be Phobee fighting with her in-laws about how to raise her child. The 3rd story could be Joey finally getting great reviews for "Naked Biys Singing".

VANESSA Williams should play Norma Desmond in Sunset Blvd Revival

It is only a matter of time before "Sunset Blvd" get a revival. The play closed of Broadway over 10 years ago. Since no movie was ever made a revival isn't too far fetched!

So when the play gets remounted Vanessa Williams should play Norma Desmond in Sunset Blvd Revival . Before any of you say "No" hear me out. This play Needs a Star. A huge star. Vanessa has been in the public eye for 25 years. People love a good comeback story. Vanessa Williams is a survivor. The she is the definition of survivor.

Norma Desmond is a very hard role to play. For some reason it needs to be played by a hge star. For some reason that play needs a huge name. Now Vanessa has the acting and singing chops to do the role.

Audiences need to feel a connection to the character of Norma. Glenn Close did a great legendary performance. ( I also think Patti Lupone was used for her name to get funding for the first production).

Vanessa would bring a huge amounts people into the theatre that otherwise would never the musical. She would bring fans of "Ugly Betty","African Americans", & more.

With Vanessa in the role the play would get huge amounts of press. SO

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Cheap Detective *** out of **** Review By Stan Heck





"The Cheap Detective" is written By Neil Simon. This was his follow up to his well received "Murder By Death".

The Cheap Detective is made for movie fans who love the old Bogart Movies. If have not seen "The Maltese Falcon" or "Casablanca" you will not get most of the humor. The movie was made for movie lovers.

If you want to do your homework I would say watch CASABLANCA & THE MALTESE FALCON

and then rent this.

One last thing. The DVD Widescreen edition is out of print. If you can find one I recommend you getting it. Columbia now only prints the PAN & SCAN version.

Happy Birthday Carol Burnett

I grew up watching "The Carol Burnett Show". I loved the show and Carol. In 1992 I met Carol Burnett at a writing seminar/class. There were many famous people there. However Carol was very nice. Very grounded. I talked to her for a minute but I couldn't believe it at the time that I was talking to this lady. She was someone stars should be like.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

When we all watched Network TV and before there was home video

I was born in 1967. I grew up in the 1970's and fell in love with movies. If you look at the 1970's decade you will see Hollywood was turning out great movies (that were made for a mature audience) year after year.

Now before Cable and Home Video came into the market place Movies were shown on Network TV about 1 -2 years after the theatrical engagements. There were a few exceptions however that's how things were.

When I was a kid there were the 3 Networks that all of us watched (kids and adults) This was before HBO. Here is what I remember watching in the 1970's

MONDAY - Little House
TUESDAY - Happy Days ,Laverne and Shirley ,Three's Company
Wednesday - Bionic Woman
Thursday - The Walton's
Friday - The Brady Bunch, Room 222, Partridge Family , Love American Style
Saturday - All in the Family, Carol Burnett

Now remember this was before cable so chances are when you went to school the next day your classmates pretty much watched what you did.

However when you were under 12 you couldn't Waite until "The Wizard of Oz" was shown on TV. It was a yearly event. Everybody would watch it. IT was a special bonding experience that if your under 30 you will not understand!

Now one of my favorite movies of all time was "The Sound of Music". I saw it at the movies in 1972. I wanted to see it again & again. However it would not be until 4 years later when I got the chance. That is because in 1976 ABC played the "Sound Of Music" for the first time on TV. It was a huge event. I thought every year ABC would show the movie. Well They didn't.

"The Sound of Music" would not be shown again until 1979. This time on NBC. I still remember when it was Over I was a little sad because I wasn't sure when I could see it again. I knew it could be a very long time.

Well what happened a week later just floored me. Our music teacher had actually brought the movie to school. This was the greatest feeling I ever had outside of Christmas. He showed us the movie over the course of a week. This is when I feel in love and wanted a VCR. I knew if I had that thing I could watch " The Sound of Music" anytime I wanted and, that was a trip. That was in 1979. I tried for 3 years to get my parents to buy one. They never did. My parents said "We don't need that thing".

Well in 1980 we got HBO. I thought maybe just maybe they might play "The Sound of Music" one day. They never did. "The Sound of Music" next air date was in early 1982, 3 years after I last saw the movie.

Well a short time later in 1982 I bought a VCR. I was the first on my block to do so. I had to buy a used one for $300 but it was worth every penny. VHS Tapes sold for $20. My VCR only recorded up to 4 hours.

By the fall of 1982 video stores were popping up every where. Someone showed me how to make a copies off of another vcr. So I rented "The Sound of Music" and a RENT A BETA VCR.

I was very happy after almost 4 years of dreaming about being able to watch "The Sound of Music" anytime I wanted I now had in my hand an UN-CUT version of the movie and I could watch it anytime I wanted.

Then before I knew it everybody had a VCR. I was no longer special. The VCR started encroaching into everyday lives. Cable by 1982 started in as well. The audience had now fragmentedseeing a movie or a TV show the same time your friends did was now almost over.

Then before I knew it everybody had a VCR. I was no longer special. The VCR started encroaching into everyday lives. HBO and Cable by 1982 started in as well. The audience had now fragmented.

By the fall of 1983 Seeing movies only when Network TV showed them were over. Watching the same thing on TV that your friends did were almost over. I do miss those days of shared experiences! However I would not give up my DVD/VCR if my life depended on it.

Since 1982 I have always had on hand "The Sound of Music". When hurricane Katrina took my home the first thing I replaced was my DVD player and I bought a new DVD of "The Sound of Music". Now i may go a year or two between viewings but I love the fact to this day I can watch it anytime I a m home.

Tom Cruise Returns to Oprah

3 years after jumping on Oprah's couch Tom will be returning to Oprah.

3 years after Toms last visit to Oprah, Mr Cruise returns! The controversial Hollywood Celebrity is promoting the 25th Anniversary of "Risky Business" but something else must be up. I think Tom is returning to the scene of his crime. It was on Oprah that the public first got a glimpse on how strange Tom is.

Add Image

It was later on in the same year that Tom went on a tirade on "The Today Show" when he went on a started attacking Brooke for taking anti-depressants. Tom also said "Brooke only needed vitamins", and "Psychiatry is stupid". He went on & on.

In my opinion Tom is an idiot. To prove my point he did not finish high school. Yet he acts like he is the smartest person in the room. He is not of course. Just the biggest asshole.

I hope Tom in the future will see not everyone wants to hear about the cult that he belongs too.

Friday, April 25, 2008


A though provoking documentary about how Florida and how fucked up they are on how they treat gay men who want to adopt the foster children that they have raised. Below is a vivid discription from netflicks.

This thought-provoking documentary chronicles the struggles of longtime partners Steve Lofton and Roger Croteau to keep their band of foster children together -- no matter what. Deemed "undesirable" by the adoption system, the couple's patchwork family spans a variety of ages and races, and four of the children are HIV-positive. But when one of the sick children becomes adoptable, Lofton and Croteau risk losing him forever.

I think everyone should see this

Thursday, April 24, 2008


I feel bad for Star Jones. She has been getting lots of bad press for years. Now some can argue that it was her fault that's fine but when all is said and done I think Star Jones did not know the extent of the power of the press can do to a person or couple.

Regardless why she is getting a divorce is not our business. The fact is getting a divorce is hard and you get very depressed. I do wish her love & joy.

We should never wish bad things on anybody. I wish her happiness!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Original Cast Reunion Halloween footage from the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood

Original Cast Reunion Halloween footage from the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood.

I was just given a DVD that had the original cast reunion of John Carpener's "Halloween".

The reunion had everyone from the cast except for Kyle Richards (Lindsay) & Donald Pleasence.

The DVD last 2 hours and its fun to watch.


Last year CBS introduced "The Class". I liked the show and thought CBS had a hit on its hands. I was wrong however but "The Class" lost focus very quickly after the pilot. Now in the fall of 2007 CBS gave us another great comedy "The Big Bang Theory" and I loved the pilot. The episodes however seem to have gotten better and better. The funny thing is that I never cared too much for the actress Kaley Cuoco for some reason she use to get on my nerves. In this show she is good. Maybe because this is the first time I have ever seen her play an adult and not a teenager.

The cast includes Johnny Galecki and and Jim Parsons as lovable nerds.

In case you have not caught the show the premise is simple. Two single men ( nerds) live across the hall from a cute hot single woman. The woman is friends with these two and their nerd friends. Leonard ( Johnny Galecki) of course has a major crush on her. What is nice about the show is the producers (Who worked on Roseanne) have cast in recurring roles Sarah Gilbert and Laurie Metcalf who of course are famous for being in "Roseanne". I hope Laurie Metcalf returns soon. She has an Emmy in her future for her side splitting guest spot as Sheldon's mom.

The show does have a bright future. Watch and Enjoy!

Forgetting Sarah Marshall (** out of ****) Review By Stan Heck

Forgetting Sarah Marshall (** out of ****) Review By Stan Heck

*** Worth Watching
** Has moments
This movie **

Forgetting Sarah Marshall is not a bad movie. There is a few big laugh out loud moments but on the whole its not very good. In fact the movie seems to follow a formula from the factory of Judd Apatow. This territory has been done many times before. The stars do not bring anything new to the movie. The saving grace is supporting actors Bill Hader & Jack McBrayer.

The fact is their roles are funnier then that of are hopeless lead. The story is simple. A man just broke up with his girlfriend. For a vacation he goes to a Hawaiian Resort. Unknown to him his ex girlfriend is staying at the same resort with her new boyfriend.

Now I don't see Jack McBrayer anytime soon becoming a leading man however I see him becoming a great second banana. Good things are in his future. He is already in the well written TV Comedy "30 Rock".

The movie is now famous for the full frontal nude scenes of star Jason Segel however there is some funnier moments that will not ever be talked about because of Jason's Dick. I was expecting something better. I loved "KNOCKED UP & SUPERBAD". This movie seems weak by comparison. Jason Segel however comes across like a young Brad Garrett. However Jason looks 20 years older then his co-star leading lady Kristen Bell.

This movie is not worth seeing at the movies. Rent the DVD. I am sure it will be out by August if not sooner.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I love the score of "Evita". I love Patti Lu Pone and her recording of the music. She has a great Soprano voice. Now When the movie was made and released the score was re-written to suit Madonna's limited lower voice range.

I thought however the movie suffered from the style in which the director took to the material. Which got me to thinking about what else went wrong with the movie.

1) Alan Parker included most of the score. Some songs should of been cut & replaced with dialog.

2) Another Suit Case in Another Hall. This should of still be sung by Juan's mistress. When the movie was made they gave the song to Madonna. This doesn't make since artistically. When the movie starts "Evita" is 15 years old. A virgin. She meets with a traveling singer & sleeps with him. Then when she moves into town with the singer she starts to sing "Another Suit Case". The songs first line is " I don't expect my love affairs to last too long". The song was written for the mistress point of view to show Evita had no compassion for people that stood in her way. Even if they were people she could relate too.

3) The songs had to many costume changes . The star of the songs were not the actors or the music it was the the star became the clothes.

4) Bad filming & editing of "Don't Cry for Me Argentina"

5) To many unknowns in the cast. The singing chorus that is cut to from time to time should of been cast with known singers. Who were these people?
6) Too many camera set ups. "Rainbow High" should of had less costumes, but added humor.
The only this the movie did so well was the opening of the Funeral. Any moment in that scene where the casket is being carried through town could be framed for art. This is The most beautifully shot moments that I have ever seen on film.

The song and dance "Waltz for Evita & Che" is great.
A movie worth watching its just not perfect. In all I still give it *** out of ****


This season of "American Idol" has seen a ratings decline. The ratings are going down I think because from what I see of the show this cast isn't very good. Last year we had Blake (Beep Box Man) and Jordan. They were "American Idol Winners" but neither one of them has a chance in hell of having a long career. In fact Blake's CD was a huge bomb. Jordan's CD was not a success.

American Idol has fallen now to a victim of TV. Its ratings are declining. Also the show has the same feel to it every year. It hasn't changed too much. SO I think FOX would be wise to do the following changes to "American Idol".

1) Delay Season 7. Start it in September or even as late as November 09. By doing this you can

Have a larger search and maybe find more talented singers.

2) By delaying AI you make "The American People" start missing the show even more.

3) Delaying the season could also get Paula Time to Sober up

4) Delaying the season you could also extended the show for the entire TV Season

5) Delaying the season you can have more cities for tryouts.

6) Delaying the season also can get higher ratings.

Monday, April 21, 2008


This 1979 movie has a huge following. Its unforgettable and it delivers on what it promises. It will scare you.

The story is simple. A 13 year old teen thinks there is something wrong going on at the local funeral home. When he sneaks in one night he almost gets killed. He runs home to his brother and of course his brother doesn't believe him.

The movie has lots of scares and a few twist you will not see coming. If you never watched this movie give it a rent!

*** OUT OF ****



*** GOOD



Sunday, April 20, 2008


In 1986 Bette Middler hit pay dirt not once by twice. Her first movie was "Down & Out in Beverly Hills" the other is "Ruthless People".

In "Ruthless People" Bette Middler is a kidnapped victim. What she doesn't know is that her husband hates her and will not pay the ransom. This crime creates lots of more victims as well.

**** out of **** Stars


*** GOOD



Lost in America One great Movie

Albert Brooks wrote star & directed this movie classic. His co-star is Julie Hagerty from the movie Airplane.

Now the story. In the movie is a yuppie man gets his wife to quit her job the day he gets fired from his job.

They ended up selling everything to hit the open road just like his heroes in the movie "Easy Rider".

What they do not know is life is not like the "Easy Rider" movie.

This move gets **** out of ****


*** GOOD



Escape to Witch Mountain Review by Stan Heck

I was just 8 when I saw this movie when it was released in 1975. I liked the movie then. Whats strange is this I have not watched movie since. The only thing I remember about the movie was the dancing puppets.

So today I saw the movie again. Its far from perfect but its a good movie. Its very enjoyable and I can see why Disney wants to remake it. I am not always in favor of remakes but this movie I can see being remade.

For right now however if your looking for good family viewing you can not go wrong with this G-Rated Disney Feature. The movie gets *** out of ****


*** GOOD


* SKIP IT **

Friday, April 18, 2008

I miss the Old Star Jones

Star Jones just recently lost her job. Her show got bad ratings. The reason why I think viewers were disappointed that we got a new type of Star Jones.

I think the viewing public did not like her new look. I hated it that's for sure. I think she toned herself down too much. So much that she was bland. I loved the old Star. She was loud but most people could relate to her. I am sure was told to tone herself & get a new look by her handelers.
I have always liked Star Jones. I thought she came across as honest. I am not saying she isn't honost now I just think her new look didn't fit.

Her new look was stupid. Her glasses and her bland wardrobe just wasn't Star. When she on "THE VIEW" she was fantastic. She was "Star".

I think she should & will get a new show. I think she would be great hosting a game show but I would Rather like to see her cover legal cases on the news. She is a very smart lady.

Top Picture the old Star. Bottom picture the new Star



Its weird how I even herd about this movie. In was 1991. I read in the USA TODAY bout a man who payed $300 for a USED out of print VHS of this movie "Two For the Road". I never herd of this movie. But a week before I even read the story I bought a Laserdisc player.

Now about a week later I am at the Laserdisc Store when I came across the movie. It was $60. (Laserdisc were always high). I thought well if the VHS is out of print then this might go out of print as well. So I bought it. To my amazement the movie was in the WIDESCREEN FORMAT.

When I put the movie on I was captivated. The movie was very moving. Its the story of married couple who are on a road trip. Through flashbacks we see the couple have been on this road before in happier times. In the present they are very unhappily married. In the pass we see how they met and how at one time they were very much in love.

Audrey Hepburn made headlines when she made this movie because it was one of the first times the word "Bastard" was used. Albert Finney plays her husband. He is very good! If your local DVD store doesn't have this then buy it! You can now buy it on DVD for about $10. Even if you had pay $60 it would be worth it. If you had to pay $300 it would still be worth it.

By the way The LAserdisc did go out of print and I ended up selling it on e-bay for $110. When the DVD was released I bought it. This movie to me is 4****. Hollywood Do not remake it!


Paula Abdul When do you think she will enter Rehab


Paula Abdul. She is something. Well a hot mess. I have seen her slur her words on "The Tonight Show". Also Remember her famous interview where she was so out of it. Earlier that year she was also busted for a hit and run saying "She didn't know she hit someone". The only reason she was caught the victim had a camera in their cellphone.

I saw clips of her "Hey Paula" & lets not go there. She has had 2 divorces and eating disorders. She blames her questionable behavior on pain medication. Please I have herd these excuses from addicts. The lady needs help. I hope she gets it!

Thursday, April 17, 2008


The movie rating is **** out of ****

Defending Your Life is a great movie that seems to be a perfect movie to torn into a Broadway Musical, until they do this movie will have to do. "Defending Your Life" is not typical Hollywood comedy. Most of the humor lies beneath the surface. Maybe that's why it wasn't a huge success however that doesn't mean its a bad movie. In fact its the opposite its a great movie.

Albert Brooks stars as man who just dies! He is a judgment city where they put you on a trial to see if you fit to move to heaven or return to earth because on earth you never learn how to face your fear.

Meryl Streep co-stars and she shines as the love interest. If you want a good laugh you need to rent the movie. I am hoping that one day Albert Brooks gets to make an audio commentary track for a Special Edition DVD. Rent this or buy it I don't care just see it!





Wednesday, April 16, 2008


"Thank God Its Friday" is not a great movie. Its stupid but has a few good songs in the movie including the the Academy Award Winning Classic song "Lasts Dance" which is sung in the movie by the Disco Queen herself Donna Summer.

Now if you never seen this movie I do not recommend it. I know for a fact however that if your under 35 you will most likely be bored. However if you were around in the 1970's you might find the movie entertaining. If your familiar with the Los Angeles area you will love to see how things have changed since the movie was released.

The movie rating is ** out of ****


*** GOOD




The first five season of this show is great TV. Linda Bloodsworth Thompson should be very proud of her baby. What is so great about this show is that it was funny and smart!

The show needs to be released on DVD. I know there is huge fan base out there that would support a DVD release!


*** GOOD

Amy Winehouse. The famous "Rehab" singer will become A legend. Her CD "Back to Black" is constantly playing in my car. I have not listen to a modern artist like this in years. In fact most of the time in my car your more likely to hear talk radio then music.

Now I herd the song "Rehab" and on the radio and I like the music. I bought the CD and I was amazed on how talented she is! Every song is great. I love 2 other songs just as much as "Rehab". Those songs are "You know that I'm No good" & "Back to Black".

I was thrilled when I looked at Netflicks that there was a concert on DVD available. So I just finished the concert and I was very pleased. The Concert gets *** Amy has a gift for the stage. Now on a personal level I hope this lady stays sober. Living a sober life can happen. I have been clean since 1997!


*** GOOD

This 1980 movie gets ***. This movie was not hit upon its release in 1980. It has developed into a cult hit and when I first caught the movie in 1981 I became a fan. In fact this after watching the movie again recently. I could not believe how well the movie has held up.

In case you do not the story: This is a movie about 3 women who are broke and need money fast. Al 3 women have been friends for years. They hatch a plan to rob a shopping mall that happens to have a big money ball full of cash.

The DVD is full screen and lacks any extras. However you can find it cheap ($10 NEW) its worth the price.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Concorde Airport 79 Review by Stanton Heck

*** GOOD

Rating: **
The last the Airport movies is the first one I am reviewing. I remember dragging my friend Theresa Beard to see this movie. I like it then ( I was 12) and I just re watched again after many years and well its corny the acting is okay but its still a fun movie to watch.

It seems 1/2 of the cast today is however passed on. As for the story of "Airport 79" is this. A man tells a reporter that his boss sold Military Equipment to our enemies during the Vietnam War. The reporter is set to fly on the Concorde the Next day. The arms dealer is unhappy and he will stop at nothing to protect himself.

Lars and the Real Girl Review by Stanton Heck

*** GOOD

Lars and the Real Girl **

This movie has a few laugh out moments but this is the type of subject matter that needed more jokes. In case you don't know the story Lars is a little off kilter. He ends up with a sex doll and he pretends she is a real girl. A kind Doctor in town somehow convinces the entire town to pretend along with Lars that the doll is real.

I have to say the movie is original and I like the fact that Lars is not punished for his delusion. I do feel bad for Lars in this movie and that is because Ryan Gosling does do a remarkable job. After all is said and done however the movie is just okay. Its only worth watching if your needy for something different. I however highly recommend "JUNO". That movie is well worth your time!


*** out of ****

*** GOOD



Baby Boom could be the movie relic of the 1980's. In fact it almost is. However the movie is well written and Diane Keaton does a very good job as a business woman turned instant mother. The movie does know how to work the all the elements in every scene. The movie however does suffer for being a little long (in fact 10 minutes should of been cut) however if your in need of a warm hearted movie you can't find much better. This is an adult comedy. Most men might avoid this movie however most people can in fact relate to a story about raising a child.

CSI Star George Eads is fat: Good thing he isn't a woman

The following blog down below is a year old. I have not watched a new CSI episode since November. I will be catching up and watch the New Ones that are on my TIVO. I want to see what George looks like now!

This man seems to change his look on CSI almost every week.

1) Short hair
2) Longer hair
3) Bald head
4) Mustache (Ala 70's porn look)
5) Fat

I think I am the only one who noticed that the man seems now to be getting fat? It is funny because the press always goes after women who gain weight. The press becomes ruthless when a woman gains weight! So here is a man on a top 10 show thats's getting fat and nobody seems to be saying anything about? This is a big fat Double Standard.

George Eads is gaining weight. However if Jorja Fox or Marg Helgenberger gained this much weight they would be getting allot of negative press!

Think about it when a MAN bloats out the men do not get the negative press. So why does the press turns they other direction when it comes to women? Remember they ran story after story on these women because they gained a few pounds


Did anybody notice Val Kilmer in Deja Vu? It was a good thing the movie was shot in "wide ass". Val dude need time to hit the gym and not Krispy Kreame.

The picture of George posted here is not a not a recent photo!

Lord of the Rings Am I the only one that hated it?

I was so excited to see the move "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings". I never read the books but it looked great. I was so disappointed in the movie. I was bored! I walked out after 1 hour and walked around the movie to look at other posters of other movies. I was gone for 30 minutes or maybe longer. When I got back to watching I was even more bored. By the box office total I can see that I am in a minority however I can't be the only one that hated this movie or, am I?


Chinatown is a classic motion picture. If it was released in any other year other then 1974 it would of won the Academy Award for Best Picture. No doubt! However "The Godfather Part 2" won ( it did deserve it) but "Chinatown" is just as good.

The story starts off with a who goes to a private investigator (Jack Nicholson) because she thinks her husband is having an affair. However the investigator gets caught up in a web of lies on top of lies on top of greed & corruption.

Chinatown is a must see movie. It cast a spell on the viewer and beginning and keeps you in suspense to the very end! "Chinatown" broke ground and once you seen it you will not forget it!

Whatever Happened To Baby Jane A Must See Review by Stan Heck

Okay if your a straight male and your under 40 you most likely have never herd of this movie. If your gay and your under 40 you might of herd of it but you have never watched it well shame on all of you.

Yes this movie has some camp to it however it is a very terrifying story of 2 sisters who live together. To say much more would be a crime. Bette Davis was robbed of an Academy Award for her legendary performance as Baby Jane. The worse Baby Jane becomes the more her sister becomes Angelic!

Joan (No Wire Hangers) Crawford stars as Blanche the sister who is in a wheelchair who slowly realizes she is a hostage in her own home kept by her psychopathic sister.

If you have not bought the DVD I highly recommend that you don't. The Special Edition DVD lacks a good audio commentary. The other extras are just very good. Although Warner Brothers Released a special Edition not too long ago, I am sure they will revisit the title again.


Coal Miner's Daughter is the true based on the life of country legend/icon Loretta Lynn. The 1980 movie set the standard on how to make a movie about real life singers. From the movies "Ray" to "What's Love Got to Do With It" and movies to be made they will always be compared to "Coal Miner's Daughter".

Now you do not need to be fan of Loretta Lynn to enjoy the movie. Its a very entertaining movie. The movie was so well made that it earned 7 Oscar Nominations. Sissy Spacek won the Academy Award for best Actress which was well deserved. However Tommy Lee Jones & Beverly D'Angelo are just as good. What is so amazing about the movie is that both Sissy & Beverly do there own singing!

Now when I was 13 when the movie was released I barely herd of Loretta Lynn. However after the movie was released I was a fan. Now at 41 after seeing the movie again after several years I can still get a thrill watching it again. Put this movie on you DVD Library. The DVD is is great. The audio commentary has both the Sissy Spacek and the director (Michael Apted) giving us plenty of details of how the movie was constructed. I was happy to hear them praise the performance of Tommy Lee Wallace.

If you enjoy this movie I would also recommend "Sweet Dreams" the story of Patsy Cline. Its not as good as "Coal Miner's Daughter" however its still worth watching.

Monday, April 14, 2008


Jodie Foster is well respected Actress who has been making movies since the the late 1960's. Yes she is known for her Disney movies (Freaky Friday,Candelshoe) However she was the perfect Becky Thatcher in "Readers Digest Tom Sawyer". She was also one of the youngest people of all time to be nominated for an Academy Award (Taxi Driver). However Jodie Foster also did two other movies in the 1970's that do not get as much attention however they are both worth watching.

The first movie (that's Jodie personal favorite child role) was Tallulah in "Bugsy Malone". However Jodie gave a creepy performance as a "Wise Beyond her years role" as the tile character in "The Little Girl Who Lives Down The lane".

The movie is very creepy. Jodie is a 13 year old child who (unknown to everyone in town) lives alone. Where is her parents? The landlady is suspicious of her and the Land ladies son has a thing for under age girls.

With an actress not as talented as Jodie this movie might not be very good however Jodie is excellent. Martin Sheen is very good as well. Scott Jacoby plays a supporting role.

Rent this movie!


I hate liars. Dr Phil is one. First lie to the public was when he went to Britney Spears when she was in the hospital (with cameras) and to say he "had no intention of putting that on his TV show". Second Lie He "Had no idea that his show was bailing out the 7 teen age girls in the Florida Beating".

Another lie " He didn't care his son was getting married to a centerfold"! Oh come on Dr Phil I do not believe that! Where I come from we call people like Dr Phil White Trash! However he is rich so he is WHITE TRASH WITH MONEY!

The "Dr Phil Show" I loved once upon a time. To me he lost credibility with me when his son was coming on selling his dumb down version of his dads books. His son Jay is no Doctor. His wife Robin for some reason rubs me the wrong way as well.



Nine to Five. This is on my favorite movies of all time list. I loved the movie when I saw this as a kid. I was 13 years old and I went and saw this 2 times. It was also the first movie I ever rented on VHS. The movie is still funny today. If your a fan of the movie then buy The DVD 25th Anniversary Edition it is amazing.

In case you don't know the movie in a nutshell it is this. 3 women work at a company under a male chauvinist boss/pig. I will not say anymore. Lets say revenge is sweet.

Now what I loved about the DVD is not just the movie but the extras. There is deleted footage and an audio commentary from the 3 female leads.

Now I forget that if its mentioned on the audio commentary but Dolly Parton & Lily Tomlin were both picked by Jane Fonda to be her co-stars. Now Jane Fonda (per Dolly Parton) said she was cast because Jane knew that Dolly would help get the movie sold in the Southern United States.

In the South Jane Fonda isn't very popular and Lily Tomlin wasn't too far behind her. Now for those of you who don't know I will tell you this

* This movie inspired the 9 to 5 movement

* Brought up child care issues into the work place

* This movie was made before "Sexual Harassment" ever had a name.

* The movies casting proved to be effective. It grossed over $100,000,000 in 1980. In todays dollars it would be around $275,000,000 that means it sold more tickets then the following 2007 movie releases

"I AM LEGEND", "The Bourne Ultimatum", "National Treasure: Book of Secrets","ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS", "300", " Ratatouille", & "THE SIMPSONS MOVIE". All of these movies were popular with today's movies audience but in reality they are not as popular as these 3 ladies.

What is unnoticed is that this movie was cast with 3 women over 30. Today it would be a miracle if a movie was cast like that today by a major studio.


In 1981 I saw a movie that was jaw dropping brilliant. That was of course AAWIL. Seeing the wolf transformation was so unforgettable. Yes CGI is all the rage today but come this movie to me would suffer if it were made today with CGI. To me CGI yes looks great however there is something very raw and real when you see a movie that is from the pre CGI era.

If you have never seen this movie I beg you to watch it. If you loved to be scared then buy this movie. The extra are great as well. What is nice is the audio commentary from the 2 male leads. They are of course David Naughton & Griffen Dunne. Because it was over 25 years since they made the movie we hear the actor talk about the movie with a ton of prospective. Its nice to hear about how fans react to them all these years later. Now I am sure Hollywood will remake this (An American Werewolf in Paris Doesn't Count). I hope they don't. You can not improve on the story. In fact this was the first horror that had humor in it. If they made this today it would be a $100,000,000 CGI infected PG-13 safe movie. This movie was Rated "R" and a remake should be as well. If they do remake it stay away from CGI great film makers don't need it!


I saw this movie when it was released in 1980. I loved it then & I love it now. Now being a 13 year old at the time I had no idea who half of the singers were. I herd of Aretha Frankiln but this was 1980 there was no Internet & no MTV. When the credits rolled and I saw the waitress was played by Aretha Franklin I said "oh so that's Arertha Franklin".

Now when the movie was shown on HBO a year or so later I saw it again & again for about a month. Now its has over 20 plus years since I last saw the movie that is until this weekend.

I must say this movie holds up well. It is still funny and the music is better then ever. The DVD I have was the 25th Anniversary Edition. The extras are good but I was hoping for an audio commentary. The extended edition is a thrill to see because it is nice to see new footage to any movie that I enjoy. I hope that in 2 years we get another edition this time with an audio commentary. I am sure John Landis would be very entertaining.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


To be honest I saw "Ice Castles" upon it initial release in 1979. I was a sucker for a movie where a woman rises again after a huge fall. Think "Other Side of the Mountain", "Norma Rae", & "The Turning Point". Those were the type of movies that came out in the 1970's.

Now all of those movies mentioned above are still well regarded. There is another movie that (yes is cheesy) seems never to get mentioned and that is "Ice Castles".

Now the movie is about a young up in coming Ice Skater who gets hurt in an accident and goes blind. Robby Benson co-stars as the girl's on again off again boyfriend. Now one thing you may know about the movie is the classic song "Through the Eyes of Love" was written for the movie.

Yes love conquers all in the end but hell rent the movie and watch it with a girlfriend its much better then any Tori Spelling movie.


Last year 2007 gave us 2 instant classics (Not Juno is not one of them). The first is "No Country for Old Men", the second of course is "There Will Be Blood".

Now PT Anderson movie "Magnolia" was overrated. However "There will Be Blood" is nothing short of amazing.

The movie might not be for everybody. To be fair I think anybody under 40 will hate it. It does move at its own pace. It pull not punches. The movie has cemented itself into film history and 3 years I am positive the movie will named one the best movies of the 2000's.


Ellen Page got a well deserved Academy Award Nomination for her great work in the surprise hit "Juno". Well I just saw for the first time Ellen's break through role which is the creepy art house film "Hard Candy". To be fair to anybody who hasn't seen the movie I will not be say too much about the movie. I will just say its A MOVIE THAT NEEDS TO BE SEEN.