Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Steven Spielberg why doesn't he do DVD a Commentary
Steven Spielberg doesn't do Commentary's on his movies when they are released on DVD. Is he afraid to teach us his methods? I do not understand why he won't. Here is a man that inspired countless people to become directors. Maybe the reason he won't do them is because he knows he hasn't made a great movie since "Saving Private Ryan" which he won an Academy Award for directing.
Come Back to the five 5 and dime Jimmy Dean 25th Anniversary DVD

This is the 25th Anniversary of the following movies "ET" "TOOTSIE" "Gandhi" & "VICTOR/VICTORIA". We have a great DVD editions of "ET" & "Gandhi" however its about time we get special editions of "Tootsie" and " Victor/Victoria". "Tootsie" is the #2 comedy of all time on the AFI List of the top 100 movie comedies. Victor/Victoria was years ahead of its time. In fact Victor/Victoria is a movie that seems to getter better as time goes by. If Victor/Victoria was made today it would win Best Picture of the Year.
However there is another movie that deserves a 25th anniversary edition dvd and that is the Robert Altman movie "Come Back to the five and Dime Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean". In fact it still hasn't been released on dvd! A dvd with all tose extra that we love would be a welcome edition to millions of Cher & Robert Altman Fans!
However its 2007 not 1982. Columbia/Sony needs to give us the Ultimate Collectors Edition of "Tootsie". I want the works. The main cast is still alive. The director is still alive. In 1991 Criterion Laserdisc did a release of "Tootsie" and it was very good. However Columbia has never given us a DVD worth buying!
"Victor/Victoria" has been released on DVD. The DVD had a commentary track but it was terrible. We need to have a better commentary track! Also what about a documentary on the making of the movie. Years later MGM and Blake Edwards ended suing each other saying the movie lost money when Blake Edwards saying "it didn't". Also the documentary can cover all the controversy the Broadway production had.
"ET" had a great DVD release! However it don't feature all the deleted footage! There was a seen Harrison Ford Shot where he was playing Elliot's school Principal. However even if we get a new edition forget getting a commentary from his Holiness Steven Spielberg he doesn't do them. I guess he is afraid! So maybe we will get a cast commentary!
However its 2007 not 1982. Columbia/Sony needs to give us the Ultimate Collectors Edition of "Tootsie". I want the works. The main cast is still alive. The director is still alive. In 1991 Criterion Laserdisc did a release of "Tootsie" and it was very good. However Columbia has never given us a DVD worth buying!
"Victor/Victoria" has been released on DVD. The DVD had a commentary track but it was terrible. We need to have a better commentary track! Also what about a documentary on the making of the movie. Years later MGM and Blake Edwards ended suing each other saying the movie lost money when Blake Edwards saying "it didn't". Also the documentary can cover all the controversy the Broadway production had.
"ET" had a great DVD release! However it don't feature all the deleted footage! There was a seen Harrison Ford Shot where he was playing Elliot's school Principal. However even if we get a new edition forget getting a commentary from his Holiness Steven Spielberg he doesn't do them. I guess he is afraid! So maybe we will get a cast commentary!
BRANDY NORWOOD and the Lawsuit
This is going to be a bad year for Brandy. I do not know Brandy. I have never met Brandy. I can only imagine what is going on with her. On the other hand..
I feel bad for the victims family. I just wander out of the 4 cars (including Brandy) were any of these people on the cellphone? If Brandy was on the phone the lawsuit should name Brandy's cell phone company. The cell phone company's do not educate their customers about the dangers of dialing , driving & talking.
Come on $50,000,000 lawsuit. Come-on . I bet this lawsuit will settle out of court in the
$2.5-$5 million range. This is the first lawsuit. There will be more to come.
My advise to Brandy is "reach out" to your friends and "family". Do not shut out them. Also whoever your lawyer is listen to him/her. After all of it is over
"DO NOT TALK ABOUT IN AN INTERVIEW". This will be out of respect for the family involved.
You must remember you are human and you made a mistake. Do not let this event define who you are as a person! You are not evil. This could of happen to anybody.
I feel bad for the victims family. I just wander out of the 4 cars (including Brandy) were any of these people on the cellphone? If Brandy was on the phone the lawsuit should name Brandy's cell phone company. The cell phone company's do not educate their customers about the dangers of dialing , driving & talking.
Come on $50,000,000 lawsuit. Come-on . I bet this lawsuit will settle out of court in the
$2.5-$5 million range. This is the first lawsuit. There will be more to come.
My advise to Brandy is "reach out" to your friends and "family". Do not shut out them. Also whoever your lawyer is listen to him/her. After all of it is over
"DO NOT TALK ABOUT IN AN INTERVIEW". This will be out of respect for the family involved.
You must remember you are human and you made a mistake. Do not let this event define who you are as a person! You are not evil. This could of happen to anybody.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Rape In Movies That's Not Entertainment To Me
The movie "Hounddog" is infamous for the child rape scene. I have not seen this movie. I have no desire to do either. I will not condemn the movie that is being a jerk. I just need to point out a few things. Movies are made to be entertaining. When did rape, a child rape become a form of storytelling? It has been done before but why. Yes I agree that we need to shine a light on the topic. I know there is no cure for these creeps! However I refuse to spend my hard earn money to watch a movie with these images. Why would anybody want to see "Hounddog" is beyond me but I am no for censorship.
I do not know when rape became such a Hollywood staple. If you think about is Quentin Tarentino has made a career out of rape. "Kill Bill" our heroine was about to be raped. In dialog we here she has been repeatedly raped while she lied in a coma. In "Pulp Fiction" there is the male rape seen. Yes the bad guys die for their deeds but why wasn't there the outrage when these movies were released?
Male rape was the selling point in the HBO TV show OZ. I saw the show 1 time that was enough. Deliverance is famous for the male on male rape scene. All prison movies have to have rape scene now. The TV movie "Born Innocent" had to be re-edited when it was repeated.
There have been movies if you think about it on the subject of statutory rape. "Lolita" the remake was one. Where was the outrage? Was the movie art or exploitation?
In the past few years statutory rape has been a staple of monologue jokes from Jay Leno.
To him when the victim is an underage male its a joke! Jay should ask parents of the victim if its a joke, I am sure they would disagree!
We all need to look within ourselves now and wonder why there is no outrage when any entertainment TV show does a rape storyline. The CBS TV SHOWS "CSI", & "COLD CASE" rape and death of children seems to be a common story element!
The next time you see a movie or TV show with a rape storyline ask yourself "Why does this not bother me"....
The movie "Hounddog" is infamous for the child rape scene. I have not seen this movie. I have no desire to do either. I will not condemn the movie that is being a jerk. I just need to point out a few things. Movies are made to be entertaining. When did rape, a child rape become a form of storytelling? It has been done before but why. Yes I agree that we need to shine a light on the topic. I know there is no cure for these creeps! However I refuse to spend my hard earn money to watch a movie with these images. Why would anybody want to see "Hounddog" is beyond me but I am no for censorship.
I do not know when rape became such a Hollywood staple. If you think about is Quentin Tarentino has made a career out of rape. "Kill Bill" our heroine was about to be raped. In dialog we here she has been repeatedly raped while she lied in a coma. In "Pulp Fiction" there is the male rape seen. Yes the bad guys die for their deeds but why wasn't there the outrage when these movies were released?
Male rape was the selling point in the HBO TV show OZ. I saw the show 1 time that was enough. Deliverance is famous for the male on male rape scene. All prison movies have to have rape scene now. The TV movie "Born Innocent" had to be re-edited when it was repeated.
There have been movies if you think about it on the subject of statutory rape. "Lolita" the remake was one. Where was the outrage? Was the movie art or exploitation?
In the past few years statutory rape has been a staple of monologue jokes from Jay Leno.
To him when the victim is an underage male its a joke! Jay should ask parents of the victim if its a joke, I am sure they would disagree!
We all need to look within ourselves now and wonder why there is no outrage when any entertainment TV show does a rape storyline. The CBS TV SHOWS "CSI", & "COLD CASE" rape and death of children seems to be a common story element!
The next time you see a movie or TV show with a rape storyline ask yourself "Why does this not bother me"....
Why going to the movies sucks and how to fix it!
DVD is not my favorite way to see a movie. I do prefer a movie theatre. However there is so many things that bother me when I go to the movies.
1) The lines! With multiplex's taking over the movie business the public now gets stuck
in huge lines. Even if the movie they want to see is not the big movie of the weekend.
In most cities now there is one line to buy tickets. There is 400 people in line and one
cashier to handle the sales! There should always be 4 people selling tickets!
The line moves also moves SLOW because of the following:
A) Lots of customers are stupid! When Superman Returns was playing it was showing
on 4 screens! The showtime's were 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 2:00 2:30 3:00
3:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 7:00 7:30 8:00 10:00
I was seeing the 1:00 showing! The time was 12:30
The customer & Box office had this conversation
Cust "2 for Superman"
Box Office What showtime?
Cust: "what'
Box Office "The 12:30 or 1:00" or later
After an endless conversation the customer finally figured out the movie was longer than 30
B) Customers Wait in line and then figure out what movie their going to see right when they
reach the box office.
c) Teenage girls in packs are the worse. 3 of them will form a semi -circle around a
the box office window! They ask the same questions and each pays one at a time!
They never seem to ever herd of a single file line!
D) Credit cards! Why?? This slows down the line! Cash Only!
E) Customers do not have their money ready! They have been waiting in line for 20 min
then after the tickets get rang up they get their money out!
After you bought your movie ticket your hungry! You want your popcorn and coke. Now after the 20 minute line at the box office your now subject to the SNACK BAR LINE.
1) The snack bar where I go have go to get rid of the different sizes!
Solution There should be only 2 sizes you can buy of popcorn or coke! They have 4!
Problem 2) Credit cards slow down the line.
Solution Cash only.
Problem 3) Customers do not have there money ready.
Solution Have signs they say "For customer courtesy please have payment method ready".
Problem 4) The same teenage girls are now doing the semi circle at the snack bar. Each
asking the same question. They all talk about what there getting and so on.
Solution: Have a rope system at the Snack Bar and a sign that says "Single File Lines Only!
Problem 5) I am sick of pennies. The line would move faster is the snack bar did not charge
charge sales tax! The snack bar should sell everything rounded to a quarter. This
would eliminate the need for nickles dimes and pennies at the Snack Bar! The
line would move faster.
Problem 6) Not enough workers!
Solution Hire more people!
The Movie Auditorium
Stop showing us adds! Were getting away from TV.
Cellphones! People think they are important when there cells go off! Please if your not a doctor you don't need it!
There should be a cellphone jammer. Customers should only be allowed to use their phone outside.
Cellophane on candy boxes! It seems like to me that people wait to open that in the middle of the movie!
The Snack Bar should only sell items that do not require cellophane.
Late comers! Customers come in after your all settled. You have to get up to let them in!
Tickets should stop being sold 5 minutes before the movie starts!
A crying Baby and young children
Children under 5 are not permitted in to see any movie that is PG-13 or R. Children under 16 must also be accompanied by a parent or guardian for an evening showing!
Any thoughts
1) The lines! With multiplex's taking over the movie business the public now gets stuck
in huge lines. Even if the movie they want to see is not the big movie of the weekend.
In most cities now there is one line to buy tickets. There is 400 people in line and one
cashier to handle the sales! There should always be 4 people selling tickets!
The line moves also moves SLOW because of the following:
A) Lots of customers are stupid! When Superman Returns was playing it was showing
on 4 screens! The showtime's were 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 2:00 2:30 3:00
3:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 7:00 7:30 8:00 10:00
I was seeing the 1:00 showing! The time was 12:30
The customer & Box office had this conversation
Cust "2 for Superman"
Box Office What showtime?
Cust: "what'
Box Office "The 12:30 or 1:00" or later
After an endless conversation the customer finally figured out the movie was longer than 30
B) Customers Wait in line and then figure out what movie their going to see right when they
reach the box office.
c) Teenage girls in packs are the worse. 3 of them will form a semi -circle around a
the box office window! They ask the same questions and each pays one at a time!
They never seem to ever herd of a single file line!
D) Credit cards! Why?? This slows down the line! Cash Only!
E) Customers do not have their money ready! They have been waiting in line for 20 min
then after the tickets get rang up they get their money out!
After you bought your movie ticket your hungry! You want your popcorn and coke. Now after the 20 minute line at the box office your now subject to the SNACK BAR LINE.
1) The snack bar where I go have go to get rid of the different sizes!
Solution There should be only 2 sizes you can buy of popcorn or coke! They have 4!
Problem 2) Credit cards slow down the line.
Solution Cash only.
Problem 3) Customers do not have there money ready.
Solution Have signs they say "For customer courtesy please have payment method ready".
Problem 4) The same teenage girls are now doing the semi circle at the snack bar. Each
asking the same question. They all talk about what there getting and so on.
Solution: Have a rope system at the Snack Bar and a sign that says "Single File Lines Only!
Problem 5) I am sick of pennies. The line would move faster is the snack bar did not charge
charge sales tax! The snack bar should sell everything rounded to a quarter. This
would eliminate the need for nickles dimes and pennies at the Snack Bar! The
line would move faster.
Problem 6) Not enough workers!
Solution Hire more people!
The Movie Auditorium
Stop showing us adds! Were getting away from TV.
Cellphones! People think they are important when there cells go off! Please if your not a doctor you don't need it!
There should be a cellphone jammer. Customers should only be allowed to use their phone outside.
Cellophane on candy boxes! It seems like to me that people wait to open that in the middle of the movie!
The Snack Bar should only sell items that do not require cellophane.
Late comers! Customers come in after your all settled. You have to get up to let them in!
Tickets should stop being sold 5 minutes before the movie starts!
A crying Baby and young children
Children under 5 are not permitted in to see any movie that is PG-13 or R. Children under 16 must also be accompanied by a parent or guardian for an evening showing!
Any thoughts
Monday, January 29, 2007
Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss Is a Great Movie

I saw this movie when it was released in 1998. It was very hard for me to sit through because I could relate to Billy's situation. Plus it didn't help that the movie took place in the area of town in which I knew all too well. Upon seeing it again its still hard for me to watch because I could still relate to the movie. The movie was Sean Hayes big break. Sean ended up getting the role on "Will & Grace" because of this film.
The movie is very simple. Billy likes a man who could be gay. The story is heartbreaking but uplifting at the same time. The writer director should of been given the chance to do the movie adaption of the Broadway Show "MAMA MIA". However the director is now getting lots of attention at The Sundance film festival for his new movie "An American Crime". I am happy for him.
You do not have to be gay to relate to this movie. You only need to be human.
The movie is very simple. Billy likes a man who could be gay. The story is heartbreaking but uplifting at the same time. The writer director should of been given the chance to do the movie adaption of the Broadway Show "MAMA MIA". However the director is now getting lots of attention at The Sundance film festival for his new movie "An American Crime". I am happy for him.
You do not have to be gay to relate to this movie. You only need to be human.
If your in the New Orleans area visiting I recommend a 1hr drive east to Bay St Louis, MS. The Hollywood Casino has Pete Fountain playing every Friday and Saturday nights. He is the best. He has more then "A Touch a Class" he is a class act. He surrounds himself with what I cal "The Last of the Big Band Players" and its just a fun concert. If you never heard of Pete Fountain that's to bad. In day where we celebrate Paris Hilton as a Star you should go to the Hollywood Casino and see a REAL STAR.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Far from perfect but still a very good movie of the Broadway show. I was happy to see the movie had most of the original stars from the Broadway show. Chris Columbus did a great job in making sure that most of the time these actors were acting for a movie and not a play.
The movie did however cut a few songs out. If you never saw the play you won't notice. Its sad that this movie was ignored. I have a prediction that it will find an audience in every generation. It will be a well loved movie in the years to come.
The movie did however cut a few songs out. If you never saw the play you won't notice. Its sad that this movie was ignored. I have a prediction that it will find an audience in every generation. It will be a well loved movie in the years to come.
Eddie Murphy Be NIce to your babies mother
If you are no longer involved with Mel B that's fine and its your business for the breakup. However if she is having your child be nice to her. Do not bad mouth her in the press. Your child will pay for it later and could write a book called "Eddie Dearest". You are a funny man. You are a smart man. Learn to say no comment.
My advice for M. Night Shyamalan
In 1999 M. Night Shyamalan wrote & directed "The Sixth Sense". It was a box office smash worldwide. It went on to get several Academy Award Nominations including Best Picture.
The Next year the writer director M. Night Shyamalan released "Unbreakable". It wasn't a big hit. Things turned around with his next movie "Signs". However his next movie "The Village" and the infamous "Lady in the Water" (came complete with making of book that told how a Disney Studio Head disliked the screenplay and how Chameleon ended up making it at Warner Brothers).
Well "The Lady in the Water" was a bomb. Now Shyamalan is having a hard time getting anybody to make his next movie. I can't blame the studios for not making his next movie.
Nothing he has done since "The Sixth Sense" has been very good. Most audience's that go into a
"Shyamalan" movie knows there getting a twist ending. In fact we expect it. I know Mr Shyamalan is a talented director. He seems to have an ego problem and he doesn't like studio interference. However his last 2 movies were stinkers and so he needs to take in other opinions.
My advice for M. Night Shyamalan is that if he has faith in his screenplay then go the independant route. You can raise the money yourself & release it through one of the studios.
If you make a great movie every studio in town will want to release it. If you make a stinker you can sell it direct to cable or DVD.
You must remember that "The 6th Sense" worked because it was simple. You need to make
your next movie without a twist ending. Also direct a movie you did not write or rewrite. If someone gives you a screenplay you adore then shoot that movie. You need to take a break from your ego and learn to take constructive criticism. All studios heads want to make good movies. Sometimes the suites have a point.
The Next year the writer director M. Night Shyamalan released "Unbreakable". It wasn't a big hit. Things turned around with his next movie "Signs". However his next movie "The Village" and the infamous "Lady in the Water" (came complete with making of book that told how a Disney Studio Head disliked the screenplay and how Chameleon ended up making it at Warner Brothers).
Well "The Lady in the Water" was a bomb. Now Shyamalan is having a hard time getting anybody to make his next movie. I can't blame the studios for not making his next movie.
Nothing he has done since "The Sixth Sense" has been very good. Most audience's that go into a
"Shyamalan" movie knows there getting a twist ending. In fact we expect it. I know Mr Shyamalan is a talented director. He seems to have an ego problem and he doesn't like studio interference. However his last 2 movies were stinkers and so he needs to take in other opinions.
My advice for M. Night Shyamalan is that if he has faith in his screenplay then go the independant route. You can raise the money yourself & release it through one of the studios.
If you make a great movie every studio in town will want to release it. If you make a stinker you can sell it direct to cable or DVD.
You must remember that "The 6th Sense" worked because it was simple. You need to make
your next movie without a twist ending. Also direct a movie you did not write or rewrite. If someone gives you a screenplay you adore then shoot that movie. You need to take a break from your ego and learn to take constructive criticism. All studios heads want to make good movies. Sometimes the suites have a point.
Isaiah Washington Tr Knight
I think by now IW has been punished enough. I think He should keep his job. TR KNIGHT however should be the one to decide if IW should stay or go. Just remember when you forgive someone your life will become easier.
Tyra Banks is fat? What about Alec Baldwin, Val Kilmer
Tyra has put on weight and now people are calling her fat? To me should looks great. In fact she seems to get more attractive as she gets older.
On the other hand 3 well known male stars have put on more weight than Tyra and we don't see them labeled as fat. Alec Baldwin has put on lots of weight and so has Leonardo DiCaprio. However Val Kilmer has put on so much weight that I couldn't recognize him when I saw "Deja Vu"
So come on Magazine editors if your going after women you need to go after the men.
On the other hand 3 well known male stars have put on more weight than Tyra and we don't see them labeled as fat. Alec Baldwin has put on lots of weight and so has Leonardo DiCaprio. However Val Kilmer has put on so much weight that I couldn't recognize him when I saw "Deja Vu"
So come on Magazine editors if your going after women you need to go after the men.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
The Myers Museum is Missed
In case you didn't know the Myers Museum was a great web page. It was dedicated to the "Halloween" movies and was 10 times better than the official web page. The official page was boring and had very little updates. Enter Anthony Masi of Myers museum ended up getting Anthony Masi who owned & ran the Myers Museum to run the official web site which is .
The Myers Museum was great. I can see why thy wanted him to run
So the Myers Museum was shut down! Anthony went to
Anthony has been there for some time now, however the official page is just as boring as ever. There is a lack of updates! I am sure the studio has Anthony's hands tied! However I wish they would let Anthony do what he wants! Until they do were just going to get press releases! Come on guys let Anthony do his thing! Isn't this why you hired him? ended up getting Anthony Masi who owned & ran the Myers Museum to run the official web site which is .
The Myers Museum was great. I can see why thy wanted him to run
So the Myers Museum was shut down! Anthony went to
Anthony has been there for some time now, however the official page is just as boring as ever. There is a lack of updates! I am sure the studio has Anthony's hands tied! However I wish they would let Anthony do what he wants! Until they do were just going to get press releases! Come on guys let Anthony do his thing! Isn't this why you hired him?
Halloween The Rob Zombie Remake & Mistake
At last this blogger herd the "Halloween" remake is schedule to be released 8/31/07. However
there is lots of things that can happen between now and then. First if the movie shoot goes without any problems then great. However then comes the dreaded test screenings. The last "Halloween" movie called "Halloween Resurrection" tested poorly. At one time it was scheduled to be released (although briefly) for 9/21/01. However when the movie was tested it tested poorly. The studio delayed the release to March 02. Then for some reason or another the re shoots were delayed and the movie was released in July 02. So "Halloween 8" had a 10 month delay.
Now We have the Halloween remake that is shooting now. The screenplay has been reviewed and people have not been kind to the screenplay. I think the studio made a mistake in picking Rob Zombie. I think they should of gone with Danny Boyle. He made "28 Days Later", "Trainspotting", and one of my personnel favorites "Shallow Grave". He knows how to scare an audience.
I also think the studio should of done a "Lord of the Rings" type of shooting. They should of shot the remake of "Halloween" and "Halloween II" at the same time. Since these movies are cheap to film anyway it wouldn't of added much more to the original budget.
Now who knows if a remake of "Halloween II" will happen. And who is to say it will follow the idea of picking up the story on the same night.
However by not doing this this is the studios biggest mistake. In 2008 it will be the 30th Anniversary of "Halloween" and they will not have a movie ready unless Rob Zombies movie gets delayed which is very possible.
I am not 100% against a remake of "Halloween". What I think of what they should of done was to film a prequel that ends in Michael's escape and first killing on Halloween 31, 1978.
there is lots of things that can happen between now and then. First if the movie shoot goes without any problems then great. However then comes the dreaded test screenings. The last "Halloween" movie called "Halloween Resurrection" tested poorly. At one time it was scheduled to be released (although briefly) for 9/21/01. However when the movie was tested it tested poorly. The studio delayed the release to March 02. Then for some reason or another the re shoots were delayed and the movie was released in July 02. So "Halloween 8" had a 10 month delay.
Now We have the Halloween remake that is shooting now. The screenplay has been reviewed and people have not been kind to the screenplay. I think the studio made a mistake in picking Rob Zombie. I think they should of gone with Danny Boyle. He made "28 Days Later", "Trainspotting", and one of my personnel favorites "Shallow Grave". He knows how to scare an audience.
I also think the studio should of done a "Lord of the Rings" type of shooting. They should of shot the remake of "Halloween" and "Halloween II" at the same time. Since these movies are cheap to film anyway it wouldn't of added much more to the original budget.
Now who knows if a remake of "Halloween II" will happen. And who is to say it will follow the idea of picking up the story on the same night.
However by not doing this this is the studios biggest mistake. In 2008 it will be the 30th Anniversary of "Halloween" and they will not have a movie ready unless Rob Zombies movie gets delayed which is very possible.
I am not 100% against a remake of "Halloween". What I think of what they should of done was to film a prequel that ends in Michael's escape and first killing on Halloween 31, 1978.
Hostel, Hounddog We need movies like these.. yes we do
I am not for censorship. People should make movies about anything without censorship. However movies like "Hostel" is not made for people like, Call me an old fart I don't care but to me its too violent. My friend and I just left the movie. I thought I was getting a scary movie instead I got an autopsy.
I would never say we should outlaw these movies. I just won't watch them. Now there is all the controversy surrounding the movie "Hound Dog". This is not something I want to see. If the movie helps shine a spotlight on child abuse then great. I will not protest a movie theatre for showing it. I just will not ever see it. I am not saying the movie is bad because.. I won't go there. Its a movie I do not care to watch.
We as a country need to allow movies of all subjects to be made. We can not say this should be outlawed if we do then who it to say that you can not do these movies because of its violence or
sexual content:
"Saving Private Ryan"
"Schindler's List"
"The Color Purple"
"Last Tango in Paris"
"Brokeback Mountain"
"Midnight Cowboy"
"Texas Chainsaw Massacre"
"Making Love"
"The Celluloid Closet"
"Thank You for Smoking"
I can make an argument that each if these movies had one or the other too much nudity, sexual situations, and extreme violence or promotes homosexuality or even smoking. However
these movies were all well reviewed and some have won Academy Awards.
If we start boycotting studios for making or releasing movies with themes or story lines we think are too ?? then in the long run we will be hurting ourselves.
If you don't like a certain movie fine don't see it. Support the movies you want to see by buying a movie ticket. It has been said the people that complain the most about movies, they are the ones that don't go to movies!
I would never say we should outlaw these movies. I just won't watch them. Now there is all the controversy surrounding the movie "Hound Dog". This is not something I want to see. If the movie helps shine a spotlight on child abuse then great. I will not protest a movie theatre for showing it. I just will not ever see it. I am not saying the movie is bad because.. I won't go there. Its a movie I do not care to watch.
We as a country need to allow movies of all subjects to be made. We can not say this should be outlawed if we do then who it to say that you can not do these movies because of its violence or
sexual content:
"Saving Private Ryan"
"Schindler's List"
"The Color Purple"
"Last Tango in Paris"
"Brokeback Mountain"
"Midnight Cowboy"
"Texas Chainsaw Massacre"
"Making Love"
"The Celluloid Closet"
"Thank You for Smoking"
I can make an argument that each if these movies had one or the other too much nudity, sexual situations, and extreme violence or promotes homosexuality or even smoking. However
these movies were all well reviewed and some have won Academy Awards.
If we start boycotting studios for making or releasing movies with themes or story lines we think are too ?? then in the long run we will be hurting ourselves.
If you don't like a certain movie fine don't see it. Support the movies you want to see by buying a movie ticket. It has been said the people that complain the most about movies, they are the ones that don't go to movies!
Randal Kleiser wanted to reunite John Travolta & Oliva Newton-John for MAMA MIA
I got a comment from none other than "Grease" director Randal Kleiser. Here is what he said
Randal Kleiser said...
"I approached the producer of the play with that very idea...Olivia in the lead and John as the boyfriend that she ends up with.I agree, it would have been terrific."
Randal Kleiser said...
"I approached the producer of the play with that very idea...Olivia in the lead and John as the boyfriend that she ends up with.I agree, it would have been terrific."
Ellen Degeneres 10 years later
It has been almost 10 years since "Ellen" came out in real life and on her TV show. It was historical. Without "Ellen" we would of never had "Will & Grace".
Now after all the controversy "Ellen" is more popular then ever. After ABC cancelled her show in 1998 who would of thought that "Ellen" would return to ABC/Disney to host "The Academy Awards".
Ellen did however did return to Disney via Pixar in 2003. She was the voice of Dory in "Finding Nemo". It was 5 years after the cancellation "Ellen". You would of thought there would of been controversy. There was hardly any if any controversy. "Finding Nemo" would become Disney's biggest box office hit (upto that time).
When "Ellen" came out people were saying it was the end of her career. For awhile it looked like it was. However it was a new beginning of better things to come! Her first trip back to the sitcom format failed. However when she did a talk show it became a huge success.
Now "Ellen" will be making history once again. It will be the first time an openly gay woman has hosted the "Academy Awards". I think its only fitting is on ABC. I will be routing for you!
Now after all the controversy "Ellen" is more popular then ever. After ABC cancelled her show in 1998 who would of thought that "Ellen" would return to ABC/Disney to host "The Academy Awards".
Ellen did however did return to Disney via Pixar in 2003. She was the voice of Dory in "Finding Nemo". It was 5 years after the cancellation "Ellen". You would of thought there would of been controversy. There was hardly any if any controversy. "Finding Nemo" would become Disney's biggest box office hit (upto that time).
When "Ellen" came out people were saying it was the end of her career. For awhile it looked like it was. However it was a new beginning of better things to come! Her first trip back to the sitcom format failed. However when she did a talk show it became a huge success.
Now "Ellen" will be making history once again. It will be the first time an openly gay woman has hosted the "Academy Awards". I think its only fitting is on ABC. I will be routing for you!
Okay Pierce Brosnan wants a sequel to his remake of "The Thomas Crown Affair". However a big budget sequel might of been a good idea 5 or 6 years ago. TCA came out in 1999. Its not like the movie developed a huge following. MGM should go after original material and stop with the remakes and sequels.
IF MGM owes Pierce a movie I say "pay him off".
MGM you will lose more money if you make TCA II.
Eyes Wide Shut
I am still trying to figure out why this movie took so long to film! Is Tom Cruise's acting so bad that it took him 2 years to look like he was interested in heterosexual sex?
This movie has its fans but I am not one of them. The whole movie plays like this could be a dream or not. The last shot on the bed is just a big WTF moment.
I can not believe people did enjoy this movie. I don't think the movie would have 1/2 the fans or positive reviews if someone else directed this movie.
The movie was the the end of 2 things. Tom Cruise Marriage to Nicole Kidman & it was the last movie the Stanley Kubrick directed. The only thing that seem to survive this mess was Nicole Kidman. She went on to win an Oscar. Tom went on to jump on couch's.
For years people wanted the International Cut released in the United States. I saw
the international cut in 1999 in Canada. Trust me its just two digital images are removed(they were added to get the movie an "R" Rating in the USA) from an orgy party. This is all it was! If you already own a DVD do not buy another edition. Give the $20 to charity.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Rush Hour 3, Beverly Hills Cop 4, Die Hard 4 Why?
Rush Hour 3
I don't know what studio heads are thinking here. Rush Hour 3 will not make money. Its been 6 years since that last movie. Its not like people are waiting for another Chris Tucker movie. In fact what has he done since the 2nd one. Its reported that Chris Tucker is getting $20,000,000 million for this movie. My question is why? He hasn't made a movie since the last one! Its been 6 years. Chris is more famous for being involved in the Michael Jackson trial than being a comedian!
Beverly Hills Cop 4
Eddie Murphy's Track record is a hit and miss. The last BHC movie was released in 1994. In fact the movie was a bomb! Eddie is now hot again. Dreamgirls got him an Academy Award Nomination. I am very happy for him however its been 20 YEARS since the last successful BHC movie was released! His pay check is going to be $20,000,000. Why? None of the behind the camera talent from the first 2 movies are behind the fourth one! Maybe this is why BHC 3 was a stinker.
Die Hard 4: Die Hardest
Bruce Willis has not been in a hit movie since "The Sixth Sense". Bruce Willis made the record books for the first Die Hard! He got $5,000,000 for that movie. This was a record amount for an actor without any box office hits to his name! For Die Hard 2 He got $7,500,000. Die Hard 3 $15,000,000! Now I don't know what he will make for Number 4. Rumor is that he will get $30,000,000! The last Die Hard movie was released in 1995. I do not see a demand for this!
To me the studios need to make more originals and less sequels and remakes! If there is a such thing as a movie god I pray that these will be the last of the big sequels!
Any thoughts?
I don't know what studio heads are thinking here. Rush Hour 3 will not make money. Its been 6 years since that last movie. Its not like people are waiting for another Chris Tucker movie. In fact what has he done since the 2nd one. Its reported that Chris Tucker is getting $20,000,000 million for this movie. My question is why? He hasn't made a movie since the last one! Its been 6 years. Chris is more famous for being involved in the Michael Jackson trial than being a comedian!
Beverly Hills Cop 4
Eddie Murphy's Track record is a hit and miss. The last BHC movie was released in 1994. In fact the movie was a bomb! Eddie is now hot again. Dreamgirls got him an Academy Award Nomination. I am very happy for him however its been 20 YEARS since the last successful BHC movie was released! His pay check is going to be $20,000,000. Why? None of the behind the camera talent from the first 2 movies are behind the fourth one! Maybe this is why BHC 3 was a stinker.
Die Hard 4: Die Hardest
Bruce Willis has not been in a hit movie since "The Sixth Sense". Bruce Willis made the record books for the first Die Hard! He got $5,000,000 for that movie. This was a record amount for an actor without any box office hits to his name! For Die Hard 2 He got $7,500,000. Die Hard 3 $15,000,000! Now I don't know what he will make for Number 4. Rumor is that he will get $30,000,000! The last Die Hard movie was released in 1995. I do not see a demand for this!
To me the studios need to make more originals and less sequels and remakes! If there is a such thing as a movie god I pray that these will be the last of the big sequels!
Any thoughts?
In 2005 George Lucas said he was "Re-releasing one Star Wars Movie a year in the 3d format starting with the 30th Anniversary of Star Wars". Well here we are in 2007 and I haven't herd anything about a 3D Star Wars Movie. Let me know if you have!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Mr Washington Goes to Rehab
Isaiah Washington is in rehab for what? As much as he pissed me off does he really need rehab?
If he goes to rehab for using derogatory language then there is lots of rednecks that need to go as well but they don't have health insurance.
Now after thinking this over I think he needs to be fired. He used a word "on the job" that everyone knows is not a nice word. Now if someone else said "N" on the set they would get fired. So if "Isaiah Washington" gets to keep his job then it goes to show that Hollywood isn't so liberal after all and doesn't care about "gay issues" like most Americans that vote Republican.
If he goes to rehab for using derogatory language then there is lots of rednecks that need to go as well but they don't have health insurance.
Now after thinking this over I think he needs to be fired. He used a word "on the job" that everyone knows is not a nice word. Now if someone else said "N" on the set they would get fired. So if "Isaiah Washington" gets to keep his job then it goes to show that Hollywood isn't so liberal after all and doesn't care about "gay issues" like most Americans that vote Republican.
Tommy O'Haver should direct the movie MAMA MIA
As much as I wanted the original cast of Grease (and the director Randal Kleiser) to be involved in a movie version of MAMA MIA this isn't going to happen. However they should DUMP the director. SHe has no movie experience. My choice would be for a director is Tommy O'Haver. His movie "Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss" is a semi musical.
Now The director of the movie (MAMA MIA) will be Phyllida Lloyd she has directed the play but never a movie.
Now in the movie were getting Meryl Streep as Donna. Who will be the male co-star be? It will have to be someone close to Meryl Strep's age so who could it be? I have no idea. Now for the 20-something groom to be I would cast Jake Gyllenhaal. The co-star as the 20-something bride to be I would cast Reese Witherspoon. Christine Baranski should also be one of Donna friends! Stockard Channing should also get a role.
Now The director of the movie (MAMA MIA) will be Phyllida Lloyd she has directed the play but never a movie.
Now in the movie were getting Meryl Streep as Donna. Who will be the male co-star be? It will have to be someone close to Meryl Strep's age so who could it be? I have no idea. Now for the 20-something groom to be I would cast Jake Gyllenhaal. The co-star as the 20-something bride to be I would cast Reese Witherspoon. Christine Baranski should also be one of Donna friends! Stockard Channing should also get a role.
YENTL Where is the DVD release
Love it or hate it Yentl is movie history. It was the first time a woman was
1) The star
2) the director
3) The writer
4) Sang
The movie was called by "Hollywood Insiders" Tootsie on the Roof. However men have been doing the same thing for years. They did not get the scorn that Barbra did.
Yentl was released in 1983. It got mixed reviews. However I beg the people who reviewed it in 1983 to watch it again! The movie is a masterpiece.
If you have never seen Yentl please watch it! Barbra did a great job. This was her first time directing and nobody else could of done a better job.
Now here it is 2007. The movie needs to be re-discovered. DVD has been around for 10 years now but YENTL is not available on DVD in the United States. Why is that?
When the DVD does get released I hope they include the 20/20 show that devoted the entire show on YENTL.
As much as I love Yentl I will say it is a little long however even non Barbra Fans will enjoy this movie!
1) The star
2) the director
3) The writer
4) Sang
The movie was called by "Hollywood Insiders" Tootsie on the Roof. However men have been doing the same thing for years. They did not get the scorn that Barbra did.
Yentl was released in 1983. It got mixed reviews. However I beg the people who reviewed it in 1983 to watch it again! The movie is a masterpiece.
If you have never seen Yentl please watch it! Barbra did a great job. This was her first time directing and nobody else could of done a better job.
Now here it is 2007. The movie needs to be re-discovered. DVD has been around for 10 years now but YENTL is not available on DVD in the United States. Why is that?
When the DVD does get released I hope they include the 20/20 show that devoted the entire show on YENTL.
As much as I love Yentl I will say it is a little long however even non Barbra Fans will enjoy this movie!
Add Patti Lupone Gypsy & Broadway
I am a huge Patti Lupone fan. I think nobody can match her voice. I don't know why the rights holder of the "Gypsy" will not get a production going with Ms. Lupone. To me its money in the bank if Patti Lupone plays Mama Rose on Broadway. I thought producers like to make money!
In case you didn't know Patti got rave reviews playing Mama Rose in Chicago (The actual city).
Patti Lupone has a loyal following! The play "Gypsy" has a following!
I wish I knew how to raise the money. I know the show would be a huge success.
In case you didn't know Patti got rave reviews playing Mama Rose in Chicago (The actual city).
Patti Lupone has a loyal following! The play "Gypsy" has a following!
I wish I knew how to raise the money. I know the show would be a huge success.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Anne Heche separating from Coley Laffoon
Anne Heche separating from Coley Laffoon
Okay her book was called "Call Me Crazy". Her book told her version of the truth of her life (however she only devoted 2 pages or so about her infamous relationship with Ellen Degeners).Rumors floated around that "ANN WAS FOUND IN THE CAN WITH A MAN". Well weeks later she was openly dating Coley Laffoon. Coley was the man she was rumored to be having an affair with. One year later they married. Shortly after they married she gave birth to their son Homer.
Anne Heche no matter what you think of her she is a hero to many people. Count me as one of them. When she was dating Ellen she said on Oprah , "Be proud of the relationship you are in". "We should be happy 2 people find each other". "If its a man & a woman", "two men" or "two women", "love should be celebrated and not hidden". I say AMEN!
Now news comes today she is separating from Coley Laffoon. There is a little boy that is a victim of the divorce & There is also a husband. I hope the press and blogger's will be nice and not trash Anne. If rumors are true she is having an affair with a co-star my only advice to Anne is stop jumping from one relationship to another. You seem to be leaving a trail of broken hearts. Get into therapy and figure out what you are doing right and wrong.
Now I met her at a book signing (Ellen's Mother's Book) and Anne was a very nice lady and took pictures with all who attended. As did Ellen & Betty. Anne however was friendly and talked to everyone. It was a nice event.
I wish her all the best. However (I am going to sound rude) I think Anne you need some help!
Brandy Was She on the Cell Phone when she killed someone?
Brandy you got the creator of your TV-Show fired. Remember that? Now I got a question for you. I know you have been on the phone to get you career going again. Now were you on the cell phone when you were driving your suv? You rear ended her. You should also know that the speed on the 405 is never faster than 40mph. There is too much traffic. So I bet you were on the phone when you caused the accident! You didn't see the lady slow down because the phone call had your attention!
Well don't feel too bad Matthew Broderick killed 2 people in 1987 in a car crash! So get his lawyer!
Well don't feel too bad Matthew Broderick killed 2 people in 1987 in a car crash! So get his lawyer!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Star Wars 30th Anniversary DVD set on the way?
Well someone e-mailed me that a "6 Movie" disc set will be out by October. However he seemed to think that there would be a making of documentary for EACH movie! The original movie editions will also be included for "each movie". He also said that NO WAY IN HELL that we would ever see "The Star Wars Holiday Special" ever released. In fact when any actor talks on camera about the "holiday episode" is edited out!
He says he hasn't herd if they will be remastering the original trilogy movie editions! However A NEW HOPE is the center part of this set!
He says he hasn't herd if they will be remastering the original trilogy movie editions! However A NEW HOPE is the center part of this set!
I have seen the play "Mama Mia" more than once. I thought the movie version of this smash Broadway Show would of been the perfect movie to reunite the whole cast and director of the box office smash "Grease". Yes they most likely would have to beef up one of the male parts for John Travolta but it could of been done. The female lead of Donna could of been played by Oliva-Newton John. Also I think the movie should of cast Stockard Channing as Donna's best friend! However I will settle for Christine Baranski. The part does have her name written all over it! The person I saw in the play even looked like Christine Baranski.
Now the movie is coming and Meryl Streep is starring. I don't know about this. The movie doesn't need her! The movie needs people who already are known for singing. That is why I would of cast Oliva Newton-John & John Travolta! Stockard Channing would of been great as well! Randal Kleiser should direct it as well. This play is almost a "Grease Sequel" anyway! Not to reunite the cast and director is a shame! I can't picture Meryl Streep singing "Dancing Queen".
Now The director of the movie (MAMA MIA) will be Phyllida Lloyd she has directed the play and this scares me AND HERE IS WHY.
The 2005 version of the musical adaption of "The Producers". It was directed by Susan Stroman who also directed the play! The movie was bad. The actors seem to be still playing the part for the stage! A director should of caught that from day one!
Between the casting and director the Chances for a good adaption of "Mama Mia" seem very limited !
Now the play has a very thin storyline! It will be more apparent on the big screen. They will have to do something different for the movie to stand on it own! In case you never seen the play I will let you in on this: After the play is over the cast puts on a mini concert and it was a ball. You can not do this for a movie however and so this has to go! The only thing I can see them do for a movie is maybe have the cast do a concert type thing. They can then put the concert on one part of the screen and credits on the other side! However don't hold your breath! The movie has disaster written all over it! For once in my life I want to be wrong!
Any thoughts
Now the movie is coming and Meryl Streep is starring. I don't know about this. The movie doesn't need her! The movie needs people who already are known for singing. That is why I would of cast Oliva Newton-John & John Travolta! Stockard Channing would of been great as well! Randal Kleiser should direct it as well. This play is almost a "Grease Sequel" anyway! Not to reunite the cast and director is a shame! I can't picture Meryl Streep singing "Dancing Queen".
Now The director of the movie (MAMA MIA) will be Phyllida Lloyd she has directed the play and this scares me AND HERE IS WHY.
The 2005 version of the musical adaption of "The Producers". It was directed by Susan Stroman who also directed the play! The movie was bad. The actors seem to be still playing the part for the stage! A director should of caught that from day one!
Between the casting and director the Chances for a good adaption of "Mama Mia" seem very limited !
Now the play has a very thin storyline! It will be more apparent on the big screen. They will have to do something different for the movie to stand on it own! In case you never seen the play I will let you in on this: After the play is over the cast puts on a mini concert and it was a ball. You can not do this for a movie however and so this has to go! The only thing I can see them do for a movie is maybe have the cast do a concert type thing. They can then put the concert on one part of the screen and credits on the other side! However don't hold your breath! The movie has disaster written all over it! For once in my life I want to be wrong!
Any thoughts
El Norte DVD when will it be released
This movie is available everywhere except the USA. Does anybody know why it hasn't been released?
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Isaiah Washington Sorry Isn't enough
You said "Faggot" not once but twice. If someone called you or refereed to you as a "nigger" you would be (and rightly so) mad and would want that person fired.
Gay & Lesbians have every right in the world to demand your dismissal from "Grey's Anatomy". However would that change your opinion on using the word "faggot"?
I do not know what punishment you deserve. Your a talented actor but not a very smart man! You seem to have a temper and that needs to be addressed. Maybe you should sit down with TR KNIGHT and he could explain why that is hurtful. However does he want to be in the same room as you?
At first I would like to see you get fired because this was your 2nd time saying "faggot". I however have a better idea. I would have your character on TV be the object of a gay mans crush! This is on the job and how your character handles it badly. Like you he says nasty things to the gay man. Your character ends up going to anger management and then you must spend community service at the Gay & Lesbian Center. This would be an opportunity for you and the rest of the world to learn about gay & lesbians!
I am sure there is something good that can come out of this. To me however "Sorry" is only the first step on a road to redemption!
Gay & Lesbians have every right in the world to demand your dismissal from "Grey's Anatomy". However would that change your opinion on using the word "faggot"?
I do not know what punishment you deserve. Your a talented actor but not a very smart man! You seem to have a temper and that needs to be addressed. Maybe you should sit down with TR KNIGHT and he could explain why that is hurtful. However does he want to be in the same room as you?
At first I would like to see you get fired because this was your 2nd time saying "faggot". I however have a better idea. I would have your character on TV be the object of a gay mans crush! This is on the job and how your character handles it badly. Like you he says nasty things to the gay man. Your character ends up going to anger management and then you must spend community service at the Gay & Lesbian Center. This would be an opportunity for you and the rest of the world to learn about gay & lesbians!
I am sure there is something good that can come out of this. To me however "Sorry" is only the first step on a road to redemption!
The Last Emperor DVD 20th Anniversary
This year marks the 20th Anniversary of the following movies "Fatal Attraction", "Moonstruck", "The Last Emperor", "Wall Street", "The Witches of Eastwick"
"Lethal Weapon", "La Bamba" "Outrageous Fortune", and lets not forget "Dirty Dancing". Also of note is "Good Morning Vietnam".
I am willing to bet that the anniversary of "Dirty Dancing" will not go unnoticed however "Moonstruck" had a special edition not too long ago so don't expect another edition of that
However I am willing to bet the years top grossing movie "Three Men and a Baby" will be ignored (and well it should be).
However there is an audience for a special editons of "The Witches of Eastwick", "Fatal Attraction", & Best Picture Winner "The Last Emperor". If you read the book "Hit & Run" (A Book about Jon Peters and Peter Guber) you know there could be a very interesting documentary on the making of "The Witches of Eastwick". "Fatal Attraction" is just crying out for a special edition! There were numerous footage edited out of that movie that made the character of Alex Forrest (Glenn Close)more sympathetic! Wouldn't you like to see that deleted footage?
"Wall Street" has the classic line Greed is good" I can see it now "The Greed is Good Edition".
Most of the above mentioned movies had bare bones DVD releases! I would love to see these movies get the royal DVD treatment.
Your turn!!
"Lethal Weapon", "La Bamba" "Outrageous Fortune", and lets not forget "Dirty Dancing". Also of note is "Good Morning Vietnam".
I am willing to bet that the anniversary of "Dirty Dancing" will not go unnoticed however "Moonstruck" had a special edition not too long ago so don't expect another edition of that
However I am willing to bet the years top grossing movie "Three Men and a Baby" will be ignored (and well it should be).
However there is an audience for a special editons of "The Witches of Eastwick", "Fatal Attraction", & Best Picture Winner "The Last Emperor". If you read the book "Hit & Run" (A Book about Jon Peters and Peter Guber) you know there could be a very interesting documentary on the making of "The Witches of Eastwick". "Fatal Attraction" is just crying out for a special edition! There were numerous footage edited out of that movie that made the character of Alex Forrest (Glenn Close)more sympathetic! Wouldn't you like to see that deleted footage?
"Wall Street" has the classic line Greed is good" I can see it now "The Greed is Good Edition".
Most of the above mentioned movies had bare bones DVD releases! I would love to see these movies get the royal DVD treatment.
Your turn!!
Isaiah Washington The Double Standard
Isaiah Washington needs to be fired. He used a word that gay men find just as hateful as African Americans find the "N" word
Now lets say the fight on the set started because Issiah was called a "N" by TR Knight. Don't you think TR would of (and should of) been fired. So why is it that Isaiah Washington still has a job? He said something that is just as harmful.
This Double Standard is not a fare. He is not a nice man! He should be fired! If he doesn't even in "Hollywood" gay rights have a long way to go!
Now lets say the fight on the set started because Issiah was called a "N" by TR Knight. Don't you think TR would of (and should of) been fired. So why is it that Isaiah Washington still has a job? He said something that is just as harmful.
This Double Standard is not a fare. He is not a nice man! He should be fired! If he doesn't even in "Hollywood" gay rights have a long way to go!
Friday, January 19, 2007
Jennifer Holiday Paid off for her silence?
With Jennifer Hudson getting rave reviews for "Dream Girls" I am left to wander where is "Jennifer Holiday". Has she been paid off to keep a low profile and not hit the talk shows. Also the other dreams "Sheryl Lee Ralph, and Loretta Devine" where are they? Have they kept a low profile to let the new cast members shine? Just a thought! I think any talk show would be doing specials on the "Original Dreams".
However to me it is a very sad moment to think that none of these women from the original cast were never cast again in something as good as Dream Girls! If I am wrong let me know!
However to me it is a very sad moment to think that none of these women from the original cast were never cast again in something as good as Dream Girls! If I am wrong let me know!
Good idea or not? Post what you would do in a "Halloween Remake". I will start. "Rob Zombie" make it simple like the first! No back story!
Jennifer Holiday
As much as I love Jennifer Hudson in the movie "DREAMGIRLS" she doesn't own the role. I just saw on You Tube JENNIFER HOLIDAY sing "an I'm telling you", and wow! I recommend everyone to see that clip! I am not taking anything from Ms Hudson I just think Ms Holiday is amazing!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Rob Zombie Halloween Remake delayed
Rumors are going around that Rob Zombie is re-writing Halloween! I saw the reviews and most of them were negative! I have to agree with the negative reviews! However I hope Rob Zombie leaves the project! I do not think he is capable of making this movie! The producers should of gone after writer/director Danny Boyle! He did 28 Days Later! He also did another great movie called "Shallow Grave". He knows how to make a movie!
Halloween Rob Zombie Remake
Well if the reviews of his screenplay are true I have to agree the movie will not be very good! I think the remake has possibilities but the screenplay needs work!
Rob Zombie should not this:
1) Keep the Michael Myers back story to a minimum. Make him born evil! He should never talk!
2) Keep the story moving! Too much before the "Halloween Night" will keep the audience bored! WE know whats going to happen.
3) Keep the movie short! No more than 100 minutes!
4) The movie should open like the original with a killing! But we should never see Michael talking to his family! no! no! no!
5) Do not make Laurie his sister! Keep it open why he wants to kill her!
6) Do not make a shot by shot remake! Remember the remake of PSYCHO.
7) Add to the original concept! SHOW the killings that were off screen in the original! (TOW TRUCK DRIVER) Kill off someone in the hardware store this time!
8) Have Michael create a seen in the hospital that allows him to escape!
9) Have Laurie be an angry girl! Have her jealous of her friends! Have a party going on across the street from where she is babysitting! (More kids to whack)
10) Have Dr Loomis and 2 helpers looking for Michael! (More victims)
Any thoughts?
Rob Zombie should not this:
1) Keep the Michael Myers back story to a minimum. Make him born evil! He should never talk!
2) Keep the story moving! Too much before the "Halloween Night" will keep the audience bored! WE know whats going to happen.
3) Keep the movie short! No more than 100 minutes!
4) The movie should open like the original with a killing! But we should never see Michael talking to his family! no! no! no!
5) Do not make Laurie his sister! Keep it open why he wants to kill her!
6) Do not make a shot by shot remake! Remember the remake of PSYCHO.
7) Add to the original concept! SHOW the killings that were off screen in the original! (TOW TRUCK DRIVER) Kill off someone in the hardware store this time!
8) Have Michael create a seen in the hospital that allows him to escape!
9) Have Laurie be an angry girl! Have her jealous of her friends! Have a party going on across the street from where she is babysitting! (More kids to whack)
10) Have Dr Loomis and 2 helpers looking for Michael! (More victims)
Any thoughts?
Lindsey Lohan in Rehab
Well Lindsey Lohan is in rehab! I do not know what here substance abuse is. I wish her well! A statement released from by her publicist Leslie Sloane Zelnick stated the following "I have made a proactive decision to take care of my personal health," I appreciate your well wishes and ask that you please respect my privacy at this time."
I can give Lindsey the following advise: ( I had a drinking problem and have been sober since 8/29/97)
Listen to what they are telling you in rehab! Take direction! Your in there for a reason! Your life is not working! The way have been living sent your life out of control! Now if you had a drinking problem DO NOT THINK YOU CAN SMOKE POT and not have a problem. You will be substitute pot for booze!
You need to make a new circle of friends! You need to find an AA MEETING that you like and make that your home meeting! (THIS MENES YOU SHOW UP AT THAT MEETING EVERY WEEK).
Get a sponsor! This is someone who is sober and is a guide to help you go through the 12 steps!
Now you need to get a Hobie! Learn to cook or take up writing! (START A BLOG). You must learn this is not the end of having fun! Also you have to stop blaming everyone for your problems! You need to take responsibility for your past problems as well!
Your life is not over! Its the start of something new! Be glad your getting help at 20 and not 50! You made mistakes, congratulations your human! Its not too late to have a better life for yourself!
I can not promise you your life will be better overnight! It takes TIME! However I can promise you will wake up in the morning and not be tired. You will wake up with energy! You will wake up with a smile on your face but sometimes that takes time!
Since your only 20 I advise you and your mom family get into therapy together! You need to learn to live with without drinking (or whatever you did). Also MAKE SOBER FRIENDS!
I can give you more advise upon your request! I wish you all the best! Be happy!
I can give Lindsey the following advise: ( I had a drinking problem and have been sober since 8/29/97)
Listen to what they are telling you in rehab! Take direction! Your in there for a reason! Your life is not working! The way have been living sent your life out of control! Now if you had a drinking problem DO NOT THINK YOU CAN SMOKE POT and not have a problem. You will be substitute pot for booze!
You need to make a new circle of friends! You need to find an AA MEETING that you like and make that your home meeting! (THIS MENES YOU SHOW UP AT THAT MEETING EVERY WEEK).
Get a sponsor! This is someone who is sober and is a guide to help you go through the 12 steps!
Now you need to get a Hobie! Learn to cook or take up writing! (START A BLOG). You must learn this is not the end of having fun! Also you have to stop blaming everyone for your problems! You need to take responsibility for your past problems as well!
Your life is not over! Its the start of something new! Be glad your getting help at 20 and not 50! You made mistakes, congratulations your human! Its not too late to have a better life for yourself!
I can not promise you your life will be better overnight! It takes TIME! However I can promise you will wake up in the morning and not be tired. You will wake up with energy! You will wake up with a smile on your face but sometimes that takes time!
Since your only 20 I advise you and your mom family get into therapy together! You need to learn to live with without drinking (or whatever you did). Also MAKE SOBER FRIENDS!
I can give you more advise upon your request! I wish you all the best! Be happy!
Danitra Vance of Saturday Night Live
Danitra Vance had the biggest break of her life when she became a cast member of "Saturday Night Live". The year was 1985. This was also the year Lorne Michaels returned as executive producer! However what seemed like a break turned into a nightmare.
The shows first episode got the worse reviews you can imagine! One reviewer said "Saturday Night Live has been known to go below the belt before but never like this with a chainsaw!"
Danitra Vance was a very talented actress! However the show you think she would shine in is the show that let her down! Her funniest moment on the show came on the Christmas episode! It was her and Damon Wayans! It was the cold opening! Its 12/24 and Danitra character is in a hurray and Damon Wayans is giving her a hard time! They ended up in a rap song! It was funny!
Danitra Vance ended up not coming back the following year! She biggest movie part came in 1988 when she was in the movie "Sticky Fingers".
She had a funny cameo in "The War of The Rose's". However in the 1990's Hollywood still seem to cast African Americans only as "Slaves & Maids". There were rare exceptions but not that many!
Unfortunately Danitra Vance died of cancer before "Hollywood" gave her a chance.
Diagnosed with breast cancer in 1990, Vance underwent a single mastectomy and incorporated the experience into a solo skit, "The Radical Girl's Guide to Radical Mastectomy." Unfortunately, the cancer recurred in 1993 and she died the following year at the age of 40.
The shows first episode got the worse reviews you can imagine! One reviewer said "Saturday Night Live has been known to go below the belt before but never like this with a chainsaw!"
Danitra Vance was a very talented actress! However the show you think she would shine in is the show that let her down! Her funniest moment on the show came on the Christmas episode! It was her and Damon Wayans! It was the cold opening! Its 12/24 and Danitra character is in a hurray and Damon Wayans is giving her a hard time! They ended up in a rap song! It was funny!
Danitra Vance ended up not coming back the following year! She biggest movie part came in 1988 when she was in the movie "Sticky Fingers".
She had a funny cameo in "The War of The Rose's". However in the 1990's Hollywood still seem to cast African Americans only as "Slaves & Maids". There were rare exceptions but not that many!
Unfortunately Danitra Vance died of cancer before "Hollywood" gave her a chance.
Diagnosed with breast cancer in 1990, Vance underwent a single mastectomy and incorporated the experience into a solo skit, "The Radical Girl's Guide to Radical Mastectomy." Unfortunately, the cancer recurred in 1993 and she died the following year at the age of 40.
In my original post (dated 10/1/06) I praised "Ugly Betty". Well 3 months later "The Golden Globes Awards" have been shown and they agree with me! By rewarding the show as BEST COMEDY, & BEST ACTRESS. In case you missed my original post I am posting it again!
What I think is great it took the "Hollywood Foreign Press" Less than 3 months to catch up with me. It took 22 years for the world to catch on to what I kept saying about "TOM CRUSIE! Anyway here is my original post:
ABC and not NBC has given us a great comedy on Thursday night. "Ugly Betty" is a very funny and touching show. The show is a joy to watch. You can watch with anybody and its a true route for the under dog story. I don't care this story was told lots of times before the creators have given us someone who everyone can relate too. Lets face it most of us would be an "Ugly Betty" in the world of high fashion. In fact here in the USA the average size woman is a 14!
Models/Actress are like a size 2 at the most! Come on girls eat something!The actress who has the lead caught my attention a few years ago in "Real Women Have Curves" I knew a saw a brand new star! Now as I must point out I am a white male who grew up in Oxnard Ca. I know allot about Mexican Culture and So I am happy that a show that has Hispanic Lady in the lead, its long overdue!
I hope they (The shows creators) will embrace the culture! They are breaking new ground! I know there was "Freddy" last year and "George Lopez" is returning this year but this is the first time I can think of that a Hispanic Lady is "Front and Center". All I can say is that its "About time"! I am glad there is a show on a Major Network.
Girls of all races & size's now have a role model that they can relate too.
I also think the show Will have a long life!
If have not watched an episode give this show a try! If you think this is a show that's a rip-off of the book and movie "The Devil Wears Prada" think again! Watch the show!
"Ugly Betty". Its a show worth watching and skipping "Survivor" and whatever NBC has to offer on Thursday!
What I think is great it took the "Hollywood Foreign Press" Less than 3 months to catch up with me. It took 22 years for the world to catch on to what I kept saying about "TOM CRUSIE! Anyway here is my original post:
ABC and not NBC has given us a great comedy on Thursday night. "Ugly Betty" is a very funny and touching show. The show is a joy to watch. You can watch with anybody and its a true route for the under dog story. I don't care this story was told lots of times before the creators have given us someone who everyone can relate too. Lets face it most of us would be an "Ugly Betty" in the world of high fashion. In fact here in the USA the average size woman is a 14!
Models/Actress are like a size 2 at the most! Come on girls eat something!The actress who has the lead caught my attention a few years ago in "Real Women Have Curves" I knew a saw a brand new star! Now as I must point out I am a white male who grew up in Oxnard Ca. I know allot about Mexican Culture and So I am happy that a show that has Hispanic Lady in the lead, its long overdue!
I hope they (The shows creators) will embrace the culture! They are breaking new ground! I know there was "Freddy" last year and "George Lopez" is returning this year but this is the first time I can think of that a Hispanic Lady is "Front and Center". All I can say is that its "About time"! I am glad there is a show on a Major Network.
Girls of all races & size's now have a role model that they can relate too.
I also think the show Will have a long life!
If have not watched an episode give this show a try! If you think this is a show that's a rip-off of the book and movie "The Devil Wears Prada" think again! Watch the show!
"Ugly Betty". Its a show worth watching and skipping "Survivor" and whatever NBC has to offer on Thursday!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

This movie was released in 1989. I saw it back then and I loved it. It was so funny to see that there are no perfect parents!
I happy to see that the movie is getting a special edition treatment for its next DVD release. To me its one of Ron Howards best films and somehow its almost a forgotten classic. I hope we get to see what some of the children are up to. I would also like to see how these children look today!
My favorite parts of this movie was when Diane Wiest was on screen! I knew when I saw this movie she would get an "Academy Award Nomination", and she did.
Nothing has been said on what will be included on the DVD but lets hope for Deleted footage!
I happy to see that the movie is getting a special edition treatment for its next DVD release. To me its one of Ron Howards best films and somehow its almost a forgotten classic. I hope we get to see what some of the children are up to. I would also like to see how these children look today!
My favorite parts of this movie was when Diane Wiest was on screen! I knew when I saw this movie she would get an "Academy Award Nomination", and she did.
Nothing has been said on what will be included on the DVD but lets hope for Deleted footage!
Monday, January 15, 2007
I'm not a fan of this show. I watched the first season. I saw the first 7 episodes and I knew by then the show would never tells us anything! I gave up! From what I heard I haven't missed anything.
Star Jones
Am I the only person that misses her. I liked her. Nobody asked me if she should go. I would of said "HELL NO"
It looks like there is going to be a 4th hour of "The Today Show" which put the 4th hour will compete with "The View" Here is an article from "Daily Variety"
NBC Universal timed its announcement of a fourth hour for “Today” in advance of NATPE, where affils’ reaction will be sought.
DamianoNBC Universal has given a greenlight to a fourth hour of "Today," in a bid to extend one of its most profitable franchises into a time period now dominated by syndicated cooking and talkshows.
The fourth hour is the latest experiment in how far the network can push the "Today" franchise, which celebrated its 55th year last week and has spent 11 years atop the ratings.
NBC notified its affiliated stations late Friday that the net intends to make a fourth hour available to them starting in the fall and plans to unveil it Wednesday at the Television Critics Assn. press tour in Pasadena.
NBC won't announce names on Wednesday, but the net is looking only at internal talent, including expanded roles for third-hour hosts Ann Curry and Al Roker, as well as Campbell Brown and Natalie Morales.
A fourth hour will mean leaning more heavily on White House correspondent David Gregory, a frequent "Today" contributor. "Access Hollywood's" Billy Bush and Maria Menounos also are in the mix.
The network is rushing to make the announcement ahead of any talent decisions to coincide with the National Assn. of Television Program Executives conference in Las Vegas, where stations shop for syndicated programming.
"We ask that you look at the value of an additional hour of 'Today' to your daytime schedule before you commit to any new or extended syndicated product," wrote John Damiano, NBC's exec veep of affiliate relations.
NBC's decision to go ahead with a fourth hour coincides with a dearth of successful syndicated fare available to local stations. NBC Universal recently canceled its syndicated "The Megan Mullally Show," which will go off the air in three weeks.
Carrying a fourth hour of "Today" means turning over an hour of local time to the network -- never an easy decision for a local TV station, which depends on local advertising revenue.
"Most affiliates are generally pleased with the third hour of 'Today,' but there isn't much of an appetite for taking another local hour and making it national," said Marci Burdick, exec VP of broadcast and cable for Schurz Communications and chair of the NBC affiliate board. "They'd have to give us an hour somewhere else."
Canceling the struggling daytime drama "Passions" and shifting that network time to 10 a.m. would make the decision more palatable to affils.
Net has cultivated a different look and feel for the third hour of "Today," and a fourth hour would continue in that vein, competing against a mix of syndicated fare targeted at women such as "Rachael Ray," "The Tyra Banks Show" and "Judge Judy."
Co-host Matt Lauer has expressed concern that a fourth hour would dilute the "Today" brand.
"I have mixed emotions about it, and I've made it fairly clear," he told TV Week. "I understand the strategic reasons for wanting to do it. I still want them to think it's special when 7 o'clock rolls around and that cold open runs and they say, 'This is "Today" on NBC.' "
For the last 20 years, the Peacock has steadily expanded the hours programmed under the "Today" banner. It added a Sunday edition in 1987 and a Saturday in 1992. The third hour was added in 2000 and has seen steady ratings growth.
NBC Universal timed its announcement of a fourth hour for “Today” in advance of NATPE, where affils’ reaction will be sought.
DamianoNBC Universal has given a greenlight to a fourth hour of "Today," in a bid to extend one of its most profitable franchises into a time period now dominated by syndicated cooking and talkshows.
The fourth hour is the latest experiment in how far the network can push the "Today" franchise, which celebrated its 55th year last week and has spent 11 years atop the ratings.
NBC notified its affiliated stations late Friday that the net intends to make a fourth hour available to them starting in the fall and plans to unveil it Wednesday at the Television Critics Assn. press tour in Pasadena.
NBC won't announce names on Wednesday, but the net is looking only at internal talent, including expanded roles for third-hour hosts Ann Curry and Al Roker, as well as Campbell Brown and Natalie Morales.
A fourth hour will mean leaning more heavily on White House correspondent David Gregory, a frequent "Today" contributor. "Access Hollywood's" Billy Bush and Maria Menounos also are in the mix.
The network is rushing to make the announcement ahead of any talent decisions to coincide with the National Assn. of Television Program Executives conference in Las Vegas, where stations shop for syndicated programming.
"We ask that you look at the value of an additional hour of 'Today' to your daytime schedule before you commit to any new or extended syndicated product," wrote John Damiano, NBC's exec veep of affiliate relations.
NBC's decision to go ahead with a fourth hour coincides with a dearth of successful syndicated fare available to local stations. NBC Universal recently canceled its syndicated "The Megan Mullally Show," which will go off the air in three weeks.
Carrying a fourth hour of "Today" means turning over an hour of local time to the network -- never an easy decision for a local TV station, which depends on local advertising revenue.
"Most affiliates are generally pleased with the third hour of 'Today,' but there isn't much of an appetite for taking another local hour and making it national," said Marci Burdick, exec VP of broadcast and cable for Schurz Communications and chair of the NBC affiliate board. "They'd have to give us an hour somewhere else."
Canceling the struggling daytime drama "Passions" and shifting that network time to 10 a.m. would make the decision more palatable to affils.
Net has cultivated a different look and feel for the third hour of "Today," and a fourth hour would continue in that vein, competing against a mix of syndicated fare targeted at women such as "Rachael Ray," "The Tyra Banks Show" and "Judge Judy."
Co-host Matt Lauer has expressed concern that a fourth hour would dilute the "Today" brand.
"I have mixed emotions about it, and I've made it fairly clear," he told TV Week. "I understand the strategic reasons for wanting to do it. I still want them to think it's special when 7 o'clock rolls around and that cold open runs and they say, 'This is "Today" on NBC.' "
For the last 20 years, the Peacock has steadily expanded the hours programmed under the "Today" banner. It added a Sunday edition in 1987 and a Saturday in 1992. The third hour was added in 2000 and has seen steady ratings growth.
Muriel's Wedding
This movie has to be one of the best movies in the last 20 years. If you were not the popular one in school and always felt like a "square peg" then you will love this movie! The movie has a loyal following and the movie gave Toni Collette, and co-star Rachel Griffiths major recension in Hollywood! The director (PJ HOGAN) went on to direct "My Best Friends Wedding".
If you have never seen this movie your missing out! If you have to buy it to see it its worth it!
My favorite part of this movie takes place when the camera pans around a group of girls and well you have to see it.
The movie also features ABBA in the soundtrack!
If you have never seen this movie your missing out! If you have to buy it to see it its worth it!
My favorite part of this movie takes place when the camera pans around a group of girls and well you have to see it.
The movie also features ABBA in the soundtrack!
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Where is Kill Bill The Whole Bloody Affair
Where is Kill Bill The Whole Bloody Affair? Quentin Tarantino promised fans of his 2 "Kill Bill" movies that he was going to have a 4hr cut. Complete with intermission. "Kill Bill" came out in 2003. "Kill Bill Vol 2" was released early 2004.
It has now been 3 years! Come on QT you promised this years ago! I am waiting.
Now this is for poeple who did not know but Quentin Tarantino said upon Kill Bill's release on DVD was that he was working on a long 4hr cut of the movie! People like me have been waiting for this edition! Quentin Tarantino where is this 4hr cut! The USA editions of the DVD'S were almost bare bones! I want my special edition!
boys die copying Saddam hanging : God's way of getting rid of the stupid people
CAIRO, Egypt The boys' deaths — scattered in the United States, in Yemen, in Turkey and elsewhere in seemingly isolated horror — had one thing in common: They hanged themselves after watching televised images of Saddam Hussein' Officials and relatives say the children appeared to be mimicking the former dictator's Dec. 30 hanging, shown both on a sanitized Iraqi government tape and explicit clandestine videos that popped up on Web sites and some TV channels.
The leaked videos, apparently taken by cell phone cameras, set off international outrage over the raucous scene at Saddam's execution, but some experts are more concerned about the images of the deposed Iraqi leader dropping through the gallows floor and his body swinging at the end of a rope.
The experts say such graphic images can severely affect youngsters who do not yet understand the consequences of death and violence — especially because Saddam's death received intense international attention.
"They see how it's done, but they don't think it's horrific, and they're more likely to imitate it," said Hisham Ramy, an associate professor of psychiatry at Ain Shams University in Cairo.
A day after Saddam's execution, a 10-year-old boy in Texas hanged himself from a bunk bed after watching a news report on the execution. Police in the Houston suburb of Webster said the boy, Sergio Pelico, tied a slipknot around his neck while on the bed but had not mean to kill himself.
"I don't think he thought it was real," Julio Gustavo, Sergio's uncle, said afterward. "They showed them putting the noose around his neck and everything. Why show that on TV?"
Something similar occurred in Turkey, where 12-year-old Alisen Akti hanged himself Wednesday from a bunk bed after watching TV footage. His father, Esat Akti, told a newspaper in the southeastern province of Mus that his son had been affected by the televised images.
"After watching Saddam's execution he was constantly asking 'How was Saddam killed?' and 'Did he suffer?'" Akti was quoted as saying. "These television images are responsible for my son's death."
Nine-year-old Mubassahr Ali, from the eastern Pakistan town of Rahim Yar Khan, died hours after Saddam when he also mimicked the ousted leader's execution, local police official
Sultan Ahmed Chaudhry said.
"The ill-fated boy used a long piece of cloth, tied it with a ceiling fan and wrapped its other end around his neck. Then he stood on a chair and fell down," Chaudhry said.
In Yemen, at least two young boys died and another was injured in apparent imitations of Saddam's hanging.
"The ill-fated boy used a long piece of cloth, tied it with a ceiling fan and wrapped its other end around his neck. Then he stood on a chair and fell down," Chaudhry said.
In Yemen, at least two young boys died and another was injured in apparent imitations of Saddam's hanging.
One of the cases involved a 13-year-old junior high school student who hanged himself after watching Saddam's execution on television, a Yemeni security official said.
When the boy's family returned to their home outside the capital, San'a, on Wednesday, they found him hanging from a tree wearing a traditional Arab headdress, said the boy's cousin, Yahya al-Hammadi.
In Saudi Arabia, a 12-year-old boy was found by his brother hanging from an iron door with a rope around his neck, the newspaper Okaz reported. The boy, Sultan Abdullah al-Shemmeri, lived with his family in the province of Hafr al-Baten, near the Iraqi border.
"The child was just 12 years old and didn't really know whether the execution of Saddam was something good or bad," a Saudi Interior Ministry official said Saturday. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the press.
Local media in Algeria and India also have reported other mimicking deaths, but these could not immediately be confirmed.
Ramy, the professor in Egypt, said children are prone to imitating violence they encounter on television, the Internet and movies, but usually they act out against another person. Mimicking a hanging or suicide is unusual, but perhaps in this case it is unsurprising, he said.
Because "some people have said Saddam is a hero and martyr and have glorified his death, this has affected children," Ramy said.
But Jasem Hajia, a child psychologist in Kuwait City, cautioned against placing all the blame on video images. "This is extreme, and I think there were physiological disorders as well with the children," Hajia said.
Several boys die copying Saddam hanging. To me its god's way of getting rid of the stupid people!
Song of the South
I count myself lucky! I have seen this movie! Its fun! I don't know why Disney will not release the movie on DVD! Its a classic. I know African Americans do not like the movie and that's fine! However Disney should release the movie on DVD and give $3 to the NAACP for every DVD sold!
Hollywood Need to rethink those Big Paydays
The movie studios should go back to the way movies were made in the old system. However
Instead of 7 year contract with the talent they can sign someone like Russell Crowe for 3 pictures in 3 years! It wouldn't be an exclusive! They can make another movie or movies elsewhere however no matter where they go there pay check only comes if the movie makes money! For example lets say Russell Crowe has a contract s for FOX.
The contract is for 6m for all 3 pictures. Russell Crowe would get 5% of the gross box office amount but lets say it has a celling of $15m per picture!
This would help keep the cost down! The studios could also do this with directors and writers as well!
The studios could also make more movies because the cost of "the stars" would be limited
No star should make 20m for any movie! Today when a movie fails the stars still get 20m!
To me Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise, & the Julia Roberts should only get a big check if the movie makes money! Does anybody think Tom Cruise deserved $40,000,000 for "Mission Impossible 3".
The movie did not make money for the studio but Tom Cruise made $20,000,000 for starring in it and then 20% of the gross! This is just stupid! In fact after 'Mission Failed" Tom was fired off the Paramount lot! Could you blame then?
If the cost keep going up then were going to see less and less movies! In today's market
movies like "Ordinary People", "Kramer Vs. Kramer", "Tootsie", "Reds", "The Goodbye Girl","Rain-man","Norma Rae","9 to 5", "Moonstruck", "Ghostbusters" would not be made today because the cost for the actors would be too much!
Not to mention most of the above movies would not sell tickets to a 13 year old boy!
any thoughts?
Instead of 7 year contract with the talent they can sign someone like Russell Crowe for 3 pictures in 3 years! It wouldn't be an exclusive! They can make another movie or movies elsewhere however no matter where they go there pay check only comes if the movie makes money! For example lets say Russell Crowe has a contract s for FOX.
The contract is for 6m for all 3 pictures. Russell Crowe would get 5% of the gross box office amount but lets say it has a celling of $15m per picture!
This would help keep the cost down! The studios could also do this with directors and writers as well!
The studios could also make more movies because the cost of "the stars" would be limited
No star should make 20m for any movie! Today when a movie fails the stars still get 20m!
To me Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise, & the Julia Roberts should only get a big check if the movie makes money! Does anybody think Tom Cruise deserved $40,000,000 for "Mission Impossible 3".
The movie did not make money for the studio but Tom Cruise made $20,000,000 for starring in it and then 20% of the gross! This is just stupid! In fact after 'Mission Failed" Tom was fired off the Paramount lot! Could you blame then?
If the cost keep going up then were going to see less and less movies! In today's market
movies like "Ordinary People", "Kramer Vs. Kramer", "Tootsie", "Reds", "The Goodbye Girl","Rain-man","Norma Rae","9 to 5", "Moonstruck", "Ghostbusters" would not be made today because the cost for the actors would be too much!
Not to mention most of the above movies would not sell tickets to a 13 year old boy!
any thoughts?
Hurray for Oprah Winfrey
For some reason people are throwing a fit because she is building a school for girls in Africa. Its her money she can do what she wants with it! I think she will be changing the course of Africa by helping the school children of Africa! They are the future! Some people don't get that!
Oprah knows she doesn't need house's all over the world! She decided she wanted her money to make a lasting change in people lives!
Does anybody know if Oprah is eligible for the "Nobel Peace Prize"?
Wow the 1980's are back! This is a concert I would love to go see! Speaking of the 1980's whatever happened to Michael Jackson's nose from "Thriller?" Did he give it to La Toya?
A Deleted Scenes: The movie?
Okay Movie studios here is a way to make money on movies they already made! This my idea!
You can do a documentary. This would work great for movies that have sequels! For example
Warner Brothers can do a documentary of the "Superman Movies". It would shows us deleted scenes from each movie! To set up the clips they could interview the director or actor that is in the clip. The director also explain why the scene was cut!
I know Warner Brother's just put out a Ultimate Superman Collection on DVD however WB did not include all the deleted footage! "Superman-The Movie" there is over 30 minutes of deleted footage alone! "Superman II" The Lester Edition has 5 scenes that were cut or cut down! The highlight of these cut scenes is where the Villains kill a boy! This again was not included in the DVD edition (however it is on some TV prints). Also even in "Superman Returns" Bryan Singer cut the opening where Superman returned to his home planet! This was also not on the DVD release! Warner Brother's could also do another documentary of "The Batman" &
the "Lethal Weapon Movies.
Universal Studios could do a documentary of the deleted footage from the "JAWS" movies. Again not all deleted footage have been released on DVD!
20th Century Fox a documentary on "The Omen" movies!
Paramount Could do a documentary there movies from the 1980's.
There movies could be "Flashdance", "Top Gun", "Beverly Hills Cop"
"Footloose" and "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"
The idea was done before "That's Entertainment Part III" was a movie about deleted footage from the great MGM Musicals! However there wasn't a huge audience for that
Now while I am on the subject of Deleted footage MGM should release a
Special Edition of "The BirdCage". Nathan Lane had a huge production number that was cut!
The TV prints had some deleted footage but not that number!
MGM could do the deleted footage of the "James Bond Series". In fact they could
have 3 of them.
I am open to any suggestions here.
Do you think this is a good idea?
Journey Back to OZ is a animated sequel to the beloved MGM classic. However there was an animated sequel that was made in 1964 that has the voice talent Liza Minnelli who of course did the voice of Dorothy. The animation isn't the best however it is a fun movie. There is a few songs in it that I say drove me nuts (even when I was a kid) however the movie does have some stand out moments!
Here is a little trivia for you!
The movie was in and out of production starting in 1960. It did not get released until 1974!
I went and saw this movie when I was a kid! I remember my sister and I seeing this! It was playing with the Disney movie "One of Our Dinosaurs is Missing" To this day I still don't remember that movie but I remember "Journey Back to Oz"
Now when this movie premiered on ABC the movie ran short! The movie was padded out by having Bill Cosby do bumpers around the movie! These bumpers are included on the DVD release! The sad thing is that on the DVD they could of included an option to watch the movie with the "Bil Cosby" Segments.
The ABC Presentation was later used in the syndication version! This movie at one time was part of the SFM HOLIDAY NETWORK.
For years the movie was unavailabe on home video! It is now out on DVD. I would order it soon! Movies like this to go out of print fast! In fact 4 or 5 years ago I paid $50 for a used VHS!
I have to admit when I heard there was going to be another "Rocky" movie I had to laugh. In fact I did skip seeing the last two when they were playing on the silver screen.
Don't get me wrong I loved the first "ROCKY". I was 9 when the movie came out and saw it 3 times at the movies!
So I ended up catching both "ROCKY IV" AND "ROCKY V" on Home Video and I thought "Rocky IV" was "silly". "Rocky V" well it had it moments but the big fight at the end was a street fight! Well "ROCKY V" was a bomb! I thought that was the last "ROCKY" movie that was ever going to be made! However the only box office hit Sly has been in since "ROCKY IV" was "CLIFFHANGER" and "Spy Kids 3". And Sly needed a hit so he pressed for and got "ROCKY BALBOA" made!
Sly for years had been trying to get "ROCKY 6" made. I couldn't blame studio heads for saying "no" in fact if I ran the studio I would of said "NO". However the movie did get made and I hate to say it but I will be honest "IT IS THE BEST ROCKY SEQUEL SINCE ROCKY II".
Yes the movie goes by the numbers however every moment in the movie rings true! I love the fact that there bring back key moments from the first Rocky. The movie makes you feel like no matter what anything is possible. Everyone if you loved the first "ROCKY" trust me you will love this as well! Sylvester Stallone wrote and directed. I must say he knows what he is doing!
Don't get me wrong I loved the first "ROCKY". I was 9 when the movie came out and saw it 3 times at the movies!
So I ended up catching both "ROCKY IV" AND "ROCKY V" on Home Video and I thought "Rocky IV" was "silly". "Rocky V" well it had it moments but the big fight at the end was a street fight! Well "ROCKY V" was a bomb! I thought that was the last "ROCKY" movie that was ever going to be made! However the only box office hit Sly has been in since "ROCKY IV" was "CLIFFHANGER" and "Spy Kids 3". And Sly needed a hit so he pressed for and got "ROCKY BALBOA" made!
Sly for years had been trying to get "ROCKY 6" made. I couldn't blame studio heads for saying "no" in fact if I ran the studio I would of said "NO". However the movie did get made and I hate to say it but I will be honest "IT IS THE BEST ROCKY SEQUEL SINCE ROCKY II".
Yes the movie goes by the numbers however every moment in the movie rings true! I love the fact that there bring back key moments from the first Rocky. The movie makes you feel like no matter what anything is possible. Everyone if you loved the first "ROCKY" trust me you will love this as well! Sylvester Stallone wrote and directed. I must say he knows what he is doing!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Kathy Griffin Can I be one of your gays?
Okay Kathy I love you! Your the funniest person on the planet!
I hope if you ever come to the New Orleans or Mississippi Gulf Coat area I could be your gay for the day! I promise to be nice and treat you like a lady! Plus I would love to know what your take is on the "Rosie and Donald feud"
Congratulation's for your TV Show "Kathy Griffin Life on the D-List" being picked up for another season on Bravo! I'll be watching!
Sunset Blvd: The Andrew Lloyd Webber Remake
Rumors have floated for years that this was going to be made into a movie. The play was based on the classic movie starring Gloria Swanson.
If you never saw the Broadway production you did miss out. I saw Glenn Close and she was good! However she replaced Patti Lupone. To me a Broadway musical should cast people with great voices! Buy the original soundtrack with Patti Lupone and then you can decide who was the better Norma!
Nowadays Broadway seems to cast actors that sing! Glenn Close isn't the worse singer in the world however I think the movie should re-cast Patti Lupone as Norma Desmond! When the play premiered in London the production got mixed reviews & she was fired. ALW blamed the production problems on her.
When The play was re-written for the Los Angles production and it got great reviews! Glenn Close was praised for saving the show! ALW failed to give the London Production the re-written version while Patti Lupone was in it! When Betty Buckley took over the role she got the re-written version and great reviews! Patti never had a chance!
I doubt ALW will cast Patti Lupone in anything again! Which is stupid because he would be lucky to get her!
Now the movie is about to be made based on ALW play! Rumors have been going around that the remake is to star Glenn Close. To me that is a huge mistake!
If they want to go with a "NAME" they should cast "Cher" or "Barbra Streisand". It the closes thing they can do to assure a box office hit!
Most gay men over 40 love Patti Lupone, Barbra Streisand & Cher and most would agree that
If there not going to cast "Patti Lupone" then they should cast one of the others!
I would still cast Patti Lupone! Her version of "With One Look" is amazing!
I have herd Glenn Close, Betty Buckley, Barbra Streisand sing (With One Look) and nobody can sell it as well as Patti Lupone! And her acting is just as great as her singing!
If you never saw the Broadway production you did miss out. I saw Glenn Close and she was good! However she replaced Patti Lupone. To me a Broadway musical should cast people with great voices! Buy the original soundtrack with Patti Lupone and then you can decide who was the better Norma!
Nowadays Broadway seems to cast actors that sing! Glenn Close isn't the worse singer in the world however I think the movie should re-cast Patti Lupone as Norma Desmond! When the play premiered in London the production got mixed reviews & she was fired. ALW blamed the production problems on her.
When The play was re-written for the Los Angles production and it got great reviews! Glenn Close was praised for saving the show! ALW failed to give the London Production the re-written version while Patti Lupone was in it! When Betty Buckley took over the role she got the re-written version and great reviews! Patti never had a chance!
I doubt ALW will cast Patti Lupone in anything again! Which is stupid because he would be lucky to get her!
Now the movie is about to be made based on ALW play! Rumors have been going around that the remake is to star Glenn Close. To me that is a huge mistake!
If they want to go with a "NAME" they should cast "Cher" or "Barbra Streisand". It the closes thing they can do to assure a box office hit!
Most gay men over 40 love Patti Lupone, Barbra Streisand & Cher and most would agree that
If there not going to cast "Patti Lupone" then they should cast one of the others!
I would still cast Patti Lupone! Her version of "With One Look" is amazing!
I have herd Glenn Close, Betty Buckley, Barbra Streisand sing (With One Look) and nobody can sell it as well as Patti Lupone! And her acting is just as great as her singing!
Deleted Footage
I don't know about you but I love deleted footage from movies! I love it when they put them on the DVD! My question to you is there deleted footage of one of your favorite movies that hasn't been put out on DVD?
I would love to see deleted or alternate takes from "Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion" & the famous train wreck "I'll Do Anything".
In case you didn't know "I'll Do Anything" started out as a musical (the songs were written by Prince) but before the movie was released they cut out the musical numbers! I would love to see this footage! How about you???
I would love to see deleted or alternate takes from "Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion" & the famous train wreck "I'll Do Anything".
In case you didn't know "I'll Do Anything" started out as a musical (the songs were written by Prince) but before the movie was released they cut out the musical numbers! I would love to see this footage! How about you???
I seem the be the only person that can not get into this show! I saw the season where it came down to Carrie Underwood and Bo Vice (well I think that's his name) but to me its boring! Maybe its because I do not care for today's music!
Also when "American Idol" is on we get to hear about the "Trials and Tribulations of Paula Abdul". I am sorry Paula fans whenever I see her on TV (even if I catch an episode of AI) she seems drunk! Last year on the "Tonight Show" she was slurring her words. I just saw another interview with her on a morning show and again she is slurring her words! She says she is on "medication" Give me a break. I will say this she seems to be on "something"!
Let me know if she seems out of it again this year on "American Idol".
I am willing to bet she will be!
Also when "American Idol" is on we get to hear about the "Trials and Tribulations of Paula Abdul". I am sorry Paula fans whenever I see her on TV (even if I catch an episode of AI) she seems drunk! Last year on the "Tonight Show" she was slurring her words. I just saw another interview with her on a morning show and again she is slurring her words! She says she is on "medication" Give me a break. I will say this she seems to be on "something"!
Let me know if she seems out of it again this year on "American Idol".
I am willing to bet she will be!
Gay Heros: Terry Sweeney
In a few short months from now it will be "ellen's" 10th year anniversary of her coming out! Not just on her TV show but in real life as well! Well TV hasn't been the same since however "Ellen Degeneres" wasn't the first actor to "come out", yes she was the biggest however the first actor on a major TV show that was out to the world was "Terry Sweeney". He was out long before the first episode of the 1985-1986 of SNL aired. In fact this was the year that Lorne Michaels returned to the show as Executive producer after 5 years! This season was a disaster but it had its moments most of them came from Terry Sweeney.
Season 11 of Saturday Night live with Terry Sweeney aired in 1985-1986. Being gay at this moment in history was very Taboo! Nobody was out. Nobody at your office, nobody in your family and no famous faces!
The only gay character TV had was Jody from "Soap" but that show had been off the air for years and was played by a straight actor and future Saturday Night Live Cast member Billy Crystal.
Terry being out at this time is very notable because this was in the Reagan era! In fact a few months before the season premiere of SNL Rock Hudson died of AIDS at it seemed the whole world was blaming gay men for the disease! Everybody heard the "Rock Hudson".
The jokes were told everywhere! (If you lost a friend to AIDS you did not find the jokes funny!)
Terry however was out and talked about it openly and honestly! I am sure he did it because He had knew he had nothing to be ashamed of! He was proud of his life! He was also in a committed relationship and wanted to show the world "A gay man can be happy". He and his life partner Lanier Laney have been together for over 20 years!
Terry was only on the air for 1 season! He might be best known for playing "Nancy Reagan" on the show. This was the first time Terry did anything in drag and he was great! What is sad is that Terry's talent was not used very much that year as a performer!
Unfortunately the season that Terry Sweeney was on the show focused on "Randy Quaid" and for a short time brat packer Anthony Michael Hall! Terry was not used to his abilities! The show suffered because it focused on the "Well Known Cast Members" that year! However they missed the boat with Terry Sweeney! Also on that year "Damon Wayan's". Show you how short sighted Lorene Michaels is!
On the 1985-1986 season the show somehow loved to put Randy Quaid and Anthony Michael Hall in most of the sketches! However both of them were boring to watch &
most of the episodes were awful. They should used Terry or maybe his sketch ideas! But they didn't and show suffered for it! However NBC did renew for the following year!
Before the start of season 12 much of the cast & writing staff were fired! Nora Dunn & Jon Lovitz were the only cast members to return from the previous year!
After Saturday Night Live Terry went on to write screenplays! One movie he wrote was "Shag" another was "Love AT Stake"
Terry the performer however did return! Terry got great reviews for playing Nancy Reagan again in his one man show "Its still my Turn" a take-off of Nancy Reagan's autobiography "Its My Turn" which came out a year before!
Terry Sweeney went on to write for MAD TV and then created the TV show "Hype".
So before everybody starts singing "ellen's praises" lets not forget about Terry Sweeney. Any openly gay person in America owes Terry a "Thank you". He was out before "ellen" made it okay!
Here's to you to Terry and "Thank you"!
Season 11 of Saturday Night live with Terry Sweeney aired in 1985-1986. Being gay at this moment in history was very Taboo! Nobody was out. Nobody at your office, nobody in your family and no famous faces!
The only gay character TV had was Jody from "Soap" but that show had been off the air for years and was played by a straight actor and future Saturday Night Live Cast member Billy Crystal.
Terry being out at this time is very notable because this was in the Reagan era! In fact a few months before the season premiere of SNL Rock Hudson died of AIDS at it seemed the whole world was blaming gay men for the disease! Everybody heard the "Rock Hudson".
The jokes were told everywhere! (If you lost a friend to AIDS you did not find the jokes funny!)
Terry however was out and talked about it openly and honestly! I am sure he did it because He had knew he had nothing to be ashamed of! He was proud of his life! He was also in a committed relationship and wanted to show the world "A gay man can be happy". He and his life partner Lanier Laney have been together for over 20 years!
Terry was only on the air for 1 season! He might be best known for playing "Nancy Reagan" on the show. This was the first time Terry did anything in drag and he was great! What is sad is that Terry's talent was not used very much that year as a performer!
Unfortunately the season that Terry Sweeney was on the show focused on "Randy Quaid" and for a short time brat packer Anthony Michael Hall! Terry was not used to his abilities! The show suffered because it focused on the "Well Known Cast Members" that year! However they missed the boat with Terry Sweeney! Also on that year "Damon Wayan's". Show you how short sighted Lorene Michaels is!
On the 1985-1986 season the show somehow loved to put Randy Quaid and Anthony Michael Hall in most of the sketches! However both of them were boring to watch &
most of the episodes were awful. They should used Terry or maybe his sketch ideas! But they didn't and show suffered for it! However NBC did renew for the following year!
Before the start of season 12 much of the cast & writing staff were fired! Nora Dunn & Jon Lovitz were the only cast members to return from the previous year!
After Saturday Night Live Terry went on to write screenplays! One movie he wrote was "Shag" another was "Love AT Stake"
Terry the performer however did return! Terry got great reviews for playing Nancy Reagan again in his one man show "Its still my Turn" a take-off of Nancy Reagan's autobiography "Its My Turn" which came out a year before!
Terry Sweeney went on to write for MAD TV and then created the TV show "Hype".
So before everybody starts singing "ellen's praises" lets not forget about Terry Sweeney. Any openly gay person in America owes Terry a "Thank you". He was out before "ellen" made it okay!
Here's to you to Terry and "Thank you"!
"30 Rock" has to be the best comedy NBC has put on its schedule in years! This is not your average comedy! Its smart! Coming from NBC its a miracle. The kudos has to go Tina Fey! She created and stars in this show and she is not afraid to do anything! I love the fact she makes fun of almost anything! I was skeptical of this show before it aired (they re-shoot the pilot and got rid of Rachel Dratch ). When I saw the first episode I was hooked!
The premise is simple its a behind the scenes of a "Saturday Night Live" type show! Unlike "Studio 60" (That is also on NBC) its very believable!
Its too bad this show came 2 years after Friends ended! Had this show aired after "Friends" it would be a top 10 show!
Watch the show! You won't be sorry!
The premise is simple its a behind the scenes of a "Saturday Night Live" type show! Unlike "Studio 60" (That is also on NBC) its very believable!
Its too bad this show came 2 years after Friends ended! Had this show aired after "Friends" it would be a top 10 show!
Watch the show! You won't be sorry!
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