In 2008 it will be the 25th anniversary of the motion picture "Yentl". This was Barbra Streisand baby. She wrote, directed sang & Starred in this movie. She was also criticized for it but why? Men had been doing this for years. Maybe they didn't sing but Barbra was racked over the coals in the press. The movie didn't get the best reviews at the time however it did get "2 Thumbs Up" from those 2 famous critics.
Now its time to revisit the movie. Now it is a little long however most of today's movies run over 2 hours and face it most of today's big movies could be shorter in length. (Are listening Peter Jackson)? But back to Barbra.
Now I have to admit I am a huge fan of Barbra and I have no shame to admit it. She is "The Greatest Star" alive today. Now I have just re-watched "
Yentl" and I was not surprised that the movie has held up. Yes it still drags near the end but it still a movie that is well worth watching.
Now what amazes me is that this Major Movie has not been released on DVD. I don't know why. Its a movie that Barbra is proud of and has recorded a commentary for a future DVD release. (She stated this on Oprah 2 or 3 years ago).
Now the movie can be enjoyed even if your not a fan of hers. The movie was well made. The movie is shot beautifully and its breath taking. What is so amazing is that this was a directorial debut. Barbra made a great movie.
What so sad is when "The Motion Picture Academy" ignored everything that Barbra did. It was shut out of most major category's. The only exception was Amy Irving who was nominated for Best Supporting Actress. Now a few years before the Academy showered Robert Redford with Best Director and Best Movie for "Ordinary People". Keven Costner got the same 2 Awards in 1990 for the overrated (& over long ) "Dances With Wolves".
Now "Terms of Endearment" won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 1983. And yes I think the Academy Award was deserved but "
Yentl" deserved to be nominated but was spit on by the Academy!
Barbra has gone on to direct 2 more movies. They were "The Prince of Tides", and "The Mirror has 2 Faces". Barbra was not nominated for best director yet again for "POT" but the movie was nominated for Best Picture. What has been ignored is the fact in the 3 movies that Barbra has directed she has gotten nominations for actors who starred in them. That is something that has never been addressed! Can Keven Costner
claim this? How about Robert Redford? Of course they can't. Barbra can! She has proven she can direct.
Now Barbra if your reading this please use your power and get "Sunset Blvd" made. You can do it! That is a movie that you need to do. You would be the perfect writter/director/star for the project. Barbra you can sing & act. You can also direct.
Now When "Sunset Blvd" goes into pre-production call me. I have a great NEW ending that would work!
Also when "Yentl" gets a DVD release please include the 20/20 episode that followed the production.