I am not one to make predections however I am going to start now. I am predecting that Valkyrie the Tom Cruise move and MAMIA are going to bomb.
This is why I think these movies will be bombs. "Valkyrie " is going to bomb because
1) Tom Cruise can not act,
2) TC has pissed off his female fans when he attack Brooke SHields
1) Based on the play. A movie with just ABBA songs.
2) The story is very weak.
3) Meryl Streep isn't well know for singing.
4) The men in the movie are not known as singers
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008

This is a reprint of story I ran last year.
I have seen the play "Mama Mia" more than once. I thought the movie version of this smash Broadway Show would of been the perfect movie to reunite the whole cast and director of the box office smash "Grease". Yes they most likely would have to beef up one of the male parts for John Travolta but it could of been done.
The female lead of Donna could of been played by Oliva-Newton John. Also I think the movie should of cast Stockard Channing as Donna's best friend! However I will settle for Christine Baranski. The part does have her name written all over it! The person I saw in the play even looked like Christine Baranski.
Now the movie is coming and Meryl Streep is starring. I don't know about this. The movie doesn't need her! The movie needs people who already are known for singing. That is why I would of cast Oliva Newton-John & John Travolta! Stockard Channing would of been great as well! Randal Kleiser should direct it as well. This play is almost a "Grease Sequel" anyway! Not to reunite the cast and director is a shame! I can't picture Meryl Streep singing "Dancing Queen".
Now The director of the movie (MAMA MIA) will be Phyllida Lloyd she has directed the play and this scares me AND HERE IS WHY.
The 2005 version of the musical adaption of "The Producers". It was directed by Susan Stroman who also directed the play! The movie was bad. The actors seem to be still playing the part for the stage! A director should of caught that from day one! Between the casting and director the Chances for a good adaption of "Mama Mia" seem very limited !
Now the play has a very thin storyline! It will be more apparent on the big screen. They will have to do something different for the movie to stand on it own! In case you never seen the play I will let you in on this: After the play is over the cast puts on a mini concert and it was a ball. You can not do this for a movie however and so this has to go!
The only thing I can see them do for a movie is maybe have the cast do a concert type thing. They can then put the concert on one part of the screen and credits on the other side! However don't hold your breath! The movie has disaster written all over it! For once in my life I want to be wrong!
Any thoughts

I saw the play "Mama Mia" 2 times/ It was tons of fun. However the story wasn't great the music was well great. Now because the music from the play is so well known the audience wants to sing along. The producers of the play figured this out fast so at the end of the play there was a mini concert and the audience got to somehow felt they became part of the show. However now that a movie has been made...
The movie is going to have a hard time capturing the spirit of the audience that wants to be part of the show/movie. I have only seen a preview of the movie on you tube and to me it looks like the movie has been OVERBLOWN. The play was simple but it worked. The sets were very minimum. After all the songs were the stars not the play or the actors. The movie has also made the mistake as casting Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan. Neither one of them is known for singing. Also they are on the HOLLYWOOD A-LIST. This is a No No. The makers of the movie have fucked up. The stars of the movie is the songs of ABBA not the Actors.
ALSO because this is a movie and not a play the audience is now going to feel let down because they can not be part of the movie. Now I still think "MAMA MIA" was the perfect movie to reunite the cast and director of "GREASE". I would of also cast Stockard Channing and the rest of the pink ladies.

In 1983 I saw a movie called "Risky Business" it starred Tom Cruise. I was only 16 when I saw the movie and I thought Tom & the movie were both overrated.
Yes Tom in his underwear was a great moment however as a whole I thought the movie was a movie for the teenage boy crowd. Well being a gay teen at the time I thought the movie was stupid. TO THIS DAY I have not watched the movie again.
Now in 1986 everybody was ragging about Tom Cruise yet again in "Top Gun". When I went to see it again all I saw was TC smirking and smiling through a 2 hour long music video. Again another OVERRATED piece of crap.
Now I could go on & on but to me everyone of Tom Cruise's movies are the same. Tom Plays an asshole/sob who learns by the end of the movie to stops being a jerk/asshole/sob.
Well TC in the last few years has self exploded. His blind faith in a CULT has made him a laughing stock. His jumping on Oprah's couch is now a classic "What the Fuck Moment".
Now keep in mind Tom Cruise is a high school drop out. Yet he still calls Matt Lauer on the "Today Show" "GLIB". Tom of course was attacking Brooke Shields for taking meds for having Post Pardon Depression. To me Ms Shields's was saving lives of untold millions of women by coming forward. Now These same women were also Tom Cruise's main audience for his stupid movies. When he attacked Brooke Shields he attack these women as well. ..
His career has suffered since. "Mission Impossible 3" was a disappointment. Paramount Pictures fired him. And his last movie "Lions for Lambs" was a bomb. His image problems has now affected his wife career her movie "Mad Money" was a bomb.
Also Tom did have a gay following. Lots of the gay boys loved his movies ( I didn't). Now there have been rumors about Tom Cruise being gay for years. However I DO NOT THINK HE IS GAY I DO THINK HE IS AN ASSHOLE.
Whenever someone suggested anything about Tom being gay he would sue. To me that is understanding. However he also made millions of gay people hate him because he acted like its the most insulting thing to be labeled as "GAY". Well so what Tom Cruise. If people thought you were a big fat queer. GROW UP TOM. Not everyone is going to think your straight. In fact gay people don't even want you to be gay. Your too weird.
It has been reported that the cult that Tom is a huge part of wants gay people disposed of. Well if that true then maybe that cult is actually a religion after all.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
The Day The Women Got Even on DVD
Do you want the movie? Well I got the DVD and its not recorded off TV.
This is a very hard to find movie. If you live in the United States Its only $9.99 including shipping . E-mail me if you want it. stan39520@yahoo.com
This is a very hard to find movie. If you live in the United States Its only $9.99 including shipping . E-mail me if you want it. stan39520@yahoo.com
Sunday, January 13, 2008

I was a fan of the movie when it was released in 2005. I just survived (if barley) hurricane Katrina and a few months later "RENT" was released theatrically in time for Thanksgiving weekend of the same year. Now I have not seen the play so the only experience I have is the movie. The movie was not a hit. In fact it is considered a bomb however that does not make this a bad movie. The truth is the movie is an excellent adaption of the TONY AWARD winning play.
The movie was criticized for sticking to the Broadway show as much as it did. Well "Hello" that's a good thing. In fact most of the original cast members returned to the roles they created. I am glad there in this movie. Yes they are too old for the roles but push that aside they are GREAT.
I can not imagine any other performers in these roles.
Now when I bought the DVD when it was released in early 2006 and played it daily for about a month. Mostly just to hear the music. Now I just now put it on again and "WATCHED" it. Boy its still a thrill to watch. It has been almost 2 years since I last saw the movie and I must say I feel the same way about the movie. Today it was like watching it again for the first time.
Watching "RENT" is a great movie experience. This is a movie that should Not to be missed. I think the years will be kind to the movie. I think everyday someone is watching the movie and enjoying the emotional journey this movie take you on.
This movie made me mad. I realized how AIDS robbed us of very special people. The movie I think is a great tribute to them. I still get a kick out of "Angel". She is the emotional center of this movie. Now Quick can name the best picture winner of 2005? I can't. But I know RENT to me will always be the Best Picture of 2005.
Monday, January 07, 2008
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
The Disappearance of Aimee Semple Mc Pherson DVD

Faye Dunaway & Bette Davis star in this motion picture about the famous Aimee Semple McPherson who disappeared for six weeks. When she surfaced, she claimed that she had been kidnapped and held prisoner in Mexico. Others claimed that she was off carrying on an affair with a married man. This movie dramatizes the court hearing held to determine exactly what happened. I have this on dvd. If you like it let me know.
Irreconcilable Differences DVD Drew Barrymore

RYAN O'NEAL, SHELLY LONG, DREW BARRYMORE & SHARON STONE star in this movie from 1984. I always loved this movie from the time I first saw it when I worked at movie theatre. Time has been kind to the movie and the movie now more then ever speaks volumes.
I have this on DVD. Picture and sound are very good. If you want it let me know. Stan39520@yahoo.com Its only $8.00
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
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