Saturday, September 26, 2009


If your not gay you won't get it. If your gay you will. Everyday gay Americans deal with so much crap that you straight people will never understand or get.

Right now I am in New Orleans. Its okay here but just like anywhere else once you leave your home you have to deal with so much anti-gay bullshit. Co-workers who don't like you because yor gay. You hear someone say a gay joke. You hear someone say to someone "your gay.. that's gay"... "stupid fag" ... " On & On.

Now I also am tired of people saying Stan I support you but not gay marriage. Well "FUCK YOU". Married people get 1000's of tax breaks that gay couples don't. If I can't have a marriage then give me a civil union with the same tax breaks as a marriage has. Gay people want equal rights not special rights! By not supporting gay marriage then you don't support me. If you think about it straight people can get married but not gay people! So straight people have special rights already. End of story.

I have stated before that I have family members that say they "I DO NOT SUPPORT GAY MARRIAGE but they support me". I am sick of that. Do you know how stupid that sounds. If they did support me then they would support gay marriage. If I sound pissed good I am!

Christmas is less then 3 months. For some reason I don't think I will see my family. I doubt most of them will miss me anyway because I won't miss them.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Gay Marriage

Why are people against it? Now don't bring God and The Bible into this! The Bible is full of more shit then a cop & a politician.