In 1954 Warner Brothers released "A Star is Born". 300 prints were made. At first the film was 3 hours. After 2 weeks Warner brothers re-called the prints and 30 minutes were cutt out of it and thrown away. Some footsge was rumored to have survived. In 1983 Ronald Haver restored as much as could.
In the last year or so I have recieved e-mails from people that have claimed to have seen the long version of "A Star is Born". One person told me he saw it at so and so's house and was trying to figure out how to steal it from him. Later on the same person changed his story.
Another person told me that he knows a collector who has a long print and one more even said there was a collector who had 3 prints of the film. I hope there right.
Now do I think there is a complete print of the film or the cut footage somewhere in the USA? I willl have to "YES". However a person might not know they have it.
Now what makes ASIB special is that Warner Brothers does have the complete 3 hour soundtrack. when Ronald Haver did restore he had to use production stills for about 7 minutes of the film. Some people hate it but they would hate film anyway if it had the footage.
Since WB does have the "Sound" foir the missing footage they should re-shoot the scenes that are missing and use body doubles or some sort of CGI Magic. Eithier way we would still get the original voices of the cast. The cost would be minimum and the film at last would be fully restored.
In the last year or so I have recieved e-mails from people that have claimed to have seen the long version of "A Star is Born". One person told me he saw it at so and so's house and was trying to figure out how to steal it from him. Later on the same person changed his story.
Another person told me that he knows a collector who has a long print and one more even said there was a collector who had 3 prints of the film. I hope there right.
Now do I think there is a complete print of the film or the cut footage somewhere in the USA? I willl have to "YES". However a person might not know they have it.
Now what makes ASIB special is that Warner Brothers does have the complete 3 hour soundtrack. when Ronald Haver did restore he had to use production stills for about 7 minutes of the film. Some people hate it but they would hate film anyway if it had the footage.
Since WB does have the "Sound" foir the missing footage they should re-shoot the scenes that are missing and use body doubles or some sort of CGI Magic. Eithier way we would still get the original voices of the cast. The cost would be minimum and the film at last would be fully restored.