I normally don't like male singers. I much rather hear hear a woman. This year however I discovered a song that just blew me away.
When I was kid we had the Christmas Records that were from GRANTS DEPARTMENT STORE.
This is volume 3, Now I don't remember listening to "Three Wise Men" when I was a kid but I remember most of the other songs. (This was however over 30 years ago). Now Grants went out of business in the 1970's and this record was never released on CD.
Now this year I found a web page that sold the GRANTS record collection. There was a total of 8. I had to buy this set, When I got the set I put it on my CD player and listening to this music brought back many wonderful memories.
Upon listening to the song "Three Wise Men" I was blown away. I was moved. I wanted to see who sang it. I saw that it was Jim Nabors. The song was wonderfully produced. I must of listened to it 4 times in a row, I hope everyone will listen to it on the link I have below! I can't wait for Christmas time again! That way I can listen to this again and again.