This is not a sequel to "Sunset Blvd" however "Fedora" reunits the director of "Sunset Blvd" (Billy Wilder) and star William Holden.
A Hollywood legend is being seeked out by a down and out film producer who needs "Fedora" in order to get his film made. However "Fedora" is now reclusive. She walked off of her last film. She is now a shadow of her former self however a producer is bound and detrimen to get her back in front of the cameras. When in pursuit of "Fedora" he stumbles upon one thing after another.
This film is well worth watching! Seek it out!
A Hollywood legend is being seeked out by a down and out film producer who needs "Fedora" in order to get his film made. However "Fedora" is now reclusive. She walked off of her last film. She is now a shadow of her former self however a producer is bound and detrimen to get her back in front of the cameras. When in pursuit of "Fedora" he stumbles upon one thing after another.
This film is well worth watching! Seek it out!