Saturday, July 20, 2019

Why I watch Christmas Movies Most of the year

Life is hard.  Watching the news is a chore.  There is so much negativity in the world that at times its hard too take.

Now to live a happier life I have limited my intake on the news.  I did have CNN on almost 24/7.  In 2014 I had an awakening.  See in the summer of 2014 I was stressed out.  Both my husband and dad were fighting cancer.  It was awful.  This was also an election year.  All the adds were negative political adds.   Flipping through the channels I realized there was nothing "Happy" on then Christmas popped into my mind.  I had several "Christmas Movies" that I never seen so in August 2014 I started watching them.

These films lifted my spirit.  Had I not set out on this quest for happiness I would of never discovered such gems.  I love the films "The Christmas Card" & "The Mistle-Tones".  Another great film is "The Christmas Ornament".  I also loved the original "Christmas in Connecticut" and "It Happened on 5th Avenue".  The film "The Great Rupert" is also a joy.

By watching these films I carry "Christmas with me all year".  Now I don't watch them everyday until August. Today I am closing on on 600 Christmas movies and Tv Specials".  Funny thing is I have just scratched the surface. 

Now watching Christmas movies is one thing but watching an old Variety Christmas Specials has been just as wonderful.  I discovered "Perry Como".  I love his cover of  "Toyland".

Now I need more than ever to start watching these movies again to lift my spirits.  My dad now has "Throat Cancer" and I am just heartbroken.  Movies will not make my dad better but these films offer an escape.  They also end with hope.  I need hope in my life.  I need faith.  I love that these films are available. I have recorded all of them and have them on DVD's.  So instead of Valium I put on a Hallmark film.