Karen Carpenter, Richard Carpenter, John Travolta, Richard Gere, William Peterson , Jim Jones Kristy McNichol , Jodie Foster, Robert Downey Jr, Leonardo DiCaprio, Zac Efron, & Ricky Martin
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
The Mormon Church is a church of hate

Come on Mormons. You spent $30,000,000 to defeat gay marriage in California. So since your into politics now I say THIS COUNTRY SHOULD TAKE AWAY YOUR TAX EXEMPT STATUS.
The next time my Mormon Neighbor children are selling anything I am turning them down. The money they make goes to the church!
Now for all you Mormon men I just want all of you to know that there are gay Mormons! I sold Gay Movies to your Men in Compound.
Thomas Beatie The Pregnant Man

I understand why this man did not take out his female organs.. He was born a she but is now a he. Now he wanted a child and he was able to do it. Now as for people harassing him they are jerks. Leave him and his family. What did he do to you? Does his family effect your income? Chances are it doesn't.
This new type of family is not hurting you. The death threats are sad. This just goes to prove that people in this country love to bully people.
I wish Thomas Beatie and his family a lifetime of happiness.
Defending Agnes Carpenter mother of Karen and Richard Carpenter

I want to disclose that I have never met Mrs Carpenter. I have never met Richard Carpenter. The only impression I have of Mrs Carpenter is from the 1989 TV-Movie. Now the role was played by Louise Fletcher, and Louise she was great. Now 20 years later however I think the movie was not kind to Agnes Carpenter.
The movie showed her as almost unloving. The scene that most people remember from the movie is in which Karen was getting help for her eating disorder Mrs Carpenter thought "it was ridiculous that she and her family flew 2000 miles just to tell Karen that she loved her". The scene made her look like she had no love at all for her daughter. However most people forget that maybe the scene most likely never happened. It was after all a movie based on the Carpenter's and not a documentary.
Now what I want to get across is that mother & daughter relationships have lots of bumps in the road. The Carpenter women I am sure were no different.
Note that Mrs Carpenter grew up and was married before the women right movement cam about. She was a product of her time and I think she was the best parent that she could of been.
Please remember that when you see the Karen Carpenter Story and the scene pops up when Mrs Carpenter refuses to say "I love You". If that scene is true this is why I think she didn't.
*For Years she and the family were trying to get Karen to eat. Karen had anorexia and when Karen had it hardly anybody at that time have ever herd any Tye of eating disorders. By the time Karen was getting help Mrs Carpenter had been trying to help Karen for years to eat. So she was feed up. You don't try to help for year unless you do love them.
*Mrs Carpenter loved Karen very much. She was very supportive of her. She did buy KAren all of those band instruments including drums when at the time she was against a girl playing the drums.
*When Karen and Richard were performing (before they were famous) who took them to those events? Well it was Agnes Carpenter.
*Mrs Carpenter was shown as being mad when Karen wanted to move away from home at age 24. Well did you go to think that Mrs Carpenter didn't want Karen or Richard to fall prey to bad influences? By wanting them to stay home she wanted them to still have a moral compass. Gee that sounds like Love to me.
*Mrs Carpenter was shown in the movie of not caring about her daughters success. That might be true but I think she wanted to show her now grown children that she loved them for them. not because they were now rich and famous.
* Mrs Carpenter was the best mother she could be. I am sure Karen was trying to be the best daughter she could be.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Ana Ortiz Should Win A Golden Globe

Ugly Betty is a very enjoyable show. To me its MUST SEE TV. I love Hilda. The reason is because of the Actress who plays her which is Ana Ortiz. If she wasn't great the part of Hilda would of been stupid. She brings HILDA such depth that her appearance steals the spotlight away from the shows star America Ferrera.
If you caught the episode that aired on November 20th you would understand when I say Ana hit the bulls eye in that episode. In this episode she sits down with her son and has the biggest heart warming scene. Would could of been laughable became the best episode the shows has ever done.
If your not a fan of the show or have never watched it Ana plays Hilda Suarez a single mother to a teenage son who may be gay. The show has only hinted at this but that doesn't matter. What does matter is that Ana's plays her character with such believable conviction that she makes the shows family scenes almost instant classics.
The "GOLDEN GLOBES NOMINATIONS" are coming in December. The Screen Actors Guild Awards Nominations are coming in January. I hope Ana doesn't get over looked. She deserves to be nominated however she should win.
This blog has no pull with Hollywood but I hope this story does gain some traction!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I love "Beauty and The Beast". Disney Re-Issue the Movie in 2001 with New Footage. I must say I thought the new musical number (which was included in the Broadway Musical) was cute. The number was bouncy and it was a nice edition. However Disney is tinkering again with the movie.
Disney is going to re-issue the movie again but this time they are going to redo the movie in 3D. I have nothing against 3D. I love 3D I just think this is the wrong movie to re-issue in the 3d format.
I think Disney should re-issue "Aladdin" in that format. "Aladdin" lends itself more to the 3d format. Its an adventure story. "Beauty" is a love story.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
This is a list of business and individuals who supported Prop 8 in California.
We present the Californians Against Hate Dishonor Roll. We want the country to know who gave the $36 million to the Yes on Proposition 8 campaign that ended same-sex marriage in California. We have posted all major donors on our web site who gave $5000.00 and more, many much more! We've taken public information from the California Secretary of State’s Office and added telephone numbers and web sites when available. We also included commentary on some of the more interesting and controversial donors. Individuals and businesses gave a vast amount of money to take away our equality, and we want you to know who they are.
Knights of Columbus, New Haven, CTHeadquarters: 1 Columbus Plaza, New Haven, CT 06510 • Tel: 203.752.4000 • Web: www.kofc.org/un/index.cfmCalifornia: 15808 Arrow Blvd, Suite A, Fontana, CA 92335 • Tel: 909.434.0460 • Web: http://www.kofc-california.org/$1,425,000Knights of Columbus (Headquarters) gave: $250,000 on 2/4/08, $1,000,000 on 8/15/08 and $150,000 on 10/21/08Knights of Columbus (California) gave: $25,000 on 4/18/08
Headquartered in New Haven, CT, the Knights of Columbus has 1.7 million members and is required to provide life insurance to its members. Founded in 1882, it acts as the political arm of the Catholic Church. It has given millions of dollars to fight stem cell research initiatives and to fund constitutional amendments to ban same-sex marriage across the United States. The Knights of Columbus is chartered as a fraternal benefit society, and is set up as a 501(c)8 corporation.
Howard Ahmanson, Jr., Irvine, CAP.O. Box 19061, Irvine, CA 92623-9061$1,395,000Howard "Howie" Ahmanson, Jr.'s company Fieldstead & Co. gave: $100,000 on 2/22/08, $200,000 on 2/29/08, $100,000 on 3/24/08, $100,000 on 8/26/08, $100,000 on 8/28/08, $300,000 on 9/25/08, $95,000 on 10/18/08, $250,000 on 10/27/08 and $150,000 on 10/22/08.
Fieldstead & Co. is a company owned by the heir of the Home Savings & Loan fortune, Howard "Howie" Ahmanson, Jr. Ahmanson is a major contributor to numerous far right religious political causes. His past association with R.J. Rushdoony’s controversial Christian Reconstructionist movement was an early influence on Ahmanson’s political viewpoint. Ahmanson has stated that his “goal is the total integration of biblical law into our lives.”
Referring to his close friend Rashdoony, Ahmanson is reported to have “never supported his mentor’s calls for the death penalty for homosexuals,” rather, as the Orange County Register reported many years later in 2004, “he stops just short of condemning the idea”, saying that he “no longer consider[s] [it] essential” to stone people who are deemed to have committed certain immoral acts. Ahmanson and his wife Roberta completed a four part interview with the Orange County Register in 2004 in an attempt to clarify the rumors that swirled around them. Ahmanson has connections with three other major donors on this list: Roland Hinz, Robert Hurtt and Edward Atsinger III, who have pooled their money to support like-minded candidates and causes through the Capitol Commonwealth Group (CCG) and Allied Business PAC. They spent more than $3,600,000 back in the 1992 election cycle alone. [1]
John Templeton/Josephine Templeton, Bryn Mawr, PA300 Conshohocken State Road, Suite 500, West Conshohocken, PA 19428 • Tel: 610.941.2828 • Web: http://www.templeton.org/ and http://www.letfreedomringusa.com/$1,100,000John Templeton, Chairman and President of the John Templeton Foundation, gave: $450,000 on 8/19 (to NOM), $450,000 on 8/19 (to Protect Marriage), $100,000 on 10/8/08 and $100,000 on 10/29/08.
John Templeton, Jr. is the son of the late John Marks Templeton. John, Sr. was born in Winchester, Tennessee in 1912, and made his fortune through the Templeton Funds that he started and later sold in 1992 to Franklin Group for $440 million. John, Jr. is now the President of the John Templeton Foundation which has nearly $1.5 billion in assets, and gave away $70 million in grants in 2007. The Foundation funds research into “life’s biggest questions,” including science, religion, ultimate reality and wisdom.
John Templeton, Jr. founded and is Chairman of 'Let Freedom Ring, Inc.' (http://www.letfreedomringusa.com/), a far right think-tank that he set up in 2004 with a $1 million donation. [14] He is a member of the Cradle of Liberty Council of the Boy Scouts of America, which made news when they were forced to leave their Philadelphia headquarters due to a conflict between Philadelphia’s non-discrimination policy, and that of the Boy Scouts, which allows discrimination of gays. Legal proceedings continue on the case. [12] [13]
National Organization for Marriage, Princeton, NJ20 Nassau Street, Suite 242, Princeton, NJ 08542 • Tel: 609.688.0450 • Web: http://www.nomcalifornia.org/site/c.htJSJaMQIuE/b.3958623/ and http://www.nationformarriage.org$1,041,134.90/
The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) gave: $225,000 on 1/22/08, $38,132.50 on 2/1/08, $47,402.25 on 2/18/08, $172,500 on 2/21/08, $108,000 on 2/22/08, $105,000 on 3/7/08, $50,000 on 4/14/08, $25,000 on 4/18/08, $25,000 on 4/18/08, $100,100 on 4/24/08, $25,000 on 4/25/08, $20,000 on 7/30/08 and $100,000 on 10/21/08.
The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) is headed by syndicated columnist Maggie Gallagher, President and Brian Brown, Executive Director. Gallagher has worked for several other organizations before founding NOM. She is best known for being in the center of a (George W.) Bush Administration scandal. She had a $21,500 contract with the Health and Human Services Department in 2002 to help promote the administration’s $300 million “healthy marriage” initiative, but did not disclose her contract and was using her column to promote the program. Gallagher attempted to withhold this information until she finally admitted the conflict four years later. [2]
Due to its sizeable early financial support of ProtectMarriage.com, NOM is chiefly responsible for the qualification of Proposition 8. Their funds made it possible to hire the signature gathering firm of Bader and Associates. Bader then was able to hire hundreds of professional petition circulators to collect the necessary signatures to qualify Proposition 8 for the November ballot. The Protect Marriage Campaign spent $1,227,263 with the Bader organization alone between January and June of 2008.
Terry Caster & Family, San Diego, CAA-1 Self Storage–4607 Mission Gorge Place, San Diego, CA 92120 • Tel: 800.219.4854 • Web: http://www.a1storage.com/ and http://www.castergrp.com/ and http://www.servinghands.com/$693,000The Caster Family has given: Terry Caster–$100,000 on 1/5/08, $62,500 on 2/5/08 and $10,000 on 3/27/08; Barbara Caster–$9,100 on 4/10/08; Brian Caster–$10,000 on 1/28/08, $9,100 on 4/10/08 and $10,000 on 7/8/08; Candice Caster–$9,100 on 4/10/08; Cha Cha Caster–$9,100 on 4/10/08; Christina Caster–$9,100 on 4/10/08; Craig Caster–$9,100 on 4/10/08; Gary Davidson–$9,100 on 4/10/08; Justin Caster–$9,100 on 4/10/08; Kenneth Kremensky–$9,100 on 4/10/08; Mechele Kremensky–$9,100 on 4/10/08; Nick Caster–$9,100 on 4/10/08; Caster Family Trust–$400,000 on 10/30/08
The Caster Family owns A-1 Self Storage, with 40 locations throughout California. Terry Caster is quoted in the San Diego Union Tribune as saying “without solid marriage you are going to have a sick society.” Son Craig Caster is the Founder/Pastor of Family Discipleship Ministries in San Diego (http://familydiscipleshipmin.com/). The Caster family has donated more to Proposition 8 than any other family in San Diego.
Robert Hurtt, Orange, CAContainer Supply Company–PO Box 5367, Garden Grove, CA 92846-0367 • Tel: 714.892.8321 • Web: http://www.containersupplycompany.com/$550,000Robert Hurtt, President of Container Supply, gave: $25,000 on 4/18/08, $25,000 on 7/22/08 (from Container Supply), $250,000 on 9/5/08 and $250,000 on 10/17/08.
Former California State Senator Rob Hurtt owns Container Supply Company in Garden Grove. Hurtt had a quick rise to power when he spent $300,000 of his own money to win an Orange County State Senate seat in 1994. Hurt went on to overthrow the Republican leader Ken Maddy in 1995, and become the Minority leader. He was defeated 3 years later in 1998 by Democrat Joe Dunn.
Focus On the Family, Colorado Springs, CO8605 Explorer Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920 • Tel: 800.232.6459 • Web: http://www.focusonthefamily.com/$539,643.66*Focus on the Family gave: $50,000 on 12/4/07, $22,259.46 on 1/22/08, $10,834 on 1/28/08, $50,000 on 4/7/08, $250,000 on 6/13/08, $20,000 on 7/24/08, $9,152.63 on 7/29/08, $1,669.37 on 8/6/08, $21,402 on 9/4/08, $4,306.83 on 9/4/08, $1,739.37 on 9/15/08 and $100,000 on 10/28/08.
Founded in 1977 by Dr. James Dobson, Focus on the Family is the most powerful evangelical ministry in the country. Focus on the Family is located in Colorado Springs, CO and is now run day-to-day by President & CEO, Jim Daly, but James Dobson is still the face and voice of Focus on the Family. Their 2005 budget was $129 million and they have 1,300 employees. They advocate creationism and have called same-sex marriage “the most radical human experiment.”
One of James Dobson’s more famous quotes: "Communities do not let prostitutes, pedophiles, voyeurs, adulterers, and those who sexually prefer animals to publicly celebrate their lifestyles, so why should homosexuals get such privileges?" Dobson receives lucrative royalties from the many books that he writes.
*Contributions to this organization also appear separately on this report.
American Family Association, Tupelo, MSP.O. Drawer 2440, 107 Parkgate, Tupelo, MS 38803-2440 • Tel: 662.844.5036 • Web: http://www.afa.net/$500,000 on 7/22/08
The American Family Association (AFA) of Tupelo, Mississippi was founded in 1977 by Donald E. Wildmon. He serves as Chairman and his son Tim is President. According to its web site, “AFA exists to motivate and equip citizens to change the culture to reflect Biblical truth and traditional values.” They are established as a 501(c)(3) Corporation and according to their IRS Form 990 for 2007, brought in $22.5 million. AFA owns over 180 American Family Radio stations in 28 states across the country. [3] AFA has led several national boycotts against companies such as Walt Disney (1996–2005) http://www.afa.net/disney/ Ford (2005) http://www.boycottford.com/ and just launched a boycott against McDonalds Corporation http://californiansagainsthate.com/www.boycottmcdonalds.com all due to their support of fairness and equality for gays and lesbians. AFA is currently targeting the Hallmark Card Company because it began selling a same-sex wedding cards.
Claire Reiss, La Jolla, CAReisung Enterprises $500,000 on 10/30/08
Elsa Prince, Holland, MIEdgar & Elsa Prince Foundation–190 River Ave, Suite 300, Holland, MI 49423 • Web: http://www.frc.org/$450,000Elsa Prince gave: $200,000 on 8/8/08 and $250,000 on 8/14/08
Elsa Prince of Holland, Michigan is a board member of James Dobson’s Focus on the Family and their lobbying operation, the Family Research Council (FRC). Her late husband, Edgar, founded Prince Automotive and invented the lighted sun visor mirror which made them billionaires. Prince Automotive was later bought out by Johnson Controls. Edgar Prince was instrumental in creating the FRC and upon his death, Elsa Prince provided the money to build their new headquarters in Washington D.C. [8] At Edgar’s funeral, he was eulogized by James Dobson and Gary Bauer.
Prince’s son Erik serves as Vice President of the Edgar & Elsa Prince Foundation, but is best-known as co-founder and CEO of Blackwater Worldwide http://www.blackwaterusa.com/ the highly controversial private security company with federal contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan worth a reported $500 million/year. The Princes have a sprawling ranch in Cody, Wyoming not far from Vice President Dick Cheney’s principal residence in Jackson, WY. Over the years, Blackwater has been represented by high-profile lawyer Ken Starr. [9]
The Edgar & Elsa Prince Foundation is a major donor to the Alliance Defense Fund, whose other major donors include Prince’s daughter and son-in-law, Richard and Betsy DeVos (Richard is the son of the Co-founder of Amway) and the Bolthouse Foundation, whose founder, William Bolthouse, also appears on this list. [10]
Concerned Women for America, Washington, DC1015 Fifteenth Street NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20005 • Tel: 202.488.7000 • Web: http://www.cwfa.org/$409,000 on 9/26/08
Concerned Women for America was founded in 1979 by Christian Beverly LaHaye, wife of Christian Coalition co-founder Timothy LaHaye. The organization is a conservative Christian political action group that focuses on six “core issues”, which they view as Biblically-based. LaHaye was quoted in a 1987 interview with Ms. Magazine, “Yes, religion and politics do mix. America is a nation based on biblical principles. Christian values dominate our government. The test of those values is the Bible. Politicians who do not use the Bible to guide their public and private lives do not beling in office.” [21]
Hartford Holdings, LLC, Provo, UT$300,000 on 10/31/08
John Dalton, Yorba Linda, CAJ & L Consulting, Inc. $250,000 on 10/27/08
David Moon, Alpine, UTEsnet, Ltd.$200,000 on 10/28/08
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC$200,000 on 10/27/08
The Vineyard Group, LLC, Mesa/Queen Creek, AZ1223 S. Clearview Ave., Mesa, AZ 85209 • Tel: 480.222.5800$160,000The Vineyard Group gave: $25,000 on 6/23/08, $35,000 on 7/15/08 and $100,000 on 10/29/08.
The Vineyard Group is part of Cardon Hiatt Bowden, a real estate and investment company based in Mesa, AZ. Principals include Elijah and Craig Cardon, Broc Hiatt and Brent Bowden, many of whom were big financial backers of Mitt Romney for President. Broc Hiatt is a Director of the New York based Institute for American Values, where NOM founder Maggie Gallagher is an Affiliate Scholar.
Dorothy Nielson, La Verne, CA$150,000Dorothy Nielson, a retiree of La Verne, CA gave: $150,000 on 8/8/08
Doug Manchester, San Diego, CAManchester Financial Group–One Market Place, 33rd Floor, San Diego, CA 92101 • Tel: 619.231.3800 • Web: http://www.mresorts.com/$125,000Doug Manchester, Chairman of Manchester Financial Group, LLC, gave: $125,000 on 1/22/08
Among Doug Manchester’s many holdings are The Manchester Grand Hyatt and the 1 year old Grand del Mar Hotel, both in San Diego. His $125,000 early contribution to qualify Proposition 8 is now possibly the most famous political contribution in America. When it became public on March, 15th there were cries for a boycott of his hotels. Californians Against Hate along with Unite Here, Local 30 and many other gay and lesbian leaders officially called for a boycott of Doug Manchester’s hotels on July 18, 2008. http://www.boycottmanchesterhotels.com/. The boycott has been highly successful, resulting in several conventions and meetings being cancelled and moved to competing locations.
Pacific Shores Masonry, Corona, CAStephen Lang is owner of Pacific Shores Masonry. [11]–1369 Walker Ln., Corona, CA 92879 • Tel: 951.371.8550$125,000 on 8/13/08
Mike Murray, Redmond, WACrystal Springs Foundation $100,000 on 10/27/08
Michele Adams Watterson, Cache, UTWatermark Investments, LC $100,000 on 10/29/08
Roger Bayer, SCC, UTThe Byron Company $100,000 on 10/27/08
Katharine Garff, Bountiful, UT$100,000 on 10/29/08
Belinda Vandersloot, Idaho Falls, ID$100,000 on 10/28/08
Matthew S. Wheelwright, Bakersfield, CAWheelwright Consulting, Consultant$100,000 on 9/11/08
Joseph Moran, Los Altos, CARetired$100,000 on 9/24/08
ECCU, Brea, CA$100,000 on 9/23/08
Kelvin H. Moss, Granite Bay, CAKH Moss Company, Investor$100,000 on 9/10/08
William Bolthouse, Bakersfield, CAThe Bolthouse Foundation–2000 Oak Street, Suite 200, Bakersfield, CA 93301-3058 • Tel: 661.334.1915 • Web: http://www.thebolthousefoundation.org/$100,000 on 4/3/08
William Bolthouse, Jr. and his wife created the Bolthouse Foundation "to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by supporting charitable and religious organizations whose ministry, goals, and operating principles are consistent with evangelical Christianity as described in The Bolthouse Foundation Statement of Faith. [17] He was made wealthy through his family business, Bolthouse Farms, the 2nd largest producer of carrots in the world. He helped expand the business into beverages and salad dressings, and in 2005 sold 72% of the business to Madison Dearborn Partners, a Chicago-based private equity firm. 28% of Bolthouse Farms is now owned by Bolthouse's daughter and son-in-law, Andre Radandt, who is the company's Chairman. Bolthouse Farms recently took significant steps to demonstrate that it is committed to diversity, including those in the LGBT community. They recently extended medical benefits to same sex partners of employees, and have given generously to several national and California LGBT organizations.
Donald G. Laws, Laguna Beach, CAN. American Health Care, 3 Monarch Bay Plaza, Suite 203, Dana Point, CA 92629 • Tel: 949.240.2423 • Web: http://www.nahci.com/$100,000Donald G. Laws, Director with North American Health Care Inc, gave: $100,000 on 8/13/08
North American Health Care, Inc. contracts on a formal and informal basis with health care providers in the Western United States. It owns nursing homes and long term health care facilities.
Steve Samuelian, Laguna Beach, CAGenerations Health Care Corporate Office–20371 Irvine Ave, Suite 210, Santa Ana Heights, CA 92707 • Tel: 724.241.5600 • Web: http://www.lifegen.net/GHCPublic/index.htm$100,000Stephen Samuelian, owner of Generations Health Care [15], gave: $100,000 on 8/20/08
Generations Health Care owns and operates nursing homes and long term health care facilities. Samuelian, a Mormon Bishop in Laguna Beach, CA, has also been involved in two court cases, one in which he was accused of fraudulently taking funds from Covenant Care, a home nursing company, and using them to build his Laguna Beach home. The case was settled for an undisclosed amount in January 1999. [20] His political donations include support of Mitt Romney for President in 2007.
Armour Properties CV, LLC, Newport Beach, CA20320 Southwest Birch St, Newport Beach, CA 92660-1787 • Tel: 949.757.0505$75,000Armour Properties CV, LLC gave: $75,000 on 8/30/08; Jeffrey Armour also gave $20,000 in 1996 to Americans United to Preserve Marriage 527, in Virginia. [19]
Larry Smith, Newport Beach, CAM H I Real Company–1601 Dove St., Newport Beach, CA 92660 • Tel: 949.955.1191$67,000Larry Smith, an Executive with M H I Real Co. in Newport Beach, CA gave: $25,000 on 4/24/08 and $42,000 on 7/25/08
MHI Real Co is a crude oil mining production/investment company.
Richard P. Spencer, Big Sur, CADick Spencer & Associates, Investments$60,000 on 9/19/08
Alejandro J. Martinez, Capistrano Beach, CASelf Employed/Consultant$50,000Alejandro Martinez gave: $9,999 on 8/20/08 and $40,001 on 9/10/08
Don R. Flora, Laguna Niguel, CAAlphadon, Accounting$50,000 on 9/8/08
Judy Galorath, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA$50,000 on 9/8/08
S. Lee Ross, Glendale, CAAmerican Energy Corporation, CEO$50,000 on 9/10/08
Loretta R. Allred, Atherton, CAAllerd Investors$50,000 on 9/19/08
Wilde Investments SC, LLC, San Carlos, CA$50,000 on 9/18/08
Peter Ochs, Corona del Mar, CAThe Fieldstone Corporation, Chairman$50,000 on 9/10/08
Dale Brown, Midland, TXPetroleum Strategies–303 W. Wall St., Suite 1500, Midland, Texas 79701 • Tel: 432.682.0292 • Web: http://www.petroleumstrategies.com/ and http://www.legacylp.com/$50,000Dale Brown, President of Petroleum Strategies gave: $50,000 on 8/4/08
Dale Brown is President of Petroleum Strategies; a Texas based Qualified Intermediary for tax-deferred, like-kind exchanges. Brown is also on the Board of Legacy Reserves LP, a publicly traded oil company (NASDAQ: LGCY) where his son Cory is the CEO and Chairman of the Board. Dale Brown is a major contributor to the Campaign for Working Families, an organization headed by far right leader Gary Bauer.
Roger Orton, Sacramento, CA$50,000Roger Orton of Sacramento gave: $50,000 on 8/18/08
Roger Orton is generally unknown politically. His only other political contributions were $450 to Tom McClintock for CA Lt. Governor and $200 to Sacramento area Congressman John Doolittle (R-Roseville).
Roger Benson, La Jolla, CA7550 Hillside Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037$50,000Roger Benson of La Jolla gave: $50,000 on 1/31/08
Joshua Baker, Manchester, MOBioCold Environmental–239 Seebold Spur, Fenton, MO 63026 • Tel: 636.349.0300 • Web: http://www.biocold.com/$50,000Joshua Baker, a Manager for BioCold Environmental, gave: $50,000 on 5/23/08
BioCold Environmental is a leading supplier of environmental rooms and environmental chambers, with products including walk-in cold rooms and stability rooms for pharmaceutical companies.
Gerald Simonsen, Poway, CARM Properties–14105 Biscayne Pl., Poway, CA 92064$50,000Gerald Simonsen, President of RM Properties gave: $50,000 on 4/12/08
Mr. Simonsen has previously given little money to other political campaigns except for $2100 to Mitt Romney for President in 2007 and $1400 to the San Diego Lincoln Club.
Claudia P. Quist, Sunnyvale, CA$45,000Claudia Quist gave: $5,000 on 8/29/08 and $40,000 on 9/5/08
R. Scott Jones, Riverside, CABosco Legal Services–9455 Magnolia Ave., Riverside, CA 92503 • Tel: 951.353.8281 • Web: http://www.boscolegal.org/$45,000R. Scott Jones, an Investigator with Bosco Legal Services, gave: $45,000 on 8/27
Bosco Legal Services include court document filing, document shredding, investigators and mobile photocopying.
Richard Patterson, Folsom, CAIntel–2200 Mission College Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95054-1549 • Tel: 408.765.8080 • Web: http://www.intel.com/$40,000Richard Patterson, Finance Specialist for Intel, gave: $40,000 on 8/25/08
Richard Patterson is a Finance Specialist for Intel. He attended Brigham Young University (BYU) in Provo, UT, http://www.byu.edu/webapp/home/index.jsp.
Law Offices of Charles S. LiMandri, Rancho Santa Fe, CAP.O. Box 9120, 16236 San Dieguito Road Suite 3-15, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 • Tel: 858.759.9930 • Web: http://www.limandrilaw.com/$37,000The Law Offices on Charles S. LiMandri gave: $10,000 on 1/28/08 and $27,000 on 4/28/08
Charles S. LiMandri is a self-described “car accident attorney” according to his web site http://www.limandrilaw.com/. Among his many cases, Mr. LiMandri sued the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix, AZ and on March 15, 2005 he won. His client was awarded $2,376,189 in damages. [6] LiMandri, who lives and works in Rancho Santa Fe, recently hosted a Yes on 8 fund-raiser at his estate. He is the general counsel to the Yes on 8 campaign, and was paid $10,000 through the campaign according the California Recipient Committee Campaign Statement (State Form 460) dated 4/1/08 – 6/30/08.
Sandra Loesch, Gilroy, CARetired$35,000 on 9/9/08
Andrew Pugno, Folsom, CALaw Offices of Andrew Pugno, 101 Parkshore Dr, #100, Folsom, CA 95630-4726 • Tel: 916.608.3065 • Web: http://www.pugnolaw.com/$35,000Andrew Pugno, Attorney at the Law Offices of Andrew Pugno gave: $35,000 on 4/28/08
The Law Offices of Andrew Pugno have been paid over $88,000 for their services relating to the Yes on 8 campaign.
Adamo Construction Management, Lakeside, CA11980 Woodside Ave, Suite 5, Lakeside, CA 92040 • Tel: 619.390.6706 or 800.554.6364 • Web: http://www.adamoconstruction.com/$35,000Adamo Construction Management gave: $25,000 on 1/28/08 and $10,000 on 6/20/08
Adamo Construction Management is a very large commercial/industrial design, construction and general contractor firm located in San Diego. The current President/CEO is Michael Gaetke, and the company was founded by James Adamo, Jr. Their clients have included Qualcomm, Honeywell, ITT Industries, Sea World, the San Diego Zoo, as well as several municipalities, religious organizations, and the Department of Defense.
Lee A. Whatcott, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA$34,999Lee Whatcott gave: $9,999 on 8/25/08 and $25,000 on 9/4/08
Wilma Thomas, Dublin, CA$32,500 on 9/10/08
Stephanie S. Sorensen, Laguna Niguel, CA$30,000 on 9/15/08
Michael Minson, Modesto, CAMinson Commercial Services, Real Estate$30,000Michael Minson gave: $5,000 on 8/28/08, $15,000 on 9/6/08 and $10,000 on 9/6/08
Cal Fruit International, Yuba City, CA$30,000Cal Fruit International gave: $5,000 on 9/3/08 and $25,000 on 9/8/08
Sharon Bogh, Yucaipa, CA$30,000Sharon Bogh gave: $25,000 on 9/4/08 and $5,000 on 9/4/08
David G. Nielson, Roseville, CAThe Alliance of Insurance Agents & Brokers, Executive Director$30,000David Nielson gave: $25,000 on 9/8/08 and $5,000 on 8/14/08
Bob Sundstrom, San Jose, CAIntuitive Surgical, Director$30,000 on 9/15
Nancy L. Saunders, Los Altos, CANetapp, HR Operations$30,000Nancy Saunders gave: $25,000 on 9/11/08 and $5,000 on 9/11/08
David Christensen, Alamo, CANearon Enterprises, Executive–500 La Gonda Way, Suite 210, Danville, CA 94526 • Tel: 925.743.3300$30,000David Christensen gave: $5,000 on 8/11/08 and $25,000 on 9/2/08
David S. Christensen, an executive with Nearon Enterprises, has been with the company since May, 1993. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Financial Planning from Brigham Young University, and serves as a trustee and is a member of the board of directors with Nearon.
San Diego Rock Church, San Diego, CA2277 Rosecrans St., San Diego, CA 92106 • Tel: 619.226.7625 • Web: http://www.therocksandiego.org/$25,679.16 on 4/22/08
Pastor Miles McPherson leads the San Diego Rock Church located near Pt. Loma. According to their website: “The vision of the Rock Church is to be a powerful evangelistic force that engages every segment of society as a motivated army of believers in Jesus Christ. We are wholeheartedly committed to using our gifts anywhere at any time to share the gospel while influencing and transforming our society.”
Amy E. Johnson, Encinitas, CA$25,500 on 8/29/08
Robert Hoehn, Carlsbad, CAHoehn Motors–5475 Car Country Dr, Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Tel: 760.438.4454 • Web: http://www.hoehnmotors.com/$25,000Robert Hoehn, President of Hoehn Motors in Carlsbad, CA gave: $25,000 on 2/8/08
Hoehn Motors has 6 large car dealerships located along the 5 freeway in Northern San Diego County: Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, Audi, Infiniti, Acura and Honda. Mr. Hoehn was one of the earlier backers of Proposition 8, and has had a demonstration in front of his dealerships that was organized by the North County LGBT Coalition. http://www.northcountylgbtcoalitionforce.org/
Willis Hamilton, Orange, CAHamilton Materials–345 West Meats Avenue, Orange, California 92865 • Tel: 714.637.2770 • Web: http://www.hamiltonmaterials.com/$25,000Willis Hamilton, President of Hamilton Materials gave: $25,000 on 7/25/08
Hamilton Materials is a company specializing in drywall finishing products. Founded in 1959, Willis Hamilton was a professional applicator who slowly used his skills to build the business.
Mark Hobbins, Trabuco Canyon, CAFamilyIQ.com–31441 Santa Margarita Parkway Suite A, Box# 314, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 • Tel: 888.249.9596 • Web: http://www.familyiq.com/$25,000Mark Hobbins, Founder of http://www.familyiq.com/, gave: $25,000 on 7/23/08
Mark Hobbins founded http://www.familyiq.com/ in 1997. They offer e-learning courses for a variety of life improvement issues, including improving relationships with family, friends, partners/spouses and self-improvement.
Kenneth Eldred, Portola Valley, CALiving Stones FDTN–3000 Sand Hill Rd., Building 1, Suite #145, Menlo Park, CA 94025 • Tel: 650.561.0003 • Web: http://www.lsfoundation.org/$25,000Kenneth Eldred, CEO of Living Stones FDTN gave: $25,000 on 4/24/08
Kenneth Eldred is CEO of Living Stones Foundation. According to their website: The Living Stones Foundation Charitable Trust is said to exist to serve the Lord Jesus Christ by providing financial and strategic resources to projects that lead to self-sustaining Kingdom-building ministries, where support will leverage the success of the whole body of Christ. Areas of interest include Kingdom Business, Family Values, and regional, national, and global Transformation initiatives.
Dale Broome, Redlands, CALoma Linda Radiology Medical Group, Loma Linda University/Medical Center RAD–11234 Anderson St, Suite B6231, Loma Linda, CA 92354 • Tel: 909.558.4394 • Web: www.ucomparehealthcare.com/drs/california/radiology/Broome_Dale.html$25,000Dale Broome, Head of Radiology, Abdominal Imaging, Loma Linda University gave: $5,000 on 2/22/08 and $20,000 on 5/19/08
Alan H. Anderson, Laguna Beach, CASouth Coast Health Care, Bel Vista Convalescent Hospital–5001 East Anaheim St., Long Beach, CA 90804-3296 • Tel: 562.494.5001 • Web: http://www.belvista.com/$25,000Alan H. Anderson with South Coast Health Care gave: $25,000 on 8/14/08
Alan H. Anderson is also Administrator for Bel Vista Convalescent Hospital in Long Beach, CA. His prior political contributions include $1,000 to Mitt Romney for President.
Richard & Doreen S. Kopf, Alamo, CAFremont Group Management, LP, Attorney$25,000Richard Kopf, Managing Director-Operations, General Counsel and Secretary with Fremont Group Management, LP gave: $12,500 on 8/29/08; Doreen Kopf gave: $12,500 on 8/29/08
Richard Kopf previously served as Assistant General Counsel at Santa Fe Southern Pacific Corporation and as a General Counsel at Sprint Communications.
David Zuniga, Riverside, CAFiberco General Construction, Inc.$25,000David Zuniga, a contractor from Fibercui General Construction, Inc., gave: $25,000 on 8/29/08
Robert N. Packer, Lafayette, CA$25,000 on 8/15/08
Sarah P. Harris, Danville, CA$25,000 on 8/8/08
Dran May-Reese, Escondido, CA$25,000Dran May-Reese, a Homemaker from Escondido, gave: $25,000 on 8/27/08
Sherrie Bell, Tulare, CA$25,000 on 9/17/08
Maurice Lam, Rolling Hills, CAMaurice Lam, MD & Associates, Physician$25,000 on 9/11/08
Malinda Hansen, Pasadena, CA$25,000 on 9/10/08
Joseph J. Grigg, La Canada, CAAmerican Energy Operations, CEO$25,000Joseph Grigg gave: $9,900 on 8/4/08 and $15,100 on 9/11/08
Edward Helvey, Gilroy, CANMHCS, Executive$25,000 on 9/10/08
Bradford Renaissance Portraits Corporation, Costa Mesa, CABradford Rowley, CEO$25,000Bradford Rowley gave: $5,000 on 9/10/08 and $20,000 on 9/10/08
Alan L. Olsen, Fremont, CAGroco, CPA$25,000 on 9/11/08
Anita S. Roundy, Saratoga, CA$25,000 on 9/5/08
Sarah P. Harris, Danville, CA$25,000 on 8/8/08
Firoz Husein, Pebble Beach, CASpan Construction & Engineering, Inc., Engineer$25,000 on 9/19/08
Alan H. Anderson, Laguna Beach, CASouth Coast Health Care, Administration$25,000 on 8/14/08
Barbara Lamprecht, Laguna Niguel, CA$25,000 on 9/8/08
Cheryl D. Smith, Saratoga, CA$25,000 on 9/8/08
Christianne Danielson, Santa Monica, CA$25,000 on 9/2/08
Chuck Schreiber, Laguna Hills, CAKBS Realty Advisor, Investments$25,000 on 9/9/08
Dalton Corporation, Los Angeles, CA$25,000 on 9/5/08
David A. NearonAlta Leaseback Co., Attorney$25,000 on 9/8/08
Emma Lou Beecroft, San Diego, CA$25,000 on 9/4/08
Robert N. Packer, Lafayette, CA$25,000 on 8/15/08
David G. Lindahl, San Clemente, CANational Purchasing Corp, Vice President$25,000 on 9/8/08
H.D. Perrett, Santa Maria, CAPerrett Ranches, Rancher$25,000 on 9/8/08
Fred L. Carpenter, La Crescenta, CAGlenwood Financial Group, Inc., Real Estate$25,000 on 9/8/08
J. Kirk Harns, Perris, CAPacific Hydrotech Corp., Engineer$25,000 on 9/8/08
Jack R. Wheatley, Palo Alto, CA$25,000 on 9/2/08
Jan L. Burch, Las Vegas, NV$25,000 on 9/4/08
Richard D. Piquet, Perris, CARooda, Piquet & Bessee, Accountant$25,000 on 9/8/08
Kay A. Goodman, Tustin, CA$25,000Kay Goodman gave: $20,000 on 9/2/08 and $5,000 on 8/4/08
John D. Tanner, Granite Bay, CATanner Industries, Owner$25,000 on 9/2/08
John D. Tanner, is owner of Tanner Industries and Western Single Ply in California, Nevada and Arizona. Tanner graduated from Brigham Young University, and served within the LDS Church as manager of physical facilities and new construction within the Church’s welfare systems.
Pro-Tech Fire Protection, Sacramento, CA8540 Younger Creek Dr. #2, Sacramento, CA 95828 • Tel: 916.388.0255$25,000Pro-Tech Fire Protection gave: $5,000 on 9/8/08 and $20,000 on 9/4/08
Pro-Tech Fire Protection was co-founded by Donald H. Gordon, President and Mark A. Whittaker, CEO.
Robert Cutler, San Diego, CA$25,000 on 9/8/08
Robert E. Greene, Villa Park, CA$25,000 on 9/4/08
Robert A., Bolingbroke, Rancho Santa Fe, CA$25,000 on 9/5/08
Sherri Jackman, Whittier, CA$25,000 on 9/4/08
SRS Insurance Services, Santa Ana, CA$25,000SRS Insurance Services gave: $5,000 on 8/8/08 and $20,000 on 9/5/08
Tulare County Investments, LLC, Camarillo, CA$25,000Tulare County Investments gave: $5,000 on 8/22/08 and $20,000 on 9/11/08
Sunstone Partners, LLC, Camarillo, CA$25,000Sunstone Partners gave: $5,000 on 8/29/08 and $20,000 on 9/5/08
Tammilee Woodhouse, La Canada, CA$25,000 on 9/4/08
William C. Wilcox, Danville, CA$25,000 on 9/5/08
Darlene Olson, Orland, CA$25,000 on 9/11/08
Craig J. Faulkner, Rancho Santa Fe, CAFaulkner Development, Manager$25,000 on 9/10/08
Cheryl H. Wilde, Ventura, CA$25,000 on 9/17/08
Chuck Schreiber, Laguna Hills, CAKBS Realty Advisors, Investments$25,000 on 9/9/08
J. Robert West, Redlands, CAWest Dermatology, Dermatologist$25,000 on 9/17/08
Ja Layne Pugmire, Yorba Linda, CA$25,000 on 9/12/08
Laurie Jergensen, Poway, CA$25,000 on 9/10/08
Jaquetia Zinn, San Jose, CA$25,000 on 9/24/08
Jeanne Muhlestein, Whittier, CARealtor$25,000 on 9/17/08
Nancy Schindler, Encinitas, CA$25,000 on 9/17/08
Norman E. Crum, Stockton, CAValley Pacific Petroleum Services, Inc., Owner$25,000 on 9/11/08
Oi Lin Chen, Palso Verdes Estates, CASunrider International, Adminstration$25,000 on 9/12/08
Ronald Lakey, Alta Loma, CAJF Saca Company, CPA$25,000 on 9/10/08
Rebecca Jones, Wilton, WY$25,000Rebecca Jones gave: $10,000 on 9/13/08 and $15,000 on 9/13/08
Parley J. Livingston, Atherton, CAPJMB Commercial, Property Management$25,000 on 9/24/08
Jana L. Mullen, Alamo, CA$25,000 on 9/18/08
Joanne McColm, Pleasanton, CA$25,000 on 9/10/08
Lassens Health Food, Ventura, CA$25,000 on 9/15/08
Laura Armstrong, Irvine, CA$25,000 on 9/24/08
Lonnie C. McCleve, Gilbert, AZGreenfield Land Development, Construction/Development$25,000 on 9/10/08
Loren K. Carroll, Kingwood, TX$25,000 on 9/10/08
Lorenzo N. Hoopes, Oakland, CA$25,000 on 9/24/08
Michael G. Mullin, Lomita, CAPacific Maritime Association, Longshore Foreman$25,000 on 9/11/08
Robert E. Culbertson, Pleasanton, CABAE Systems, Electrical Engineer$25,000 on 9/17/08
Ronald Stone, Modesto, CAStone & Associates, Real Estate$25,000 on 9/17/08
Rowland W. Day, Newport Beach, CALawyer$25,000 on 9/11/08
Stephen S. May, San Luis Obispo, CAMagnet Media, Owner$25,000 on 9/12/08
Steve G. Keithly, La Mirada, CAWhittier Mailing Products, Vice President$25,000 on 9/11/08
Susan P. Facer, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA$25,000 on 9/24/08
Vicki Larson, Pleasanton, CA$25,000 on 9/12/08
John Sorensen, Laguna Niguel, CANorth American Healthcare, Executive$24,999.99 on 9/5/08
Sherie Samuelian, Laguna Niguel, CA$24,999 on 9/19/08
Teri L. Jones, Saratoga, CA$24,500 on 9/5/08
Eva Ruiz, Rancho Palos Verdes, CAHomemaker$24,000 on 9/12/08
Richard E. Nicholson, Newport Beach, CAConsultant$23,500 on 9/17/08
Marc Barkdull, Pleasanton, CAPJMB Commercial, Inc., Real Estate$22,500 on 9/15/08
Hardester Family Partnership, Investments, San Jose, CA$22,500 on 9/24/08
Sandra M. Bertha, Olivenhaim, CA$22,000 on 9/11/08
Whittier Family Foundation, Yorba Linda, CA$21,500 on 9/18/08
Greggory R. Devore, MD, AMC, La Canada, CAGreggory R. Devore, Physician$20,000Greggory Devore gave: $5,000 on 8/25/08 and $15,000 on 9/15/08
Steven L. Bush, La Crescenta, CAPrestige Preschools, Inc., CEO$20,000 on 9/15/08
Sherwood Capital, Inc., Agoura Hills, CA$20,000 on 8/18/08
David L. Baker, Thousand Oaks, CADavid L. Baker, DDS, Oral Surgeon$20,000 on 9/8/08
Rutherford Productions, Santa Monica, CA$20,000 on 8/13/08
Dewitt Paul, Santa Ana, CACotton Buds, Executive/Owner$20,000 on 9/4/08
Dewitt Paul founded Cotton Buds in 1991, with the technology and equipment to manufacture cotton swabs. He has since partnered with Proctor & Gamble on various bath tissues, paper towels and detergents. Dewitt’s father was en Elder and addressed the student body at Brigham Young University on April 10, 1963.
Jennie L. Olsen, Laguna Niguel, CA$20,000 on 9/8/08
Gail A. Sonne, Dublin, CA$20,000 on 9/18/08
Brent W. Koch, Laguna Niguel, CAManagement Strategy, Financial Consultant$20,000 on 9/24/08
Marilyn Allen, Stockton, CA$20,000 on 9/18/08
T.B. Penick & Sons, Inc., San Diego, CA9747 Olson Drive, San Diego, CA 92121 • Tel: 858.558.1800 • Web: http://www.tbpenick.com/$20,000T.B. Penick & Sons gave: $20,000 on 1/31/08
T.B. Penick & Sons is a fourth generation construction company currently run by brothers Marc and Tim Penick that specializes in Structural Concrete, General Construction and Innovative Concrete Systems. They have completed projects all around the world.
Daniel Mulvihill, San Diego, CAPacific Southwest Mortgage/Realty–8840 Complex Drive, Suite 101, San Diego, California 92123 • Tel: 858.514.2100 • Web: http://www.psrs.com/$20,000Daniel Mulvihill, President/Banker with Pacific Southwest Mortgage/Pacific Southwest Realty gave: $20,000 on 4/1/08
Pacific Southwest Realty is a commercial mortgage banking company based in San Diego, with offices in Orange County, Los Angeles and Santa Barbara.
Margot Kyd, Poway, CASan Diego Gas & Electric (SDGE)–P.O. Box 129831, San Diego, Ca 92112-9831 • Tel: 800.411.7343 • Web: http://www.sdge.com/index/$20,000Margot Kyd, Sr. Vice President with San Diego Gas & Electric (and married to Tom Kyd [16], below) gave: $5,000 on 4/1/08 and $15,000 on 4/1/08 (may have been removed)
Margot Kyd is Senior Vice President, Business Solutions, for Sempra Energy Utilities, the umbrella for Sempra Energy’s regulated business units, including Southern California Gas and SDG&E. Kyd’s responsibilities include overseeing environmental services, safety and emergency services, supply management, fleet services, diverse business enterprises, and real estate and facilities.
J. Robert Wheatley, Palo Alto, CARobert Wheatley Properties, Property Manager$19,000 on 9/18/08
Dwayne Nash, Lincoln, CAKodiak Roofing & Waterproofing Company, Contractor–1905 Aviation Blvd, Lincoln, CA 95648 • Tel: 866.530.2327$18,000 on 8/14/08
Robert Samuelian, Laguna Niguel, CALawyer$15,001 on 9/5/08
Douglas McDermott, Sacramento, CAMcDermott Financial and Insurance– 8359 Elk Grove Florin Rd, #293, Sacramento, CA 95829 • Tel: 877.689.8251$15,000 on 9/14/08
Douglas McDermott is the President and Owner of McDermott Financial and Insurance. He is also part owner/CFO of a company called At Home Personal Care, headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Williamson General Contracting, La Mirada, CA$15,000 on 9/12/08
Jay Bradford, Placentia, CAMajesty Realty, CFO$15,000 on 8/8/08
Jay Bradford is CFO/Executive VP/member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee for Majestic Realty, and is also affiliated with Majestic Realty Retail, Commerce Construction Co, LP, CCC Rental LP, Majestic Management Company and Majestic Realty Foundation. Prior to this, he was with Ernst & Young for 18 years. Bradford graduated from Brigham Young University/B.S in Accounting, and currently serves on the National Advisory Council for the Marriott School of Management.
Marina Landscape, Inc., Anaheim, CA$15,000 on 9/25/08
Leon J. Fairbanks, Paso Robles, CARed Caboose Manufacturing$15,000 on 9/12/08
Michael R. Brand, Palo Alto, CACornish & Carey, Realtor$15,000 on 9/15/08
Richard L. Romney, Rancho Santa Fe, CAInvestor$15,000 on 9/15/08
Craig L. Gillespie, M.D., Fairfield, CA$15,000 on 9/8/08
Joan N. Johnson, Los Osos, CA$15,000 on 9/18/08
The Fourels Investment Company, Orange, CA$15,000 on 9/15/08
Tom Kyd, Poway, CACatholic Exchange–P.O. Box 231820, Encinitas, CA 92023 • Web: http://www.catholicexchange.com/$15,000 on 4/23/08
The Catholic Exchange is a conservative portal with a significant web presence, which offers news, weekly Scripture study programs, articles and email programs.
Proposition 22 Legal Defense Fund, Sacramento, CA$15,000 on 3/14/08
These are apparently left over funds from their unsuccessful court challenge to Proposition 22, The Knight Initiative.
Institute for Marriage and Public Policy, McLean, VAPost Office Box 1231, Manassas, VA 20108 • Tel: 202.216.9430 • Web: http://www.marriagedebate.com/$15,000 on 1/28/08
NOM’s Maggie Gallagher also heads the Virginia-based Institute for Marriage and Public Policy, which is dedicated to efforts that define marriage between only a man and a woman.
Terri Basinger, Cottonwood, CAGolden State Foot Clinic–923 Dana Drive, Redding, CA • Tel: 530.221.1666 • Web: http://www.goldenstatefootclinic.com/$14,985Terri Basinger, a Bookkeeper at Golden State Foot Clinic, gave: $10,000 on 7/28/08 and $4,985 on 8/4/08
Terri Basinger is married to Dr. Robert G. Basinger of Golden State Foot Clinic. Golden State Foot Clinic serves the Northern Sacramento Valley near Red Bluff and Redding.
Richard McIntire, Porterville, CA$13,500 on 8/29/08
Pamela Miles, Simi Valley, CAHome Care Pharmacy, Clerk$12,500 on 9/8/08
Roland Hinz, Valencia, CAHi-Torque Publications–25233 Anza Dr., Valencia, CA 91355 • Tel: 661.295.1910 • Web: http://www.hi-torque.com/ME2/Default.asp$12,500Roland Hinz, President of Hi-Torque Publications, gave: $12,500 on 4/7/08
Hi-Torque Publications is the world’s leading publisher of off-road, motorcycle and all-terrain vehicle magazines, with a readership of over 2 million per month.
Edward Atsinger, Camarillo, CASalem Communications–4880 Santa Rosa Road, Camarillo, CA 93012 • Tel: 805.987.0400 • Web: http://www.salem.cc/$12,500Edward G. Atsinger III, CEO with Salem Communications gave: $12,500 on 4/3/08
Salem Communications is a leading US radio broadcaster, Internet content provider and magazine and book publisher targeting audiences interested in Christian and family-themed content and conservative values. They own and operate nearly 100 radio stations across the country.
Allyson Weinberg, Santa Rosa Valley, CA$12,500Allyson Weinberg gave: $12,500 on 4/4/08
Allyson Weinberg has been in the limelight before. Back in 2004, Weinberg and her husband Denny (a senior executive for WellPoint, the nation’s second largest insurer at the time), sued the United Way of Ventura County, stating they were lied to about the United Way policy that forbade donations to any organization that discriminated against others. Due to the court ruling that allowed the Boy Scouts to discriminate against gays and atheists, the United Way chose to no longer support them as their own guidelines prohibited such support based on discrimination. The Weinberg’s had agreed to head a nationwide campaign for United Way to find donors, as well as match donations, but when United Way chose to change its donation policies towards the Boy Scouts, the Weinberg’s, for a number of different reasons, decided to sue. [7]
Paul A. Stahlman, Salinas, CA$12,000 on 8/29/08
Kent Miles, Simi Valley, CAHome Care Pharmacy, Pharmacist$11,800 on 9/8/08
Charles C. Stoddard, Santa Rosa, CA$10,500 on 9/25/08
James Pergrossi, Pleasanton, CA$10,180 on 8/18/08
Peter Leparulo, San Diego, CANovatel–9645 Scranton Road, San Diego, CA 92121 • Tel: 858.812.3400 • Web: http://www.novatelwireless.com/$10,001Peter Leparulo, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer with Novatel gave: $10,001 on 1/24/08
Leparulo has served as Senior Vice President of Novatel, and became the CEO in April 2008. Novatel Wireless creates various wireless modems and computer accessories.
Kelly C. Olds, Huntington Beach, CA$10,000 on 9/13/08
Carolyn Pann, Jamul, CAArctic Containers, Owner$10,000 on 9/17/08
Kermit Corporation, Jamul, CA$10,000 on 9/10/08
R. Jean Taylor, Alamo, CARetired$10,000 on 9/9/08
Elisa Pulido, San Juan Capistrano, CA$10,000 on 9/17/08
Cheryl A. Clarke, Moorpark, CA$10,000 on 9/24/08
CS Concrete Solutions, Mission Viejo, CA$10,000 on 9/8/08
Curtis B. Chandler, Sacramento, CAAllstate Insurance$10,000 on 8/29/08
Alma J. Kreutzkamp, El Cajon, CA$10,000 on 9/3/08
Amanda Crane, San Diego, CALarsen Golden Spoon, Owner$10,000 on 8/8/08
Melvin C. Bell, Wilton, CABell Tasty Foods, Owner$10,000 on 9/19/08
Anthony Ridd, San Clemente, CALifestyle Settlements, Owner$10,000 on 8/18/08
Barbara Lee, Walnut Creek, CA$10,000 on 8/11/08
Blaine Bowman, Saratoga, CA$10,000 on 8/14/08
Brian B. Blatter, DDS, Concord, CA$10,000 on 8/8/08
Cynthia L. Kenney, Granite Bay, CA$10,000 on 9/2/08
Earl E. Damitz, Santa Barbara, CA$10,000 on 8/29/08
Dana Munkelt, San Diego, CAGH Munkelt Trust, Buyer/Estate Adminstration$10,000 on 8/22/08
David S. Sorensen, Santa Barbara, CASelect Staffing, CEO$10,000 on 8/18/08
Howard W. Bennion, Fairfield, CAPacific Coast Steel, Iron Worker$10,000 on 9/8/08
Dawna J. Evans, Groveland, CA$10,000 on 8/20/08
Dannee L. Clyne, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA$10,000 on 9/4/08
Darin Hazen, Ladera Ranch, CASongwriter$10,000 on 8/20/08
Eliot Mason, Huntington Beach, CAUS Wheel Corp., President$10,000 on 8/26/08
Garry Pace, Thousand Oaks, CABernstein Global Wealth Mgmt., Financial Advisor$10,000 on 8/4/08
Emaleti Mokofisi, Kaneohe, HIKaneohe General Ser., President$10,000 on 8/8/08
First Global Marketing, Provo, Utah$10,000 on 8/22/08
Gary D. Green, Fountain Valley, CATimec Company, Inc., Executive$10,000 on 9/4/08
Gibson Jon, Cameron Park, CAJohn Gibson Company, Owner$10,000 on 8/21/08
Gwenn H. Webb, Pleasanton, CA$10,000 on 8/29/08
Hal Renfro, Glendale, CAHal Renfro Realty, Realtor$10,000 on 8/18/08
Hands On Billing, LLC, Huntington Beach, CA$10,000 on 8/27/08
Jennifer Jackson, Corona del Mar, CA$10,000 on 9/2/08
Jerome D. Teney, Yuba City, CATenney & Co, CPA$10,000Jerome Teney gave: $5,000 on 8/27/08 and $5,000 on 8/14/08
Kelly C. Olds, Huntington Beach, CA$10,000 on 8/15/08
Kenneth Baldwin, Newbury Park, CA$10,000 on 8/8/08
Kevin Monson, Fountain Valley, CAKevin Monson Attorney At Law$10,000 on 8/20/08
Neil Anderson, Lodi, CASelf-Engineer$10,000 on 8/8/08
Lois R. Bullard, Cerritos, CA$10,000 on 8/29/08
Paul Sorensen, Santa Barbara, CASelect Staffing, Manager$10,000 on 8/8/08
Philip Carmack, Santa Clara, CANvidia Corp, Executive$10,000 on 8/20/08
R. Jean Taylor, Alamo, CARetired$10,000 on 9/9/08
R. Dean Lang, DDS, Valencia, CA$10,000 on 8/8/08
Matt Dalton, Los Angeles, CADalton Enterprises, Recycling$10,000 on 8/18/08
Thomas Busi, Sutter Creek, CAFirstcard ATM, Inc., Owner$10,000 on 9/5/08
Richard G. Olson, Agoura Hills, CANaoter Care Services, President$10,000 on 8/8/08
Scott R. Flora, Laguna Hills, CAAlliance Mechanical Corporation, Construction$10,000 on 9/3/08
Robert Shepard, Corona, CAPacific Shores Masonry$10,000 on 9/15/08
Mark R. Boud, San Clemente, CAReal Estate Economics, Real Estate Economist$10,000 on 9/4/08
Boud is a graduate of Brigham Young University, majoring in Economics and English.
Richard L. Thawley, Lodi, CARichard L, Thawley & Associates, SP, Sales/Marketing$10,000 on 9/5/08
Brandon Ogden, Newport Coast, CAMCA, Auto Broker$10,000 on 9/10/08
Deborah S. Stapley, San Juan Capistrano, CA$10,000 on 9/24/08
Dianne Olson, Thousand Oaks, CA$10,000 on 9/11/08
Randall Huff, Altadena, CA$10,000 on 9/25/08
Ivan V. Lauritzen, Riverside, CAGreen Vision Partners, Sales$10,000 on 9/15/08
Karen Smith, Moorpark, CA$10,000 on 9/11/08
Pamela Patterson, Folsom, CA$10,000Pamela Patterson gave: $10,000 on 7/24/08
Kenneth Payton, Garden Grove, CA$10,000Kenneth Payton gave: $10,000 on 6/30/08
Kelly Burt, San Diego, CATres-Dac–9375 Customhouse Plz A-2, San Diego, CA 92154$10,000Kelly Burt, Developer with Tres-Dac gave: $10,000 on 4/23/08
Gretchen Kieding, Solvang, CA$10,000Gretchen Kieding gave: $10,000 on 6/27/08
Gary Pace, Thousand Oaks, CABernstein Global Wealth Mgmt.–1999 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 2150, Los Angeles, CA 90067-6123 • Tel: 310.286.6000 • Web: https://www.bernstein.com/public/home.aspx$10,000Gary Pace a Financial Advisor with Bernstein Global Wealth Management gave: $10,000 on 8/4/08
Bernstein Global Wealth Management is an investment management/research firm with 18 offices throughout the United States.
Stephen Ridinger, Camarillo, CAEvets Corporation–PO Box 1327, Camarillo, CA 93011 • Tel: 949.361.2100 • Web: http://www.musicdistributors.org/$10,000Stephen Ridinger, owner and President of Evets Corporation gave: $5,000 on 1/20/08 and $5,000 on 7/3/08
Evets Corporation is a distributor of musical equipment.
Francis Longstaff, Agoura Hills, CAUCLA, Professor$9,999 on 8/8/08
Frank J. Gaughan, Poway, CA$9,999 on 8/25/08
David H. Vanslooten, La Canada, CAPrimecap Management, Investment Manager$9,999 on 8/18/08
Carolu Wilson, Colfax, CA$9,999 on 8/18/08
Jill Vanslooten, La Canada, CA$9,999 on 8/18/08
Boyd Jensen, Riverside, CAGarrett & Jensen, Attorney$9,999 on 9/24/08
Michelle Robinson, Fountain Valley, CA$9,999 on 8/13/08
Megan Thomason, San Diego, CA$9,999 on 8/10/08
Byron G. Wilson, Colfax, CA$9,999 on 9/25/08
Lin D. Whatcott, Maple Valley, CADa Vita, Accounting$9,995 on 9/17/08
Lorraine S. Hulme, Los Gatos, CA$9,977 on 9/17/08
Constancy Trust, Salt Lake City, UT$9,950 on 9/11/08
Sarah Gould, Pacific Palisades, CA$9,900 on 8/27/08
Susan Lathrop, Fremont, CA$9,900 on 8/11/08
Prosol, Inc., Murietta, CA$9,900 on 8/8/08
Jeffrey Wise, Atherton, CAPro Solutions, Real Estate$9,900 on 9/2/08
Bruce A. Bitnoff, Rescue, CAWorld Pass Travel, Tour Operator$9,900 on 9/2/08
Kristin Corey, La Canada, CA$9,900 on 8/8/08
John E. Brasher, Newcastle, CABrasher’s Sacramento Auto Auction, Manager$9,900 on 9/2/08
Kathie Hansen, La Canada, CA$9,900 on 8/13/08
Jeffrey D. Holt, Huntsville, UTGoldman Sachs & Co., Investment Banker$9,900 on 9/19/08
John Hansen, La Canada, CAGlenwood Group, Investor$9,900 on 8/13/08
Jay Mooreland, Folsom, CAMerrill Lynch & Co, Global Headquarters–4 Financial Center, 250 Vesey Street, New York, NY 10080 • Tel: 212.449.1000 • Web: http://www.ml.com/index.asp?id=7695_15125$9,900Jay Mooreland, a Financial Advisor for Merrill Lynch, gave: $9,900 on 7/28/08
Joseph Grigg, La Canada, CAAmerican Energy Operations, PresidentAmerican Energy Operations–550 N. Brand Blvd, Suite 1960, Glendale, CA 91203-3381 • Tel: 818.549.9993$9,900Joseph Grigg gave: $9,900 on 8/4/08
American Energy Operations is an energy and gas utility company.
Jeffrey Wise, Atherton, CAPro Solutions, Inc., Real Estate–901 Coleman Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025 • Tel: 650.326.8660$9,900Jeffrey Wise of Pro Solutions gave: $9,900 on 9/2/08.
Jeffrey Wise is also owner of Wise Building Co. His previous political contributions include $2,300 to Mitt Romney in 2007.
Nancy Chantry, Rancho Murietta, CA$9,800 on 9/3/08
Gina A. Vincent, Pacific Palisades, CA$9,800 on 9/5/08
Joy N. Hulme, Monte Sereno, CAAuthor$9,677 on 9/17/08
Kathryn C. Carter, Salt Lake City, CA$9,500 on 9/11/08
Los Jardines, LLC, Yorba Linda, CA$9,500 on 9/4/08
Louise Dalton, Yorba Linda, CAJ & L Consulting, Owner$9,500 on 8/8/08
John Nagy, Newbury Park, CAAndrews International Security Services, Security$9,500 on 8/13/08
John Dalton, Yorba Linda, CAJ & L Consulting, Owner$9,500 on 8/8/08
Noward Mankins, Arroyo Grande, CA$9,500 on 8/14/08
R. Brooke Landscaping, Inc., Antioch, CA$9,500 on 9/2/08
Rebecca Hawkins, Glendora, CA$9,500 on 8/21/08
Debbie Crandall, Orange, CA$9,000 on 9/25/08
Heather B. Callister, Martinez, CA$9,000 on 9/2/08
Ryan Crandall, Orange, CABio Medics, Manager$9,000 on 9/25/08
L. Dean Forman, Colfax, CAGFBB Benefits, Financial Advisor$8,999 on 8/18/08
Linda M. Forman, Colfax, CA$8,999 on 8/18/08
Scott Roybal, La Canada, CASheppard Mullin, Attorney$8,900 on 8/11/08
Pinson Erin, Billings, MTPechanga Resort, Gaming$8,500 on 8/17/08
Jennifer McKay, Kaysville, UT$8,000 on 8/21/08
James D. Powell, DDS, Palmdale, CA$8,000 on 9/2/08
Samuel McKay, Kaysville, UT$8,000 on 8/27/08
Gene Lamoreaux, Sunnyvale, CAKLA Tencor, Engineer$8,000 on 8/8/08
Jared D. McCune, DDS, Lompoc, CA$8,000 on 8/21/08
V. Lance Littlejohn, Alamo, CAWest Coast Novelty Corporation, Manager$8,000 on 9/8/08
C. Jim Elam, Santa Ynez, CAAgricultural Technology, Inc.–1168 Oak Glen Rd, Santa Ynez, CA 93460 • Tel: 805.688.6475$8,000C. Jim Elam, an Agricultural Consultant with Agricultural Technology, Inc., gave: $8,000 on 6/27/08
Wayne Baldwin, Newbury Park, CAPueblo Radiology Medical Group–415 Market Street, Building 1A, Ventura, CA 93003 • Tel: 888.678.3256 • Web: http://www.puebloradiology.com/$7,500Wayne Baldwin, an Executive with Pueblo Radiology Medical Group, gave: $7,500 on 8/4/08
Wayne Baldwin is an executive at Pueblo Radiology, which operates out of locations in Ventura and Santa Barbara.
Jeremy Jergensen, Riverside, CAPalm Terrace Care Center, Administrator$7,500 on 8/27/08
Wayne Baldwin, Newbury Park, CAPueblo Radiology, Executive$7,500 on 8/4/08
Fundet Foundation, Inc., Draper, UT$7,500 on 9/8/08
Claudia Hamilton, Agoura Hills, CA$7,500 on 8/8/08
Elizabeth Jergensen, Riverside, CA$7,500 on 8/27/08
Lori Gollyer, La Canada, CA$7,500 on 9/10/08
Arthur Burke, Santa Barbara, CABerman Development, CFO$7,500 on 8/11/08
Kevin Hamilton, Agoura Hills, CAAmerican Holdings LLC, Executive$7,500 on 8/8/08
Kirk P. Christ, Diamond Bar, CAHub International, Insurance Administration$7,500 on 8/8/08
Steve F. Smilanick, Granite Bay, CAS&S Commercial Fishing, Owner$7,500 on 8/27/08
Zion Foundation, Draper, UT$7,500 on 9/8/08
Christopher K. Thompson, Encino, CAInvestment Real Estate Association, Real Estate Agent$7,200 on 8/25/08
Mary Barrus, Agoura, CAThousand Oaks Surgical Hospital, Nurse$7,000 on 8/22/08
Kenneth L. Virgin, Aliso Viejo, CAPayables, Inc, CEO$7,000 on 9/5/08
Margot B. Sayer, Santa Clarita, CA$7,000 on 9/8/08
Mark E. Bean, Rancho Cordova, CAHealth Net, Actuary$7,000Mark Bean gave: $6,000 on 9/5/08 and $1,000 on 8/8/08
Elias Mancilla, Riverside, CAValley Recycling Center, Owner$6,800 on 8/29/08
Christopher Dailey, Costa Mesa, CAAdvanced Joining Technologies–3030 Red Hill Avenue, Santa Ana, CA, 92705 • Tel: 949.756.8091 • Web: http://www.ajt-inc.com/$6,500Christopher Dailey, welder with Advanced Joining Technologies gave: $6,500 on 8/4/08
Advanced Joining Technologies was created in 2000 as a subsidiary of Boeing, and later was purchased back by the original founders. They are responsible for Boeing’s world recognized development and production implementation with the friction stir welding process.
Treavor Hodson, Folsom, CAPalmer, Kazanjian, Wohl, Perkins–520 Capitol Mall, Suite 600, Sacramento, California 95814 • Tel: 916.442.3552 • Web: http://www.pkwp-law.com/$6,025Treavor Hodson, an Attorney with Palmer, Kazanjian, Wohl, Perkins, gave: $6,025 on 8/4/08
Treavor Hodson is an attorney with Palmer, Kazanjian, Wohl, Perkins in Folsom, CA. The firm specializes in all aspects of employment law litigation, including such areas of expertise as wrongful termination, unlawful discrimination and harassment and retaliation. Hodson also represents management in labor law cases before the National Labor Relations Board and similar state agencies including representation elections, unfair labor practice charges and hearings, collective bargaining negotiations, contract arbitrations and picketing and strikes.
Charles Stucki, Coto De Caza, CACisco Systems, Executive$6,000 on 8/8/08
Roland Spongberg, Long Beach, CAWKS Restaurant Group, President$6,000 on 8/21/08
Don D. Sessions, Coto De Caza, CASessions & Kimball, Attorney$6,000 on 9/22/08
Lisa Wheatley, Los Altos Hills, CA$6,000 on 9/18/08
Robert Wheatley, Los Altos Hills, CARobert Wheatley Properties, Manager$6,000 on 8/22/08
John Chandler, Allstate, Gold River, CA$6,000 on 8/25/08
Christine Cooper, Dublin, CA$6,000 on 9/8/08
C. Ray Carlson, Valencia, CAC. Ray Carlson, Attorney$6,000 on 8/29/08
Bryant Gold, Ramona, CAAdvanced Bionics, Attorney$5,600 on 8/29/08
Paul A. Barney, Ridgecrest, CAChina Lake Department of Defense, Electrical Engineer$5,500 on 9/3/08
Eric Loudon, Corona, CAWestern Water Works, Director$5,500 on 8/27/08
U-Rent, Inc., Camarillo, CA$5,200 on 8/13/08
Kelly Furniss, Yorba Linda, CA$5,110 on 8/22/08
Robert D. Crockett, Newhall, CALatham & Watkins, Lawyer$5,100 on 8/27/08
Chris Vaterlaus, Roseville, CACrescendo Properties, Real Estate$5,075 on 8/15/08
Tuskatella LB, Orange, CA$5,000Tuskatella LB gave: $5,000 on 7/24/08
Taxpayers for Hollingsworth, Sacramento, CA2150 River Plaza Dr, #150, Sacramento, CA 95833$5,000Taxpayers for Hollingsworth gave: $5,000 on 4/18/08
Senator Dennis Hollingsworth proclaims on his website (http://www.dennishollingsworth.com/) he is “the man the liberals fear most.” Hollingsworth serves the 36th district, which includes portions of San Diego and Riverside Counties. He was elected in November, 2002, and served as President of the Proposition 22 Legal Defense Fund.
Strongtower Financial, Inc., Fresno, CA7120 N. Whitney, Suite 105, Fresno, CA 93720 • Tel: 800.333.9893 • Web: http://www.strongtowerfinancial.com/$5,000Strongtower Financial, Inc gave: $5,000 on 6/3/08
Strongtower’s primary services include financing and investing, which span direct lending and bond offerings for churches and other faith-based organizations, as well as investment advisory and wealth management for individuals and institutions.
Rita Soloman-Davis, El Cajon, CASouthland Envelope–10111 Riverford Road, Lakeside, CA 92040 • Tel: 619.449.3553 • Web: http://www.southlandenvelope.com/$5,000Rita Solomon-Davis, Vice President of Southland Envelope, gave: $5,000 on 2/6/08
Richard Spencer, Carmel, CADick Spencer & Associates, Investment Management$5,000Richard Spencer gave: $5,000 on 5/19/08
Richard Clements, Elmwood, NEClements & Drevo–5901 South 58th Street Suite A, Lincoln, Nebraska 68516 • Tel: 402.420.6443$5,000Richard Clements, an Attorney for Clements & Drevo, gave: $5,000 on 5/24/08
Renae Tanner, Chino Hills, CA$5,000Renae Tanner gave: $5,000 on 7/24/08
Michael Farguson, La Jolla, CAFarguson Investments–5859 Camino de la Costa, La Jolla, CA 92037 • Tel: 858.456.5028$5,000Michael Farguson, Owner of Farguson Investments, gave: $5,000 on 1/31/08
Michael Farguson is also a Board member of the MAGIS Institute, an association of Catholic business leaders and clergy founded in 2002.
Michael Dushane, Chino Hills, CAJam Corporation$5,000Michael Dushane, a Contractor for Jam Corporation, gave: $5,000 on 7/24/08
Marilyn Ishii, Upland, CA$5,000Marilyn Ishii gave: $5,000 on 7/24/08
M&D Development, LLC, Corona, CA1296 Magnolia Ave., Corona, CA 92879 • Tel: 951.271.0965$5,000M&D Development, LLC gave: $5,000 on 6/10/08
Lilco, Inc., Orange, CA$5,000Lilco, Inc. gave: $5,000 on 7/24/08
Lawrence Research, Santa Ana, CA1450 North Tustin Avenue, Suite 150, Santa Ana, CA 92705 • Tel: 714.558.3725 • Web: www.exoro.com/pages/Lawrence_research.html$5,000Lawrence Research gave: $5,000 on 7/24/08
Lawrence Research is a full-service research firm specializing in public affairs issues and marketing. Owned by Gary Lawrence, the company offers a full line of research services, including telephone surveys, focus groups, video dial tests and specialty group research. Lawrence and former partner Dick Wirthlin got their start working for Ronald Reagan. He currently serves as the Area Grass Roots Coordinator of the Church of Latter Day Saints–Yes on 8 campaign yesonprop8.blogspot.com/2008/08/gary-lawrence-grass-roots-coordinator.html. Lawrence is also writing a book “How Americans View Mormonism; Seven Steps to Improve Our Image.” Check out his writings at: www.meridianmagazine.com/ideas/080711war.html
Jennifer Himes, Chino Hills, CAWestern Water Works–5831 Pine Ave., Chino Hills, CA 91709 • Tel: 909.597.7000 • Web: http://www.wwwsco.com/$5,000Jennifer Himes, in accounting at Western Water Works (Bruce Himes is President/CFO), gave: $5,000 on 7/24/08
Western Water Works is a distributor of waterworks materials and products that are used in the transmission of potable water. This is a third generation family business founded in 1945.
Ines Crosby, Orland, CAPaskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians–1012 South Street, Orland, CA 95963 • Tel: 530.865.2010$5,000Ines Crosby gave: $5,000 on 7/24/08
Ines Crosby is an Administrator with the Paskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians, located in the Sacramento Valley west through the Coast Ranges of Northern California.
George Elledge, Bakersfield, CAOccidental Petroleum–10889 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90024-4201 • Tel: 310.208.8800 • Web: http://www.oxy.com/Pages/default.aspx$5,000George Elledge, an Engineer with Occidental Petroleum Corporation, gave: $5,000 on 7/24/08
Occidental Petroleum is an international oil and gas exploration and production company formerly headed by Dr. Armand Hammer, with operations in the US, Middle East, North Africa and Latin America regions.
Douglas Brown, West Hollywood, CAKWK Management, LLC–2301 Rosecrans Ave, Suite 4195, El Segundo, CA 90245 • Tel: 310.536.8560$5,000Douglas Brown, a Partner of KWK Management, LLC, gave: $5,000 on 6/20/08
David Walton, San Diego, CACoughlin, Stoia, Geller, Rudman & Robbins–655 West Broadway, Suite 1900, San Diego, CA 92101 • Tel: 800.449.4900 • Web: http://www.csgrr.com/$5,000
Douglas Walton, an Attorney with Coughlin, Stoia, Geller, Rudman & Robbins, gave: $5,000 on 7/24/08
David Walton, an attorney with the San Diego law firm of Coughlin Stoia Geller Rudman & Robbins LLP focuses on class actions and private actions on behalf of defrauded investors, particularly in the area of accounting fraud. Walton has investigated and participated in the litigation of many large accounting scandals, including Enron, WorldCom, AOL Time Warner, Krispy Kreme, Informix, HealthSouth, Dynegy, Dollar General and numerous companies implicated in stock option backdating. They have 9 offices across the country. Walton earned his Bachelor’s degree from the University of Utah and law degree from the University of Southern California. [18]
Aaron Speirs, Bakersfield, CAAERA Energy–10000 Ming Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93311-1302 • Tel: 661.665.5000 • Web: http://www.aeraenergy.com/$5,000Aaron Speirs, Engineer at Aera Energy gave: $5,000 on 8/4/08
Aera Energy is one of California’s largest oil and gas producers, and is jointly owned by Shell and ExxonMobil. It is operated as a stand-alone company.
Bart Bennett, Newbury Park, CAThe Rand Corp.–1776 Main Street, P.O. Box 2138, Santa Monica, CA 90407-2138 • Tel: 310.393.0411 • Web: http://www.rand.org/$5,000Bart Bennett, researcher at the Rand Corporation gave: $5,000 on 7/28/08
Bart Bennett is a researcher/writer, and co-authored, “A Users Guide to the Technical Training Schoolhouse Method” for the United States Air Force. The RAND Corporation is a nonprofit institution that helps improve policy and decision making through objective research and analysis.
Bradley Call, Newbury Park, CA$5,000Bradley Call gave: $5,000 on 8/4/08
Charles Stoddard, Santa Rosa, CA$5,000Charles Stoddard, a retiree, gave: $5,000 on 8/4/08
Christine Francom, Newbury Park, CAConejo Valley Unified School District–1400 Janss Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 • Tel: 805.497.9511 • Web: www.conejo.k12.ca.us/$5,000Christine Francom, teacher at Conejo Valley USD, gave: $5,000 on 8/4/08
Conejo Valley Unified School District serves Thousand Oaks, Newbury Park and Westlake Village.
Daniel Faulk, Morgan Hill, CACrawford Pimentel & Co.–2150 Trade Zone Blvd. #200, San Jose, CA 95131 • Tel: 408.942.6888 • Web: http://www.crawfordpimentel.com/$5,000Daniel Faulk, a Director and CPA at Crawford, Pimental & Co gave: $5,000 on 8/4/08
Daniel Faulk is a CPA focusing on income tax planning, research and compliance, strategic business planning, corporate and retirement plan audits, expatriate tax and tax equalization issues, and high level AMT and ISO individual tax planning. Faulk has been with the firm since 1989.
Darcel Hulse, San Diego, CA
Sempra LNG–101 Ash Street, HQ 16, San Diego, CA 92101 • Tel: 619.696.2000 • Web: http://www.sempralng.com/Pages/About/About.htm$5,000Darcel Hulse, President and CEO of Sempra Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) gave: $5,000 on 8/1/08
Darcel Hulse leads the highly controversial Sempra LNG efforts to develop, build and operate liquified natural gas receiving terminals.
Darren Francom, Newbury Park, CA360 Systems–31355 Agoura Rd, Westlake Village, CA 91361 • Tel: 818.991.0360 • Web: http://www.360systems.com/$5,000Darren Francom, Controller at 360 Systems gave: $5,000 on 8/4/08
360 Systems designs, manufactures and markets innovative audio and video solutions primarily for the entertainment industry.
Darren Henderson, Irvine, CAMerrill Lynch & Co, Global Headquarters–4 Financial Center, 250 Vesey Street, New York, NY 10080 • Tel: 212.449.1000 • Web: http://www.ml.com/index.asp?id=7695_15125$5,000Darren Henderson, an Investment Advisor at Merrill Lynch, gave: $5,000 on 7/28/08
Douglas Younberg Investments Inc., Washington, UT$5,000Douglas Younberg Investments gave: $5,000 on 8/4/08
Edward Griffith, Irvine, CA$5,000Edward Griffith gave: $5,000 on 8/4/08
George Brimhall, Polson, MT$5,000George Brimhall, CEO of Akshun & Akshun, gave: $5,000 on 7/28/08
James Gallagher, Chino Hills, CAAmerican States Utility Service–535 Anton Blvd., Suite 350, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • Tel: 714.689.1188 • Web:$5,000James Gallagher, VP of Management Services at American States Utility Service, gave: $5,000 on 7/28/08
American States Utility Services, Inc. is the leader in privatization of water and wastewater on military installations across the nation.
Janice Peterson, Chino Hills, CA$5,000Janice Peterson gave: $5,000 on 7/28/08
Jeffrey M. Winter, San Diego, CA$5,000Jeffrey M. Winter, Attorney at Law, gave: $5,000 on 7/28/08
Jerry Oliver, Murphys, CA$5,000Jerry Oliver gave: $5,000 on 8/4/08
John Fjerstad, McKinleyville, CASutter Coast Hospital–418 9th Street, Crescent City, California 95531 • Tel: 707.464.1371$5,000John Fjerstad, Podiatrist at Sutter Coast Hospital gave: $5,000 on 8/4/08
Kathleen Ricks, El Dorado Hills, CA$5,000Kathleen Ricks gave: $5,000 on 7/28/08
Kay Goodman, Tustin, CA$5,000Kay Goodman gave: $5,000 on 8/4/08
Kitty Nordstrom, Newport Beach, CA$5,000Kitty Nordstrom gave: $5,000 on 7/28/08
Larry Saizon, Kaneohe, HI$5,000Larry Saizon gave: $5,000 on 8/4/08
Martha Spencer, Westlake Village, CARobbie Reed, Inc.$5,000Martha Spencer, a Restaurateur, gave: $5,000 on 7/28/08
Mary Fellars, Vista, CA$5,000Mary Fellars, DDS, gave: $5,000 on 7/28/08
Melissa Vassallo, Sacramento, CA$5,000Melissa Vassallo, Director for Veritas Foundation, gave: $5,000 on 8/4/08
Michael Calta, Chino, CAVi-Cal Metals–1400 N. Baxter St., Anaheim, CA 92806 • Tel: 714-956-6200 • Web: http://www.vi-calmetals.com/$5,000Michael Calta, Vice President with Vi-Cal Metals gave: $5,000 on 8/4/08
Vi-Cal Metals is an international metal trading company, trading $250 million a year.
Pennie Edwards, Redding, CABig O Tires, Redding–377 E. Cypress Ave, Redding, CA 96002 • Tel: 530.221.2233 • Web: http://www.bigotires.com/$5,000Pennie Edwards, in sales with Big O Tires gave: $5,000 on 7/28/08
Randall Smith, Sacramento, CA$5,000Randall Smith, CPA with Yorke ISE gave: $5,000 on 7/28/08
Roy Hales, Logan, UT$5,000Roy Hales, in Manufacturing with Hales Engineering, gave: $5,000 on 8/5/08
Stephen Bills, Glendale, CAPhilpott, Bills, Stoll & Meeks$5,000Stephen Bills, a CPA, gave: $5,000 on 8/4/08
Aaron Spiers, Bakersfield, CAAera Energy, Engineer$5,000 on 8/4/08
Above the Gate Dentistry, Diamond Springs, CA$5,000 on 8/29/08
Alan L. Stott, Lancaster, CAAlan Stott, DDS, Dentist$5,000 on 8/14/08
Alisha Gale, Irvine, CA$5,000 on 9/4/08
Allan L. Scow, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA$5,000 on 9/5/08
Allyn Izu, Lakewood, CACounty of LA, Physical Therapist$5,000 on 9/4/08
Allyson J. Anderson, La Crescenta, CA$5,000 on 8/27/08
Anne Olsen, Villa Park, CAPacific Legacy Real Estate Investments, Inc.$5,000 on 8/18/08
Annette N. Dalton, Cameron Park, CA$5,000 on 8/25/08
Antioch Convalescent Hospital, Antioch, CA$5,000 on 8/29/08
April Valusek, Thousand Oaks, CAApril Valusek Real Estate$5,000 on 9/8/08
Arthur W. Tuverson, Mission Viejo, CAGeneral Elec., Real Estate$5,000 on 8/29/08
Barry Hoeven, Newport Beach, CAWestport Properties, President$5,000 on 8/23/08
Barry W. Oliver, Walnut Creek, CAPension One Advisors, Acct$5,000 on 8/8/08
Beverly H. Jafek, San Diego, CA$5,000 on 8/13/08
Blaine E. Hendrickson, Rancho Mirage, CALegacy Healthcare, CEO$5,000 on 8/22/08
Blaine Ray Workshops, Arroyo Grande, CA$5,000 on 8/29/08
Bonnie Olson, Agoura Hills, CASelf Employed, Hospice$5,000 on 8/8/08
Brad Constantine, Rocklin, CAGallina LLP, CPA$5,000 on 8/20/08
Brad Hixon, El Cajon, CAThe Brady Company, Developer$5,000 on 8/27/08
Bradley Call, Newbury Park, CA$5,000 on 8/4/08
Bradley G. Williams, Redlands, CAClark Pacific, Civil Engineer$5,000 on 8/15
Bradley H. Dolbin, Ventura, CAAdvanced Motion, Electrical Engineer$5,000 on 8/8/08
Brent Rigby, Anaheim, CAMission Development, Contractor$5,000 on 8/8/08
Brian A. Bertha, Newport Beach, CAMcKesson, VP Marketing$5,000 on 9/2/08
Brian Palmer, La Canada Flintridge, CACRA, Consultant$5,000 on 8/13/08
Bruce Williams, Fair Oaks, CAMercy General Hospital, Pharmacist$5,000 on 9/3/08
Bryan J. Favero, Rocklin, CATEK Translation International, Business Development$5,000 on 8/18/08
‘Buck’ McKeon for Congress, Santa Clarita, CA$5,000 on 8/29/08
Caleb Stewart, Lompoc, CAAdvanced Performance Physical Therapy, Physical Therapist$5,000 on 9/5/08
Calvin Reynolds, Cameron Park, CASnowline Engineer, Engineer$5,000 on 8/22/08
Caralee Smith, Sacramento, CA$5,000 on 9/5/08
Carol Gardner, San Juan Capistrano, CALife Style Insurance, Owner$5,000 on 8/27/08
Carolyn Dewitt, Santa Ana, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Cathay Circuits, Inc., Monterey, CA$5,000 on 8/29/08
Catherine Bearry, Auburn, CAEagle Electric, Electrical Contractor$5,000 on 8/29/08
Catherine C. Blickenstar, Camarillo, CA$5,000 on 9/8/08
Charles Pfister, Upland, CAC.P. Construction, Contractor$5,000 on 8/18/08
Charles Pope, Santa Cruz, CASeagate Technology, Financial Executive$5,000 on 8/8/08
Charles Stoddard, Santa Rosa, CARetired$5,000 on 8/4/08
China Circuit Technology, Monterey, CA$5,000 on 8/29/08
Christine Francom, Newbury Park, CAConejo Valley Unified School District, Teacher$5,000 on 8/4/08
Christopher L. Eastland, Los Angeles, CASeidler Equity Partners, Investing$5,000 on 8/20/08
Clark Hatch, Brea, CAAqua Clear Farms, Businessman$5,000 on 8/8/08
Colby D. Eller, Granite Bay, CAValley Oaks Insurance Advisors, Insurance Broker$5,000 on 8/29/08
Colleen D. Watkins, El Cajon, CA$5,000 on 8/29/08
Corey A. Procuniar, Trabuco Canyon, CAThe Endign Group, Nursing Home Administrator$5,000 on 8/13/08
Couch Potatoes Only, Auburn, CA$5,000 on 8/25/08
Craig A. Neville, Bakersfield, CACal-Pacific Farm Management, LP, Agriculture$5,000 on 8/29/08
Curtis Weller, Clayton, CADeloitte & Touche, CPA$5,000 on 8/8/08
D. Kirk Davis, Rancho Santa Margarita, CAIHP Capital, Sr. Vice President$5,000 on 9/2/08
D. Walton, Walnut Creek, CADoneu Hall APLC, Attorney$5,000 on 8/8/08
Dalton Capital, Inc., Yorba Linda, CA$5,000 on 8/22/08
Dan C. Hunter, Aliso Viejo, CADanberg Development, Developer$5,000 on 9/2/08
Dan Olsen, Laguna Niguel, CAMeadows Asset Management, Attorney$5,000 on 8/20/08
Daniel R. O’Bryant, Glendora, CAAvery Dennison, CFO$5,000 on 8/27/08
Danielle D. Kotter, Marina Del Rey, CAWF, Marketing Sale Manager$5,000 on 9/4/08
David C. Van Blerkom, Danville, CAInflective Asset Mgmt, Investment Manager$5,000 on 9/2/08
David Christensen, Danville, CAGartner, Inc, Analyst$5,000 on 8/25/08
David F. Morgan, Fair Oaks, CADelta Dental, Manager$5,000 on 8/25/08
David G. Wiggins, Chino Hills, CA$5,000 on 9/4/08
David J. Wilson, Morgan Hill, CACTS Advantage, Owner$5,000 on 9/5/08
David Lee, Sunnyvale, CANetapp, Manager$5,000 on 9/5/08
David Meyers Barbara, Magnolia, TX$5,000 on 8/18/08
David S. Price, La Mesa, CA$5,000 on 8/27/08
Dayna D. Bain, Walnut Creek, CA$5,000 on 9/2/08
Dean Criddle, Piedmont, CAOrric, Herrington & Sutcliffe, Attorney$5,000 on 8/8/08
Debora Fenn, Buena Park, CAFenn Termite & Pest, Owner$5,000 on 8/18/08
Debra A. Hawkes, Pittsburg, CAContra Costa County, Registered Nurse$5,000 on 9/2/08
Delone Bailey, Alamo, CA$5,000 on 9/5/08
Denise R. Callister, La Crescenta, CA$5,000 on 8/18/08
Dennis Lambourne, Brea, CALPL Insurance$5,000 on 8/20/08
Derik Brian, Laguna Beach, CAMiramar Health, Owner$5,000 on 9/2/08
DHC Family Foundation, Visalia, CA$5,000 on 8/13/08
Diane E. Knudson, Valencia, CAGold Mountain Media, Owner$5,000 on 8/20/08
Dirk O. Jergensen, Poway, CAOmnicare, Pharmacist$5,000 on 8/29/08
Don Duffy, Dove Canyon, CAGray Point, CPA$5,000 on 9/8/08
Dorothy Devore, La Canada, CAGreggory R. Devore, MD., Office Manager$5,000 on 8/25/08
Douglas B. Quist, Sunnyvale, CANvidia, Director of I.T.$5,000 on 8/29/08
Douglas Barton, Walnut Creek, CADeloitte & Touche, Accountant$5,000 on 8/8/08
Douglas Whiting, Carlsbad, CAHifa, Engineer$5,000 on 8/20/08
ETS & Associates, Gilroy, CA$5,000 on 8/15/08
Earl Carter, Rialto, CAEarl Carter & Associates, Lawyer$5,000 on 9/8/08
Edward Griffith, Irvine, CA$5,000 on 8/4/08
Elizabeth Bradford, Rocklin, CA$5,000 on 9/2/08
Ellen Morris, Bakersfield, CADynasty Management, Owner$5,000 on 9/2/08
Engineer Mechanical Contractor, Inc., Sacramento, CA$5,000 on 8/18/08
Eric Ottesen, Poway, CAExcel Realty, Attorney$5,000 on 8/27/08
Fred Huckvale, Northridge, CAMillennial Mgt, Executive$5,000 on 9/4/08
C. Craig Sullivan, San Francisco, CA$5,000 on 9/6/08/08
Gail Olsen, Roseville, CA$5,000 on 8/18/08
Gary Crandall, Orange, CABioMedics, Owner$5,000 on 8/14/08
George M. Grant, Riverside, CABest, Best & Krieger, Attorney$5,000 on 8/14/08
George Mautz, Chino Hills, CABank of America, Financial Services$5,000 on 8/8/08
Glen Sellers, Placerville, CA$5,000 on 9/8/08
Gloria P. Pope, Santa Cruz, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Grant J. Hallstrom, Irvine, CA$5,000 on 8/14/08
Greg L. Smith, Aliso Viejo, CAEclipsys, Lawyer$5,000 on 8/22/08
Gregory C. Brown, La Canada, CABreit Burn Management, Co., Executive$5,000 on 9/2/08
Gregory Weeks, Rancho Santa Fe, CAAttorney$5,000 on 8/8/08
Guy M. Masters, Glendale, CAHealthcare Partners, Consultant$5,000 on 8/18/08
Heath Sheppard, Roseville, CASheppard & Associates, Insurance Broker$5,000 on 8/22/08
Heather Clawson, Rancho Santa Margarita, CAGolden Spoon Frozen Yogurt, Owner$5,000 on 8/13/08
Henry R. Lindsay, Elk Grove, CA$5,000 on 8/29/08
Internet Blueprint, Tustin, CA$5,000 on 8/18/08
Isi Nau, Waipahu, HIHawaii Doe, Teacher$5,000 on 9/3/08
Jack Williams, Elk Grove, CACmon ‘N Go, Owner$5,000 on 8/11/08
Jaleen N. Lunt, La Crescenta, CA$5,000 on 9/4/08
James D. Ogden, Martinez, CACarpathia, Accountant$5,000 on 8/15/08
James Orman, Mira Loma, CAHoneywell, Welder$5,000 on 8/20/08
James S. Crane, Fresno, CAA.L. Drywall, Construction$5,000 on 8/25/08
James W. Hunt, Elk Grove, CA$5,000 on 9/2/08
James Walker, Ewa Beach, HIPolynesian Cultural Center, Sales$5,000 on 8/11/08
Janell L. Meinzer, Granite Bay, CAMeinco Properties, Investor$5,000 on 8/25/08
Jani Stone, Danville, CA$5,000 on 8/21/08
Jared L. Spears, Yuba City, CACordano Spears Dental, Dentist$5,000 on 8/25/08
Jason Cardinet, Newcastle, CAGallina LLP, Accountant$5,000 on 8/8/08
Jeffrey Marr, San Jose, CACisco Systems, Engineer$5,000 on 8/20/08
Jenny L. Townsend, La Canada Flintridge, CA$5,000 on 8/27/08
Jeremiah Jones, Riverside, CABosco Legal Services, Manager$5,000 on 8/27/08
Jerry Oliver, Murphys, CA$5,000 on 8/4/08
Jerry Sorensen, DDS, Fresno, CA$5,000 on 8/18/08
Jill Heffner, Modesto, CA$5,000 on 8/29/08
Jo Anne Gardner, Clayton, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Joan Talbot, Santa Maria, CAHeath Income Tax, Consultant$5,000 on 8/14/08
John A. Crosby, Redding, CAPaskenta, CEO$5,000 on 8/22/08
John Blatter, Danville, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
John Crawford, Saratoga, CAIntel, Computer Architect$5,000 on 9/6/08
John F. Watkins, Anderson, CAReal Estate$5,000 on 8/8/08
John Klein, Nevada City, CAWells Fargo, Insurance$5,000 on 8/14/08
John L. Hales, La Crescenta, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
John Lattin, Laguna Niguel, CAFisher & Phillips, Attorney$5,000 on 8/29/08
John Plocher, Riverside, CAUSR, Broker$5,000 on 9/2/08
John W. Cutt, Concord, CAInacc Corp., CEO$5,000 on 8/21/08
Jonathan Tenney, Newport Beach, CAMerrill Lynch, Investment Advisor$5,000 on 8/8/08
Jonathan W. Starr, Covina, CARemax Masters, Real Estate Agent$5,000 on 8/25/08
Jordan Law, Coto De Caza, CAAerofit, Owner$5,000 on 8/14/08
Joyce G. Evenson, Fresno, CA$5,000 on 8/18/08
Judith Wagner, Alamo, CARetired$5,000 on 9/9/08
Judy Cooley, Pacifica, CA$5,000 on 8/14/08
Judy Salmon, Palo Alto, CAPalo Alto Unified School District, Teacher$5,000 on 8/22/08
Julie Schull, Pleasanton, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Justin W. Dalton Corp., Yorba Linda, CA$5,000 on 8/27/08
Karen Westover, Manhattan Beach, CA$5,000 on 8/9/08
Karl N. Haws, Redlands, CAMundell, Odlum & Haws, LLP, Lawyer$5,000 on 8/29/08
Katharine Chera, Santa Rosa, CA$5,000 on 9/2/08
Kay Bohne, Walnut Creek, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Kazuo Enterprises, Inc., Cypress, CA$5,000 on 8/27/08
Keenan Davis, Auburn, CADavis Legal Associates, Attorney$5,000 on 8/28/08
Keith Bradburn, Concord, CADr. Randall Gardner, DDS, Dentist$5,000 on 8/25/08
Keith E. Loraine, Petaluma, CAMusic of Sundrie Natures, Musician$5,000 on 8/29/08
Kevan Bradshaw, San Diego, CAPWC, CPA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Kristin Albrechtsen, Chino Hills, CA$5,000 on 8/22/08
Kristine Whitesides, Trabuco Canyon, CA$5,000 on 8/25/08
Kristy Hunter, Camarillo, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Krystalyn Judd, Walnut Creek, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Kurt D. Johnson, Redwood City, CA$5,000 on 9/3/08
Ladawn Stone, El Dorado Hills, CA$5,000 on 8/14/08
Lang Roofing, Inc., Bell Gardens, CA$5,000 on 8/25/08
Large Enterprise, Aliso Viejo, CA$5,000 on 9/5/08
Larry Arnett, Morgan Hill, CASpace Systems, Engineer$5,000 on 8/15/08
Larry Brasher, Newcastle, CA$5,000 on 9/8/08
Larry Wilson, Alamo, CA$5,000 on 8/20/08
Laura Wilkins, El Dorado Hills, CAClear Image Inc, Owner$5,000 on 8/8/08
Law Offices of Douglas A. MacDonald, Sacramento, CA$5,000 on 8/21/08
Law Offices of Frank D. Penney, Roseville, CA$5,000 on 8/21/08
Lawrence Blonquist, Westlake Village, CATurnberry Financial, Financial Advisor$5,000 on 8/11/08
Lawrence Hixon, Santa Barbara, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Lee D. Green, San Jose, CAK-Swiss, Inc., Attorney$5,000 on 8/27/08
Linda Orman, Mira Loma, CA$5,000 on 8/20/08
Linda S. Doll, Walnut Creek, CA$5,000 on 8/14/08
Lisa Jones, Riverside, CA$5,000 on 8/27/08
Lisa Williams, Elk Grove, CA$5,000 on 8/11/08
Lloyd Dickson, Sunnyvale, CA$5,000 on 8/18/08
Lloyd Pace, Visalia, CAJMT Financial Svc., Mortgage$5,000 on 8/8/08
Logan A. Sheppard, Orangevale, CASheppard & Associates, Insurance Broker$5,000 on 8/25/08
Lone Tree Convalescent Hospital, Antioch, CA$5,000 on 8/29/08
Lonna Ward, Huntington Beach, CA$5,000 on 8/22/08
Loretta Kaopua, Aiea, HI$5,000 on 8/18/08
Louise Miramontes, Irvine, CAMuirfield Properties, Developer$5,000 on 8/15/08
Luann Warren, Livermore, CAWarren Associates, CFO$5,000 on 8/25/08
Lyle Hill, Riverside, CACity of Riverside, Engineer$5,000 on 8/27/08
Lynette Atkisson, San Francisco, CA$5,000 on 8/21/08
MKP Construction, Inc., Upland, CA$5,000 on 8/11/08
Marc C. Eynon, Corona, CA$5,000 on 9/8/08
Margaret Wheelwright, Laie, HI$5,000 on 8/22/08
Marie M. Jensen, Yuba City, CA$5,000 on 9/3/08
Marilyn M. Goff, Shingle Springs, CALyon, Real Estate$5,000 on 8/25/08
Marilyn O. Masters, Glendale, CA$5,000 on 8/18/08
Mark A. Norman, Tracy, CANorman Masonry, Owner$5,000 on 8/18/08
Mark Evans, Granite Bay, CANorthwestern Mutual, Management$5,000 on 8/14/08
Mark McComb, Santa Barbara, CASelect Staffing, COO$5,000 on 8/14/08
Maryann McCarty, Apple Valley, CA$5,000 on 8/13/08
Matthew D. Kartchner, Sacramento, CAPulte Homes, Construction$5,000 on 9/2/08
Maureen Christensen, Anaheim, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Maureen Hixon, Santa Barbara, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Maurine Walker, Los Angeles, CA$5,000 on 8/18/08
Melissa Tuttle, El Dorado Hills, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Melissa Vassallo, Sacramento, CAVerita Fdtn, Director$5,000 on 8/4/08
Merrill Higham, Belmont, CAHigham, Richards & Vranes, CPA$5,000 on 8/18/08
Michael Calta, Chino, CAVi-Cal Metals, Vice President$5,000 on 8/4/08
Michael Erickson, Fountain Valley, CAKnobbe Martens Olson & Bear, Lawyer$5,000 on 8/14/08
Michael King, Salinas, CATaiyo Pacific Parts, Manager$5,000 on 8/22/08
Michael Manning, San Juan Capistrano, CAQlogic, CPA$5,000 on 9/4/08
Michael P. Mullen, Granite Bay, CAMichael P. Mullen, Oral Surgeon$5,000 on 9/8/08
Michael Peterson, Danville, CAPascal Mgmt, Financial Services$5,000 on 8/18/08
Michael Ward, La Canada, CAActivision, Executive Producer$5,000 on 8/13/08
Michele C. Sundstrom, San Jose, CA$5,000 on 8/21/08
Mike Daley, Modesto, CALSO, Inc., Sales$5,000 on 8/29/08
Monte J. Harrick, La Canada, CAVerity Point, Director$5,000 on 8/15/08
Myles L. Brown, Folsom, CABrown, Fine, Boyce & Astle, LLP, Accountant$5,000 on 8/8/08
Nancy F. Lockhart, Piedmont, CA$5,000 on 9/2/08
Nile Sorenson, Yorba Linda, CANile Sorenson D.M.D., Orthodontist$5,000 on 8/8/08
Nora Baker, Redlands, CA$5,000 on 8/21/08
Palmdale Veterinary Hospital, Palmdale, CA$5,000 on 8/18/08
Pamela Capelo, Poway, CACooley Godward Kronish, Lawyer$5,000 on 8/20/08
Patricia H. Hunt, Northridge, CA$5,000 on 8/27/08
Patterson Law Firm, Valencia, CA$5,000 on 9/4/08
Paul A. Burch, Corona, CAABS Global, Sales Manager$5,000 on 8/18/08
Paul Larson, Pleasanton, CAP D Larson Co., Construction$5,000 on 8/21/08
Peggy Bowden, Redding, CA$5,000 on 9/2/08
Perry Chapman, Yorba Linda, CAAllied Steel, Steel Fabricator$5,000 on 8/8/08
R. Dean Merkley, Santa Clara, CAD & K Real Estate, Realtor$5,000 on 9/2/08
R. Jay Allen, Stockton, CAStone Tioga Allen, Developer$5,000 on 8/21/08
R. E. Huisken, Huntington Beach, CARPH Investments, President$5,000 on 8/29/08
Rachel Aaron, Clayton, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Rachelle Clifford, Huntington Beach, CA$5,000 on 8/15/08
Ralph Severson, Orinda, CA$5,000 on 8/25/08
Randal Mack, San Jose, CAMohler, Nixon & Williams, Accountant$5,000 on 8/8/08
Randall Steele, Modesto, CASeed Factory, Owner$5,000 on 8/14/08
Ray Fahringer, Long Beach, CACustom Pump & Equipment, Sales$5,000 on 8/15/08
Rebecca Brubaker, Redding, CA$5,000 on 8/25/08
Reid LaLonde, Placerville, CAMountain Mgmt, Contractor$5,000 on 8/21/08
Renae Lyon, San Luis Obispo, CA$5,000 on 8/18/08
Richard C. Callister, La Crescenta, CAVerity Point, Consultant$5,000 on 8/18/08
Richard Chapman, Walnut Creek, CAJES Engineering, Owner$5,000 on 8/8/08
Richard D. Cardall, Walnut Creek, CATransamerica Capital Management, Sales Management$5,000 on 8/8/08
Richard E. Lamprecht, Laguna Niguel, CAThe Irvine Company, Real Estate Developer$5,000 on 8/13/08
Richard L. Holbrook, Foster City, CAHolbrook Global Investors, Investment Advisor$5,000 on 8/27/08
RLG Enterprises, Huntington Beach, CA$5,000 on 9/2/08
Robert B. Erickson, Costa Mesa, CAFluor Corporation, Engineer$5,000 on 8/15/08
Robert Blazer, Pleasanton, CAValidity Sensors, Manager$5,000 on 8/18/08
Robert C. Moehle, Glendora, CA$5,000 on 8/22/08
Robert E. Hales, Attorney, Orange, CA$5,000 on 8/22/08
Robert G. Dyer, Attorney, San Diego, CA$5,000 on 9/4/08
Robert Kenney, Sunnyvale, CAGolfland Entertainment, Executive$5,000 on 8/11/08
Robert L. Bowers, Huntington Beach, CAAir Source Industries, Executive$5,000 on 8/13/08
Robert Moneymaker, Sacramento, CASAIC, IT Specialist$5,000 on 9/5/08
Robert W. Peterson, San Jose, CABank of America, Executive$5,000 on 9/8/08
Robin Detling, Lincoln, CAPGP Valuation, Analyst$5,000 on 8/11/08
Rob Emery, Newport Beach, CASteadfast Company, CEO$5,000 on 8/16/08
Rodney J. Kellogg, Clovis, CAKellogg & Grant Family Dentistry, Dentist$5,000 on 9/4/08
Ronald D. Nunnally, Lakewood, CA$5,000 on 8/29/08
Ronald J. Coleman, Newcastle, CACastle City Mobile Parks & Sales, Owner$5,000 on 9/2/08
Ronald Packard, Los Altos, CAPackard, Packard & Johnson, Attorney$5,000 on 8/8/08
Rose Adams, San Jose, CASelf-Employed, Quilter$5,000 on 8/29/08
Russell R. Watanabe, Aiea, HIWatanabe Floral, Florist$5,000 on 8/25/08
Ruth Kelly, Anaheim, CABig Adventure Child Care, Owner$5,000 on 8/8/08
Ryan Webber, Trabuco Canyon, CAWoodside Homes, Manager$5,000 on 8/26/08
Ryan Williams, Bakersfield, CAKern County, Sheriff Deputy$5,000 on 8/27/08
S. Lynn Bogh, Highland, CAKCB Towers, Inc., Structural Steel$5,000 on 9/4/08
Samuel G. Hodnett, Rancho Cordova, CAAida’s University Book Exchange, Manager$5,000 on 9/8/08
Sandra L. Loesch, Marina, CATaco Bell, Franchisee$5,000 on 8/18/08
Scott Bowen, Oak Park, CASelf-Employed, Professional$5,000 on 8/20/08
Scott Houston, Santa Barbara, CAHouston Associates, Management Consultant$5,000 on 8/18/08
Scott Williams, Agoura Hills, CAInsite Development, Real Estate$5,000 on 8/18/08
Sensible Senior Homecare, Adelanto, CA$5,000 on 8/11/08
Serena Orton, Poway, CAL. Cary Orton DDS, Marketing$5,000 on 8/20/08
Shane C.K. Kaopua, Aiea, HIBank of Hawaii, Banker$5,000 on 8/15/08
Shannyn Gardner, Valencia, CA$5,000 on 8/21/08
Sharon Brown, Alta Loma, CA$5,000 on 8/18/08
Shelly Jordan, Oak Park, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Sherman L. Doll, Walnut Creek, CACapital Performance Advisors, Consultant$5,000 on 8/14/08
Sherry L. Hulbert, Shingle Springs, CA$5,000 on 8/25/08
Shirley Mataalii, Lomita, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Shonnie L. Jackson, Granite Bay, CA$5,000 on 9/8/08
Stephen Bills, Glendale, CAPhilbott Bills Stoll & Meeks, CPA$5,000 on 8/4/08
Stephen C. Kimball, Inc., Mission Viejo, CA$5,000 on 8/13/08
Steven Bush, La Crescenta, CAPrestige Preschool, CEO$5,000 on 8/8/08
Steven E. Leininger, Concord, CACapital Performance Advisors, CPA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Steven F. Nelson, Covina, CARiverside Metro Auto, Executive$5,000 on 8/15/08
Steven G. Johnson Dental, Santa Barbara, CA$5,000 on 8/14/08
Steven R. Townsend, La Canada, CAWachovia Securities, Finance$5,000 on 8/29/08
Steven Saunders, Clovis, CASteven Saunders, CPA$5,000 on 8/22/08
Steven Wheelwright, Laie, HIBrigham Young University–Hawaii, President$5,000 on 8/22/08
Tamra Braatz, Auburn, CA$5,000 on 9/8/08
Ted Cannon, Irvine, CAKnobbe, Martens, Olson & Bear–Attorney$5,000 on 9/7/08
Terry Lloyd, Walnut Creek, CATerry Lloyd, CPA, Analyst$5,000 on 8/27/08
Thalia M. Cutt, Concord, CA$5,000 on 8/21/08
The Law Offices of Bradford..., Eureka, CA$5,000 on 9/2/08
Tom S. Moyes, Valencia, CANorthrop Grumman, Engineer$5,000 on 9/4/08
Tricks Gymnastics, Inc., Granite Bay, CA$5,000 on 8/18/08
Vella J. Albretsen, Grover Beach, CA$5,000 on 8/25/08
Vivi S. Mceuen, Redding, CACal State University Chico, Lecturer$5,000 on 9/3/08
W. Mark Bassett, Antelope, CABrasher’s Sacramento Auto Auction, CFO$5,000 on 9/2/08
Western Water Features, El Dorado Hills, CA$5,000 on 8/22/08
William Bunker, San Juan Capistrano, CAKnobbe, Martens, Attorney$5,000 on 8/8/08
William Reasbeck, Redding, CATin Man Dental Supplies, Sales$5,000 on 8/21/08
WM Brent Pendleton, Riverside, CAFleetwood Ent., Director of Materials$5,000 on 8/14/08
Young S. Hong, Coto de Caza, CAStrategic Property Association, Consultant$5,000 on 8/29/08
Ann F. Long, Corona, CA$5,000 on 9/24/08
Bell & Associates, Laguna Beach, CA$5,000 on 9/10/08
Betsy Johnson, Mountain View, CA$5,000 9/10/08
Brandon M. Nielsen, Thousand Oaks, CA$5,000 on 9/12/08
Brent R. Knudson, Los Gatos, CAPLGA, Investor$5,000 on 9/18/08
Bruce L. Barton, Grantite Bay, CADionex Corporation, Executive$5,000 on 9/10/08
Charles J. Chacon, Corona, CACC Real Estate Group, Sales$5,000 on 9/18/08
Colleen A. Tano, Kaneohe, HIState of Hawaii, Civil Engineer$5,000 on 9/24/08
Cynthia J. Goodsell, Los Gatos, CAAccount Ability, CPA$5,000 on 9/25/08
Cynthia Stone, Los Angeles, CAHomemaker$5,000 on 9/16/08
Danny Coder, Stevinson, CACoder Appliance, Repair$5,000 on 9/10/08
David A. Avina, Riverside, CAD & A Transports, Truck Driver$5,000 on 9/22/08
David A. Chamerlin, Trabuco Canyon, CALoma Linda University Medical Center, Physician$5,000 on 9/10/08
David W. Collett, Calabasas, CAUNX, CFO$5,000 on 9/17/08
Dwain Rickertson, Yuba City, CAFamily Physicians, Inc., Physician$5,000 on 9/18/08
Hannah V. Peterson, Ramona, CA$5,000 on 9/10/08
Harmony Circle, LLC, Anaheim Hills, CA$5,000 on 9/22/08
Jacqueline A. McAllister, Fair Oaks, CA$5,000 on 9/25/08
James Bell, Orange, CAAmpro, Manager$5,000 on 9/10/08
Janelle A. Palmer, Walnut Creek, CA$5,000 on 9/15/08
Janelle Dahl, Valencia, CA$5,000 on 9/15/08
Jeffrery K. Taylor, Provo, UTDiamicron, Inc., Ortho. Surgeon$5,000 on 9/11/08
Jeffrey Christian, Morgan Hill, CAPhoenix Deventures, Engineer$5,000 on 9/22/08
Jeffrey Hamilton, Ashton, IDHamilton & Co., LLP, CPA$5,000 on 9/15/08
Jeffrey P. Starr, Mission Viejo, CASaddleback Valley Unified School District, Administrator$5,000 on 9/17/08
Jeffrey Sycamore, Thousand Oaks, CAJeffrey L. Sycamore MDAPC, Doctor$5,000 on 9/12/08
Jennifer R. Ford, Ramona, CA$5,000 on 9/15/08
Jeraldine Taxera, Yuba City, CA$5,000 on 9/11/08
Jill Van Slooten, La Canada, CA$5,000 on 9/15/08
Jim Vargas, La Jolla, CA$5,000 on 9/22/08
John B. Hansen, La Canada, CAGlenwood Group, Real Estate Investment$5,000 on 9/10/08
John Nielsen, Thousand Oaks, CARPA, Inc., Consultant$5,000 on 9/11/08
Judith Wagner, Alamo, CARetired$5,000 on 9/9/08
Kathryn Olsen, San Clemente, CA$5,000 on 9/23/08
Kenneth I. Talbot, Sunnyvale, CANorthrop Grumman$5,000 on 9/25/08
Kenneth Jones, Larkspur, CALithium Investments, Manager$5,000 on 9/18/08
Larry D. Tashjian, La Canada, CACAM Capitol, Investment Manager$5,000 on 9/25/08
Laurie Bell, Wilton, CABell Pest Control, Owner$5,000 on 9/25/08
Law Offices of W. Douglas Eaton, Costa Mesa, CA$5,000 on 9/11/08
Lisa P. Corcoran, Laguna Beach, CA$5,000 on 9/10/08
Lola N. Warren, Bangor, CA$5,000 on 9/17/08
Marianne Caverly, Moreno Valley, CACalvary Chapel Moreno Valley, Manager$5,000 on 9/11/08
Marion E. Haws, Santa Barbara, CA$5,000 on 9/12/08
Mark Gomm Design, Rescue, CA$5,000 on 9/17/08
Matt Owens, La Canada, CAWalt Disney Company, Finance$5,000 on 9/11/08
Micalanne Child, Yucaipa, CASMZ Corp., Real Estate$5,000 on 9/12/08
Miles Chemical Company, Inc., Arieta, CA$5,000 on 9/15/08
Nancy Howard, Whittier, CA$5,000 on 9/10/08
Paul Walker, Vista, CAHien, Engineer$5,000 on 9/16/08
Peggy J. Hodson, Santa Barbara, CA$5,000 on 9/15/08
R. Paul Ashton, Santa Ana, CALifecare Resources, Inc., Owner$5,000 on 9/22/08
Rachelle Clifford, Huntington Beach, CA$5,000 on 9/18/08
Randall M. Mendioroz, Encinitas, CAAquatic Design Group, Inc., CEO$5,000 on 9/15/08
Richard A. Hunter, San Jose, CA$5,000 on 9/25/08
Robert Putnam, Poway, CAE. Digital Corporation, Senior VP$5,000 on 9/15/08
Robert W. Mower, DDS Corporation, Valencia, CA$5,000 on 9/10/08
Ronald K. Lindsay, San Carlos, CALindsay Propeties, LLC, Real Estate Developer$5,000 on 9/17/08
Ronald Naves, West Hills, CA$5,000 on 9/12/08
Roy E. Whitehead, Inc., Riverside, CA$5,000 on 9/24/08
Ruth H. Monzalvo, Vista, CAHerbalife International, Sales$5,000 on 9/15/08
Ryan Trimble, Laguna Hills, CA$5,000 on 9/25/08
Sandra B. Cook, Lodi, CA$5,000 on 9/19/08
Susan S. Hamilton, Poway, CA$5,000 on 9/15/08
Sylvia L. Chase, Brea, CA$5,000 on 9/17/08
Tamra Braatz, Auburn, CA$5,000 on 9/8/08
Taylor R. Woods, Newport Beach, CAGenpact, President$5,000 on 9/10/08
Terry N. Meinzer, North Highlands, CAMeinco Properties, Property Manager$5,000 on 9/15/08
Tim Busch, Irvine, CAPacific Hospitality Group, Executive$5,000 on 9/24/08
Trevor Newcomer, Sacramento, CATrellen, LLC, Adminstrator$5,000 on 9/24/08
Wilford Day, Sacramento, CAUnited States Air Force$5,000 on 9/11/08
William E. Frankin, Fairfield, CACoparti, Inc., Manager$5,000 on 9/18/08
Charles Woodhouse, La Canada Flintridge, CAGibson, Dunn & Crutcher, Administrator$4,950 on 8/8/08
Beverly H. Jafek, San Diego, CA$4,950 on 9/18/08
John L. Hales, La Crescenta, CA$4,950 on 9/15/08
Kristin W. Bowman, Saratoga, CA$4,950 on 9/18/08
Laurel C. Hulme, Los Gatos, CA$4,950 on 9/17/08
REFERENCESAll donor names, cities and donation amounts cited from the Secretary of State Web Site for the State of California: http://cal-access.ss.ca.gov/Campaign/Measures/Detail.aspx?id=1302602&session=2007[1] Cited “California Common Cause News”, July 7, 1993.[2] Cited Washington Post Staff Writer, Howard Kurtz, January 26, 2005.[3] Peter H Stone, Bara Vaida, "Christian Soldiers". National Journal. Washington, Dec 4, 2004. Volume 36, Issue 49, pg. 3596.[4] 2005 Form 990, Focus on the Family.[5] http://www.limandrilaw.com/ August 15, 2008.[6] Parks v The Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix , et al. TD Citation 18 TD 8th 16.[7] Los Angeles Times, October 8, 2004, Gregory W. Griggs, “United Way is Close to Deal on Lawsuit”[8] The Council for National Policy Biographies (web), 8/19/08.[9] http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2007/10/02/blackwater_bush/print.html, “The Bush administration’s ties to Blackwater”, Ben Van Heuvelen, Oct. 2. 2007[10] http://sanguineinseattle.blogspot.com/2007/04/boycott-bolthouse-farms.html, Sunday, April 8, 2007[11] City of Corona website, 8/20/08: http://www.ci.corona.ca.us/index.cfm?section=About[12] Slobodzian, Joseph A. (2007-06-01). “Council votes to end city lease with Boy Scouts”, Philadelphia Inquirer[13] “Boy Scouts sue Phila. to stay in headquarters”, Philadelphia Inquirer, 5/27/08[14] Taken from website http://www.letfreedomringusa.com/, 8/21/08[15] http://fundrace.huffingtonpost.com/neighbors.php?type=name&lname=Samuelian, 8/25/08[16] http://www.sandiegoreader.com/news/2008/aug/13/b/[17] http://www.thebolthousefoundation.org/[18] http://www.csgrr.com/csgrr-cgi-bin/mil?att=upload.113&templ=firm/bio.html[19] http://www.campaignmoney.com/political/527/americans_united_to_preserve_marriage.asp[20] OC Register, Jan 1, 1999, by Penni Crabtree.[21] Wikipedia, 10/1/08 cited: People for the American Way: Concerned Women for America. http://www.pfaw.org/pfaw/general/default.aspx?oid=3151
*Contributions to these organizations also appear separately on this report.
Disclaimer: This list is based on the data made publicly available by the California Secretary of State’s office. Californians Against Hate, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy or validity of the names, contribution amounts and descriptions on this Dishonor Roll. Please direct any inquiries or corrections to the California Secretary of State. Californians Against Hate, Inc. will periodically update this list based on additional data made available by the California Secretary of State. It is possible for multiple persons to share the same name.
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We present the Californians Against Hate Dishonor Roll. We want the country to know who gave the $36 million to the Yes on Proposition 8 campaign that ended same-sex marriage in California. We have posted all major donors on our web site who gave $5000.00 and more, many much more! We've taken public information from the California Secretary of State’s Office and added telephone numbers and web sites when available. We also included commentary on some of the more interesting and controversial donors. Individuals and businesses gave a vast amount of money to take away our equality, and we want you to know who they are.
Knights of Columbus, New Haven, CTHeadquarters: 1 Columbus Plaza, New Haven, CT 06510 • Tel: 203.752.4000 • Web: www.kofc.org/un/index.cfmCalifornia: 15808 Arrow Blvd, Suite A, Fontana, CA 92335 • Tel: 909.434.0460 • Web: http://www.kofc-california.org/$1,425,000Knights of Columbus (Headquarters) gave: $250,000 on 2/4/08, $1,000,000 on 8/15/08 and $150,000 on 10/21/08Knights of Columbus (California) gave: $25,000 on 4/18/08
Headquartered in New Haven, CT, the Knights of Columbus has 1.7 million members and is required to provide life insurance to its members. Founded in 1882, it acts as the political arm of the Catholic Church. It has given millions of dollars to fight stem cell research initiatives and to fund constitutional amendments to ban same-sex marriage across the United States. The Knights of Columbus is chartered as a fraternal benefit society, and is set up as a 501(c)8 corporation.
Howard Ahmanson, Jr., Irvine, CAP.O. Box 19061, Irvine, CA 92623-9061$1,395,000Howard "Howie" Ahmanson, Jr.'s company Fieldstead & Co. gave: $100,000 on 2/22/08, $200,000 on 2/29/08, $100,000 on 3/24/08, $100,000 on 8/26/08, $100,000 on 8/28/08, $300,000 on 9/25/08, $95,000 on 10/18/08, $250,000 on 10/27/08 and $150,000 on 10/22/08.
Fieldstead & Co. is a company owned by the heir of the Home Savings & Loan fortune, Howard "Howie" Ahmanson, Jr. Ahmanson is a major contributor to numerous far right religious political causes. His past association with R.J. Rushdoony’s controversial Christian Reconstructionist movement was an early influence on Ahmanson’s political viewpoint. Ahmanson has stated that his “goal is the total integration of biblical law into our lives.”
Referring to his close friend Rashdoony, Ahmanson is reported to have “never supported his mentor’s calls for the death penalty for homosexuals,” rather, as the Orange County Register reported many years later in 2004, “he stops just short of condemning the idea”, saying that he “no longer consider[s] [it] essential” to stone people who are deemed to have committed certain immoral acts. Ahmanson and his wife Roberta completed a four part interview with the Orange County Register in 2004 in an attempt to clarify the rumors that swirled around them. Ahmanson has connections with three other major donors on this list: Roland Hinz, Robert Hurtt and Edward Atsinger III, who have pooled their money to support like-minded candidates and causes through the Capitol Commonwealth Group (CCG) and Allied Business PAC. They spent more than $3,600,000 back in the 1992 election cycle alone. [1]
John Templeton/Josephine Templeton, Bryn Mawr, PA300 Conshohocken State Road, Suite 500, West Conshohocken, PA 19428 • Tel: 610.941.2828 • Web: http://www.templeton.org/ and http://www.letfreedomringusa.com/$1,100,000John Templeton, Chairman and President of the John Templeton Foundation, gave: $450,000 on 8/19 (to NOM), $450,000 on 8/19 (to Protect Marriage), $100,000 on 10/8/08 and $100,000 on 10/29/08.
John Templeton, Jr. is the son of the late John Marks Templeton. John, Sr. was born in Winchester, Tennessee in 1912, and made his fortune through the Templeton Funds that he started and later sold in 1992 to Franklin Group for $440 million. John, Jr. is now the President of the John Templeton Foundation which has nearly $1.5 billion in assets, and gave away $70 million in grants in 2007. The Foundation funds research into “life’s biggest questions,” including science, religion, ultimate reality and wisdom.
John Templeton, Jr. founded and is Chairman of 'Let Freedom Ring, Inc.' (http://www.letfreedomringusa.com/), a far right think-tank that he set up in 2004 with a $1 million donation. [14] He is a member of the Cradle of Liberty Council of the Boy Scouts of America, which made news when they were forced to leave their Philadelphia headquarters due to a conflict between Philadelphia’s non-discrimination policy, and that of the Boy Scouts, which allows discrimination of gays. Legal proceedings continue on the case. [12] [13]
National Organization for Marriage, Princeton, NJ20 Nassau Street, Suite 242, Princeton, NJ 08542 • Tel: 609.688.0450 • Web: http://www.nomcalifornia.org/site/c.htJSJaMQIuE/b.3958623/ and http://www.nationformarriage.org$1,041,134.90/
The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) gave: $225,000 on 1/22/08, $38,132.50 on 2/1/08, $47,402.25 on 2/18/08, $172,500 on 2/21/08, $108,000 on 2/22/08, $105,000 on 3/7/08, $50,000 on 4/14/08, $25,000 on 4/18/08, $25,000 on 4/18/08, $100,100 on 4/24/08, $25,000 on 4/25/08, $20,000 on 7/30/08 and $100,000 on 10/21/08.
The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) is headed by syndicated columnist Maggie Gallagher, President and Brian Brown, Executive Director. Gallagher has worked for several other organizations before founding NOM. She is best known for being in the center of a (George W.) Bush Administration scandal. She had a $21,500 contract with the Health and Human Services Department in 2002 to help promote the administration’s $300 million “healthy marriage” initiative, but did not disclose her contract and was using her column to promote the program. Gallagher attempted to withhold this information until she finally admitted the conflict four years later. [2]
Due to its sizeable early financial support of ProtectMarriage.com, NOM is chiefly responsible for the qualification of Proposition 8. Their funds made it possible to hire the signature gathering firm of Bader and Associates. Bader then was able to hire hundreds of professional petition circulators to collect the necessary signatures to qualify Proposition 8 for the November ballot. The Protect Marriage Campaign spent $1,227,263 with the Bader organization alone between January and June of 2008.
Terry Caster & Family, San Diego, CAA-1 Self Storage–4607 Mission Gorge Place, San Diego, CA 92120 • Tel: 800.219.4854 • Web: http://www.a1storage.com/ and http://www.castergrp.com/ and http://www.servinghands.com/$693,000The Caster Family has given: Terry Caster–$100,000 on 1/5/08, $62,500 on 2/5/08 and $10,000 on 3/27/08; Barbara Caster–$9,100 on 4/10/08; Brian Caster–$10,000 on 1/28/08, $9,100 on 4/10/08 and $10,000 on 7/8/08; Candice Caster–$9,100 on 4/10/08; Cha Cha Caster–$9,100 on 4/10/08; Christina Caster–$9,100 on 4/10/08; Craig Caster–$9,100 on 4/10/08; Gary Davidson–$9,100 on 4/10/08; Justin Caster–$9,100 on 4/10/08; Kenneth Kremensky–$9,100 on 4/10/08; Mechele Kremensky–$9,100 on 4/10/08; Nick Caster–$9,100 on 4/10/08; Caster Family Trust–$400,000 on 10/30/08
The Caster Family owns A-1 Self Storage, with 40 locations throughout California. Terry Caster is quoted in the San Diego Union Tribune as saying “without solid marriage you are going to have a sick society.” Son Craig Caster is the Founder/Pastor of Family Discipleship Ministries in San Diego (http://familydiscipleshipmin.com/). The Caster family has donated more to Proposition 8 than any other family in San Diego.
Robert Hurtt, Orange, CAContainer Supply Company–PO Box 5367, Garden Grove, CA 92846-0367 • Tel: 714.892.8321 • Web: http://www.containersupplycompany.com/$550,000Robert Hurtt, President of Container Supply, gave: $25,000 on 4/18/08, $25,000 on 7/22/08 (from Container Supply), $250,000 on 9/5/08 and $250,000 on 10/17/08.
Former California State Senator Rob Hurtt owns Container Supply Company in Garden Grove. Hurtt had a quick rise to power when he spent $300,000 of his own money to win an Orange County State Senate seat in 1994. Hurt went on to overthrow the Republican leader Ken Maddy in 1995, and become the Minority leader. He was defeated 3 years later in 1998 by Democrat Joe Dunn.
Focus On the Family, Colorado Springs, CO8605 Explorer Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920 • Tel: 800.232.6459 • Web: http://www.focusonthefamily.com/$539,643.66*Focus on the Family gave: $50,000 on 12/4/07, $22,259.46 on 1/22/08, $10,834 on 1/28/08, $50,000 on 4/7/08, $250,000 on 6/13/08, $20,000 on 7/24/08, $9,152.63 on 7/29/08, $1,669.37 on 8/6/08, $21,402 on 9/4/08, $4,306.83 on 9/4/08, $1,739.37 on 9/15/08 and $100,000 on 10/28/08.
Founded in 1977 by Dr. James Dobson, Focus on the Family is the most powerful evangelical ministry in the country. Focus on the Family is located in Colorado Springs, CO and is now run day-to-day by President & CEO, Jim Daly, but James Dobson is still the face and voice of Focus on the Family. Their 2005 budget was $129 million and they have 1,300 employees. They advocate creationism and have called same-sex marriage “the most radical human experiment.”
One of James Dobson’s more famous quotes: "Communities do not let prostitutes, pedophiles, voyeurs, adulterers, and those who sexually prefer animals to publicly celebrate their lifestyles, so why should homosexuals get such privileges?" Dobson receives lucrative royalties from the many books that he writes.
*Contributions to this organization also appear separately on this report.
American Family Association, Tupelo, MSP.O. Drawer 2440, 107 Parkgate, Tupelo, MS 38803-2440 • Tel: 662.844.5036 • Web: http://www.afa.net/$500,000 on 7/22/08
The American Family Association (AFA) of Tupelo, Mississippi was founded in 1977 by Donald E. Wildmon. He serves as Chairman and his son Tim is President. According to its web site, “AFA exists to motivate and equip citizens to change the culture to reflect Biblical truth and traditional values.” They are established as a 501(c)(3) Corporation and according to their IRS Form 990 for 2007, brought in $22.5 million. AFA owns over 180 American Family Radio stations in 28 states across the country. [3] AFA has led several national boycotts against companies such as Walt Disney (1996–2005) http://www.afa.net/disney/ Ford (2005) http://www.boycottford.com/ and just launched a boycott against McDonalds Corporation http://californiansagainsthate.com/www.boycottmcdonalds.com all due to their support of fairness and equality for gays and lesbians. AFA is currently targeting the Hallmark Card Company because it began selling a same-sex wedding cards.
Claire Reiss, La Jolla, CAReisung Enterprises $500,000 on 10/30/08
Elsa Prince, Holland, MIEdgar & Elsa Prince Foundation–190 River Ave, Suite 300, Holland, MI 49423 • Web: http://www.frc.org/$450,000Elsa Prince gave: $200,000 on 8/8/08 and $250,000 on 8/14/08
Elsa Prince of Holland, Michigan is a board member of James Dobson’s Focus on the Family and their lobbying operation, the Family Research Council (FRC). Her late husband, Edgar, founded Prince Automotive and invented the lighted sun visor mirror which made them billionaires. Prince Automotive was later bought out by Johnson Controls. Edgar Prince was instrumental in creating the FRC and upon his death, Elsa Prince provided the money to build their new headquarters in Washington D.C. [8] At Edgar’s funeral, he was eulogized by James Dobson and Gary Bauer.
Prince’s son Erik serves as Vice President of the Edgar & Elsa Prince Foundation, but is best-known as co-founder and CEO of Blackwater Worldwide http://www.blackwaterusa.com/ the highly controversial private security company with federal contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan worth a reported $500 million/year. The Princes have a sprawling ranch in Cody, Wyoming not far from Vice President Dick Cheney’s principal residence in Jackson, WY. Over the years, Blackwater has been represented by high-profile lawyer Ken Starr. [9]
The Edgar & Elsa Prince Foundation is a major donor to the Alliance Defense Fund, whose other major donors include Prince’s daughter and son-in-law, Richard and Betsy DeVos (Richard is the son of the Co-founder of Amway) and the Bolthouse Foundation, whose founder, William Bolthouse, also appears on this list. [10]
Concerned Women for America, Washington, DC1015 Fifteenth Street NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20005 • Tel: 202.488.7000 • Web: http://www.cwfa.org/$409,000 on 9/26/08
Concerned Women for America was founded in 1979 by Christian Beverly LaHaye, wife of Christian Coalition co-founder Timothy LaHaye. The organization is a conservative Christian political action group that focuses on six “core issues”, which they view as Biblically-based. LaHaye was quoted in a 1987 interview with Ms. Magazine, “Yes, religion and politics do mix. America is a nation based on biblical principles. Christian values dominate our government. The test of those values is the Bible. Politicians who do not use the Bible to guide their public and private lives do not beling in office.” [21]
Hartford Holdings, LLC, Provo, UT$300,000 on 10/31/08
John Dalton, Yorba Linda, CAJ & L Consulting, Inc. $250,000 on 10/27/08
David Moon, Alpine, UTEsnet, Ltd.$200,000 on 10/28/08
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC$200,000 on 10/27/08
The Vineyard Group, LLC, Mesa/Queen Creek, AZ1223 S. Clearview Ave., Mesa, AZ 85209 • Tel: 480.222.5800$160,000The Vineyard Group gave: $25,000 on 6/23/08, $35,000 on 7/15/08 and $100,000 on 10/29/08.
The Vineyard Group is part of Cardon Hiatt Bowden, a real estate and investment company based in Mesa, AZ. Principals include Elijah and Craig Cardon, Broc Hiatt and Brent Bowden, many of whom were big financial backers of Mitt Romney for President. Broc Hiatt is a Director of the New York based Institute for American Values, where NOM founder Maggie Gallagher is an Affiliate Scholar.
Dorothy Nielson, La Verne, CA$150,000Dorothy Nielson, a retiree of La Verne, CA gave: $150,000 on 8/8/08
Doug Manchester, San Diego, CAManchester Financial Group–One Market Place, 33rd Floor, San Diego, CA 92101 • Tel: 619.231.3800 • Web: http://www.mresorts.com/$125,000Doug Manchester, Chairman of Manchester Financial Group, LLC, gave: $125,000 on 1/22/08
Among Doug Manchester’s many holdings are The Manchester Grand Hyatt and the 1 year old Grand del Mar Hotel, both in San Diego. His $125,000 early contribution to qualify Proposition 8 is now possibly the most famous political contribution in America. When it became public on March, 15th there were cries for a boycott of his hotels. Californians Against Hate along with Unite Here, Local 30 and many other gay and lesbian leaders officially called for a boycott of Doug Manchester’s hotels on July 18, 2008. http://www.boycottmanchesterhotels.com/. The boycott has been highly successful, resulting in several conventions and meetings being cancelled and moved to competing locations.
Pacific Shores Masonry, Corona, CAStephen Lang is owner of Pacific Shores Masonry. [11]–1369 Walker Ln., Corona, CA 92879 • Tel: 951.371.8550$125,000 on 8/13/08
Mike Murray, Redmond, WACrystal Springs Foundation $100,000 on 10/27/08
Michele Adams Watterson, Cache, UTWatermark Investments, LC $100,000 on 10/29/08
Roger Bayer, SCC, UTThe Byron Company $100,000 on 10/27/08
Katharine Garff, Bountiful, UT$100,000 on 10/29/08
Belinda Vandersloot, Idaho Falls, ID$100,000 on 10/28/08
Matthew S. Wheelwright, Bakersfield, CAWheelwright Consulting, Consultant$100,000 on 9/11/08
Joseph Moran, Los Altos, CARetired$100,000 on 9/24/08
ECCU, Brea, CA$100,000 on 9/23/08
Kelvin H. Moss, Granite Bay, CAKH Moss Company, Investor$100,000 on 9/10/08
William Bolthouse, Bakersfield, CAThe Bolthouse Foundation–2000 Oak Street, Suite 200, Bakersfield, CA 93301-3058 • Tel: 661.334.1915 • Web: http://www.thebolthousefoundation.org/$100,000 on 4/3/08
William Bolthouse, Jr. and his wife created the Bolthouse Foundation "to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by supporting charitable and religious organizations whose ministry, goals, and operating principles are consistent with evangelical Christianity as described in The Bolthouse Foundation Statement of Faith. [17] He was made wealthy through his family business, Bolthouse Farms, the 2nd largest producer of carrots in the world. He helped expand the business into beverages and salad dressings, and in 2005 sold 72% of the business to Madison Dearborn Partners, a Chicago-based private equity firm. 28% of Bolthouse Farms is now owned by Bolthouse's daughter and son-in-law, Andre Radandt, who is the company's Chairman. Bolthouse Farms recently took significant steps to demonstrate that it is committed to diversity, including those in the LGBT community. They recently extended medical benefits to same sex partners of employees, and have given generously to several national and California LGBT organizations.
Donald G. Laws, Laguna Beach, CAN. American Health Care, 3 Monarch Bay Plaza, Suite 203, Dana Point, CA 92629 • Tel: 949.240.2423 • Web: http://www.nahci.com/$100,000Donald G. Laws, Director with North American Health Care Inc, gave: $100,000 on 8/13/08
North American Health Care, Inc. contracts on a formal and informal basis with health care providers in the Western United States. It owns nursing homes and long term health care facilities.
Steve Samuelian, Laguna Beach, CAGenerations Health Care Corporate Office–20371 Irvine Ave, Suite 210, Santa Ana Heights, CA 92707 • Tel: 724.241.5600 • Web: http://www.lifegen.net/GHCPublic/index.htm$100,000Stephen Samuelian, owner of Generations Health Care [15], gave: $100,000 on 8/20/08
Generations Health Care owns and operates nursing homes and long term health care facilities. Samuelian, a Mormon Bishop in Laguna Beach, CA, has also been involved in two court cases, one in which he was accused of fraudulently taking funds from Covenant Care, a home nursing company, and using them to build his Laguna Beach home. The case was settled for an undisclosed amount in January 1999. [20] His political donations include support of Mitt Romney for President in 2007.
Armour Properties CV, LLC, Newport Beach, CA20320 Southwest Birch St, Newport Beach, CA 92660-1787 • Tel: 949.757.0505$75,000Armour Properties CV, LLC gave: $75,000 on 8/30/08; Jeffrey Armour also gave $20,000 in 1996 to Americans United to Preserve Marriage 527, in Virginia. [19]
Larry Smith, Newport Beach, CAM H I Real Company–1601 Dove St., Newport Beach, CA 92660 • Tel: 949.955.1191$67,000Larry Smith, an Executive with M H I Real Co. in Newport Beach, CA gave: $25,000 on 4/24/08 and $42,000 on 7/25/08
MHI Real Co is a crude oil mining production/investment company.
Richard P. Spencer, Big Sur, CADick Spencer & Associates, Investments$60,000 on 9/19/08
Alejandro J. Martinez, Capistrano Beach, CASelf Employed/Consultant$50,000Alejandro Martinez gave: $9,999 on 8/20/08 and $40,001 on 9/10/08
Don R. Flora, Laguna Niguel, CAAlphadon, Accounting$50,000 on 9/8/08
Judy Galorath, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA$50,000 on 9/8/08
S. Lee Ross, Glendale, CAAmerican Energy Corporation, CEO$50,000 on 9/10/08
Loretta R. Allred, Atherton, CAAllerd Investors$50,000 on 9/19/08
Wilde Investments SC, LLC, San Carlos, CA$50,000 on 9/18/08
Peter Ochs, Corona del Mar, CAThe Fieldstone Corporation, Chairman$50,000 on 9/10/08
Dale Brown, Midland, TXPetroleum Strategies–303 W. Wall St., Suite 1500, Midland, Texas 79701 • Tel: 432.682.0292 • Web: http://www.petroleumstrategies.com/ and http://www.legacylp.com/$50,000Dale Brown, President of Petroleum Strategies gave: $50,000 on 8/4/08
Dale Brown is President of Petroleum Strategies; a Texas based Qualified Intermediary for tax-deferred, like-kind exchanges. Brown is also on the Board of Legacy Reserves LP, a publicly traded oil company (NASDAQ: LGCY) where his son Cory is the CEO and Chairman of the Board. Dale Brown is a major contributor to the Campaign for Working Families, an organization headed by far right leader Gary Bauer.
Roger Orton, Sacramento, CA$50,000Roger Orton of Sacramento gave: $50,000 on 8/18/08
Roger Orton is generally unknown politically. His only other political contributions were $450 to Tom McClintock for CA Lt. Governor and $200 to Sacramento area Congressman John Doolittle (R-Roseville).
Roger Benson, La Jolla, CA7550 Hillside Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037$50,000Roger Benson of La Jolla gave: $50,000 on 1/31/08
Joshua Baker, Manchester, MOBioCold Environmental–239 Seebold Spur, Fenton, MO 63026 • Tel: 636.349.0300 • Web: http://www.biocold.com/$50,000Joshua Baker, a Manager for BioCold Environmental, gave: $50,000 on 5/23/08
BioCold Environmental is a leading supplier of environmental rooms and environmental chambers, with products including walk-in cold rooms and stability rooms for pharmaceutical companies.
Gerald Simonsen, Poway, CARM Properties–14105 Biscayne Pl., Poway, CA 92064$50,000Gerald Simonsen, President of RM Properties gave: $50,000 on 4/12/08
Mr. Simonsen has previously given little money to other political campaigns except for $2100 to Mitt Romney for President in 2007 and $1400 to the San Diego Lincoln Club.
Claudia P. Quist, Sunnyvale, CA$45,000Claudia Quist gave: $5,000 on 8/29/08 and $40,000 on 9/5/08
R. Scott Jones, Riverside, CABosco Legal Services–9455 Magnolia Ave., Riverside, CA 92503 • Tel: 951.353.8281 • Web: http://www.boscolegal.org/$45,000R. Scott Jones, an Investigator with Bosco Legal Services, gave: $45,000 on 8/27
Bosco Legal Services include court document filing, document shredding, investigators and mobile photocopying.
Richard Patterson, Folsom, CAIntel–2200 Mission College Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95054-1549 • Tel: 408.765.8080 • Web: http://www.intel.com/$40,000Richard Patterson, Finance Specialist for Intel, gave: $40,000 on 8/25/08
Richard Patterson is a Finance Specialist for Intel. He attended Brigham Young University (BYU) in Provo, UT, http://www.byu.edu/webapp/home/index.jsp.
Law Offices of Charles S. LiMandri, Rancho Santa Fe, CAP.O. Box 9120, 16236 San Dieguito Road Suite 3-15, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 • Tel: 858.759.9930 • Web: http://www.limandrilaw.com/$37,000The Law Offices on Charles S. LiMandri gave: $10,000 on 1/28/08 and $27,000 on 4/28/08
Charles S. LiMandri is a self-described “car accident attorney” according to his web site http://www.limandrilaw.com/. Among his many cases, Mr. LiMandri sued the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix, AZ and on March 15, 2005 he won. His client was awarded $2,376,189 in damages. [6] LiMandri, who lives and works in Rancho Santa Fe, recently hosted a Yes on 8 fund-raiser at his estate. He is the general counsel to the Yes on 8 campaign, and was paid $10,000 through the campaign according the California Recipient Committee Campaign Statement (State Form 460) dated 4/1/08 – 6/30/08.
Sandra Loesch, Gilroy, CARetired$35,000 on 9/9/08
Andrew Pugno, Folsom, CALaw Offices of Andrew Pugno, 101 Parkshore Dr, #100, Folsom, CA 95630-4726 • Tel: 916.608.3065 • Web: http://www.pugnolaw.com/$35,000Andrew Pugno, Attorney at the Law Offices of Andrew Pugno gave: $35,000 on 4/28/08
The Law Offices of Andrew Pugno have been paid over $88,000 for their services relating to the Yes on 8 campaign.
Adamo Construction Management, Lakeside, CA11980 Woodside Ave, Suite 5, Lakeside, CA 92040 • Tel: 619.390.6706 or 800.554.6364 • Web: http://www.adamoconstruction.com/$35,000Adamo Construction Management gave: $25,000 on 1/28/08 and $10,000 on 6/20/08
Adamo Construction Management is a very large commercial/industrial design, construction and general contractor firm located in San Diego. The current President/CEO is Michael Gaetke, and the company was founded by James Adamo, Jr. Their clients have included Qualcomm, Honeywell, ITT Industries, Sea World, the San Diego Zoo, as well as several municipalities, religious organizations, and the Department of Defense.
Lee A. Whatcott, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA$34,999Lee Whatcott gave: $9,999 on 8/25/08 and $25,000 on 9/4/08
Wilma Thomas, Dublin, CA$32,500 on 9/10/08
Stephanie S. Sorensen, Laguna Niguel, CA$30,000 on 9/15/08
Michael Minson, Modesto, CAMinson Commercial Services, Real Estate$30,000Michael Minson gave: $5,000 on 8/28/08, $15,000 on 9/6/08 and $10,000 on 9/6/08
Cal Fruit International, Yuba City, CA$30,000Cal Fruit International gave: $5,000 on 9/3/08 and $25,000 on 9/8/08
Sharon Bogh, Yucaipa, CA$30,000Sharon Bogh gave: $25,000 on 9/4/08 and $5,000 on 9/4/08
David G. Nielson, Roseville, CAThe Alliance of Insurance Agents & Brokers, Executive Director$30,000David Nielson gave: $25,000 on 9/8/08 and $5,000 on 8/14/08
Bob Sundstrom, San Jose, CAIntuitive Surgical, Director$30,000 on 9/15
Nancy L. Saunders, Los Altos, CANetapp, HR Operations$30,000Nancy Saunders gave: $25,000 on 9/11/08 and $5,000 on 9/11/08
David Christensen, Alamo, CANearon Enterprises, Executive–500 La Gonda Way, Suite 210, Danville, CA 94526 • Tel: 925.743.3300$30,000David Christensen gave: $5,000 on 8/11/08 and $25,000 on 9/2/08
David S. Christensen, an executive with Nearon Enterprises, has been with the company since May, 1993. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Financial Planning from Brigham Young University, and serves as a trustee and is a member of the board of directors with Nearon.
San Diego Rock Church, San Diego, CA2277 Rosecrans St., San Diego, CA 92106 • Tel: 619.226.7625 • Web: http://www.therocksandiego.org/$25,679.16 on 4/22/08
Pastor Miles McPherson leads the San Diego Rock Church located near Pt. Loma. According to their website: “The vision of the Rock Church is to be a powerful evangelistic force that engages every segment of society as a motivated army of believers in Jesus Christ. We are wholeheartedly committed to using our gifts anywhere at any time to share the gospel while influencing and transforming our society.”
Amy E. Johnson, Encinitas, CA$25,500 on 8/29/08
Robert Hoehn, Carlsbad, CAHoehn Motors–5475 Car Country Dr, Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Tel: 760.438.4454 • Web: http://www.hoehnmotors.com/$25,000Robert Hoehn, President of Hoehn Motors in Carlsbad, CA gave: $25,000 on 2/8/08
Hoehn Motors has 6 large car dealerships located along the 5 freeway in Northern San Diego County: Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, Audi, Infiniti, Acura and Honda. Mr. Hoehn was one of the earlier backers of Proposition 8, and has had a demonstration in front of his dealerships that was organized by the North County LGBT Coalition. http://www.northcountylgbtcoalitionforce.org/
Willis Hamilton, Orange, CAHamilton Materials–345 West Meats Avenue, Orange, California 92865 • Tel: 714.637.2770 • Web: http://www.hamiltonmaterials.com/$25,000Willis Hamilton, President of Hamilton Materials gave: $25,000 on 7/25/08
Hamilton Materials is a company specializing in drywall finishing products. Founded in 1959, Willis Hamilton was a professional applicator who slowly used his skills to build the business.
Mark Hobbins, Trabuco Canyon, CAFamilyIQ.com–31441 Santa Margarita Parkway Suite A, Box# 314, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 • Tel: 888.249.9596 • Web: http://www.familyiq.com/$25,000Mark Hobbins, Founder of http://www.familyiq.com/, gave: $25,000 on 7/23/08
Mark Hobbins founded http://www.familyiq.com/ in 1997. They offer e-learning courses for a variety of life improvement issues, including improving relationships with family, friends, partners/spouses and self-improvement.
Kenneth Eldred, Portola Valley, CALiving Stones FDTN–3000 Sand Hill Rd., Building 1, Suite #145, Menlo Park, CA 94025 • Tel: 650.561.0003 • Web: http://www.lsfoundation.org/$25,000Kenneth Eldred, CEO of Living Stones FDTN gave: $25,000 on 4/24/08
Kenneth Eldred is CEO of Living Stones Foundation. According to their website: The Living Stones Foundation Charitable Trust is said to exist to serve the Lord Jesus Christ by providing financial and strategic resources to projects that lead to self-sustaining Kingdom-building ministries, where support will leverage the success of the whole body of Christ. Areas of interest include Kingdom Business, Family Values, and regional, national, and global Transformation initiatives.
Dale Broome, Redlands, CALoma Linda Radiology Medical Group, Loma Linda University/Medical Center RAD–11234 Anderson St, Suite B6231, Loma Linda, CA 92354 • Tel: 909.558.4394 • Web: www.ucomparehealthcare.com/drs/california/radiology/Broome_Dale.html$25,000Dale Broome, Head of Radiology, Abdominal Imaging, Loma Linda University gave: $5,000 on 2/22/08 and $20,000 on 5/19/08
Alan H. Anderson, Laguna Beach, CASouth Coast Health Care, Bel Vista Convalescent Hospital–5001 East Anaheim St., Long Beach, CA 90804-3296 • Tel: 562.494.5001 • Web: http://www.belvista.com/$25,000Alan H. Anderson with South Coast Health Care gave: $25,000 on 8/14/08
Alan H. Anderson is also Administrator for Bel Vista Convalescent Hospital in Long Beach, CA. His prior political contributions include $1,000 to Mitt Romney for President.
Richard & Doreen S. Kopf, Alamo, CAFremont Group Management, LP, Attorney$25,000Richard Kopf, Managing Director-Operations, General Counsel and Secretary with Fremont Group Management, LP gave: $12,500 on 8/29/08; Doreen Kopf gave: $12,500 on 8/29/08
Richard Kopf previously served as Assistant General Counsel at Santa Fe Southern Pacific Corporation and as a General Counsel at Sprint Communications.
David Zuniga, Riverside, CAFiberco General Construction, Inc.$25,000David Zuniga, a contractor from Fibercui General Construction, Inc., gave: $25,000 on 8/29/08
Robert N. Packer, Lafayette, CA$25,000 on 8/15/08
Sarah P. Harris, Danville, CA$25,000 on 8/8/08
Dran May-Reese, Escondido, CA$25,000Dran May-Reese, a Homemaker from Escondido, gave: $25,000 on 8/27/08
Sherrie Bell, Tulare, CA$25,000 on 9/17/08
Maurice Lam, Rolling Hills, CAMaurice Lam, MD & Associates, Physician$25,000 on 9/11/08
Malinda Hansen, Pasadena, CA$25,000 on 9/10/08
Joseph J. Grigg, La Canada, CAAmerican Energy Operations, CEO$25,000Joseph Grigg gave: $9,900 on 8/4/08 and $15,100 on 9/11/08
Edward Helvey, Gilroy, CANMHCS, Executive$25,000 on 9/10/08
Bradford Renaissance Portraits Corporation, Costa Mesa, CABradford Rowley, CEO$25,000Bradford Rowley gave: $5,000 on 9/10/08 and $20,000 on 9/10/08
Alan L. Olsen, Fremont, CAGroco, CPA$25,000 on 9/11/08
Anita S. Roundy, Saratoga, CA$25,000 on 9/5/08
Sarah P. Harris, Danville, CA$25,000 on 8/8/08
Firoz Husein, Pebble Beach, CASpan Construction & Engineering, Inc., Engineer$25,000 on 9/19/08
Alan H. Anderson, Laguna Beach, CASouth Coast Health Care, Administration$25,000 on 8/14/08
Barbara Lamprecht, Laguna Niguel, CA$25,000 on 9/8/08
Cheryl D. Smith, Saratoga, CA$25,000 on 9/8/08
Christianne Danielson, Santa Monica, CA$25,000 on 9/2/08
Chuck Schreiber, Laguna Hills, CAKBS Realty Advisor, Investments$25,000 on 9/9/08
Dalton Corporation, Los Angeles, CA$25,000 on 9/5/08
David A. NearonAlta Leaseback Co., Attorney$25,000 on 9/8/08
Emma Lou Beecroft, San Diego, CA$25,000 on 9/4/08
Robert N. Packer, Lafayette, CA$25,000 on 8/15/08
David G. Lindahl, San Clemente, CANational Purchasing Corp, Vice President$25,000 on 9/8/08
H.D. Perrett, Santa Maria, CAPerrett Ranches, Rancher$25,000 on 9/8/08
Fred L. Carpenter, La Crescenta, CAGlenwood Financial Group, Inc., Real Estate$25,000 on 9/8/08
J. Kirk Harns, Perris, CAPacific Hydrotech Corp., Engineer$25,000 on 9/8/08
Jack R. Wheatley, Palo Alto, CA$25,000 on 9/2/08
Jan L. Burch, Las Vegas, NV$25,000 on 9/4/08
Richard D. Piquet, Perris, CARooda, Piquet & Bessee, Accountant$25,000 on 9/8/08
Kay A. Goodman, Tustin, CA$25,000Kay Goodman gave: $20,000 on 9/2/08 and $5,000 on 8/4/08
John D. Tanner, Granite Bay, CATanner Industries, Owner$25,000 on 9/2/08
John D. Tanner, is owner of Tanner Industries and Western Single Ply in California, Nevada and Arizona. Tanner graduated from Brigham Young University, and served within the LDS Church as manager of physical facilities and new construction within the Church’s welfare systems.
Pro-Tech Fire Protection, Sacramento, CA8540 Younger Creek Dr. #2, Sacramento, CA 95828 • Tel: 916.388.0255$25,000Pro-Tech Fire Protection gave: $5,000 on 9/8/08 and $20,000 on 9/4/08
Pro-Tech Fire Protection was co-founded by Donald H. Gordon, President and Mark A. Whittaker, CEO.
Robert Cutler, San Diego, CA$25,000 on 9/8/08
Robert E. Greene, Villa Park, CA$25,000 on 9/4/08
Robert A., Bolingbroke, Rancho Santa Fe, CA$25,000 on 9/5/08
Sherri Jackman, Whittier, CA$25,000 on 9/4/08
SRS Insurance Services, Santa Ana, CA$25,000SRS Insurance Services gave: $5,000 on 8/8/08 and $20,000 on 9/5/08
Tulare County Investments, LLC, Camarillo, CA$25,000Tulare County Investments gave: $5,000 on 8/22/08 and $20,000 on 9/11/08
Sunstone Partners, LLC, Camarillo, CA$25,000Sunstone Partners gave: $5,000 on 8/29/08 and $20,000 on 9/5/08
Tammilee Woodhouse, La Canada, CA$25,000 on 9/4/08
William C. Wilcox, Danville, CA$25,000 on 9/5/08
Darlene Olson, Orland, CA$25,000 on 9/11/08
Craig J. Faulkner, Rancho Santa Fe, CAFaulkner Development, Manager$25,000 on 9/10/08
Cheryl H. Wilde, Ventura, CA$25,000 on 9/17/08
Chuck Schreiber, Laguna Hills, CAKBS Realty Advisors, Investments$25,000 on 9/9/08
J. Robert West, Redlands, CAWest Dermatology, Dermatologist$25,000 on 9/17/08
Ja Layne Pugmire, Yorba Linda, CA$25,000 on 9/12/08
Laurie Jergensen, Poway, CA$25,000 on 9/10/08
Jaquetia Zinn, San Jose, CA$25,000 on 9/24/08
Jeanne Muhlestein, Whittier, CARealtor$25,000 on 9/17/08
Nancy Schindler, Encinitas, CA$25,000 on 9/17/08
Norman E. Crum, Stockton, CAValley Pacific Petroleum Services, Inc., Owner$25,000 on 9/11/08
Oi Lin Chen, Palso Verdes Estates, CASunrider International, Adminstration$25,000 on 9/12/08
Ronald Lakey, Alta Loma, CAJF Saca Company, CPA$25,000 on 9/10/08
Rebecca Jones, Wilton, WY$25,000Rebecca Jones gave: $10,000 on 9/13/08 and $15,000 on 9/13/08
Parley J. Livingston, Atherton, CAPJMB Commercial, Property Management$25,000 on 9/24/08
Jana L. Mullen, Alamo, CA$25,000 on 9/18/08
Joanne McColm, Pleasanton, CA$25,000 on 9/10/08
Lassens Health Food, Ventura, CA$25,000 on 9/15/08
Laura Armstrong, Irvine, CA$25,000 on 9/24/08
Lonnie C. McCleve, Gilbert, AZGreenfield Land Development, Construction/Development$25,000 on 9/10/08
Loren K. Carroll, Kingwood, TX$25,000 on 9/10/08
Lorenzo N. Hoopes, Oakland, CA$25,000 on 9/24/08
Michael G. Mullin, Lomita, CAPacific Maritime Association, Longshore Foreman$25,000 on 9/11/08
Robert E. Culbertson, Pleasanton, CABAE Systems, Electrical Engineer$25,000 on 9/17/08
Ronald Stone, Modesto, CAStone & Associates, Real Estate$25,000 on 9/17/08
Rowland W. Day, Newport Beach, CALawyer$25,000 on 9/11/08
Stephen S. May, San Luis Obispo, CAMagnet Media, Owner$25,000 on 9/12/08
Steve G. Keithly, La Mirada, CAWhittier Mailing Products, Vice President$25,000 on 9/11/08
Susan P. Facer, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA$25,000 on 9/24/08
Vicki Larson, Pleasanton, CA$25,000 on 9/12/08
John Sorensen, Laguna Niguel, CANorth American Healthcare, Executive$24,999.99 on 9/5/08
Sherie Samuelian, Laguna Niguel, CA$24,999 on 9/19/08
Teri L. Jones, Saratoga, CA$24,500 on 9/5/08
Eva Ruiz, Rancho Palos Verdes, CAHomemaker$24,000 on 9/12/08
Richard E. Nicholson, Newport Beach, CAConsultant$23,500 on 9/17/08
Marc Barkdull, Pleasanton, CAPJMB Commercial, Inc., Real Estate$22,500 on 9/15/08
Hardester Family Partnership, Investments, San Jose, CA$22,500 on 9/24/08
Sandra M. Bertha, Olivenhaim, CA$22,000 on 9/11/08
Whittier Family Foundation, Yorba Linda, CA$21,500 on 9/18/08
Greggory R. Devore, MD, AMC, La Canada, CAGreggory R. Devore, Physician$20,000Greggory Devore gave: $5,000 on 8/25/08 and $15,000 on 9/15/08
Steven L. Bush, La Crescenta, CAPrestige Preschools, Inc., CEO$20,000 on 9/15/08
Sherwood Capital, Inc., Agoura Hills, CA$20,000 on 8/18/08
David L. Baker, Thousand Oaks, CADavid L. Baker, DDS, Oral Surgeon$20,000 on 9/8/08
Rutherford Productions, Santa Monica, CA$20,000 on 8/13/08
Dewitt Paul, Santa Ana, CACotton Buds, Executive/Owner$20,000 on 9/4/08
Dewitt Paul founded Cotton Buds in 1991, with the technology and equipment to manufacture cotton swabs. He has since partnered with Proctor & Gamble on various bath tissues, paper towels and detergents. Dewitt’s father was en Elder and addressed the student body at Brigham Young University on April 10, 1963.
Jennie L. Olsen, Laguna Niguel, CA$20,000 on 9/8/08
Gail A. Sonne, Dublin, CA$20,000 on 9/18/08
Brent W. Koch, Laguna Niguel, CAManagement Strategy, Financial Consultant$20,000 on 9/24/08
Marilyn Allen, Stockton, CA$20,000 on 9/18/08
T.B. Penick & Sons, Inc., San Diego, CA9747 Olson Drive, San Diego, CA 92121 • Tel: 858.558.1800 • Web: http://www.tbpenick.com/$20,000T.B. Penick & Sons gave: $20,000 on 1/31/08
T.B. Penick & Sons is a fourth generation construction company currently run by brothers Marc and Tim Penick that specializes in Structural Concrete, General Construction and Innovative Concrete Systems. They have completed projects all around the world.
Daniel Mulvihill, San Diego, CAPacific Southwest Mortgage/Realty–8840 Complex Drive, Suite 101, San Diego, California 92123 • Tel: 858.514.2100 • Web: http://www.psrs.com/$20,000Daniel Mulvihill, President/Banker with Pacific Southwest Mortgage/Pacific Southwest Realty gave: $20,000 on 4/1/08
Pacific Southwest Realty is a commercial mortgage banking company based in San Diego, with offices in Orange County, Los Angeles and Santa Barbara.
Margot Kyd, Poway, CASan Diego Gas & Electric (SDGE)–P.O. Box 129831, San Diego, Ca 92112-9831 • Tel: 800.411.7343 • Web: http://www.sdge.com/index/$20,000Margot Kyd, Sr. Vice President with San Diego Gas & Electric (and married to Tom Kyd [16], below) gave: $5,000 on 4/1/08 and $15,000 on 4/1/08 (may have been removed)
Margot Kyd is Senior Vice President, Business Solutions, for Sempra Energy Utilities, the umbrella for Sempra Energy’s regulated business units, including Southern California Gas and SDG&E. Kyd’s responsibilities include overseeing environmental services, safety and emergency services, supply management, fleet services, diverse business enterprises, and real estate and facilities.
J. Robert Wheatley, Palo Alto, CARobert Wheatley Properties, Property Manager$19,000 on 9/18/08
Dwayne Nash, Lincoln, CAKodiak Roofing & Waterproofing Company, Contractor–1905 Aviation Blvd, Lincoln, CA 95648 • Tel: 866.530.2327$18,000 on 8/14/08
Robert Samuelian, Laguna Niguel, CALawyer$15,001 on 9/5/08
Douglas McDermott, Sacramento, CAMcDermott Financial and Insurance– 8359 Elk Grove Florin Rd, #293, Sacramento, CA 95829 • Tel: 877.689.8251$15,000 on 9/14/08
Douglas McDermott is the President and Owner of McDermott Financial and Insurance. He is also part owner/CFO of a company called At Home Personal Care, headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Williamson General Contracting, La Mirada, CA$15,000 on 9/12/08
Jay Bradford, Placentia, CAMajesty Realty, CFO$15,000 on 8/8/08
Jay Bradford is CFO/Executive VP/member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee for Majestic Realty, and is also affiliated with Majestic Realty Retail, Commerce Construction Co, LP, CCC Rental LP, Majestic Management Company and Majestic Realty Foundation. Prior to this, he was with Ernst & Young for 18 years. Bradford graduated from Brigham Young University/B.S in Accounting, and currently serves on the National Advisory Council for the Marriott School of Management.
Marina Landscape, Inc., Anaheim, CA$15,000 on 9/25/08
Leon J. Fairbanks, Paso Robles, CARed Caboose Manufacturing$15,000 on 9/12/08
Michael R. Brand, Palo Alto, CACornish & Carey, Realtor$15,000 on 9/15/08
Richard L. Romney, Rancho Santa Fe, CAInvestor$15,000 on 9/15/08
Craig L. Gillespie, M.D., Fairfield, CA$15,000 on 9/8/08
Joan N. Johnson, Los Osos, CA$15,000 on 9/18/08
The Fourels Investment Company, Orange, CA$15,000 on 9/15/08
Tom Kyd, Poway, CACatholic Exchange–P.O. Box 231820, Encinitas, CA 92023 • Web: http://www.catholicexchange.com/$15,000 on 4/23/08
The Catholic Exchange is a conservative portal with a significant web presence, which offers news, weekly Scripture study programs, articles and email programs.
Proposition 22 Legal Defense Fund, Sacramento, CA$15,000 on 3/14/08
These are apparently left over funds from their unsuccessful court challenge to Proposition 22, The Knight Initiative.
Institute for Marriage and Public Policy, McLean, VAPost Office Box 1231, Manassas, VA 20108 • Tel: 202.216.9430 • Web: http://www.marriagedebate.com/$15,000 on 1/28/08
NOM’s Maggie Gallagher also heads the Virginia-based Institute for Marriage and Public Policy, which is dedicated to efforts that define marriage between only a man and a woman.
Terri Basinger, Cottonwood, CAGolden State Foot Clinic–923 Dana Drive, Redding, CA • Tel: 530.221.1666 • Web: http://www.goldenstatefootclinic.com/$14,985Terri Basinger, a Bookkeeper at Golden State Foot Clinic, gave: $10,000 on 7/28/08 and $4,985 on 8/4/08
Terri Basinger is married to Dr. Robert G. Basinger of Golden State Foot Clinic. Golden State Foot Clinic serves the Northern Sacramento Valley near Red Bluff and Redding.
Richard McIntire, Porterville, CA$13,500 on 8/29/08
Pamela Miles, Simi Valley, CAHome Care Pharmacy, Clerk$12,500 on 9/8/08
Roland Hinz, Valencia, CAHi-Torque Publications–25233 Anza Dr., Valencia, CA 91355 • Tel: 661.295.1910 • Web: http://www.hi-torque.com/ME2/Default.asp$12,500Roland Hinz, President of Hi-Torque Publications, gave: $12,500 on 4/7/08
Hi-Torque Publications is the world’s leading publisher of off-road, motorcycle and all-terrain vehicle magazines, with a readership of over 2 million per month.
Edward Atsinger, Camarillo, CASalem Communications–4880 Santa Rosa Road, Camarillo, CA 93012 • Tel: 805.987.0400 • Web: http://www.salem.cc/$12,500Edward G. Atsinger III, CEO with Salem Communications gave: $12,500 on 4/3/08
Salem Communications is a leading US radio broadcaster, Internet content provider and magazine and book publisher targeting audiences interested in Christian and family-themed content and conservative values. They own and operate nearly 100 radio stations across the country.
Allyson Weinberg, Santa Rosa Valley, CA$12,500Allyson Weinberg gave: $12,500 on 4/4/08
Allyson Weinberg has been in the limelight before. Back in 2004, Weinberg and her husband Denny (a senior executive for WellPoint, the nation’s second largest insurer at the time), sued the United Way of Ventura County, stating they were lied to about the United Way policy that forbade donations to any organization that discriminated against others. Due to the court ruling that allowed the Boy Scouts to discriminate against gays and atheists, the United Way chose to no longer support them as their own guidelines prohibited such support based on discrimination. The Weinberg’s had agreed to head a nationwide campaign for United Way to find donors, as well as match donations, but when United Way chose to change its donation policies towards the Boy Scouts, the Weinberg’s, for a number of different reasons, decided to sue. [7]
Paul A. Stahlman, Salinas, CA$12,000 on 8/29/08
Kent Miles, Simi Valley, CAHome Care Pharmacy, Pharmacist$11,800 on 9/8/08
Charles C. Stoddard, Santa Rosa, CA$10,500 on 9/25/08
James Pergrossi, Pleasanton, CA$10,180 on 8/18/08
Peter Leparulo, San Diego, CANovatel–9645 Scranton Road, San Diego, CA 92121 • Tel: 858.812.3400 • Web: http://www.novatelwireless.com/$10,001Peter Leparulo, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer with Novatel gave: $10,001 on 1/24/08
Leparulo has served as Senior Vice President of Novatel, and became the CEO in April 2008. Novatel Wireless creates various wireless modems and computer accessories.
Kelly C. Olds, Huntington Beach, CA$10,000 on 9/13/08
Carolyn Pann, Jamul, CAArctic Containers, Owner$10,000 on 9/17/08
Kermit Corporation, Jamul, CA$10,000 on 9/10/08
R. Jean Taylor, Alamo, CARetired$10,000 on 9/9/08
Elisa Pulido, San Juan Capistrano, CA$10,000 on 9/17/08
Cheryl A. Clarke, Moorpark, CA$10,000 on 9/24/08
CS Concrete Solutions, Mission Viejo, CA$10,000 on 9/8/08
Curtis B. Chandler, Sacramento, CAAllstate Insurance$10,000 on 8/29/08
Alma J. Kreutzkamp, El Cajon, CA$10,000 on 9/3/08
Amanda Crane, San Diego, CALarsen Golden Spoon, Owner$10,000 on 8/8/08
Melvin C. Bell, Wilton, CABell Tasty Foods, Owner$10,000 on 9/19/08
Anthony Ridd, San Clemente, CALifestyle Settlements, Owner$10,000 on 8/18/08
Barbara Lee, Walnut Creek, CA$10,000 on 8/11/08
Blaine Bowman, Saratoga, CA$10,000 on 8/14/08
Brian B. Blatter, DDS, Concord, CA$10,000 on 8/8/08
Cynthia L. Kenney, Granite Bay, CA$10,000 on 9/2/08
Earl E. Damitz, Santa Barbara, CA$10,000 on 8/29/08
Dana Munkelt, San Diego, CAGH Munkelt Trust, Buyer/Estate Adminstration$10,000 on 8/22/08
David S. Sorensen, Santa Barbara, CASelect Staffing, CEO$10,000 on 8/18/08
Howard W. Bennion, Fairfield, CAPacific Coast Steel, Iron Worker$10,000 on 9/8/08
Dawna J. Evans, Groveland, CA$10,000 on 8/20/08
Dannee L. Clyne, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA$10,000 on 9/4/08
Darin Hazen, Ladera Ranch, CASongwriter$10,000 on 8/20/08
Eliot Mason, Huntington Beach, CAUS Wheel Corp., President$10,000 on 8/26/08
Garry Pace, Thousand Oaks, CABernstein Global Wealth Mgmt., Financial Advisor$10,000 on 8/4/08
Emaleti Mokofisi, Kaneohe, HIKaneohe General Ser., President$10,000 on 8/8/08
First Global Marketing, Provo, Utah$10,000 on 8/22/08
Gary D. Green, Fountain Valley, CATimec Company, Inc., Executive$10,000 on 9/4/08
Gibson Jon, Cameron Park, CAJohn Gibson Company, Owner$10,000 on 8/21/08
Gwenn H. Webb, Pleasanton, CA$10,000 on 8/29/08
Hal Renfro, Glendale, CAHal Renfro Realty, Realtor$10,000 on 8/18/08
Hands On Billing, LLC, Huntington Beach, CA$10,000 on 8/27/08
Jennifer Jackson, Corona del Mar, CA$10,000 on 9/2/08
Jerome D. Teney, Yuba City, CATenney & Co, CPA$10,000Jerome Teney gave: $5,000 on 8/27/08 and $5,000 on 8/14/08
Kelly C. Olds, Huntington Beach, CA$10,000 on 8/15/08
Kenneth Baldwin, Newbury Park, CA$10,000 on 8/8/08
Kevin Monson, Fountain Valley, CAKevin Monson Attorney At Law$10,000 on 8/20/08
Neil Anderson, Lodi, CASelf-Engineer$10,000 on 8/8/08
Lois R. Bullard, Cerritos, CA$10,000 on 8/29/08
Paul Sorensen, Santa Barbara, CASelect Staffing, Manager$10,000 on 8/8/08
Philip Carmack, Santa Clara, CANvidia Corp, Executive$10,000 on 8/20/08
R. Jean Taylor, Alamo, CARetired$10,000 on 9/9/08
R. Dean Lang, DDS, Valencia, CA$10,000 on 8/8/08
Matt Dalton, Los Angeles, CADalton Enterprises, Recycling$10,000 on 8/18/08
Thomas Busi, Sutter Creek, CAFirstcard ATM, Inc., Owner$10,000 on 9/5/08
Richard G. Olson, Agoura Hills, CANaoter Care Services, President$10,000 on 8/8/08
Scott R. Flora, Laguna Hills, CAAlliance Mechanical Corporation, Construction$10,000 on 9/3/08
Robert Shepard, Corona, CAPacific Shores Masonry$10,000 on 9/15/08
Mark R. Boud, San Clemente, CAReal Estate Economics, Real Estate Economist$10,000 on 9/4/08
Boud is a graduate of Brigham Young University, majoring in Economics and English.
Richard L. Thawley, Lodi, CARichard L, Thawley & Associates, SP, Sales/Marketing$10,000 on 9/5/08
Brandon Ogden, Newport Coast, CAMCA, Auto Broker$10,000 on 9/10/08
Deborah S. Stapley, San Juan Capistrano, CA$10,000 on 9/24/08
Dianne Olson, Thousand Oaks, CA$10,000 on 9/11/08
Randall Huff, Altadena, CA$10,000 on 9/25/08
Ivan V. Lauritzen, Riverside, CAGreen Vision Partners, Sales$10,000 on 9/15/08
Karen Smith, Moorpark, CA$10,000 on 9/11/08
Pamela Patterson, Folsom, CA$10,000Pamela Patterson gave: $10,000 on 7/24/08
Kenneth Payton, Garden Grove, CA$10,000Kenneth Payton gave: $10,000 on 6/30/08
Kelly Burt, San Diego, CATres-Dac–9375 Customhouse Plz A-2, San Diego, CA 92154$10,000Kelly Burt, Developer with Tres-Dac gave: $10,000 on 4/23/08
Gretchen Kieding, Solvang, CA$10,000Gretchen Kieding gave: $10,000 on 6/27/08
Gary Pace, Thousand Oaks, CABernstein Global Wealth Mgmt.–1999 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 2150, Los Angeles, CA 90067-6123 • Tel: 310.286.6000 • Web: https://www.bernstein.com/public/home.aspx$10,000Gary Pace a Financial Advisor with Bernstein Global Wealth Management gave: $10,000 on 8/4/08
Bernstein Global Wealth Management is an investment management/research firm with 18 offices throughout the United States.
Stephen Ridinger, Camarillo, CAEvets Corporation–PO Box 1327, Camarillo, CA 93011 • Tel: 949.361.2100 • Web: http://www.musicdistributors.org/$10,000Stephen Ridinger, owner and President of Evets Corporation gave: $5,000 on 1/20/08 and $5,000 on 7/3/08
Evets Corporation is a distributor of musical equipment.
Francis Longstaff, Agoura Hills, CAUCLA, Professor$9,999 on 8/8/08
Frank J. Gaughan, Poway, CA$9,999 on 8/25/08
David H. Vanslooten, La Canada, CAPrimecap Management, Investment Manager$9,999 on 8/18/08
Carolu Wilson, Colfax, CA$9,999 on 8/18/08
Jill Vanslooten, La Canada, CA$9,999 on 8/18/08
Boyd Jensen, Riverside, CAGarrett & Jensen, Attorney$9,999 on 9/24/08
Michelle Robinson, Fountain Valley, CA$9,999 on 8/13/08
Megan Thomason, San Diego, CA$9,999 on 8/10/08
Byron G. Wilson, Colfax, CA$9,999 on 9/25/08
Lin D. Whatcott, Maple Valley, CADa Vita, Accounting$9,995 on 9/17/08
Lorraine S. Hulme, Los Gatos, CA$9,977 on 9/17/08
Constancy Trust, Salt Lake City, UT$9,950 on 9/11/08
Sarah Gould, Pacific Palisades, CA$9,900 on 8/27/08
Susan Lathrop, Fremont, CA$9,900 on 8/11/08
Prosol, Inc., Murietta, CA$9,900 on 8/8/08
Jeffrey Wise, Atherton, CAPro Solutions, Real Estate$9,900 on 9/2/08
Bruce A. Bitnoff, Rescue, CAWorld Pass Travel, Tour Operator$9,900 on 9/2/08
Kristin Corey, La Canada, CA$9,900 on 8/8/08
John E. Brasher, Newcastle, CABrasher’s Sacramento Auto Auction, Manager$9,900 on 9/2/08
Kathie Hansen, La Canada, CA$9,900 on 8/13/08
Jeffrey D. Holt, Huntsville, UTGoldman Sachs & Co., Investment Banker$9,900 on 9/19/08
John Hansen, La Canada, CAGlenwood Group, Investor$9,900 on 8/13/08
Jay Mooreland, Folsom, CAMerrill Lynch & Co, Global Headquarters–4 Financial Center, 250 Vesey Street, New York, NY 10080 • Tel: 212.449.1000 • Web: http://www.ml.com/index.asp?id=7695_15125$9,900Jay Mooreland, a Financial Advisor for Merrill Lynch, gave: $9,900 on 7/28/08
Joseph Grigg, La Canada, CAAmerican Energy Operations, PresidentAmerican Energy Operations–550 N. Brand Blvd, Suite 1960, Glendale, CA 91203-3381 • Tel: 818.549.9993$9,900Joseph Grigg gave: $9,900 on 8/4/08
American Energy Operations is an energy and gas utility company.
Jeffrey Wise, Atherton, CAPro Solutions, Inc., Real Estate–901 Coleman Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025 • Tel: 650.326.8660$9,900Jeffrey Wise of Pro Solutions gave: $9,900 on 9/2/08.
Jeffrey Wise is also owner of Wise Building Co. His previous political contributions include $2,300 to Mitt Romney in 2007.
Nancy Chantry, Rancho Murietta, CA$9,800 on 9/3/08
Gina A. Vincent, Pacific Palisades, CA$9,800 on 9/5/08
Joy N. Hulme, Monte Sereno, CAAuthor$9,677 on 9/17/08
Kathryn C. Carter, Salt Lake City, CA$9,500 on 9/11/08
Los Jardines, LLC, Yorba Linda, CA$9,500 on 9/4/08
Louise Dalton, Yorba Linda, CAJ & L Consulting, Owner$9,500 on 8/8/08
John Nagy, Newbury Park, CAAndrews International Security Services, Security$9,500 on 8/13/08
John Dalton, Yorba Linda, CAJ & L Consulting, Owner$9,500 on 8/8/08
Noward Mankins, Arroyo Grande, CA$9,500 on 8/14/08
R. Brooke Landscaping, Inc., Antioch, CA$9,500 on 9/2/08
Rebecca Hawkins, Glendora, CA$9,500 on 8/21/08
Debbie Crandall, Orange, CA$9,000 on 9/25/08
Heather B. Callister, Martinez, CA$9,000 on 9/2/08
Ryan Crandall, Orange, CABio Medics, Manager$9,000 on 9/25/08
L. Dean Forman, Colfax, CAGFBB Benefits, Financial Advisor$8,999 on 8/18/08
Linda M. Forman, Colfax, CA$8,999 on 8/18/08
Scott Roybal, La Canada, CASheppard Mullin, Attorney$8,900 on 8/11/08
Pinson Erin, Billings, MTPechanga Resort, Gaming$8,500 on 8/17/08
Jennifer McKay, Kaysville, UT$8,000 on 8/21/08
James D. Powell, DDS, Palmdale, CA$8,000 on 9/2/08
Samuel McKay, Kaysville, UT$8,000 on 8/27/08
Gene Lamoreaux, Sunnyvale, CAKLA Tencor, Engineer$8,000 on 8/8/08
Jared D. McCune, DDS, Lompoc, CA$8,000 on 8/21/08
V. Lance Littlejohn, Alamo, CAWest Coast Novelty Corporation, Manager$8,000 on 9/8/08
C. Jim Elam, Santa Ynez, CAAgricultural Technology, Inc.–1168 Oak Glen Rd, Santa Ynez, CA 93460 • Tel: 805.688.6475$8,000C. Jim Elam, an Agricultural Consultant with Agricultural Technology, Inc., gave: $8,000 on 6/27/08
Wayne Baldwin, Newbury Park, CAPueblo Radiology Medical Group–415 Market Street, Building 1A, Ventura, CA 93003 • Tel: 888.678.3256 • Web: http://www.puebloradiology.com/$7,500Wayne Baldwin, an Executive with Pueblo Radiology Medical Group, gave: $7,500 on 8/4/08
Wayne Baldwin is an executive at Pueblo Radiology, which operates out of locations in Ventura and Santa Barbara.
Jeremy Jergensen, Riverside, CAPalm Terrace Care Center, Administrator$7,500 on 8/27/08
Wayne Baldwin, Newbury Park, CAPueblo Radiology, Executive$7,500 on 8/4/08
Fundet Foundation, Inc., Draper, UT$7,500 on 9/8/08
Claudia Hamilton, Agoura Hills, CA$7,500 on 8/8/08
Elizabeth Jergensen, Riverside, CA$7,500 on 8/27/08
Lori Gollyer, La Canada, CA$7,500 on 9/10/08
Arthur Burke, Santa Barbara, CABerman Development, CFO$7,500 on 8/11/08
Kevin Hamilton, Agoura Hills, CAAmerican Holdings LLC, Executive$7,500 on 8/8/08
Kirk P. Christ, Diamond Bar, CAHub International, Insurance Administration$7,500 on 8/8/08
Steve F. Smilanick, Granite Bay, CAS&S Commercial Fishing, Owner$7,500 on 8/27/08
Zion Foundation, Draper, UT$7,500 on 9/8/08
Christopher K. Thompson, Encino, CAInvestment Real Estate Association, Real Estate Agent$7,200 on 8/25/08
Mary Barrus, Agoura, CAThousand Oaks Surgical Hospital, Nurse$7,000 on 8/22/08
Kenneth L. Virgin, Aliso Viejo, CAPayables, Inc, CEO$7,000 on 9/5/08
Margot B. Sayer, Santa Clarita, CA$7,000 on 9/8/08
Mark E. Bean, Rancho Cordova, CAHealth Net, Actuary$7,000Mark Bean gave: $6,000 on 9/5/08 and $1,000 on 8/8/08
Elias Mancilla, Riverside, CAValley Recycling Center, Owner$6,800 on 8/29/08
Christopher Dailey, Costa Mesa, CAAdvanced Joining Technologies–3030 Red Hill Avenue, Santa Ana, CA, 92705 • Tel: 949.756.8091 • Web: http://www.ajt-inc.com/$6,500Christopher Dailey, welder with Advanced Joining Technologies gave: $6,500 on 8/4/08
Advanced Joining Technologies was created in 2000 as a subsidiary of Boeing, and later was purchased back by the original founders. They are responsible for Boeing’s world recognized development and production implementation with the friction stir welding process.
Treavor Hodson, Folsom, CAPalmer, Kazanjian, Wohl, Perkins–520 Capitol Mall, Suite 600, Sacramento, California 95814 • Tel: 916.442.3552 • Web: http://www.pkwp-law.com/$6,025Treavor Hodson, an Attorney with Palmer, Kazanjian, Wohl, Perkins, gave: $6,025 on 8/4/08
Treavor Hodson is an attorney with Palmer, Kazanjian, Wohl, Perkins in Folsom, CA. The firm specializes in all aspects of employment law litigation, including such areas of expertise as wrongful termination, unlawful discrimination and harassment and retaliation. Hodson also represents management in labor law cases before the National Labor Relations Board and similar state agencies including representation elections, unfair labor practice charges and hearings, collective bargaining negotiations, contract arbitrations and picketing and strikes.
Charles Stucki, Coto De Caza, CACisco Systems, Executive$6,000 on 8/8/08
Roland Spongberg, Long Beach, CAWKS Restaurant Group, President$6,000 on 8/21/08
Don D. Sessions, Coto De Caza, CASessions & Kimball, Attorney$6,000 on 9/22/08
Lisa Wheatley, Los Altos Hills, CA$6,000 on 9/18/08
Robert Wheatley, Los Altos Hills, CARobert Wheatley Properties, Manager$6,000 on 8/22/08
John Chandler, Allstate, Gold River, CA$6,000 on 8/25/08
Christine Cooper, Dublin, CA$6,000 on 9/8/08
C. Ray Carlson, Valencia, CAC. Ray Carlson, Attorney$6,000 on 8/29/08
Bryant Gold, Ramona, CAAdvanced Bionics, Attorney$5,600 on 8/29/08
Paul A. Barney, Ridgecrest, CAChina Lake Department of Defense, Electrical Engineer$5,500 on 9/3/08
Eric Loudon, Corona, CAWestern Water Works, Director$5,500 on 8/27/08
U-Rent, Inc., Camarillo, CA$5,200 on 8/13/08
Kelly Furniss, Yorba Linda, CA$5,110 on 8/22/08
Robert D. Crockett, Newhall, CALatham & Watkins, Lawyer$5,100 on 8/27/08
Chris Vaterlaus, Roseville, CACrescendo Properties, Real Estate$5,075 on 8/15/08
Tuskatella LB, Orange, CA$5,000Tuskatella LB gave: $5,000 on 7/24/08
Taxpayers for Hollingsworth, Sacramento, CA2150 River Plaza Dr, #150, Sacramento, CA 95833$5,000Taxpayers for Hollingsworth gave: $5,000 on 4/18/08
Senator Dennis Hollingsworth proclaims on his website (http://www.dennishollingsworth.com/) he is “the man the liberals fear most.” Hollingsworth serves the 36th district, which includes portions of San Diego and Riverside Counties. He was elected in November, 2002, and served as President of the Proposition 22 Legal Defense Fund.
Strongtower Financial, Inc., Fresno, CA7120 N. Whitney, Suite 105, Fresno, CA 93720 • Tel: 800.333.9893 • Web: http://www.strongtowerfinancial.com/$5,000Strongtower Financial, Inc gave: $5,000 on 6/3/08
Strongtower’s primary services include financing and investing, which span direct lending and bond offerings for churches and other faith-based organizations, as well as investment advisory and wealth management for individuals and institutions.
Rita Soloman-Davis, El Cajon, CASouthland Envelope–10111 Riverford Road, Lakeside, CA 92040 • Tel: 619.449.3553 • Web: http://www.southlandenvelope.com/$5,000Rita Solomon-Davis, Vice President of Southland Envelope, gave: $5,000 on 2/6/08
Richard Spencer, Carmel, CADick Spencer & Associates, Investment Management$5,000Richard Spencer gave: $5,000 on 5/19/08
Richard Clements, Elmwood, NEClements & Drevo–5901 South 58th Street Suite A, Lincoln, Nebraska 68516 • Tel: 402.420.6443$5,000Richard Clements, an Attorney for Clements & Drevo, gave: $5,000 on 5/24/08
Renae Tanner, Chino Hills, CA$5,000Renae Tanner gave: $5,000 on 7/24/08
Michael Farguson, La Jolla, CAFarguson Investments–5859 Camino de la Costa, La Jolla, CA 92037 • Tel: 858.456.5028$5,000Michael Farguson, Owner of Farguson Investments, gave: $5,000 on 1/31/08
Michael Farguson is also a Board member of the MAGIS Institute, an association of Catholic business leaders and clergy founded in 2002.
Michael Dushane, Chino Hills, CAJam Corporation$5,000Michael Dushane, a Contractor for Jam Corporation, gave: $5,000 on 7/24/08
Marilyn Ishii, Upland, CA$5,000Marilyn Ishii gave: $5,000 on 7/24/08
M&D Development, LLC, Corona, CA1296 Magnolia Ave., Corona, CA 92879 • Tel: 951.271.0965$5,000M&D Development, LLC gave: $5,000 on 6/10/08
Lilco, Inc., Orange, CA$5,000Lilco, Inc. gave: $5,000 on 7/24/08
Lawrence Research, Santa Ana, CA1450 North Tustin Avenue, Suite 150, Santa Ana, CA 92705 • Tel: 714.558.3725 • Web: www.exoro.com/pages/Lawrence_research.html$5,000Lawrence Research gave: $5,000 on 7/24/08
Lawrence Research is a full-service research firm specializing in public affairs issues and marketing. Owned by Gary Lawrence, the company offers a full line of research services, including telephone surveys, focus groups, video dial tests and specialty group research. Lawrence and former partner Dick Wirthlin got their start working for Ronald Reagan. He currently serves as the Area Grass Roots Coordinator of the Church of Latter Day Saints–Yes on 8 campaign yesonprop8.blogspot.com/2008/08/gary-lawrence-grass-roots-coordinator.html. Lawrence is also writing a book “How Americans View Mormonism; Seven Steps to Improve Our Image.” Check out his writings at: www.meridianmagazine.com/ideas/080711war.html
Jennifer Himes, Chino Hills, CAWestern Water Works–5831 Pine Ave., Chino Hills, CA 91709 • Tel: 909.597.7000 • Web: http://www.wwwsco.com/$5,000Jennifer Himes, in accounting at Western Water Works (Bruce Himes is President/CFO), gave: $5,000 on 7/24/08
Western Water Works is a distributor of waterworks materials and products that are used in the transmission of potable water. This is a third generation family business founded in 1945.
Ines Crosby, Orland, CAPaskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians–1012 South Street, Orland, CA 95963 • Tel: 530.865.2010$5,000Ines Crosby gave: $5,000 on 7/24/08
Ines Crosby is an Administrator with the Paskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians, located in the Sacramento Valley west through the Coast Ranges of Northern California.
George Elledge, Bakersfield, CAOccidental Petroleum–10889 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90024-4201 • Tel: 310.208.8800 • Web: http://www.oxy.com/Pages/default.aspx$5,000George Elledge, an Engineer with Occidental Petroleum Corporation, gave: $5,000 on 7/24/08
Occidental Petroleum is an international oil and gas exploration and production company formerly headed by Dr. Armand Hammer, with operations in the US, Middle East, North Africa and Latin America regions.
Douglas Brown, West Hollywood, CAKWK Management, LLC–2301 Rosecrans Ave, Suite 4195, El Segundo, CA 90245 • Tel: 310.536.8560$5,000Douglas Brown, a Partner of KWK Management, LLC, gave: $5,000 on 6/20/08
David Walton, San Diego, CACoughlin, Stoia, Geller, Rudman & Robbins–655 West Broadway, Suite 1900, San Diego, CA 92101 • Tel: 800.449.4900 • Web: http://www.csgrr.com/$5,000
Douglas Walton, an Attorney with Coughlin, Stoia, Geller, Rudman & Robbins, gave: $5,000 on 7/24/08
David Walton, an attorney with the San Diego law firm of Coughlin Stoia Geller Rudman & Robbins LLP focuses on class actions and private actions on behalf of defrauded investors, particularly in the area of accounting fraud. Walton has investigated and participated in the litigation of many large accounting scandals, including Enron, WorldCom, AOL Time Warner, Krispy Kreme, Informix, HealthSouth, Dynegy, Dollar General and numerous companies implicated in stock option backdating. They have 9 offices across the country. Walton earned his Bachelor’s degree from the University of Utah and law degree from the University of Southern California. [18]
Aaron Speirs, Bakersfield, CAAERA Energy–10000 Ming Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93311-1302 • Tel: 661.665.5000 • Web: http://www.aeraenergy.com/$5,000Aaron Speirs, Engineer at Aera Energy gave: $5,000 on 8/4/08
Aera Energy is one of California’s largest oil and gas producers, and is jointly owned by Shell and ExxonMobil. It is operated as a stand-alone company.
Bart Bennett, Newbury Park, CAThe Rand Corp.–1776 Main Street, P.O. Box 2138, Santa Monica, CA 90407-2138 • Tel: 310.393.0411 • Web: http://www.rand.org/$5,000Bart Bennett, researcher at the Rand Corporation gave: $5,000 on 7/28/08
Bart Bennett is a researcher/writer, and co-authored, “A Users Guide to the Technical Training Schoolhouse Method” for the United States Air Force. The RAND Corporation is a nonprofit institution that helps improve policy and decision making through objective research and analysis.
Bradley Call, Newbury Park, CA$5,000Bradley Call gave: $5,000 on 8/4/08
Charles Stoddard, Santa Rosa, CA$5,000Charles Stoddard, a retiree, gave: $5,000 on 8/4/08
Christine Francom, Newbury Park, CAConejo Valley Unified School District–1400 Janss Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 • Tel: 805.497.9511 • Web: www.conejo.k12.ca.us/$5,000Christine Francom, teacher at Conejo Valley USD, gave: $5,000 on 8/4/08
Conejo Valley Unified School District serves Thousand Oaks, Newbury Park and Westlake Village.
Daniel Faulk, Morgan Hill, CACrawford Pimentel & Co.–2150 Trade Zone Blvd. #200, San Jose, CA 95131 • Tel: 408.942.6888 • Web: http://www.crawfordpimentel.com/$5,000Daniel Faulk, a Director and CPA at Crawford, Pimental & Co gave: $5,000 on 8/4/08
Daniel Faulk is a CPA focusing on income tax planning, research and compliance, strategic business planning, corporate and retirement plan audits, expatriate tax and tax equalization issues, and high level AMT and ISO individual tax planning. Faulk has been with the firm since 1989.
Darcel Hulse, San Diego, CA
Sempra LNG–101 Ash Street, HQ 16, San Diego, CA 92101 • Tel: 619.696.2000 • Web: http://www.sempralng.com/Pages/About/About.htm$5,000Darcel Hulse, President and CEO of Sempra Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) gave: $5,000 on 8/1/08
Darcel Hulse leads the highly controversial Sempra LNG efforts to develop, build and operate liquified natural gas receiving terminals.
Darren Francom, Newbury Park, CA360 Systems–31355 Agoura Rd, Westlake Village, CA 91361 • Tel: 818.991.0360 • Web: http://www.360systems.com/$5,000Darren Francom, Controller at 360 Systems gave: $5,000 on 8/4/08
360 Systems designs, manufactures and markets innovative audio and video solutions primarily for the entertainment industry.
Darren Henderson, Irvine, CAMerrill Lynch & Co, Global Headquarters–4 Financial Center, 250 Vesey Street, New York, NY 10080 • Tel: 212.449.1000 • Web: http://www.ml.com/index.asp?id=7695_15125$5,000Darren Henderson, an Investment Advisor at Merrill Lynch, gave: $5,000 on 7/28/08
Douglas Younberg Investments Inc., Washington, UT$5,000Douglas Younberg Investments gave: $5,000 on 8/4/08
Edward Griffith, Irvine, CA$5,000Edward Griffith gave: $5,000 on 8/4/08
George Brimhall, Polson, MT$5,000George Brimhall, CEO of Akshun & Akshun, gave: $5,000 on 7/28/08
James Gallagher, Chino Hills, CAAmerican States Utility Service–535 Anton Blvd., Suite 350, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • Tel: 714.689.1188 • Web:$5,000James Gallagher, VP of Management Services at American States Utility Service, gave: $5,000 on 7/28/08
American States Utility Services, Inc. is the leader in privatization of water and wastewater on military installations across the nation.
Janice Peterson, Chino Hills, CA$5,000Janice Peterson gave: $5,000 on 7/28/08
Jeffrey M. Winter, San Diego, CA$5,000Jeffrey M. Winter, Attorney at Law, gave: $5,000 on 7/28/08
Jerry Oliver, Murphys, CA$5,000Jerry Oliver gave: $5,000 on 8/4/08
John Fjerstad, McKinleyville, CASutter Coast Hospital–418 9th Street, Crescent City, California 95531 • Tel: 707.464.1371$5,000John Fjerstad, Podiatrist at Sutter Coast Hospital gave: $5,000 on 8/4/08
Kathleen Ricks, El Dorado Hills, CA$5,000Kathleen Ricks gave: $5,000 on 7/28/08
Kay Goodman, Tustin, CA$5,000Kay Goodman gave: $5,000 on 8/4/08
Kitty Nordstrom, Newport Beach, CA$5,000Kitty Nordstrom gave: $5,000 on 7/28/08
Larry Saizon, Kaneohe, HI$5,000Larry Saizon gave: $5,000 on 8/4/08
Martha Spencer, Westlake Village, CARobbie Reed, Inc.$5,000Martha Spencer, a Restaurateur, gave: $5,000 on 7/28/08
Mary Fellars, Vista, CA$5,000Mary Fellars, DDS, gave: $5,000 on 7/28/08
Melissa Vassallo, Sacramento, CA$5,000Melissa Vassallo, Director for Veritas Foundation, gave: $5,000 on 8/4/08
Michael Calta, Chino, CAVi-Cal Metals–1400 N. Baxter St., Anaheim, CA 92806 • Tel: 714-956-6200 • Web: http://www.vi-calmetals.com/$5,000Michael Calta, Vice President with Vi-Cal Metals gave: $5,000 on 8/4/08
Vi-Cal Metals is an international metal trading company, trading $250 million a year.
Pennie Edwards, Redding, CABig O Tires, Redding–377 E. Cypress Ave, Redding, CA 96002 • Tel: 530.221.2233 • Web: http://www.bigotires.com/$5,000Pennie Edwards, in sales with Big O Tires gave: $5,000 on 7/28/08
Randall Smith, Sacramento, CA$5,000Randall Smith, CPA with Yorke ISE gave: $5,000 on 7/28/08
Roy Hales, Logan, UT$5,000Roy Hales, in Manufacturing with Hales Engineering, gave: $5,000 on 8/5/08
Stephen Bills, Glendale, CAPhilpott, Bills, Stoll & Meeks$5,000Stephen Bills, a CPA, gave: $5,000 on 8/4/08
Aaron Spiers, Bakersfield, CAAera Energy, Engineer$5,000 on 8/4/08
Above the Gate Dentistry, Diamond Springs, CA$5,000 on 8/29/08
Alan L. Stott, Lancaster, CAAlan Stott, DDS, Dentist$5,000 on 8/14/08
Alisha Gale, Irvine, CA$5,000 on 9/4/08
Allan L. Scow, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA$5,000 on 9/5/08
Allyn Izu, Lakewood, CACounty of LA, Physical Therapist$5,000 on 9/4/08
Allyson J. Anderson, La Crescenta, CA$5,000 on 8/27/08
Anne Olsen, Villa Park, CAPacific Legacy Real Estate Investments, Inc.$5,000 on 8/18/08
Annette N. Dalton, Cameron Park, CA$5,000 on 8/25/08
Antioch Convalescent Hospital, Antioch, CA$5,000 on 8/29/08
April Valusek, Thousand Oaks, CAApril Valusek Real Estate$5,000 on 9/8/08
Arthur W. Tuverson, Mission Viejo, CAGeneral Elec., Real Estate$5,000 on 8/29/08
Barry Hoeven, Newport Beach, CAWestport Properties, President$5,000 on 8/23/08
Barry W. Oliver, Walnut Creek, CAPension One Advisors, Acct$5,000 on 8/8/08
Beverly H. Jafek, San Diego, CA$5,000 on 8/13/08
Blaine E. Hendrickson, Rancho Mirage, CALegacy Healthcare, CEO$5,000 on 8/22/08
Blaine Ray Workshops, Arroyo Grande, CA$5,000 on 8/29/08
Bonnie Olson, Agoura Hills, CASelf Employed, Hospice$5,000 on 8/8/08
Brad Constantine, Rocklin, CAGallina LLP, CPA$5,000 on 8/20/08
Brad Hixon, El Cajon, CAThe Brady Company, Developer$5,000 on 8/27/08
Bradley Call, Newbury Park, CA$5,000 on 8/4/08
Bradley G. Williams, Redlands, CAClark Pacific, Civil Engineer$5,000 on 8/15
Bradley H. Dolbin, Ventura, CAAdvanced Motion, Electrical Engineer$5,000 on 8/8/08
Brent Rigby, Anaheim, CAMission Development, Contractor$5,000 on 8/8/08
Brian A. Bertha, Newport Beach, CAMcKesson, VP Marketing$5,000 on 9/2/08
Brian Palmer, La Canada Flintridge, CACRA, Consultant$5,000 on 8/13/08
Bruce Williams, Fair Oaks, CAMercy General Hospital, Pharmacist$5,000 on 9/3/08
Bryan J. Favero, Rocklin, CATEK Translation International, Business Development$5,000 on 8/18/08
‘Buck’ McKeon for Congress, Santa Clarita, CA$5,000 on 8/29/08
Caleb Stewart, Lompoc, CAAdvanced Performance Physical Therapy, Physical Therapist$5,000 on 9/5/08
Calvin Reynolds, Cameron Park, CASnowline Engineer, Engineer$5,000 on 8/22/08
Caralee Smith, Sacramento, CA$5,000 on 9/5/08
Carol Gardner, San Juan Capistrano, CALife Style Insurance, Owner$5,000 on 8/27/08
Carolyn Dewitt, Santa Ana, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Cathay Circuits, Inc., Monterey, CA$5,000 on 8/29/08
Catherine Bearry, Auburn, CAEagle Electric, Electrical Contractor$5,000 on 8/29/08
Catherine C. Blickenstar, Camarillo, CA$5,000 on 9/8/08
Charles Pfister, Upland, CAC.P. Construction, Contractor$5,000 on 8/18/08
Charles Pope, Santa Cruz, CASeagate Technology, Financial Executive$5,000 on 8/8/08
Charles Stoddard, Santa Rosa, CARetired$5,000 on 8/4/08
China Circuit Technology, Monterey, CA$5,000 on 8/29/08
Christine Francom, Newbury Park, CAConejo Valley Unified School District, Teacher$5,000 on 8/4/08
Christopher L. Eastland, Los Angeles, CASeidler Equity Partners, Investing$5,000 on 8/20/08
Clark Hatch, Brea, CAAqua Clear Farms, Businessman$5,000 on 8/8/08
Colby D. Eller, Granite Bay, CAValley Oaks Insurance Advisors, Insurance Broker$5,000 on 8/29/08
Colleen D. Watkins, El Cajon, CA$5,000 on 8/29/08
Corey A. Procuniar, Trabuco Canyon, CAThe Endign Group, Nursing Home Administrator$5,000 on 8/13/08
Couch Potatoes Only, Auburn, CA$5,000 on 8/25/08
Craig A. Neville, Bakersfield, CACal-Pacific Farm Management, LP, Agriculture$5,000 on 8/29/08
Curtis Weller, Clayton, CADeloitte & Touche, CPA$5,000 on 8/8/08
D. Kirk Davis, Rancho Santa Margarita, CAIHP Capital, Sr. Vice President$5,000 on 9/2/08
D. Walton, Walnut Creek, CADoneu Hall APLC, Attorney$5,000 on 8/8/08
Dalton Capital, Inc., Yorba Linda, CA$5,000 on 8/22/08
Dan C. Hunter, Aliso Viejo, CADanberg Development, Developer$5,000 on 9/2/08
Dan Olsen, Laguna Niguel, CAMeadows Asset Management, Attorney$5,000 on 8/20/08
Daniel R. O’Bryant, Glendora, CAAvery Dennison, CFO$5,000 on 8/27/08
Danielle D. Kotter, Marina Del Rey, CAWF, Marketing Sale Manager$5,000 on 9/4/08
David C. Van Blerkom, Danville, CAInflective Asset Mgmt, Investment Manager$5,000 on 9/2/08
David Christensen, Danville, CAGartner, Inc, Analyst$5,000 on 8/25/08
David F. Morgan, Fair Oaks, CADelta Dental, Manager$5,000 on 8/25/08
David G. Wiggins, Chino Hills, CA$5,000 on 9/4/08
David J. Wilson, Morgan Hill, CACTS Advantage, Owner$5,000 on 9/5/08
David Lee, Sunnyvale, CANetapp, Manager$5,000 on 9/5/08
David Meyers Barbara, Magnolia, TX$5,000 on 8/18/08
David S. Price, La Mesa, CA$5,000 on 8/27/08
Dayna D. Bain, Walnut Creek, CA$5,000 on 9/2/08
Dean Criddle, Piedmont, CAOrric, Herrington & Sutcliffe, Attorney$5,000 on 8/8/08
Debora Fenn, Buena Park, CAFenn Termite & Pest, Owner$5,000 on 8/18/08
Debra A. Hawkes, Pittsburg, CAContra Costa County, Registered Nurse$5,000 on 9/2/08
Delone Bailey, Alamo, CA$5,000 on 9/5/08
Denise R. Callister, La Crescenta, CA$5,000 on 8/18/08
Dennis Lambourne, Brea, CALPL Insurance$5,000 on 8/20/08
Derik Brian, Laguna Beach, CAMiramar Health, Owner$5,000 on 9/2/08
DHC Family Foundation, Visalia, CA$5,000 on 8/13/08
Diane E. Knudson, Valencia, CAGold Mountain Media, Owner$5,000 on 8/20/08
Dirk O. Jergensen, Poway, CAOmnicare, Pharmacist$5,000 on 8/29/08
Don Duffy, Dove Canyon, CAGray Point, CPA$5,000 on 9/8/08
Dorothy Devore, La Canada, CAGreggory R. Devore, MD., Office Manager$5,000 on 8/25/08
Douglas B. Quist, Sunnyvale, CANvidia, Director of I.T.$5,000 on 8/29/08
Douglas Barton, Walnut Creek, CADeloitte & Touche, Accountant$5,000 on 8/8/08
Douglas Whiting, Carlsbad, CAHifa, Engineer$5,000 on 8/20/08
ETS & Associates, Gilroy, CA$5,000 on 8/15/08
Earl Carter, Rialto, CAEarl Carter & Associates, Lawyer$5,000 on 9/8/08
Edward Griffith, Irvine, CA$5,000 on 8/4/08
Elizabeth Bradford, Rocklin, CA$5,000 on 9/2/08
Ellen Morris, Bakersfield, CADynasty Management, Owner$5,000 on 9/2/08
Engineer Mechanical Contractor, Inc., Sacramento, CA$5,000 on 8/18/08
Eric Ottesen, Poway, CAExcel Realty, Attorney$5,000 on 8/27/08
Fred Huckvale, Northridge, CAMillennial Mgt, Executive$5,000 on 9/4/08
C. Craig Sullivan, San Francisco, CA$5,000 on 9/6/08/08
Gail Olsen, Roseville, CA$5,000 on 8/18/08
Gary Crandall, Orange, CABioMedics, Owner$5,000 on 8/14/08
George M. Grant, Riverside, CABest, Best & Krieger, Attorney$5,000 on 8/14/08
George Mautz, Chino Hills, CABank of America, Financial Services$5,000 on 8/8/08
Glen Sellers, Placerville, CA$5,000 on 9/8/08
Gloria P. Pope, Santa Cruz, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Grant J. Hallstrom, Irvine, CA$5,000 on 8/14/08
Greg L. Smith, Aliso Viejo, CAEclipsys, Lawyer$5,000 on 8/22/08
Gregory C. Brown, La Canada, CABreit Burn Management, Co., Executive$5,000 on 9/2/08
Gregory Weeks, Rancho Santa Fe, CAAttorney$5,000 on 8/8/08
Guy M. Masters, Glendale, CAHealthcare Partners, Consultant$5,000 on 8/18/08
Heath Sheppard, Roseville, CASheppard & Associates, Insurance Broker$5,000 on 8/22/08
Heather Clawson, Rancho Santa Margarita, CAGolden Spoon Frozen Yogurt, Owner$5,000 on 8/13/08
Henry R. Lindsay, Elk Grove, CA$5,000 on 8/29/08
Internet Blueprint, Tustin, CA$5,000 on 8/18/08
Isi Nau, Waipahu, HIHawaii Doe, Teacher$5,000 on 9/3/08
Jack Williams, Elk Grove, CACmon ‘N Go, Owner$5,000 on 8/11/08
Jaleen N. Lunt, La Crescenta, CA$5,000 on 9/4/08
James D. Ogden, Martinez, CACarpathia, Accountant$5,000 on 8/15/08
James Orman, Mira Loma, CAHoneywell, Welder$5,000 on 8/20/08
James S. Crane, Fresno, CAA.L. Drywall, Construction$5,000 on 8/25/08
James W. Hunt, Elk Grove, CA$5,000 on 9/2/08
James Walker, Ewa Beach, HIPolynesian Cultural Center, Sales$5,000 on 8/11/08
Janell L. Meinzer, Granite Bay, CAMeinco Properties, Investor$5,000 on 8/25/08
Jani Stone, Danville, CA$5,000 on 8/21/08
Jared L. Spears, Yuba City, CACordano Spears Dental, Dentist$5,000 on 8/25/08
Jason Cardinet, Newcastle, CAGallina LLP, Accountant$5,000 on 8/8/08
Jeffrey Marr, San Jose, CACisco Systems, Engineer$5,000 on 8/20/08
Jenny L. Townsend, La Canada Flintridge, CA$5,000 on 8/27/08
Jeremiah Jones, Riverside, CABosco Legal Services, Manager$5,000 on 8/27/08
Jerry Oliver, Murphys, CA$5,000 on 8/4/08
Jerry Sorensen, DDS, Fresno, CA$5,000 on 8/18/08
Jill Heffner, Modesto, CA$5,000 on 8/29/08
Jo Anne Gardner, Clayton, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Joan Talbot, Santa Maria, CAHeath Income Tax, Consultant$5,000 on 8/14/08
John A. Crosby, Redding, CAPaskenta, CEO$5,000 on 8/22/08
John Blatter, Danville, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
John Crawford, Saratoga, CAIntel, Computer Architect$5,000 on 9/6/08
John F. Watkins, Anderson, CAReal Estate$5,000 on 8/8/08
John Klein, Nevada City, CAWells Fargo, Insurance$5,000 on 8/14/08
John L. Hales, La Crescenta, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
John Lattin, Laguna Niguel, CAFisher & Phillips, Attorney$5,000 on 8/29/08
John Plocher, Riverside, CAUSR, Broker$5,000 on 9/2/08
John W. Cutt, Concord, CAInacc Corp., CEO$5,000 on 8/21/08
Jonathan Tenney, Newport Beach, CAMerrill Lynch, Investment Advisor$5,000 on 8/8/08
Jonathan W. Starr, Covina, CARemax Masters, Real Estate Agent$5,000 on 8/25/08
Jordan Law, Coto De Caza, CAAerofit, Owner$5,000 on 8/14/08
Joyce G. Evenson, Fresno, CA$5,000 on 8/18/08
Judith Wagner, Alamo, CARetired$5,000 on 9/9/08
Judy Cooley, Pacifica, CA$5,000 on 8/14/08
Judy Salmon, Palo Alto, CAPalo Alto Unified School District, Teacher$5,000 on 8/22/08
Julie Schull, Pleasanton, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Justin W. Dalton Corp., Yorba Linda, CA$5,000 on 8/27/08
Karen Westover, Manhattan Beach, CA$5,000 on 8/9/08
Karl N. Haws, Redlands, CAMundell, Odlum & Haws, LLP, Lawyer$5,000 on 8/29/08
Katharine Chera, Santa Rosa, CA$5,000 on 9/2/08
Kay Bohne, Walnut Creek, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Kazuo Enterprises, Inc., Cypress, CA$5,000 on 8/27/08
Keenan Davis, Auburn, CADavis Legal Associates, Attorney$5,000 on 8/28/08
Keith Bradburn, Concord, CADr. Randall Gardner, DDS, Dentist$5,000 on 8/25/08
Keith E. Loraine, Petaluma, CAMusic of Sundrie Natures, Musician$5,000 on 8/29/08
Kevan Bradshaw, San Diego, CAPWC, CPA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Kristin Albrechtsen, Chino Hills, CA$5,000 on 8/22/08
Kristine Whitesides, Trabuco Canyon, CA$5,000 on 8/25/08
Kristy Hunter, Camarillo, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Krystalyn Judd, Walnut Creek, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Kurt D. Johnson, Redwood City, CA$5,000 on 9/3/08
Ladawn Stone, El Dorado Hills, CA$5,000 on 8/14/08
Lang Roofing, Inc., Bell Gardens, CA$5,000 on 8/25/08
Large Enterprise, Aliso Viejo, CA$5,000 on 9/5/08
Larry Arnett, Morgan Hill, CASpace Systems, Engineer$5,000 on 8/15/08
Larry Brasher, Newcastle, CA$5,000 on 9/8/08
Larry Wilson, Alamo, CA$5,000 on 8/20/08
Laura Wilkins, El Dorado Hills, CAClear Image Inc, Owner$5,000 on 8/8/08
Law Offices of Douglas A. MacDonald, Sacramento, CA$5,000 on 8/21/08
Law Offices of Frank D. Penney, Roseville, CA$5,000 on 8/21/08
Lawrence Blonquist, Westlake Village, CATurnberry Financial, Financial Advisor$5,000 on 8/11/08
Lawrence Hixon, Santa Barbara, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Lee D. Green, San Jose, CAK-Swiss, Inc., Attorney$5,000 on 8/27/08
Linda Orman, Mira Loma, CA$5,000 on 8/20/08
Linda S. Doll, Walnut Creek, CA$5,000 on 8/14/08
Lisa Jones, Riverside, CA$5,000 on 8/27/08
Lisa Williams, Elk Grove, CA$5,000 on 8/11/08
Lloyd Dickson, Sunnyvale, CA$5,000 on 8/18/08
Lloyd Pace, Visalia, CAJMT Financial Svc., Mortgage$5,000 on 8/8/08
Logan A. Sheppard, Orangevale, CASheppard & Associates, Insurance Broker$5,000 on 8/25/08
Lone Tree Convalescent Hospital, Antioch, CA$5,000 on 8/29/08
Lonna Ward, Huntington Beach, CA$5,000 on 8/22/08
Loretta Kaopua, Aiea, HI$5,000 on 8/18/08
Louise Miramontes, Irvine, CAMuirfield Properties, Developer$5,000 on 8/15/08
Luann Warren, Livermore, CAWarren Associates, CFO$5,000 on 8/25/08
Lyle Hill, Riverside, CACity of Riverside, Engineer$5,000 on 8/27/08
Lynette Atkisson, San Francisco, CA$5,000 on 8/21/08
MKP Construction, Inc., Upland, CA$5,000 on 8/11/08
Marc C. Eynon, Corona, CA$5,000 on 9/8/08
Margaret Wheelwright, Laie, HI$5,000 on 8/22/08
Marie M. Jensen, Yuba City, CA$5,000 on 9/3/08
Marilyn M. Goff, Shingle Springs, CALyon, Real Estate$5,000 on 8/25/08
Marilyn O. Masters, Glendale, CA$5,000 on 8/18/08
Mark A. Norman, Tracy, CANorman Masonry, Owner$5,000 on 8/18/08
Mark Evans, Granite Bay, CANorthwestern Mutual, Management$5,000 on 8/14/08
Mark McComb, Santa Barbara, CASelect Staffing, COO$5,000 on 8/14/08
Maryann McCarty, Apple Valley, CA$5,000 on 8/13/08
Matthew D. Kartchner, Sacramento, CAPulte Homes, Construction$5,000 on 9/2/08
Maureen Christensen, Anaheim, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Maureen Hixon, Santa Barbara, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Maurine Walker, Los Angeles, CA$5,000 on 8/18/08
Melissa Tuttle, El Dorado Hills, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Melissa Vassallo, Sacramento, CAVerita Fdtn, Director$5,000 on 8/4/08
Merrill Higham, Belmont, CAHigham, Richards & Vranes, CPA$5,000 on 8/18/08
Michael Calta, Chino, CAVi-Cal Metals, Vice President$5,000 on 8/4/08
Michael Erickson, Fountain Valley, CAKnobbe Martens Olson & Bear, Lawyer$5,000 on 8/14/08
Michael King, Salinas, CATaiyo Pacific Parts, Manager$5,000 on 8/22/08
Michael Manning, San Juan Capistrano, CAQlogic, CPA$5,000 on 9/4/08
Michael P. Mullen, Granite Bay, CAMichael P. Mullen, Oral Surgeon$5,000 on 9/8/08
Michael Peterson, Danville, CAPascal Mgmt, Financial Services$5,000 on 8/18/08
Michael Ward, La Canada, CAActivision, Executive Producer$5,000 on 8/13/08
Michele C. Sundstrom, San Jose, CA$5,000 on 8/21/08
Mike Daley, Modesto, CALSO, Inc., Sales$5,000 on 8/29/08
Monte J. Harrick, La Canada, CAVerity Point, Director$5,000 on 8/15/08
Myles L. Brown, Folsom, CABrown, Fine, Boyce & Astle, LLP, Accountant$5,000 on 8/8/08
Nancy F. Lockhart, Piedmont, CA$5,000 on 9/2/08
Nile Sorenson, Yorba Linda, CANile Sorenson D.M.D., Orthodontist$5,000 on 8/8/08
Nora Baker, Redlands, CA$5,000 on 8/21/08
Palmdale Veterinary Hospital, Palmdale, CA$5,000 on 8/18/08
Pamela Capelo, Poway, CACooley Godward Kronish, Lawyer$5,000 on 8/20/08
Patricia H. Hunt, Northridge, CA$5,000 on 8/27/08
Patterson Law Firm, Valencia, CA$5,000 on 9/4/08
Paul A. Burch, Corona, CAABS Global, Sales Manager$5,000 on 8/18/08
Paul Larson, Pleasanton, CAP D Larson Co., Construction$5,000 on 8/21/08
Peggy Bowden, Redding, CA$5,000 on 9/2/08
Perry Chapman, Yorba Linda, CAAllied Steel, Steel Fabricator$5,000 on 8/8/08
R. Dean Merkley, Santa Clara, CAD & K Real Estate, Realtor$5,000 on 9/2/08
R. Jay Allen, Stockton, CAStone Tioga Allen, Developer$5,000 on 8/21/08
R. E. Huisken, Huntington Beach, CARPH Investments, President$5,000 on 8/29/08
Rachel Aaron, Clayton, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Rachelle Clifford, Huntington Beach, CA$5,000 on 8/15/08
Ralph Severson, Orinda, CA$5,000 on 8/25/08
Randal Mack, San Jose, CAMohler, Nixon & Williams, Accountant$5,000 on 8/8/08
Randall Steele, Modesto, CASeed Factory, Owner$5,000 on 8/14/08
Ray Fahringer, Long Beach, CACustom Pump & Equipment, Sales$5,000 on 8/15/08
Rebecca Brubaker, Redding, CA$5,000 on 8/25/08
Reid LaLonde, Placerville, CAMountain Mgmt, Contractor$5,000 on 8/21/08
Renae Lyon, San Luis Obispo, CA$5,000 on 8/18/08
Richard C. Callister, La Crescenta, CAVerity Point, Consultant$5,000 on 8/18/08
Richard Chapman, Walnut Creek, CAJES Engineering, Owner$5,000 on 8/8/08
Richard D. Cardall, Walnut Creek, CATransamerica Capital Management, Sales Management$5,000 on 8/8/08
Richard E. Lamprecht, Laguna Niguel, CAThe Irvine Company, Real Estate Developer$5,000 on 8/13/08
Richard L. Holbrook, Foster City, CAHolbrook Global Investors, Investment Advisor$5,000 on 8/27/08
RLG Enterprises, Huntington Beach, CA$5,000 on 9/2/08
Robert B. Erickson, Costa Mesa, CAFluor Corporation, Engineer$5,000 on 8/15/08
Robert Blazer, Pleasanton, CAValidity Sensors, Manager$5,000 on 8/18/08
Robert C. Moehle, Glendora, CA$5,000 on 8/22/08
Robert E. Hales, Attorney, Orange, CA$5,000 on 8/22/08
Robert G. Dyer, Attorney, San Diego, CA$5,000 on 9/4/08
Robert Kenney, Sunnyvale, CAGolfland Entertainment, Executive$5,000 on 8/11/08
Robert L. Bowers, Huntington Beach, CAAir Source Industries, Executive$5,000 on 8/13/08
Robert Moneymaker, Sacramento, CASAIC, IT Specialist$5,000 on 9/5/08
Robert W. Peterson, San Jose, CABank of America, Executive$5,000 on 9/8/08
Robin Detling, Lincoln, CAPGP Valuation, Analyst$5,000 on 8/11/08
Rob Emery, Newport Beach, CASteadfast Company, CEO$5,000 on 8/16/08
Rodney J. Kellogg, Clovis, CAKellogg & Grant Family Dentistry, Dentist$5,000 on 9/4/08
Ronald D. Nunnally, Lakewood, CA$5,000 on 8/29/08
Ronald J. Coleman, Newcastle, CACastle City Mobile Parks & Sales, Owner$5,000 on 9/2/08
Ronald Packard, Los Altos, CAPackard, Packard & Johnson, Attorney$5,000 on 8/8/08
Rose Adams, San Jose, CASelf-Employed, Quilter$5,000 on 8/29/08
Russell R. Watanabe, Aiea, HIWatanabe Floral, Florist$5,000 on 8/25/08
Ruth Kelly, Anaheim, CABig Adventure Child Care, Owner$5,000 on 8/8/08
Ryan Webber, Trabuco Canyon, CAWoodside Homes, Manager$5,000 on 8/26/08
Ryan Williams, Bakersfield, CAKern County, Sheriff Deputy$5,000 on 8/27/08
S. Lynn Bogh, Highland, CAKCB Towers, Inc., Structural Steel$5,000 on 9/4/08
Samuel G. Hodnett, Rancho Cordova, CAAida’s University Book Exchange, Manager$5,000 on 9/8/08
Sandra L. Loesch, Marina, CATaco Bell, Franchisee$5,000 on 8/18/08
Scott Bowen, Oak Park, CASelf-Employed, Professional$5,000 on 8/20/08
Scott Houston, Santa Barbara, CAHouston Associates, Management Consultant$5,000 on 8/18/08
Scott Williams, Agoura Hills, CAInsite Development, Real Estate$5,000 on 8/18/08
Sensible Senior Homecare, Adelanto, CA$5,000 on 8/11/08
Serena Orton, Poway, CAL. Cary Orton DDS, Marketing$5,000 on 8/20/08
Shane C.K. Kaopua, Aiea, HIBank of Hawaii, Banker$5,000 on 8/15/08
Shannyn Gardner, Valencia, CA$5,000 on 8/21/08
Sharon Brown, Alta Loma, CA$5,000 on 8/18/08
Shelly Jordan, Oak Park, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Sherman L. Doll, Walnut Creek, CACapital Performance Advisors, Consultant$5,000 on 8/14/08
Sherry L. Hulbert, Shingle Springs, CA$5,000 on 8/25/08
Shirley Mataalii, Lomita, CA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Shonnie L. Jackson, Granite Bay, CA$5,000 on 9/8/08
Stephen Bills, Glendale, CAPhilbott Bills Stoll & Meeks, CPA$5,000 on 8/4/08
Stephen C. Kimball, Inc., Mission Viejo, CA$5,000 on 8/13/08
Steven Bush, La Crescenta, CAPrestige Preschool, CEO$5,000 on 8/8/08
Steven E. Leininger, Concord, CACapital Performance Advisors, CPA$5,000 on 8/8/08
Steven F. Nelson, Covina, CARiverside Metro Auto, Executive$5,000 on 8/15/08
Steven G. Johnson Dental, Santa Barbara, CA$5,000 on 8/14/08
Steven R. Townsend, La Canada, CAWachovia Securities, Finance$5,000 on 8/29/08
Steven Saunders, Clovis, CASteven Saunders, CPA$5,000 on 8/22/08
Steven Wheelwright, Laie, HIBrigham Young University–Hawaii, President$5,000 on 8/22/08
Tamra Braatz, Auburn, CA$5,000 on 9/8/08
Ted Cannon, Irvine, CAKnobbe, Martens, Olson & Bear–Attorney$5,000 on 9/7/08
Terry Lloyd, Walnut Creek, CATerry Lloyd, CPA, Analyst$5,000 on 8/27/08
Thalia M. Cutt, Concord, CA$5,000 on 8/21/08
The Law Offices of Bradford..., Eureka, CA$5,000 on 9/2/08
Tom S. Moyes, Valencia, CANorthrop Grumman, Engineer$5,000 on 9/4/08
Tricks Gymnastics, Inc., Granite Bay, CA$5,000 on 8/18/08
Vella J. Albretsen, Grover Beach, CA$5,000 on 8/25/08
Vivi S. Mceuen, Redding, CACal State University Chico, Lecturer$5,000 on 9/3/08
W. Mark Bassett, Antelope, CABrasher’s Sacramento Auto Auction, CFO$5,000 on 9/2/08
Western Water Features, El Dorado Hills, CA$5,000 on 8/22/08
William Bunker, San Juan Capistrano, CAKnobbe, Martens, Attorney$5,000 on 8/8/08
William Reasbeck, Redding, CATin Man Dental Supplies, Sales$5,000 on 8/21/08
WM Brent Pendleton, Riverside, CAFleetwood Ent., Director of Materials$5,000 on 8/14/08
Young S. Hong, Coto de Caza, CAStrategic Property Association, Consultant$5,000 on 8/29/08
Ann F. Long, Corona, CA$5,000 on 9/24/08
Bell & Associates, Laguna Beach, CA$5,000 on 9/10/08
Betsy Johnson, Mountain View, CA$5,000 9/10/08
Brandon M. Nielsen, Thousand Oaks, CA$5,000 on 9/12/08
Brent R. Knudson, Los Gatos, CAPLGA, Investor$5,000 on 9/18/08
Bruce L. Barton, Grantite Bay, CADionex Corporation, Executive$5,000 on 9/10/08
Charles J. Chacon, Corona, CACC Real Estate Group, Sales$5,000 on 9/18/08
Colleen A. Tano, Kaneohe, HIState of Hawaii, Civil Engineer$5,000 on 9/24/08
Cynthia J. Goodsell, Los Gatos, CAAccount Ability, CPA$5,000 on 9/25/08
Cynthia Stone, Los Angeles, CAHomemaker$5,000 on 9/16/08
Danny Coder, Stevinson, CACoder Appliance, Repair$5,000 on 9/10/08
David A. Avina, Riverside, CAD & A Transports, Truck Driver$5,000 on 9/22/08
David A. Chamerlin, Trabuco Canyon, CALoma Linda University Medical Center, Physician$5,000 on 9/10/08
David W. Collett, Calabasas, CAUNX, CFO$5,000 on 9/17/08
Dwain Rickertson, Yuba City, CAFamily Physicians, Inc., Physician$5,000 on 9/18/08
Hannah V. Peterson, Ramona, CA$5,000 on 9/10/08
Harmony Circle, LLC, Anaheim Hills, CA$5,000 on 9/22/08
Jacqueline A. McAllister, Fair Oaks, CA$5,000 on 9/25/08
James Bell, Orange, CAAmpro, Manager$5,000 on 9/10/08
Janelle A. Palmer, Walnut Creek, CA$5,000 on 9/15/08
Janelle Dahl, Valencia, CA$5,000 on 9/15/08
Jeffrery K. Taylor, Provo, UTDiamicron, Inc., Ortho. Surgeon$5,000 on 9/11/08
Jeffrey Christian, Morgan Hill, CAPhoenix Deventures, Engineer$5,000 on 9/22/08
Jeffrey Hamilton, Ashton, IDHamilton & Co., LLP, CPA$5,000 on 9/15/08
Jeffrey P. Starr, Mission Viejo, CASaddleback Valley Unified School District, Administrator$5,000 on 9/17/08
Jeffrey Sycamore, Thousand Oaks, CAJeffrey L. Sycamore MDAPC, Doctor$5,000 on 9/12/08
Jennifer R. Ford, Ramona, CA$5,000 on 9/15/08
Jeraldine Taxera, Yuba City, CA$5,000 on 9/11/08
Jill Van Slooten, La Canada, CA$5,000 on 9/15/08
Jim Vargas, La Jolla, CA$5,000 on 9/22/08
John B. Hansen, La Canada, CAGlenwood Group, Real Estate Investment$5,000 on 9/10/08
John Nielsen, Thousand Oaks, CARPA, Inc., Consultant$5,000 on 9/11/08
Judith Wagner, Alamo, CARetired$5,000 on 9/9/08
Kathryn Olsen, San Clemente, CA$5,000 on 9/23/08
Kenneth I. Talbot, Sunnyvale, CANorthrop Grumman$5,000 on 9/25/08
Kenneth Jones, Larkspur, CALithium Investments, Manager$5,000 on 9/18/08
Larry D. Tashjian, La Canada, CACAM Capitol, Investment Manager$5,000 on 9/25/08
Laurie Bell, Wilton, CABell Pest Control, Owner$5,000 on 9/25/08
Law Offices of W. Douglas Eaton, Costa Mesa, CA$5,000 on 9/11/08
Lisa P. Corcoran, Laguna Beach, CA$5,000 on 9/10/08
Lola N. Warren, Bangor, CA$5,000 on 9/17/08
Marianne Caverly, Moreno Valley, CACalvary Chapel Moreno Valley, Manager$5,000 on 9/11/08
Marion E. Haws, Santa Barbara, CA$5,000 on 9/12/08
Mark Gomm Design, Rescue, CA$5,000 on 9/17/08
Matt Owens, La Canada, CAWalt Disney Company, Finance$5,000 on 9/11/08
Micalanne Child, Yucaipa, CASMZ Corp., Real Estate$5,000 on 9/12/08
Miles Chemical Company, Inc., Arieta, CA$5,000 on 9/15/08
Nancy Howard, Whittier, CA$5,000 on 9/10/08
Paul Walker, Vista, CAHien, Engineer$5,000 on 9/16/08
Peggy J. Hodson, Santa Barbara, CA$5,000 on 9/15/08
R. Paul Ashton, Santa Ana, CALifecare Resources, Inc., Owner$5,000 on 9/22/08
Rachelle Clifford, Huntington Beach, CA$5,000 on 9/18/08
Randall M. Mendioroz, Encinitas, CAAquatic Design Group, Inc., CEO$5,000 on 9/15/08
Richard A. Hunter, San Jose, CA$5,000 on 9/25/08
Robert Putnam, Poway, CAE. Digital Corporation, Senior VP$5,000 on 9/15/08
Robert W. Mower, DDS Corporation, Valencia, CA$5,000 on 9/10/08
Ronald K. Lindsay, San Carlos, CALindsay Propeties, LLC, Real Estate Developer$5,000 on 9/17/08
Ronald Naves, West Hills, CA$5,000 on 9/12/08
Roy E. Whitehead, Inc., Riverside, CA$5,000 on 9/24/08
Ruth H. Monzalvo, Vista, CAHerbalife International, Sales$5,000 on 9/15/08
Ryan Trimble, Laguna Hills, CA$5,000 on 9/25/08
Sandra B. Cook, Lodi, CA$5,000 on 9/19/08
Susan S. Hamilton, Poway, CA$5,000 on 9/15/08
Sylvia L. Chase, Brea, CA$5,000 on 9/17/08
Tamra Braatz, Auburn, CA$5,000 on 9/8/08
Taylor R. Woods, Newport Beach, CAGenpact, President$5,000 on 9/10/08
Terry N. Meinzer, North Highlands, CAMeinco Properties, Property Manager$5,000 on 9/15/08
Tim Busch, Irvine, CAPacific Hospitality Group, Executive$5,000 on 9/24/08
Trevor Newcomer, Sacramento, CATrellen, LLC, Adminstrator$5,000 on 9/24/08
Wilford Day, Sacramento, CAUnited States Air Force$5,000 on 9/11/08
William E. Frankin, Fairfield, CACoparti, Inc., Manager$5,000 on 9/18/08
Charles Woodhouse, La Canada Flintridge, CAGibson, Dunn & Crutcher, Administrator$4,950 on 8/8/08
Beverly H. Jafek, San Diego, CA$4,950 on 9/18/08
John L. Hales, La Crescenta, CA$4,950 on 9/15/08
Kristin W. Bowman, Saratoga, CA$4,950 on 9/18/08
Laurel C. Hulme, Los Gatos, CA$4,950 on 9/17/08
REFERENCESAll donor names, cities and donation amounts cited from the Secretary of State Web Site for the State of California: http://cal-access.ss.ca.gov/Campaign/Measures/Detail.aspx?id=1302602&session=2007[1] Cited “California Common Cause News”, July 7, 1993.[2] Cited Washington Post Staff Writer, Howard Kurtz, January 26, 2005.[3] Peter H Stone, Bara Vaida, "Christian Soldiers". National Journal. Washington, Dec 4, 2004. Volume 36, Issue 49, pg. 3596.[4] 2005 Form 990, Focus on the Family.[5] http://www.limandrilaw.com/ August 15, 2008.[6] Parks v The Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix , et al. TD Citation 18 TD 8th 16.[7] Los Angeles Times, October 8, 2004, Gregory W. Griggs, “United Way is Close to Deal on Lawsuit”[8] The Council for National Policy Biographies (web), 8/19/08.[9] http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2007/10/02/blackwater_bush/print.html, “The Bush administration’s ties to Blackwater”, Ben Van Heuvelen, Oct. 2. 2007[10] http://sanguineinseattle.blogspot.com/2007/04/boycott-bolthouse-farms.html, Sunday, April 8, 2007[11] City of Corona website, 8/20/08: http://www.ci.corona.ca.us/index.cfm?section=About[12] Slobodzian, Joseph A. (2007-06-01). “Council votes to end city lease with Boy Scouts”, Philadelphia Inquirer[13] “Boy Scouts sue Phila. to stay in headquarters”, Philadelphia Inquirer, 5/27/08[14] Taken from website http://www.letfreedomringusa.com/, 8/21/08[15] http://fundrace.huffingtonpost.com/neighbors.php?type=name&lname=Samuelian, 8/25/08[16] http://www.sandiegoreader.com/news/2008/aug/13/b/[17] http://www.thebolthousefoundation.org/[18] http://www.csgrr.com/csgrr-cgi-bin/mil?att=upload.113&templ=firm/bio.html[19] http://www.campaignmoney.com/political/527/americans_united_to_preserve_marriage.asp[20] OC Register, Jan 1, 1999, by Penni Crabtree.[21] Wikipedia, 10/1/08 cited: People for the American Way: Concerned Women for America. http://www.pfaw.org/pfaw/general/default.aspx?oid=3151
*Contributions to these organizations also appear separately on this report.
Disclaimer: This list is based on the data made publicly available by the California Secretary of State’s office. Californians Against Hate, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy or validity of the names, contribution amounts and descriptions on this Dishonor Roll. Please direct any inquiries or corrections to the California Secretary of State. Californians Against Hate, Inc. will periodically update this list based on additional data made available by the California Secretary of State. It is possible for multiple persons to share the same name.
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