I always thought that moving Jay Leno out and bringing in Conan was a huge mistake. Now both Jay and Conan can interview people however I hate Conan. Conan always comes across like he is nervous. He jumps on people answers (JAY LENO DOES AS WELL BUT NOT AS BAD).
Conan is dorky. He is not cool and funny. He still can not control an audience. He is a funny writer and I think he should return to the writers room.
Jay Leno will outshine Conan. There is no doubt. Jay will get the best guest first because lets face it he will have a bigger audience at 10pm then Conan will at 11:35.
In the long run I think NBC figured out the best way to retain an audience and that was by keeping Jay Leno. They must know Conan will not have an impact on the water cooler as much as Jay Leno did.
Now even if Jay Leno only brings in 8 Million viewers a night that is still better then what he was doing at 11:30 plus it will be better then what must shows do in that time slot on any network.
NBC however is taking a huge risk here by eliminating 10pm dramas they will not have shows on reserve if Jay Leno fails.
I do not however see Jay Leno failing. I will watch his show because I hate Conan and David Letterman is the same old shit he has been doing for years.
Jay Leno however will have to move up his musical guest from the last segment to the 3rd in order to reach the younger demographic. He will have to book more rappers on his show to reach younger demographics. This is a must for Jay. NBC wants younger viewers and Jay Leno's demographics better not skew older or both he and NBC will be in trouble.
I predict a huge things however with Jay at 10pm. He will save NBC/UNIVERSAL money and on top of that he may just save NBC broadcasting.
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