“Right now, I need to physically go through all the reels and, hopefully, match up the numbers on them with a lined script, like I had to do when I was looking for extra scenes from A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET,” May continues. “I called HALLOWEEN editor Tommy Lee Wallace, and he was pretty excited about the find and will hopefully find us a lined script to reference the individual shots. He was amazed that this material has shown up almost 30 years after filming.”
When "The Cosby Show" left the air in 1992, and "Cheers" in 1993 I thought that was it. However NBC gave me "Seinfeld". It got better it yet it gave me "Friends" in 1994.
In 2001 "Survivor" came on. Thank god for TIVO. Also CSI ( Which I was a fan of when it aired on Fridays" was moved to Thursday. In 2004 "Friends" ended. By 2005 I was sick of "Survivor". "CSI" I still watch however "ER" I thought jumped the shark over 10 years ago.
Eriq Lasalle I thought took a role away from a good actor.
Well last year Thursday Night became great TV night again. "Ugly Betty" to me is great TV. I Love this show. I also am happy that NBC moved "30 Rock" to Thursdays. "Grey's Antomy" I try to watch buyt my bf hates it.
Well Starting soon we get new shows again on Thursday. I for one was getting tired of watching CNN
Last week was a nightmare for me. By Saturday March 15 I returned all the movies that I got from that week. However I only got 2 movies by Tuesday and the rest came by Thursday. Even the movies I got on Tuesday were watched that day by 4pm and went to the post office. The last pick up at the post office is 5pm so the DVD'S were returned the same day I got them. I thought I was being nice since one of the movies was the NEW RELEASE of the Disney MOVIE "Enchanted".
Well I live in Bay St Louis MS. The DVD's come from Mobile AL. The funny thing is that I get the movies they send me in one day. For some reason it takes up to 3 working days for Netflicks to receive and send out my next group of movies. I can see if they were to dragging there ass because I was renting only New Releases but 95% of the movies I want are over a year old.
Something is up with them.
The movie went on to be Nominated for 11 Academy Awards. Sadly Steven Spielberg was not Nominated. The movie however never won anything. The movie "Out of Africa" went on to win Best Picture and Best Director.
Now here we are in 2008. I just finished watching "The Color Purple" for the first time in 10 years. The movie has held up. To me it was not the Best Picture of 1985 but maybe the best Picture of the entire decade.
If you have never seen the movie I beg you to watch it. You will not be disappointed. If you opt to watch the Best Picture Winner "Out of Africa" you will be disappointed.
For years she tried to get the movie made. Once She finally did get the movie into production she got racked over the coals in the press. The articles written about the movie were ruthless. Once the movie was finished she was still be racked over the coals. Well it has been 25 years since the movie was released. DVD has been around now for 11 years and there is still no DVD release. I hope we get one soon. This is a movie I would love to see Barbra address all the stupid things she had to put up with. Barbra is a true talent! I would to see her get involved in a Special Edition DVD. This is her baby and she should be proud of it!
Well the fan cuts "Kill Bill" could actually help get an official release. I saw one fan cut and I must admit is was great. The big fight between The Bride and the Crazy 88's was all in color. However the movie was more then the 2 movies put together.
Somethings were rearrange and somethings were changed slightly to great effect! However I miss the extras that would come on an official release! I do not know what the hold up is on getting the movie on DVD. I have to guess it has to do with 3 Major things
1) Disney might Still Own "Kill Bill" home video rights and they don't want to distribute a NC-17 movie.
2) Because "Grindhouse" was a bomb there is bad blood between Quentin and the Weinstein Brothers
3) There might be issues regarding music thus holding up the DVD