The "Big Bus" is a movie that spoofs the great & not so great disaster movies of the 1970's.
The movie has a well know cast. A pre Grease Stockard Channing has the co-starring role.
The story is on its maiden voyage the first nuclear powered bus going Non-stop from New York to Denver is going to be hit by disasters from an oil and gas company.
The movie is funny. NOT all the jokes work. Its worth watching
In about a month the "SEX AND THE CITY MOVIE" will open. If its a hit don't be surprised if Warner Brothers pushes for a "FRIENDS REUNION MOVIE".
See if Warner Brothers makes a "FRIENDS" movie that would drive up interest in the TV show again. The DVD Sets would sell again big time to an all new audience. (Yes believe me there is now another audience available for the show) In fact upcoming college freshmen were only 4 years old when the show debut in 1994. They were only 14 when the show ended. Most of this audience did not watch "Friends" when they were growing up.
The cast has always said "NO" we don't want to do a reunion. However there is a good chance that a "FRIENDS MOVIE" would boost all of the actors careers.
I am sure that the cast will once again stick together all want to be paid big bucks! They did when the show was on the air! They became famous for another reason! The cast bandded together. In a very surprise move! They all did stick together and by the last year the show was on they were all getting paid $1,000,000 an episode!
Now if a movie is made I am sure the cast would all want $10,000,000 each. That's too much. Before the screenplay is ever written thats $60,000,000. They would also need to pay for a screenplay. They need an A-List Director (That adds millions)
So before the camera roll, up front cost could be almost $70,000,000 for the cast and director alone. This does not include production cost which would be about another $10,000,000. There is also marketing cost (that's another $25,000,000) Thats over $100,000,000. So the studio needs to find a way to keep the cost down.
I am thinking that Warner Brothers could pay them $5,0000,000 each. Plus give them all 1% pf the first dollar gross on all products related to the "FREINDS MOVIE".
The director should be Betty Thomas who did a great job directing "The Brady Bunch Movie" and "The Late Shift".
Now I think the movie needs to be a kind of prequel and sequel to the tv show. When the show ended Monica & Chandler moved. However the apartment was the main set used for the show. Somehow we need to get the apartment worked into the movie. The coffee shop and Gunther need to have a part as well.
Now as for the main storyline for the movie? Well I think it would be great if it center around Chandler turning 40! The 2nd story could be Phobee fighting with her in-laws about how to raise her child. The 3rd story could be Joey finally getting great reviews for "Naked Biys Singing".
So when the play gets remounted Vanessa Williams should play Norma Desmond in Sunset Blvd Revival . Before any of you say "No" hear me out. This play Needs a Star. A huge star. Vanessa has been in the public eye for 25 years. People love a good comeback story. Vanessa Williams is a survivor. The she is the definition of survivor.
Norma Desmond is a very hard role to play. For some reason it needs to be played by a hge star. For some reason that play needs a huge name. Now Vanessa has the acting and singing chops to do the role.
Audiences need to feel a connection to the character of Norma. Glenn Close did a great legendary performance. ( I also think Patti Lupone was used for her name to get funding for the first production).
Vanessa would bring a huge amounts people into the theatre that otherwise would never the musical. She would bring fans of "Ugly Betty","African Americans", & more.
With Vanessa in the role the play would get huge amounts of press. SO
Now before Cable and Home Video came into the market place Movies were shown on Network TV about 1 -2 years after the theatrical engagements. There were a few exceptions however that's how things were.
When I was a kid there were the 3 Networks that all of us watched (kids and adults) This was before HBO. Here is what I remember watching in the 1970's
MONDAY - Little House
TUESDAY - Happy Days ,Laverne and Shirley ,Three's Company
Wednesday - Bionic Woman
Thursday - The Walton's
Friday - The Brady Bunch, Room 222, Partridge Family , Love American Style
Saturday - All in the Family, Carol Burnett
Now remember this was before cable so chances are when you went to school the next day your classmates pretty much watched what you did.
However when you were under 12 you couldn't Waite until "The Wizard of Oz" was shown on TV. It was a yearly event. Everybody would watch it. IT was a special bonding experience that if your under 30 you will not understand!
Now one of my favorite movies of all time was "The Sound of Music". I saw it at the movies in 1972. I wanted to see it again & again. However it would not be until 4 years later when I got the chance. That is because in 1976 ABC played the "Sound Of Music" for the first time on TV. It was a huge event. I thought every year ABC would show the movie. Well They didn't.
"The Sound of Music" would not be shown again until 1979. This time on NBC. I still remember when it was Over I was a little sad because I wasn't sure when I could see it again. I knew it could be a very long time.
Well what happened a week later just floored me. Our music teacher had actually brought the movie to school. This was the greatest feeling I ever had outside of Christmas. He showed us the movie over the course of a week. This is when I feel in love and wanted a VCR. I knew if I had that thing I could watch " The Sound of Music" anytime I wanted and, that was a trip. That was in 1979. I tried for 3 years to get my parents to buy one. They never did. My parents said "We don't need that thing".
Well in 1980 we got HBO. I thought maybe just maybe they might play "The Sound of Music" one day. They never did. "The Sound of Music" next air date was in early 1982, 3 years after I last saw the movie.
Well a short time later in 1982 I bought a VCR. I was the first on my block to do so. I had to buy a used one for $300 but it was worth every penny. VHS Tapes sold for $20. My VCR only recorded up to 4 hours.
By the fall of 1982 video stores were popping up every where. Someone showed me how to make a copies off of another vcr. So I rented "The Sound of Music" and a RENT A BETA VCR.
I was very happy after almost 4 years of dreaming about being able to watch "The Sound of Music" anytime I wanted I now had in my hand an UN-CUT version of the movie and I could watch it anytime I wanted.
Then before I knew it everybody had a VCR. I was no longer special. The VCR started encroaching into everyday lives. Cable by 1982 started in as well. The audience had now fragmentedseeing a movie or a TV show the same time your friends did was now almost over.
Then before I knew it everybody had a VCR. I was no longer special. The VCR started encroaching into everyday lives. HBO and Cable by 1982 started in as well. The audience had now fragmented.
By the fall of 1983 Seeing movies only when Network TV showed them were over. Watching the same thing on TV that your friends did were almost over. I do miss those days of shared experiences! However I would not give up my DVD/VCR if my life depended on it.
Since 1982 I have always had on hand "The Sound of Music". When hurricane Katrina took my home the first thing I replaced was my DVD player and I bought a new DVD of "The Sound of Music". Now i may go a year or two between viewings but I love the fact to this day I can watch it anytime I a m home.
Now I herd the song "Rehab" and on the radio and I like the music. I bought the CD and I was amazed on how talented she is! Every song is great. I love 2 other songs just as much as "Rehab". Those songs are "You know that I'm No good" & "Back to Black".
I was thrilled when I looked at Netflicks that there was a concert on DVD available. So I just finished the concert and I was very pleased. The Concert gets *** Amy has a gift for the stage. Now on a personal level I hope this lady stays sober. Living a sober life can happen. I have been clean since 1997!
I have to say the movie is original and I like the fact that Lars is not punished for his delusion. I do feel bad for Lars in this movie and that is because Ryan Gosling does do a remarkable job. After all is said and done however the movie is just okay. Its only worth watching if your needy for something different. I however highly recommend "JUNO". That movie is well worth your time!
This man seems to change his look on CSI almost every week.