Sunday, May 31, 2009


I guess Marc Cherry and Nicollette Sheridan had a falling out. From the grapevine it has been said that Marc and Nicollette Sheridan had not seen eye to eye about Edie for a very long time. Things must of gotten bad for both of them because Marc killed off Edie Britt.

When I first herd that Marc was killing off Edie I thought that would be a mistake and the show would suffer but I would still watch the rest of the year to see if he had something special planned. Well I was wright the show has suffered. The shows without Edie have been BORING.

Yes Edie was not one of the Main Women on the show however she was the funnest one to watch. If Marc had to cut cost I think Susan was a character he should of killed off. I know her and Marsha Cross hate each other so why not get rid of Susan???

Face it people Susan has the same story every year! I am tired of her!

Now Marc should bring back Edie but how? IMO he could have that Edie faked her death because her husband was a PSYCHO. The police helped her fake her death. Also her son knew that his mom faked her death, He was mad when the women arrived at his college because now he is being roped into her life when he wanted nothing to do with her.

Peace Out


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