Thursday, June 27, 2013


I don't mind movies that take a leap of logic but this film doesn't take a leap it jumps off a cliff.  The problems with this film are numerous however the bigggest 2 problems are the story and the casting.

Ben Affleck doesn't come across like an oil rigger in this film.  He comes across like an account.  He is miscast.  Now the problem with the story is that there is noway in hell the USA would put these Oil Riggers on charge of saving the world.  A better story would of been these men hijack something to get to space knowing that they are the only people that could save the world.  that I could buy but we got here is a mess of a film.  Now I shouted from the rooftops in 1998 that this film did suck and people thought I was crazy!  WHo is crazy now!

Now that it is 15 years after this film release stunk up theaters nobody seems to say now that this film is awesome!  In fact I am sure if you wanted to rent it at your local Blockbuster they wouldn't have it.  If you want to see it again you most likely could fin it on amazon for $1 and trust me that's too much!   

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