Sunday, June 30, 2013

Ellen Degeneres Wow 17 years ago you started a movement that ended in victory

"Ellen Degeneres" came out of the closet in 1997.  She came out but she had her tv alter-ego come out as well.  This was (and still is) a very controversial thing to do.  When "ellen" came out "I CAME OUT TOO".

I thank "ellen' for her courage.  It seems to me after "Ellen" came out things started to get better for many gay  Americans.  If "ellen" had not of come out then in 1998 the violent death of Andrew Shepherd might not of gotten the press that is did. "Ellen" brought a spotlight to gay issues.  I don;t know if we would had had gay marriage come into focus had it not been for "Ellen".

She is a "Living American Icon".  A title that few people deserve but she is one of the few!  .

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