Monday, June 24, 2013

FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 7 DIRECTOR John Carl Buechler & Kane Hodder Should get behind a reconstruction of this film

Of all the sequels that "Friday" had "The New Blood"  is one if the best.  I highly recommend that fans purchase this edition above.  It has a very informative  Audio Commentary and of all the commentary's I have herd this is one of the best.

What Fans of the series already know was that this was the 1st "Friday" film that had Kane Hodder playing Jason.  Nobody has ever played Jason like  Kane and the director  John Carl Buechler was responsible for Kane landing the job.

Now what was nice to see was the fact there cut gore sequences that are legendary however the quality isn't the best however it was nice to see!  This got me wondering  wondering was how about Paramount Restoring the film as it was originally intended to be shown!

I am sure the cut footage is still around somewhere.  Also the film makers could recreate the gore effects.  It wouldn't cost that much.  They can use body doubles for somethings,  

A restoration of the original directors cut would also benefit the series as a whole and draw in new interest for  a follow up film for "The New Blood".

Paramount sold off the "Friday" rights to "New Line Cinema" Years  ago.  Since New Line Cinema (Which is owned by Warner Brothers) seems to of stop making all horror movies Paramount should  repurchase the rights back.  Fans are eagerly awaiting Jason's Return...

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