Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Calling customer service is a NIGHTMARE but chances are you know that already.  Now what you need to know (and we didn't) before you activate (Or in our case re-activate) have your radio on. This is important especially if your activating your car radio because it take 5 minutes for your radio to receive the activation signal.  This something that they never tell you until you call with a problem.

Also when you do call them you need to have patience.  You will have to explain everything very slowly and tell them everything 10 times before they understand you.

Also before you call, have your satellite account information handy and the radio id #!  Telling them its "my car radio" just isn't enough.

Please also have the credit card handy that your paying for service with.  After you have all that be prepared to repeat it 10 times to the customer service reps.  You will be transferred about 3 or 4 times.  

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