Sunday, June 16, 2013


The "Karen Carpenter Story" is well made film on "The Carpenter's".  Never out on DVD in the USA (However you can buy it on the film has a very haunting feel to it.The portrayal of Karen's Mother "Agnes Carpenter" was played by Louise Fletcher.

The film made Mrs Carpenter look like she didn't love Karen.  I am sure in real life that wasn't the case.  Karen had an eating disorder that most people never herd of at that time!  

The scene is the hospital where Mrs Carpenter won't say "I love you" to her daughter was very sad but nobody really puts themselves in Mrs Carpenters shoes.   By the time KAren entered treatment for her eating disorder the family had been fighting for years with Karen to get help in which she didn't.  By the time Karen did seek treatment Mrs Carpenter was mad because for years she was trying to get Karen Help.  Now she flown all across the USA to tell Karen this was "Something Mrs Carpenter didn't understand" and she felt flying across country was an act of love.    But that is my two cents about it.

I think the film hurt Mrs Carpenter deeply.  It made people think that she was the sole root of KArens problem.  I think that is why Richard Carpenter refuses to let it be released in the USA.  I think he should grant its release but insist that he be given an interview (that would be included on the DVD) to clear up somethings.      

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