Sunday, June 02, 2013

Michael Jackson his Record Dangerous Was the beginning of the End as an artist

Michael Jackson released his 4th solo album in 1991.  The Album "Dangerous" was the first he did as a solo artist without Quincy Jones and "Dangerous" suffers  for it.

The lead off single "Black or White" is the weakest of all of Michael's songs that charted..  The song has echos of greatness that could of been but the song and lyrics are very pedestrian.

Today after 20+ years after the albums released you seldom hear any of the songs played on the radio that came from this Album.  Even "Bad" the album that had 5 #1 singles only the  "Man in the Mirror"  has found a permanent place on classic radio stattions.

"Dangerous" was a departure for many reasons for Michael. The biggest departure was  a huge  lack in quality material.  IN a nutshell "Bad" was his last great achievement as an artist! 

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