Monday, June 17, 2013


This film marked one of the last screen appearance by legendary actor Gene Hackman.  Its also a title that for some reason gets ignored in the MGM HOME VIDEO DEPARTMENT.  Believe it or not there has never been a Special Edition Release.   

This film has plenty of material in the vault that is dying to "COME OUT".  Ine scene that was edited was the scene where Nathane Lane Performs.  Had that scene been included legend has it Nathan would of walk away with an Academy Award.  The elimination of that number ended costing Nathan even a Nomination,   That scenbe has never been shown to the public it would be nice if MGM did do a special edition DVD and give us all those deleted scenes that have been shown on television.  

MGM  if you don't want ot release a Special Edition then licence it out  to SHOUT FACTORY  OLIVE FILMS ANCHOR BAY OR CRITERION.  This is a mainstream title that fans would eat up 

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