Monday, June 30, 2008

30 DAYS GAY ADOPTION EPISODE I think it was great


GLADD is angry because what this homophobic gay bashing lady in this episode says things that go unchallenged. She thinks gay men & women should not be able to adopt. She thinks gays are going to molest their adoptive children or gay parents will make their children gay.

Well her views go unchallenged is good because it shows her ignorance & how closed minded she is. She is the devil. The show does not have tell you this. Her views are unfounded. She has zero facts to back up her beliefs.

The woman is crazy ignorant, closed minded, and most of all a Christian. The show didn't need tell you this. Its there in front of view.

I think its important that the show did what it did. Hate is family value that all religions share.

Hate is alive and well and its going on in your neighborhood church!

1 comment:

Lois said...

She's not a Christian, she's a Mormon. Please don't lump them in with the rest of us. They take homophobia to new, despicable heights.