Sunday, June 01, 2008



ABC/DISNEY is ran by idiots. This Network ruined "Boston Legal". Yes its been on the Air for 4 seasons however the show was bounced around and preempted so much it was hard for an audience to find the show.

"Boston Legal" was a modest hit when it was on Sundays Nights. It came on after "Desperate Housewives". ABC owned "DH" and it was a huge hit. However "Boston Legal" was owned by 20th Century Fox. In the spring of 2005 after ABC aired 17 episodes of "BL" the network put the show on its first hiatus. The show was to return in May. It never did.

The Network always thought "BL" was losing too much of the audience of "Desperate Housewives". So ABC decided to put on "Grey's Anatomy". ABC owned "GA" and before the show aired it spent millions of dollars on promoting the show.

"Grey's" became an instant hit. "BL" came back in the fall. Yes with 27 episodes but the show was not promoted that well. "GA" now has the Sunday Night Time slot and "BL" was moved to Tuesdays at 10 pm in the fall of 2005. Almost 6 months after the last new episode aired.

ABC did not advertise the new night. They were only promoting shows that the Network owned.

However "BL" went on to win acting awards for the cast. The show was also getting a high scale audience. The fact is the upscale audience is hard to reach and ABC would of been stupid not to renew it. However the show after it was moved to Tuesday (without any promotions) it fell out of the top 25 in the Nielsen ratings. Had it stayed on Sundays it would of been a top rated show if ABC left it on after "DH"

This year the show was on and then not on. Then on again on another night. David Kelly saw the writing on the wall and the final episode of the show played like a final episode.

However "BL" is coming back Next year for a final year and its only 13 episodes. That's too bad. The show was always treated like shit. Since ABC did not own the show they did not want the show anymore. The idiots however wanted "SCRUBS" a show that they did own but was on NBC. For some reason ABC wanted this show (that had enough episodes for syndication) but wanted to dump "BL".

When the show is gone it will be missed.

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