Thursday, June 19, 2008

American Graffiti can you believe its been 35 years

American Graffiti Would you believe its been 35 years this August when American Graffiti made is debut! The made for under a million dollars. It created new stars. Richard Dreyfus, & Harrison Ford are still on the Hollywood A-list. Ron Howard of course went on the become one of the biggest directors of all time. George Lucas went on the create "Star Wars" and he is the most successful director of all time.

However before "Star Wars" and "Indiana Jones" George Lucas directed by favorite movie of all time and that of course is "American Graffiti". For some reason I don't understand how a then 7 year old ( I saw this in 1974) could some get what was going on the screen and cared about the teens! For some reason the movie made an impact on my life and I don't know why.

Now for some reason I knew Debbie was a nice girl but for some reason I knew she would have sex with almost anybody. Once she jumped in that car with "The Toad" I knew she was easy. ( Well when I was 7 I thought sex was just French Kissing).

Now the movie was a huge success. It spawned a sequel. It also got the TV show "Happy Days" out of PILOT/DEVELOPMENT Hell at ABC. In fact if "American Graffiti" was not hit the movie version of "Grease" would of never made it to the screen.

"American Graffiti", was the first ever movie to tell multi stories. It was also ground breaking by using older music to help tell the story and setting the mood. The movie was a great then and its still holds up today. I just re-watched the movie again recently and I was still so moved by the story. It had been years since I saw the movie so I was thrilled to see how the movie has stood the test of time. In the future I would like to see a DVD release that is truly special. Maybe we will get one on Blue-Ray DVD. If we do then I will break down and buy a Blue-Ray.

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