Saturday, June 28, 2008

Judy Garland A Star is Born or Re-Born Again Coming Soon

I love the movie "A Star is Born". The DVD release was good but not great. Now the picture I thought looked great however Warner Brothers is now working yet again on restoring the movie. This time in Ultra Something or another. That's fine. When the movie was released in 1954 it was edited by 30 minutes. Years later Warner Brothers released a "Restored Version". This was a huge deal. The sad thing was that all the deleted footage was never all found. About 6 minutes of footage was replaced in a very unique way

However stills from scenes that were deleted were Incorporated into the "New Version". This worked great. Now that was in 1983. Now 25 years later the movie is being restored for the 2nd time since 1983. Warner Brothers I think is very smart in restoring this movie however I think they should go back into their vaults and see if they might be able to find that footage.

I read a book on the restoring of the movie and tracking down the footage. It was a great read. I think however the missing footage is still out there and one day may surface. On the upcoming DVD release Warner Brothers has not stated if anymore footage has been found but that also doesn't mean nothing has been found.

For some reason I have the feeling that someone in their house under their bed has a box of the cut scenes. I am sure an editor from Warner Brothers took that footage home. If you have the footage please just send it to Warner Brothers. Give a fake address. You can share your gift with the world. Besides you can be part of film history.

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