Monday, June 23, 2008

Coming Out Stories by Stan Heck

I came out to my family in 19--. It was very hard. Watching the TV show "Coming Out Stories" made me remember how hard it was to come out! Watching the show I remember all to well the fear and panic of the coming out process! These were feelings that I haven't felt in years. Now Watching the show reminded me how far I have come. What's is so sad is that all these years later gay men & women are still having the same fears that I did. That fear is of being rejected by the people that you love the most.

Now If your straight you will never know how hard coming out is! If your gay then you will see yourself in these men and women.

Now if your straight please read on.

_____FOR STRAIGHT PEOPLE ONLY__________________________

Imagine living in fear. This fear is that everyone in your family might hate you! Remember you love them! However your so afraid that will no longer love you! Remember You know you do not want to hurt them. You don't want them to hate you. want to be part of their lives but you have a secret! That secret of course is that your family loves FOOTBALL and you don't...

Or Now Imagine being shunted by them because your "left handed". and they are all right handed. You can't help that your left handed your born that way! The same goes with being gay. "YOU ARE BORN GAY" just like your born left handed.

Some people know they are gay when there very young. Some people do not know until much later. In any event coming out is the most stressful thing one person can ever do.

This show (ON DVD CALLED COMING OUT STORIES) is a DVD you must watch even if your not gay. Chances are one day you will have someone in your life (family 0r a friend) who comes out to you and you might not understand why they lived in fear of telling you! This show will educated you on how hard the coming out process is.

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