Friday, June 13, 2008

GAY "CRUISING" Review by Stan Heck

The controversial movie finally made it to DVD last year. I never saw the movie and I never had an interest to watch it. I saw a clip of "Cruising" in the great movie documentary "The Celluloid Closet" and then I got interested.

This movie features the murders of gay men who were last seen in the Gay leather bars in New York City. A straight detective is assigned to solve the murders. In order to solve the case he must live as a gay man in a gay neighborhood.

Now the murders are very graphic. The movie is hard to watch. The gay community was upset. Gay Men and Lesbians had every right to be mad. It makes every gay man in this movie seem so what deserving of their death. I do not think this was the film makers intention however that how it comes across.
Another thing happened to gay men once this movie was released. "Hate crimes" this movie was just to hard to watch Gay men were in fact were beat up after straight men watched this movie!

Now all these years later the movie does seem dated . In fact it was made before anybody had herd of AIDS. The movie does hold your interest. It is a well told mystery. Yes it takes place in the gay leather bars however in real life the gay leather bars is a very small segment of the gay community! Again The movie is very graphic. All these years later I think the movie if it were made today would still spark controversy. If your a fan of 1970's movies then see this movie.
*** Stars

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