Friday, June 13, 2008

Katherine Heigl is crazy

Katherine Heigl made news today. She won an Emmy Award last year for her work in the TV show "Grey's Anatomy". She sated today that she didn't even want to be nominated this year because "The Writers failed" to deliver a Good scripts. All I can say "Bite me bitch".

She attacked the writers. That's was stupid. If writing was easy then everybody would do it. Now she should of said "I don't want to be considered for an Emmy". "I think once you won the Award you should not be able to win again for playing the same role again in the same category". "thank you however for thinking of me".

I hope next year that the "Grey's Anatomy" writers give her lines that are just 1 or 2 words. I know I wouldn't beef up her part. She should of been happy that she is now a major Actress. She will now be seen as a major Hollywood Pain in the Ass. And that's not good. She should now brace herself for a bad year on the set.

She will have nobody to blame but herself.

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