Thursday, June 26, 2008


In reality the movie should of been better. I can not fault the actress involved here. However I do fault the director and editor from cutting away from visual jokes that if you blinked you missed them.

The story is about 2 sets of mixed up twins. In one weekend they all end up in the same hotel. The biggest thing missing out of the whole movie is that huge revelation seen were they discover that of my god "You & I must be sisters". What we do get is a scene where they all end up in the bathroom and the scene doesn't work that well. If the movie was being made today I am sure that scene would of been re shot. However the movie was shot in 1987 and Disney was not into spending millions of dollars on re shoots at that time.

I think this movie is a good remake candidate. Today I would cast Jane Lynch & Jenifer Coolidge as the sisters. They were so great together in the comedy "Best in Show"

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