Time Warner Bought New Line Cinema when it bought CNN. New Line CNN and Castle Rock were all owned by Ted Turner. Ever since the sale CNN and New Line both companies have lost focus and fortunes.
New Line Cinema was the place of horror films. They made "The Nightmare on Elm ST" films as well as "Texas Chainsaw" films. Later the studio it made the last 3 "Friday the 13th" films including a remake. Under the Ownership of Time Warner New Line made successful remakes of all of these films however
we never did get sequels to "Friday the 13th" or "Nightmare on Elm ST" even though the remakes were box office success stories.
Now Under finical strains Time Warner folded New Line releasing. New Line now had to release their films through its sister company Warner brothers. New Line was no longer a stand alone company.
Because of the fact the "Elm St: and "Friday" films are very violent Warner Brothers isn't to thrilled wit the fact they own such properties. These films and New Line itself are regarded like step-children, It's a shame.
The Studio that Freddy "Built" deserves to be freed of the evil riggers of Warner Brothers Parent Company.
If Warner doesn't want to make these films (I can understand that) then they should sell outright "New Line Cinema". A perfect home for the New Line (and Freddy and Jason) would be "Lions Gate". Lions Gate is are not afraid to make horror films however I am sure Lions Gate would want to own outright Freddy Krugger and the "Elm St Films" and that is a problem because there not for sale.
well I am pretty sure New Line isn't for sale but it should be. Warner brothers now seems to slap the "New Line Cinema" on films that are so far removed from the legacy of New Line that it has become disrespectful. Films released under the "New Line" logo have included "17 Again" 'Four Christmas's" and He's Just not that Into You". These films may have been hits but that are not "New Line Films" they are cookie cutter films that once were released they become movies you find in the $5 Dump Bin at Walmart!
NEW LINE CINEMA is still a valuable asset that is being neglected.
The Only way it seems that the public will get more Freddy or Jason films is f the Studio gets sold. Whoever buys the studio would have a valuable asset. Its to bad Time-Warner doesn't see it that way.