Saturday, March 16, 2013

Monica Lewinsky Cut her some slack.

Lots of people had crushes on Bill Clinton. She was young and Naive.  Yes it is wrong to sleep with a married man but she is not the only woman who has had an affair with a married man. 

 Now does she need money?  Is that why she is writting a book?   I don't know could be but lets face it what has she done that is different then Kim Kardashian. WHy does KIm Kardashian get a pass and MOnica doesn't. To me The Kardashian family are trash and not Monica. Kim Kardashian got famous for a sex tape. Kim gets a pass but not Monica? You have to remember Monica was young but she didn;t shoot off her mouth. She told a "FRIEND" who blabbed. Linda Tripp is really the Evil Queen hear. Monica again not a saint but millions of women have had relationships with Married Men. If I saw her today I would ask her if I could give her a big hug. Someone needs to be nice to her. She is still a human with feelings

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