Not many movies have longevity. Not many movies bring as much controversy to the table as Friday the 13th movies. The movie series has always had a loyal cult following. Ever since Paramount released the first movie Friday the 13th has never been the same. When I was a kid when I herd the term "Friday the 13th" ii just thought of black cats and ladders. Now if you ask any kid what "Friday the 13th" means to them chances are they will say Jason!
Now Paramount was a little bit of embarrassed by making these movies. In fact the MPAA President hated horror movies and basically lambasted Paramount for releasing them. The MPAA hated the calls they would get from Parents saying how can you allow all this violence in these movies (Hello these movies are made for older teens and adults NOT CHILDREN) so these complaints should of fallen on deaf ears.
So after all the controversy over the violence in much of the horror movies Paramount had to edit out lots of gore in the Friday the 13th movies. Paramount also had to heavily edit "My Bloody Valentine".
In all Paramount released 8 "Friday the 13th" movies. In order to get an "R" rating Paramount had to edit them down. In fact Friday #7 had to be re-edited a record number of times before it got "R" rating. However "Friday #5 & #6" also had to be editied to get an R rating.
Now a few years ago Paramount release a SKIMPY box set of the Friday the 13th movies. I think now its time for Paramount to give some of these movies there proper due. Starting with the first one. If New Line or Anchor Bay had the rights to it I am sure we would an outstanding DVD release by now.
I thought the reason studios make movies is so they can make money. Paramount knows that if they released UNRATED editions of the "FRIDAY THE 13th Movies" they would make money.
For some reason Paramount in the past has said they will not release these movies in an unrated format! In fact they have said that "They do not release unrated movies on DVD". Well guess what I just saw "SLIVER" at my local WALMART and its unrated. What's up with that?
So PARAMOUNT if your reading this I want you to know that there is a market out here that wants to see these movies as the directors wanted us to see them! WWE want to see all that gore! HOWEVER if you don't want to release unrated editions then do this:
Have a documentary about all controversy surrounding all of these movies. Then show us the deleted footage! Interview the people that are in the scenes that are edited. Get the directors involved. Come on Paramount! Do the right thing! In fact give me the job! I would love to be involved!
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