You know its coming! The 25th Anniversay DVD of the classic! I don't know what will be on the DVD as an extra however I hope we get the truth in a documentary somehow I don't think that will be the case!
What I want to see in a documentary: The fights between Tobe Hooper and Steven Spielberg on the direction of the movie!
I have been told Steven Spielberg did direct or re-directed the movie. One scene that was re-shot by Steven Spielberg involving the search for Carol Anne. As it was told to me the scene shot by Tobe Hooper went like this: The parents trying to figure where Carol Anne is the mother yells "The swimming pool, the swimming pool". Well the father (played by Craig T Nelson) then run to the pool and starts scraping the pool (which is still being constructed) with a rake! Yes the pool was a mud pit but however Steven Spielberg hit the roof! He re-shot the scene this time the dad jumps into the pool of mud looking for his daughter!
The movie was on the "Hollywood Radar" because rumors of Steven's so called interference! Rumors were also going around that the production offices of the movie were bugged! By who? Who knows? Who cares? Well hell I do! I love this type of shit!
Will these stories surface on a DVD documentary? I doubt it! Hollywood King "Steven Spielberg" will put a stop to anything that he feels is not portraying him in a positive way!
I do know for a fact that a friend of mine worked on the movie and to this day still can not watch the movie because of all the re-directed footage.
He points out that if you watch the movie more closely you will notice its FLAWS. The major one is that when the 3 scientist arrive the father shows them the children room and all the toys flying around. The way he opens the doors the audience knows that this has been going on for awhile. However this is the only time we see this happening until Diane enter the closet to rescue Carol Anne.
To me If he Steven S. has nothing to hide lets address the production rumors & controversy! Let Tobe Hooper do a commentary! Some how it will be a white wash! To bad! A true documentary on "The Making of Poltergeist" would be a must see event of the year! Forget "Spider-Man 3" this is what I want to see!
Now what bad blood that was between Tobe & Steven must be water under the bridge. In 2002 Tobe Hooper worked with Steven Spielberg again on the mini-series "Taken" directing a 2hr segment of the mini series!
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