I can not believe that Isaiah Washington won an "Image Award". I don't care that it was for his acting the fact is the award is called the "Image Award" its insulting to gay men everywhere when you honor a homophobic asshole. Is this the way NAACP wants to promote for their image? A bigot. No wonder their award show isn't broadcast on a big network TV.
It is a known fact that most men in the "African American" community do not like homosexuals. Its also funny that African Americans go to church in higher number then non African Americans. As you know the church tells people that its OK to hate homosexuals. Very Christian teaching people to hate. Well that's how it is in America.
What is so sad was that there were other men that the NAACP could of honored. However they choose to honor this man. I will refer to him now as "OJ without the Knife"
I find it funny that if Michael Richards won a Golden Globe this year the NAACP would of called them a racist organization. So I will call the NAACP homophobes and Isaiah Washington is their BIG mouth piece. I am sorry that's OJ without the knife.
The NAACP is a much needed organization in this country. However when they award someone like Isaiah Washington, the NAACP comes across like they have a chip on their shoulder and that there a homophobic organization! Remember the saying "Action Speaks Louder Than Words"! Well the NAACP actions have spoke volumes.
Now the next time I hear an African Americans yell "racism" I will yell back "homophobes".
I find it refreshing since the award show that Isaiah Washington was fired. I find it funny that he was fired during GAY PRIDE MONTH. Thank you ABC/DISNEY.
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