The gay community had reason to celebrate when Mitchell Anderson cam out. Hit was on the hit show "Party of Five" at the time. He was also playing a gay character on the show. His career seem to be on a sky rocket at the time. After he came out however he seemed to disappear and retire from Hollywood. The last thing I herd about him was that he owned and ran a restaurant in Atlanta.
Next is Mark Patton (Elm Street). According to the Elms St DVD he is gay. However because he is openly gay as well as Mitchell Anderson did this cause them both to lose work. Mark is a very talented man. There is no reason why he shouldn't be working
This got me to think is TR Knight going to be retired from Hollywood once "Grey's Anatomy" goes off the air?
This got me to think if I was casting a movie what would I cast Mark in today. Well any of the 3 male leads in the upcoming MAMA MIA movie he would be great in.
Mitchell Anderson would be great as a investigator on any "Law and Order" or " CSI" show.
TR KNIGHT I herd is wonderful in the upcoming "The Last Request". I just hope TR Knight isn't forced to retire from Hollywood.
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