Will there be an audience for "Spiderman 4". When the last box office dollar is counted SONY will pressure its sister company "Columbia Pictures" to make another "Spiderman". Sony doesn't care that Spiderman 3 was a mess of a movie. They just want another "Spiderman" movie.
Although the movie was panned by most critics and the United States Box Office has shown people stateside are getting tired of Spidey. This is the 3rd movie and Tobey Maguire is over 30 now and its getting harder for him to pull off a 22 year old.
However the world is not tired of Spiderman. In fact it has pulled in over $800,000,000 so far at the box office. This movie will make more then the original "Spider-man". However in the USA "Spider-Man" each sequel has made less money than the original. So what does this mean?
Well the WORLD now dictates what movies Hollywood makes. Big action movies like "Spiderman" make most of their money outside the USA. In case you don't know Action scenes require no dubbing or subtitles. That is why we are getting so many shitty sequels to stupid action movies.
The only great thing I can say if they make another Spiderman is that most of the cast has stated they do not want to do another without director Sam Raimi. In fact Sam Ramai might be tapped to direct 2 movies from "The Hobbit" book for New Line Cinema & MGM.
Now I hope if the cast reunites for "Spiderman 4" without Sam Raimi directing I hope this time around we will get a better movie.
If there is going to be another "Spiderman Movie" it will not be out before 2010.
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