September 18th Kill Bill The Whole Bloody Affair. Well if your like me you have been waiting for this DVD since Kill Bill Volume 1 was released at the movies in 2003.
Now Kill Bill TWBA is coming! I hope Quentin Tarantino does an audio commentary for this tale of a woman's epic revenge on those who tried to kill her.
In case you didn't know "Kill Bill" was cut in 1/2. The movie was to be a 3hr epic. (Not 4 as others have posted). When a rough cut was screened at MIRAMAX the suits like what they saw but it ran almost 4 hours. They didn't know what to do. Quentin Tarintino had final cut and would of thrown a fit if he had to lose a good portion of his movie.
Miramax saw that Everything was great about Kill Bill except the length. The wanted a shorter movie. But What should should be cut? Well at the time they were deciding the length Warner Brothers was releasing two MATRIX sequels within 6 months of one another. They thought it would be great if they could release 2 Quentin Tarintino movies like that as well. However Quentin doesn't make many movies and they come out every 3 years or so. Then it hit them. They could release Kill Bill as 2 movies. Quentin would be happy because he wouldn't lose anything! So things that might of otherwise been left on the cutting room floor were saved and Miramax had 2 movies for the cost of 1.
After it was announced that "Kill Bill" would be released as 2 movies it was also said that QT would release "Kill Bill: the Whole Bloody Affair" as special engagement and then a DVD release. It was said to of happen in 2004. Well here it is 2007 and we still haven't seen the "WHole Bloody Affair". Now after this long Waite its Finlay has a release date on DVD which is said to be 9/18/07. Now I don't know if MIRAMAX is going to release the movie again at the theatres for a one night showing (LIKE DIRTY DANCING AND HALLOWEEN) but truth be told I wouldn't go. I
Now I hope the DVD release has more than just a 4 hour cut of the movie.
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