Thursday, May 23, 2013

BULLSHIT. They do this Every year! Hurricane Season 2013 Will be No Worse then any other year!

They do this Every year! They do this SCARE TACTIC every year just so people get prepared. Every year they say its "A good chance that this year will be a very active season".

In Southern California they do this every year but its about "Brush Fires" . If California gets too much rain then the safety announcement is "We Have more Brush then ever because of the active rain season" Fire Danger is Higher then ever". 

 If Southern California has a drought then the safety announcement is "Because of the drought we are drier then ever so fire danger is higher then ever"

Its all BS!!!! I lived in Hurricane areas for years as well as Southern California. This all just BS to get lazy people thinking about getting prepared!   

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