Monday, May 20, 2013


I loved the first episode of ER that I watched.  However from reason Eriq could my attention because he seemed "out of place".  I finally realized his character hardly spoke he "Pouted".  

I knew then he must be a bad actor because actors want "LINES TO SAY".  I learned later that when they shot the pilot of "ER" Eriq had to do 25 takes on one scene alone.  That's never good!

 I think after the pilot was shot and it was obvious to the producers  that Eriq couldn't even deliver a pizza let alone medical jargon  without 30 takes. They quietly gave him less and less to say each week!  Had the producers hired someone else then the character of Dr. Peter Benton would of been more interesting.

Later when Eriq  did leave the show he left so he could direct and star in the poorly received film "Crazy as Hell".   Also I think he left because he was one of the last original Stars of the show and he was looking more and more foolish!

His acting career never took off again and after his directorial debut "Crazy as Hell" Eriq proved not only could he not act he also could not direct!  The film also did not catch on with the public.

Hollywood if you ever cast him again make sure he is cast as an extra in a non-speaking role! 

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