Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I hate this movie however I don't hate the idea of someone using the same screenplay to shoot a remake.  What I hated about this film was the fact this poor actor could not bring anything new to the parts.  MOST OF THEM did a copy of the actors that did the same part in the 1960 original.  That's not good.   Ann Heche tries to bring something new to  her part but you can tell she was being held back.

The major miscasting in this was Vince Vaughn as Norman Bates.  Edward Norton would of been 10x better.  Vince Vaughn is just terrible.  He is not a dramatic actor and it shows.

I think in the very near future we night get another remake however this time the screenplay will change   Most likely we would get a very violent and most likely  a higher body count.    I doubt the next remake will be good.  What is not in question is the fact the ORIGINAL is still one best movies of all time.! 

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