Sunday, May 26, 2013

Remember when the Television Networks Like ABC made Good Tv-Movies Like Duel?

It wasn't that long ago when ABC, CBS, AND NBC each played a Tv_movie on Sunday Nights!   However by the time the era of the TV-Movie was coming to an end we went from Great Tv-Movies like "Duel" (Directed by Steven Spielberg).  to the awful Tori Spelling "Mother Can I sleep with Danger".

Its too bad the networks dumped the tv-film. If it wasn't for the tv-movie we would of never of seen the films "The Day After", "There's Something About Amelia", "The Girl Most Likely To", "Don't Be Afraiad of the Dark", "Trilogy of Terror", "Murder By Natural Causes", "Having Babies":, "The Legend of Lizzie Bordon", "I want To Keep My Baby" "May Jane Harper Cried Lat Night"  

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