Saturday, May 25, 2013

Some Good News for fans of "American Graffiti" and the deleted footage

"American Graffiti" is a classic film.  People under 40 might not think so but those same people love Michael Bay Films.  

"American Graffiti" for years have known about the first cut of ther film which ran 3 hours Long. You see after George Lucas finished filming and put together an assembly cut of the film (the activity of selecting the scenes to be shown and putting them together to create a film) the film ran 3 hours.  What was lost is almost unknown.  Now  George Lucas never had any intention of releasing the film at the length. He did however cut out an hour!  Once it was released the film ran a little under 2 hours!   A few years later about 3 minutes was editied back into the film.

The now legendary assembly cut is nowhere at Universal Studios.  It was "lost".
Now fans dreaming of seeing  the deleted footage one would think could never happen until now.
Here is the good news! 

I saw the Extras on the Blu-Ray "Star Wars" set.  If you look at the extras on DVD 3 (OF THE EXTRAS) there is a documentary called "An Anatomy of a Dewback" and something that someone said on that documentary that caught my ear! 

When you watch the film someone says "George Lucas" has his own film archive. He has saved everything that was shot for his films starting from the beginning with his first film "THX-1138".  Which in a nutshell means george has all the outtakes of "American Graffiti".  So he has the "LOST FOOTAGE"

In fact for the 1997 Special Edition of "Star Wars" that went to his archive so they could restore "Star Wars" and add new things to the background for the "Tatooine" segment of the film. 
Now for those of you who are fans we need to get in touch with Mr Lucas and Beg him to release a documentary that would include the "deleted footage" from American Graffiti.  It would be historic. 
Now if only George would return to this film that made "THE FORCE POSSIBLE" 

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