Thursday, May 16, 2013


Netflix has now started up its origianl programing.  Don't get me wrong I love the fact we were getting new things to watch however NEtflix could easily fuck over Hollywood by doing the following" 

In order for a TV show to be sucessful it needs to produce 100 episodes.  This takes about 5 years.  Then these shows are sold into syndication but here is how Netflix can fuck over Hollywood. 

In the case of "House of Cards" it is an "R Rated" tv show that will be hard to sell later into syndiaction unless the producers filmed scenes without Nudity. but that is not the main poroblem

If Netflix produces at 1/2 situtaion comedy that is a minor hit this is where they could hold Hollywood Hostage.  

Let's say "2 Broke Girls" was a NetFlix show.  Netflix has producved 3 years worth of episodes (about 60) but decides they won't "pick up  more"  episodes unless "Hollywood SLashes the price they have to pay for the show.  Now with only 60 episodes produced it would be very hard for the money men who made the show to "re-coup" its investment becuase there is not enough shows for syndication.  SO they bite the bullet and cut the cost and produce 2 more years worth a shows just so they can sell the show later in syndication.

When cost are cut on a television show it means everyone on the show gets a major paycut.  From the actors to the crew members. It can happen.and most likely will.  . 


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