Sunday, May 26, 2013

Japanese internment camps in America History that is not taught is our schools

Japanese internment camps is a part of American History that most people are not aware of.  If you don't know what I am talking about then shame on you!  These "Camps" were prisons for AMerican Citizens that happen to be Japanese.  After Pearl Harbor it was decided that Japanese people could not be trusted and so all "Japanese Americans" were rounded up and thrown in "camps" but they were really prisons!  Now all of them included the "young and old". Male and Female.    They were all held in prison.  They were polical prisoners!  

Once they were released they had to start over again.  There homes and possessions were gone!  There business were gone.  We hear about slavery reparations all the time but in reality if anyone deserves reparations
then its the people who were in the internment camps...   Just sayin

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