Wednesday, May 29, 2013


For years now I have been trying to get as much GREAT footage that I could get of Glenn Close as Norma Desmond in the Broadway Show "Sunset Blvd".   However I will take any great footage with any scene that doesn't have her in it.  

The show is legendary for many reasons but love the show or hate it nobody can not deny that this was "Glenn Close's" show.  She won rave reviews and the "TONY AWARD".  She made Norma her own.

After she left the Show "Betty Buckley" took over the role and was great as well.  The show was the "8th Wonder of the World" when it was on Broadway.  The show was so huge that it did need a huge star to overcome the stage effects and have the audience focus on her.   The last actress to play Norma Desmond  was Elaine Paige.  She was an unknown to many American Theater Goers and the she could not fill the theater.  The show with all the effects almost needed to sell out every night to make money.  When it did have a "STAR" it was a sell-out!  Poor Elaine kind of got the blame for the show closing.   

Originally the Broadway Show was to open with the Legendary Icon Patti LuPone.  When created Norma on the West End Production.  When the show got mixed reviews Andrew Lloyd Webber  Don Black Christopher Hampton & Trevor Nun  alll reworked the show for the pre-Broadway run in Los Angeles.  That edition of the show got rave reviews and Patti was pushed out of the Broadway Edition in favor of Glenn Close.   Patti never had the chance to do the re-worked show.  After she was fired Betty Buckley did the re-worked version in London and the show then got better reviews.  

Lter on Faye Dunaway was fired from the Los Angeles production days before she was to hit the stage!   It was interned that 2 Shows were to run in the United States.  One on Broadway and one in Los Angeles.  
However once Andrew Lloyd Webber herd Faye sing he fired her and closed the Los Angeles production,
He did not want to take a chance and have negative reviews about the Los Angeles production!  

Anyway "Sunset Blvd" broke pre-ticket sales and went on to win Tony Award not only for Glenn CLose and the show but also George Hearn.   

If they ever make a movie adaption of this show they should cast Glenn!  She was amazing however always the Bridesmaid when it came to reviews was ALan Campbell.  He was with the show from Los Angeles to New York!  HE was always great but never got the acclaim he should of.   

Now if anybody has any footage of this please let me know!  I am willing to trade you what I have for what you have.   I am trying to put together the best DVD I can of the show!  Once it is done I will give anyone that contributes 2 DVDS of the completed project.  I will not be selling these. 

Thank  You 

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